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Yu Yu Hakusho parody: Tier 1 and Patreon Reward

AN: Added a little something to chapter 3 for patreon please enjoy

Chapter 1/2 

Chap 3 Spirit Power

Yusuke Urameshi is a young spirit detective, having completed his latest mission with only one fatality and Koenma's butt being sparred a vicious spanking.

He is gifted with Psychic power, capable of seeing into the future at times. After an incident he is capable of accessing his spirit power, by bringing his fingers together he can use his spirit scope, a move that lets him see through disguises, clothes and read a person's spirit energy. He's got two shots on his spirit gun and he is capable of creating spirit energy cuffs.

-x- Yusuke's Pov-x-

Someone has been following me, ever since my last case, it is like I'm being watched. At school, on the walk home, the arcade, while I sleep, even in the shower, also my alone time had an audience it seemed.

Not that it was gonna stop me. “Well let's find out who my peeping tom is.” bringing my fingers together, I activated my scope. Gazing around I didn't notice anyone specifically. When I focused my gaze, whoever it was....vanished.

“Oh well, I'll find out sooner or later.” Heading to bed I drifted off to sleep.

End Pov

Hiei slipped into Yusuke's room once he was asleep. His cheeks burned, he'd been observing… “stalking”… the boy since the mission.

If you asked him he'd say he was plotting his revenge, but his real intention was clear. He wanted to understand the boy, and from his research, he knew the boy slept like a log. Not to mention it was a test of willpower, watching Yusuke jerk off. Just seeing that huge rod, stirred feelings inside Hiei.

His insides were hot and wanting, he wanted to feel the hefty length inside him again. He wanted to suck it, he wanted to replace the hand, with his mouth or ass. The strong emotion almost scared Hiei, so he just kept watching. The pumping hand spreading the pre-cum over the shaft allowing him to quicken his pumps. 

"Ohh!" Yusuke bucked off the bed, his cum splashing all over his pecs and abs. Hiei gulped. 

'Such a waste!' He licked his lips, the image of dragging his tongue over his muscles to clean up the mess filled his head. Hiei had it bad. He wouldn't have wasted a single drop of the detective's thick cum. 

Some tissues were used to clean up and after his fap session Yusuke laid down to rest. He stripped down to his fundoshi and crawled into bed with him. The spirit energy that emanated from his body was so warm, it licked across his muscled form. 'So warm!' He felt safe in his bed.

He nuzzled Yusuke's chest as his scent soothed him to sleep. He hesitantly licked his chest, tasting some of the lingering flavor of semen that lingered. 'Mmm!' He closed his eyes and cuddled against the sleeping male. In his sleep Yusuke through an arm around him. He didn't move, just sinking deeper into a blissful rest. 

Hiei couldn't lie that was the best damn sleep he ever had, but being the cautious demon he was he woke up before Yusuke and left without leaving a trace. It hurt him more than he thought to slip out the way he did. 

He was tempted to stay and deal with their morning arousals, but Yusuke would be waking up soon. He didn't want to be caught...though being caught with Yusuke's dick in his mouth was an arousing thought. 'What have you done to me detective?'

The demon watched as Yusuke got up to shower, stroking his fat cock under the warm shower spray. Hiei played with his own cock to the show, he blushed as his hole twitched, missing the length inside. Yusuke came and Hiei watched in disappointment as the seed got washed away. 'What a waste.' he quickly shook his head of those thoughts.


Since Hiei was observing...ahem...stalking the young detective he learned all about Genkai's tournament and found it interesting. It'd be a great way to fight Yusuke again.

The rumors of Genkai, even Hiei have heard a few. The master of the spirit wave technique, capable of tapping into one's potential. 'If the detective wins, his power could grow even higher. If I win I get my revenge and a power boost. Sounds like a win win.'

He followed Yusuke to Genkai's place. He used a special ring called, Human Glamor. It would allow him to pass through Genkai's barrier, and it would hide his true form from the detective.

Once there Hiei sensed the aura of demon. 'Another strong one, in fact there are plenty of powerful auras.' he smirked. 'This is gonna be fun.'

Yusuke on his part, used his spirit scope. He gazed around, and there were a lot of strong fighters. One however, his form did not match his spirit. 'So that's Rando huh? Hope I can handle this.'

The first test was easy enough, the test with spirit paper was easy, you just needed to have spirit energy to turn the paper red.

From there there was the games test, testing spirit strength, spirit awareness, and the spirit adaptability. Yusuke made great scores in all three, spirit strength was a given, and being a psychic his awareness was high. The adapting was pretty good.

Many were dropped out of the contest by this point, next was a run through a demon filled forest. Yusuke used his future sight, to predict the right path. He ran into the man bat, but he didn't wait to see his skills he kicked his ass and made it in time.

There were only 10 fighters left. Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara and of course Rando were among them.

The next test was a duel in the dark.

Rando made quirk work of his opponent.

Kuwabara beat his opponent and unlocked his spirit energy, and created his spirit sword.

Hiei took out his opponent, honestly it was the fastest fight ever. “Hmm that speed.” Hiei came back and noticed Yusuke was staring at him.

“What?!” he snapped.

“Nothing, you just reminded me of someone. Couldn't be though.”

“Who's this mystery girl Urameshi?” Kuwabara asked.

“Not a girl, he's this cute little guy I met on my last case.”

“What you are gay?” Yusuke grabbed him by the front of his shirt.

“Got a problem with that?” Kuwabara began to sweat.

“No no no no no no!” he gulped and Yusuke released him. “So who's this guy?”

“He's amazing, other worldly even, I could tell by his body  he's been through so much. Training every day, pushing his limits to the very peek, he had the body of a survivor. I want to know him, there was something in his eyes.”

Hiei was blushing like crazy.

“If you are done, we have a tournament to complete.” Genkai snapped. It was Yusuke's turn and he was facing Kibano.

Thanks to his scope he was able to peer through the dark, and he blasted Kibano's mask clean off, one more good punch and the man was down for the count.

It was time for the final round. They went to the spirit swamp and Yusuke felt power flowing through him. Sadly if he had more time he could have regenerated his second shot. Since Hiei's fight was the fastest he got to wait at the finish line for the final fight.

Still he had to fight first. It was a tough fight, his opponent could fire spirit energy just like him, only a wide spread blast from his palm, if that wasn't bad enough he had homing shuriken that blew up if they touched anything.

He rushed at the guy and managed to turn his own attack  against him. True it was an accident, a stroke of luck, but a win was a win. “Aww man this swamp water is making my clothes all soaked.”

Hiei blushed as Yusuke stripped down to his boxers. He shook off his clothes and rung them out. Before the next fight started Yusuke was hit with a powerful vision.

His head whipped around and looked at Kuwabara. 'I hope my vision is wrong, or Kuwabara won't survive this.'

To be continued

Chap 4 Vision Power

Kazuma Kuwabara wasn’t a bad guy, he was a punk like Yusuke who also had supernatural gifts. His friends would often tease him for “talking to people who weren’t there”. Later he would learn he was actually talking to ghosts, he couldn’t see them, but he could sense and hear them. The two butted heads every day, but they were friends. A weird kind of friends, but friends none the less.

Yusuke didn’t want to see the idiot get himself killed. Kuwabara came to get his powers sealed, he wanted a normal life. Instead, he found a catalyst to his powers and unlocked his spirit sword. Without any training he’s gotten pretty far in Genkai’s tournament. This wasn’t a normal opponent.

Rando wasn’t just some demon, he had killed many...MANY psychics and stolen their powers. He was a one demon arsenal. Even Hiei knew of him, his skills and abilities were commended. With 99 techniques under his belt, he was no push over. A lesser demon would simply take the skills but not Rando, he mastered them, taking them to a whole other level.

Hiei knew of him more of his Sadistic nature. He never used the same technique against a single opponent, so that made him unpredictable. He took every fight as a chance to try out his techniques, he didn’t fight for victory or glory but for his own satisfaction. He would keep testing techniques even as his opponents begged for death. That didn’t sit well with Hiei, by his own code of honor he wouldn’t do or tolerate such things happening in front of him.

There were numerous body trails miles and miles long from his experiments. Genkai knew that if he got his hands on the Spirit Wave technique not only would he be able to advance it far beyond her level, but the amount of dead he’d leave in his wake was terrifying. This didn’t deter her from teaching the technique to a monster like him either. “Kuwabara…” Yusuke muttered under his breath.

Botan had filled him in on Rando’s rap sheet, and Genkai made it clear, she was neither a hero or a saint, she would train the one who won her tournament regardless  of their soul alignment. That put pressure on Yusuke to win this. He didn’t exactly even want the training, he just had to keep it out of Rando’s hands.

Rando’s current human form was called Shorin. Despite the innocent appearance he was a monster on the inside.  Kuwabara could sense his evil energy yes, but the guy had a code and was easily tricked by appearances.

Yusuke went over to Kazuma. “Listen Kuwabara, you should just forfeit this match!”

“What the hell are you talking about Urameshi?” He cracked his knuckles. “You think I’m gonna back down to a guy like that?” The orangette laughed. “No way, he’s going down!”

“Listen Kuwabara, that guy isn’t normal!”

“Yeah...he’s got a crazy amount of power flowing off him. He’s got a similar aura to that shorty there!” He pointed towards Hiei. The demon twitched.

‘I was sure this masked my aura completely.’

“Kuwabara, that guy is different. Don’t be deceived by his looks, if you won’t back out of this fight, then don’t hold back. Keep punching or slashing and don’t stop!”

“Jeez Urameshi what is with you?!” He cringed away from Urameshi.

“I’m telling you...he’s not normal. This isn’t a street fight, people have died in this tournament!”

“Aww you worried about me Urameshi?” He teased.

“Like hell, fine don’t listen to me!” Yusuke hissed, a blush blooming on his cheeks. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and left Kuwabara to his fate.

Kazuma stretched for his fight. “Just wait Urameshi I’ll finish this guy, then I’m gonna crush you!” Yusuke just rolled his eyes.

“You there, you have sharp eyes. You have identified the enemy in this tournament. That man is indeed Rando.” Hiei said. “I must ask, why do you not suspect me?”

“Oh, well my abilities have improved some, when I look at Shorin? I get a really bad vibe, like there is something evil deep down inside.” Yusuke said, crossing his arms as he tried to describe his ability. “When I look at you I don’t get that same feeling, it’s like a warm fire in a snow storm?”

‘Huh?’ Hiei blushed. His eyes fluttered, his red eyes sparkle a bit before he looks away.

“I take it you had a vision of the fight that is to come?” Genkai asked.

“Maybe, my ability isn’t exactly perfect. I hope that big idiot listens.” Genkai laughed.

“You understand, you can’t control the future, smart boy!” Yusuke shakes his head.

“Nah I’m stupid, thick as a brick. I just don’t want the stubborn idiot to die, is that so wrong?” Genkai chuckled again.

“I suppose not, but is that the extent of your ability?”

“Huh? What are you saying old lady?” Wham! Genkai hit him in the gut, and brought Yusuke to the ground.

“Just shut up and watch you dimwit!” She hissed. ‘The future is not set in stone, one must carve our own path. Destiny, fate, meant to be, pretty words that have helped mankind deal with a concept of reality far beyond them. I’ve met many seers that have driven themselves mad because of their gift or been killed for it.’ It wasn’t uncommon for someone with the gift to be blamed for bad things happening, despite being only be able to see the future. Some events in the grand scheme of things can be altered, some have even seen their gifts as divine believing they are meant to help people to change the course of fate.

“Jeez!” He clutched his gut.

“Focus your powers, there is more to your ability than you realize.” Hiei told him.

“Hm?”  He blinked. His ability helped him in the room of darkness and finding the right path, but watching the fight? ‘Focus my powers huh?’ He made the psychic scope that way from pure experimentation with his spirit power. His psychic power was tied to his eyes, so maybe… ‘If I just apply my spirit power to my eyes…’

His eyes glowed. ‘What...what the heck?’ There was one question Yusuke didn’t ask, how did Rando get all of his techniques, especially from psychics?


Genkai started the match between Kuwabara and “Shorin”. “I’ll finish this with one blow!” Kazuma charged at the monk looking boy and punched him right in the face.

Yusuke blinked. ‘Huh?!’

Kuwabara stopped. “Jeez buddy are you alright?”

“You needn’t worry about my health.” He attacked Kuwabara, who dodged him well, able to read his moves.

‘Damn it...what are you doing?’ Kazuma hit Shorin and knocked him down.

“Hahaha, our difference in strength is pretty clear huh?” He laughed.

The spectators agreed but not the way Kuwabara thought. It was clear Rando was toying with him. He should have listened to Yusuke. As Shorin prepared his first technique Yusuke could see the shape and form of his spirit energy changing. ‘What is that?’

‘He can see it, good this fight will make the detective a more worthy opponent.’ Hiei was peeking into Yusuke’s mind a bit. Just enough to scratch the surface, and avoid detection.

“Circles of Inferno!” Shorin cast creating fireballs in his hand. Genkai recognized the technique, making note of his ability to adjust his spirit wavelength. Kuwabara stood in shock as Shorin crafted the technique.

Kuwabara dodged the first fireball, then the second, before getting the medium of his spirit sword. “You want to use your tricks then I’ll use mine!” He channeled his spirit power into the medium. “Spirit Sword!”

Shorin let loose the fireball and Kazuma countered it, using his sword like a bat. He sent Rando’s attack right back at him. “Gah!”

“You can thank the batting cages back home for that little beat down!”

‘Kuwabara don’t stop damn it, finish him...if you can…’ Hiei shook his head.

‘The fool is giving Rando too many openings.’ The initial injury the fireball gave was now gone.

Shorin grabbed his rosary. “Haa!” The beads were filled with his energy, snapping and began floating in the air.

“This is like…” Yusuke began.

“Kazemaru’s throwing stars, this is a psychic technique, though it is a higher tier of control than simple telepathy.” Genkai explained. A psychic could move an object with their mind, the level of the ability varied from psychic to psychic, but apply an object with spirit power the control was taken to another level.

Shorin chuckled as the beads floated through the air. Yusuke observed seeing how the energy changed, before infusing into the beads. “Let’s see how you handle my Living Poltergeist!” The beads flew out and began to strike at Kuwabara.

Despite the small size of the beads they hit with the force of the power Shorin put into them. Kazuma again underestimated his opponent thinking something so small couldn’t hurt him. He was wrong.

Kuwabara got hit hard again and again, his anger rising. Shorin did underestimate Kuwabara’s durability a bit here, scrapping with Urameshi had given him a tough body. He was enjoying seeing Kuwabara cry out in pain.

In anger Kazuma lashed out with the sword, he was able to slash and destroy them, tanking some hits along the way, but soon all of Shorin’s rosary beads were destroyed. “These puny things aren’t enough to beat me!” He said panting.

“You are a tough one, but I don’t think you’ll like my next attack.” Shorin said with a smirk.

Kuwabara pointed his sword at him. “Go ahead and hit me with your best shot, I’m still gonna beat you!”

“Don’t be an idiot Kuwabara!” Yusuke snapped.

Kazuma ignored him. He let Shorin chant, building up the spirit energy needed for his technique. Yusuke saw this happen in his vision, it was too late. Kuwabara couldn’t see it but the chant formed spiritual runes, as he listened the runes entered his body.

The orangette heard the chanting, Shorin’s body radiating a new energy, he was the target of this curse, the conditions were met. Yusuke could only look on in horror as Kuwabara was shrunk down to the size of an action figure. “What is this...hey...hey…?!” While his body shrank his clothes didn’t.

His medium grew too big to hold and he dropped it. He fell into a pile of his clothes. “I’m all puny!” He was also very naked now.

Yusuke face palmed. He had seen this coming and it was still painful to watch. “You shrunk me!” He waved one fist angrily at Shorin while covering himself with the other.

Shorin laughed, moving to stomp on him. Abandoning modesty, Kuwabara scrambled out of his clothes and ran for it. Rando enjoyed his cries of terror and anguish as he stomped behind him. “I rarely get to use this power ya see!” Shorin chuckled. “Chanting spells take time, and not many are foolish enough to give me the time!”

His eyes shined with mischief, a sick delight. Kuwabara was helpless now, no medium and no bulk for his punches. Plus he was one arm down, shielding his crotch like he was. “Looks like I got a new toy, my last one broke some time ago!”

Shorin grabbed Kuwabara, his muscular form didn’t look like much in the shrunken state. He was squeezed. “Ahhh!”

“Hahaha!” He tossed Kazuma around for a bit, enjoying his cries of terror and humiliation.

“Kuwabara just forfeit the match!” Yusuke snapped.

“Oh that just won’t do, I want to play some more!” His spirit energy changed and he manifested some pink goo. “Bungee Gum!” The goo stuck to Kuwabara’s naked body and Shorin began to swing him around like a yo-yo. “Isn’t this fun!” He laughed.

He slammed him against the ground, like one of those gummy hands that’d you slap against a surface to make it stick. Except Kuwabara was the hand. “Around the world!” He sent him spinning in the air, in his tiny form, even this little spin was like being spun in g-force simulator. “Isn’t this interesting this little trick has the properties of both rubber and gum!”

Kazuma was so banged up he couldn’t even scream anymore, and Shorin was trying. Genkai finally called the fight. Rando agreed, but not before breaking the shrunken male’s arm for kicks. He undid the spell and returned Kuwabara to his normal size.

Yusuke grabbed his clothes and covered him up. “He’s still alive just badly wounded.” Genkai informed.

She used the spirit wave to put him into a stasis. “This will keep him from dying.” She could fix him, but it would take time.

“The spirit wave technique is truly amazing master!” Shorin gushed about the technique. It truly was a frightening power capable of destroying 100 opponents with a single blast. “Of course I would never use it for such evil things.”

“Hold on, you haven’t won this tournament yet!” Yusuke growled. His rage over Kuwabara had brought back more of his spirit power.

“Of course, but you’ll have to beat him before you can fight me.” He pointed towards Hiei. “You’ll squander what little power you have.”

“No he won’t.” Hiei looked to Yusuke. “I came for a different reason. I have no interest in the spirit wave, so I’ll be withdrawing.”

“I see what your game is, you plan to kill the winner once he’s all tired out.” Shorin accused.

“Believe what you want.” He looked to Genkai. “I’d like to withdraw my entry.” She just shrugged her shoulders.

“Looks like it’s you and me!” Shorin just laughed.

“Your friend couldn’t beat me, what makes you think you can?”

“Cut the act, I’ll have you know I’m a spirit detective!” Shorin smirked.

“Oh? Well then, let’s cut the pretenses!” He brought a hand to his face and ditched his human disguise. “You’ll be fighting Rando the Psychic Hunter!”

“I’m not impressed.”

“You should be, I’ve already seen your technique.” He made a spirit gun gesture. “It’s pretty basic I’ve already seen all I need to recreate it. So I can have my fun torturing you! Just tell me, do you wanna die by your technique, or your friends?” In one hand he charged the spirit gun but in the other he formed the spirit sword.

Rando should have kept his mouth shut, he gave Yusuke a tip into his own power. The psychic killer had defeated some psychics in the past using his stolen techniques, but how did he steal them? Some he tricked into teaching him using his disguises, others he stole. ‘You’ve figured it out detective, Rando was a demon vision powers similar to your own, by witnessing a technique and seeing the wavelength of it he can learn it, the mastery of it comes later.’ Yusuke had seen a few of Rando’s techniques already, with his own vision power he could use his tricks against him!

To be continued Yusuke vs Rando


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