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Yu Yu Hakusho parody: Tier 1

Psychic Scope

Yusuke is a psychic who has visions of the future. He has some access to his spirit energy but nothing in the case of offense. Due to his powers he is treated poorly and ends up growing up as a punk.

Chap 1 Future Sight

Yusuke’s POV

My name is Yusuke Urameshi and believe it or not I’m a psychic. I have visions of the future; honestly I never thought much of my power, so I could see into the future big deal. Sometimes it was handy with weather and stuff but in the end I never thought of harnessing it for anything.

Even in school, sometimes I would touch my homework assignment or test paper and see the answers, now I refused to cheat anytime I saw the answers to something I turned it in blank. Teachers didn’t like that too much, but hey I was trying not to cheat. Some teachers started talking bad about me and called me a bad student and even called me a cockroach and a bad influence.

Like I cared, I knew I was doing the right thing, but still I kept my powers a secret not even my mother knew the truth. When I was a bit older I finally told my best friend Keiko the truth, I didn’t just tell her I showed her proof. “You can’t tell anyone else okay, promise me!” she promised, and eventually she broke her word.

She told everyone at school about my power, and I was bombarded with questions at first. Classmates demanding their future be told, then there were students who did believe Keiko but thought I was some kind of monster and actually attacked me, saying shit like… “Did you see this coming you little freak?” “Did you foresee getting your ass kicked today you monster?”

Like they could take me, I got into fights, and soon I was labeled a delinquent. All my fights made me strong and soon kids were scared of me for all new reasons. Teachers hated me, my classmates feared me, and my friendship with Keiko was over. I lost interest in school and making friends, I did look into a way of maybe getting rid of my powers or getting control of them, but most of the books I found were all nonsense.

I never thought my life could get weirder but hell I was wrong.


It had started as a normal day Iwamoto was giving me a hard time, so I decided to skip school. Heading home I ran into Kuwabara and kicked his ass for the 37th time. I visited my home where my mom was lying about, saying if I was gonna skip school I should go out and get a job. ‘Yeah maybe I could make money giving fortunes, yeah right.’

I left and ended up bumping into a kid playing with his soccer ball near the street. I tried to get him to play elsewhere so he wouldn’t get hurt. “Ok mister.” He runs off, and I thought he’d be okay but then…

A ball flying into the street, a red car speeding down the same street, and the boy racing out into the street to get his ball.

Another vision, I whipped my head and saw the boy playing with his soccer ball again, once again he kicked it and the ball bounced into the street. ‘No!’ the kid rushes out and the car speeds towards him. I rushed forward and was able to push him out of the way.

I got hit with the car full on and I died…yeah surprised me to. This wasn’t the end for me though as I became a ghost. It turns out spirit world, those who govern all souls apparently didn’t intend for me to die today. I met with the ruler of the spirit world’s son Koenma and Botan as she claims she’s the grim reaper.

As it happens I wasn’t supposed to die today, and the kid wouldn’t have died either he would have gotten some scratches and a broken leg but he would have lived. Glad he was gonna be okay, but I did save him from the broken leg that was something.

Because of my unique case I was given an ordeal to get my life back, it was here I learned I had something called spirit energy it was what allowed me to see into the future. Thanks to the ordeal I was able to come back to life, and Koenma gave me access to the rest of my spirit energy, apparently what I had tapped into was just a small amount I actually had.

With my new power I was charged with being spirit detective. This had some new benefits, one; I actually had control over my visions, not a 100% control but still, two; I had a new trick my spirit scope by making a circle with my fingers I could channel spirit energy and peering through it I could see someone’s spirit energy, peer through clothes and disguises, it had a lot of uses and would be helpful on my job, and third; I had this move called the spirit gun with my current spirit energy I could fire 2 shots a day not too bad, seems all the time I was having psychic visions it was training my spirit energy getting my body used to it. Good thing to as my first real case was gonna be tough.

To be continued

Chap 2 The Three Demons

Yusuke’s Pov

Well I’m alive again, with a couple of new little abilities. I got the official title of spirit detective after catching a little demon that had possessed a teen and was torturing Kuwabara and trying to make him do evil things. I kicked his ass and caught the little bugger. Botan arrived and took the little demon off my hands, and told me I’d be the Earth’s Spirit Detective.

Now the worse part of the day going to school; jeez and surprise surprise Iwamoto tried to set me up for stealing. He stole things from the students and pinned it on me, but the last straw was when he had the nerve to insult my mother, oh yeah this dude had to pay.

“Yusuke!” Koenma snapped and appeared before me. Time seemed to freeze around us. He went on about three demons who stole some treasures from his father’s vault. Well he did bring me back to life, guess I’ll help him but first thing’s first had to deal with Iwamoto.

Using my Psychic Scope I peered and saw he had all the stolen stuff in his pocket. Rotten jerk even kept the evidence on him, I’ll show him. Koenma started time back up and I revealed Iwamoto for the thief he was, but I still wanted to hit him. “Attack him invisibly use your spirit gun, but remember you only have two shots.” He vanished and I smirked.

“Iwamoto!” Bang* my spirit gun fired and hit the jerk right in the back of his head. He went down and all the stuff he stole went spiraling out on the floor.

Time to skip school, I followed Koenma’s directions and went up town. There had been reports of six kids who had passed out, Koenma said it wasn’t fatigue it was the orb of baast. A crowd arrived around a small boy who collapsed; I gasped when I saw it; the boy’s soul left his body. I followed the soul into the woods and this giant guy had the orb of baast, another guy, short with black hair was wielding the shadow sword, and the last one was this teen with red hair.

I hung back and it seemed the red haired guy, Kurama was leaving the group but wanted to keep the mirror. “Well you lot aren’t what I expected.” I stepped out.

“Who the heck are you?” the giant snapped.

“The name is Yusuke Urameshi, Spirit Detective!”

“What!? Spirit detective?” the demons question.

“Ignore him he’s one of Koenma’s fools.” The short guy said.

“Sorry but I can’t get captured today.”  Kurama vanished, and the little guy, Hiei went after him. That left me with Goki; I punched him hard when he tried eating the little boy’s soul. Apparently he had eaten the others.

“Spit them out!” I hit him hard and took the orb. “I’ll be taking those souls back.” Using the orb I pulled the souls of the kids out of the guy’s belly, but instead of trapping them in the orb I made them go back to their homes.

“You…You stole my dinner!” Goki transformed into a monster, and damn it he was tougher than I thought, his skin was ridiculously tough. “Ha ha ha you fool my kind’s skin is tough your puny punches won’t do anything to me!” he rushed at me jaws open wide like he was gonna eat me.

In an instant my psychic powers activated, my eyes glowed and I saw flashes of the future. I saw if I fired my spirit gun at Goki it wouldn’t pierce his skin and he’d kill me. “Alright then,” I grabbed a nearby piece of wood, it was short and thick, and waited for the right moment.

Goki dove down to devour me and wham. I jabbed the wood into his mouth and locked his jaws. “Yeah even my spirit gun couldn’t pierce your skin, but I bet your insides aren’t as durable.” I charged my final shot for the day and fired right into Goki’s mouth. I felt his spirit energy fade and new he was gone, damn I poured everything I had into that shot.

I couldn’t even stand; thankfully Botan showed up and was able to help me get home. “Man this two shot a day thing is no joke I feel exhausted.”

“Once you build up your strength even if you use up your shots you won’t be completely exhausted.” She suddenly stopped. “Oh no.” she says, and I look and yeah this is bad.

Kurama was heading towards us and I’m defenseless. “Relax I have no intention of fighting.” He says as he walks by. “If you would meet with me, I’d like to speak to you about my reason for needing the artifact.”

Of course I agree not that Botan agreed with my choice. “You are just scared.”

“Lay off, listen there is something different about Kurama, I trust him.”

I met with Kurama and learned his tale. He was once known as Yoko and after an incident he was badly wounded, his spirit escaped and found his current human mother. He had only planned to be on earth for 10 years, just enough to get his spirit energy back but instead he stayed. His mother soon became ill, and he blamed himself for her disease.

It was the least I could do to let him use the mirror to save her. Little did I know the price of using the mirror, life! Kurama was going to sacrifice his own life to save her. No, I saw a mother’s tears of losing a son already; I couldn’t let that happen again.

On the night of the full moon we went up to the roof of the hospital, and Kurama began sacrificing his own life to awaken the mirror. “Hey! Listen mirror guy or whoever you are. Take my life instead of Kurama’s.”

“What are you doing?”

“Your mother won’t be happy if your life was exchanged for hers. So you hear me mirror, let Kurama and his mother be happy!” the mirror’s light erupted and knocked us out.

When I came to Kurama was gone, but I heard his mother was fine. Botan was calling me an idiot, and I guess I was I was so caught up in protecting Kurama and his mother I didn’t think about my own mother. Still the mirror took my selfless actions and made Kurama’s wish without taking any life. I got the mirror that’s two treasures down one to go.

Botan wasn’t too pleased with me so she taught me another technique just in case I got into trouble the Spirit Cuffs, using my spirit energy I can bind an opponent, she said being a detective I deserved my own cuffs.

End Pov

Hiei was pissed; all his work and two of the three treasures were now in the hands of the detective. “He is just a human I’ll put him in his place.”

Kurama did turn himself in, but thankfully wouldn’t be getting punished too severely. Basically getting time off for good behavior, he agreed to work with Spirit World and stay out of trouble.

Yusuke was happy about that. He knew going up against Hiei wasn’t going to be easy, using his future sight he was able to track down where Hiei was going to be. He went to the warehouse. ‘Come on in detective I was wondering if you’d find me.’ Hiei sent telepathically.

‘So much for the element of surprise.’ he entered the warehouse where Hiei was waiting for him.

“You were foolish to come here; once I have you I can ransom you to get the other treasures.” Hiei appeared before him.

“I doubt that will happen, what makes you so sure you can capture me?” the demon chuckled at Yusuke’s words.

“Spirit energy or not you are still just human.” His jagan eye glowed behind the bandage. Zombie like groans drew Yusuke’s attention. Apparently Hiei had exorcised his power and taken control of some humans. “See all humans becomes slaves to my will and you will be no different.” He revealed the jagan eye, it glowed and Yusuke froze in place.

“Now human you belong to me,” he says as Yusuke’s eyes glaze over. “Now strip I’m gonna have some fun with you before I ransom you.” Yusuke obeyed and took off his clothes, piece after piece was discarded and Hiei whistled. “Not bad human, perhaps I may keep you if you serve me well.” The last garment fell and Hiei gasped as Yusuke’s huge 9 inch cock hung between his legs. He was the same length as Hiei but had more girth to him, the underwear was sent to the pile of clothes and he stood in all his naked glory.

“Stay still and allow me to examine you.” He obeyed, and Hiei stepped up to him, feeling the boy’s muscles, his hands moving down to fondle his crotch. Yusuke’s cock twitched and began to grow under Hiei’s ministrations. “Hmm nice, you respond to your master well. Kneel and play with yourself.”

Yusuke followed the order and knelt before Hiei, he began pumping himself and massaging his balls. ‘Damn this is hotter than I thought he’s human but there’s something different about him.’ Hiei felt his own manhood twitch in desire, he fondled himself through his tight pants. ‘It has been a long time since I had a good rut.’

The boy before him was working himself well, his breath coming out in hot pants. He was leaking pre-cum and close to cumming, Hiei could sense it. “Enough, undo my pants for me, you are to service me slave.” Yusuke groaned, but he obeyed. His hands left his crotch and undid his pants. He dropped them and removed Hiei’s shoes as well. His fundoshi was tented up nicely by his cock, but the garment soon was removed allowing his cock to spring free. “Ahh that’s much better. Come now, get on with it.”

Hiei groaned as Yusuke reached up and began fondling his balls. He started licking his shaft, giving long swipes of his tongue much to Hiei’s pleasure. ‘He’s very good at this; perhaps I’ll turn him into a demon and make him my bitch.’ Yusuke placed kisses, along his dick; he moved up to the tip and swiped at it with his tongue.

He was about to demand more when Yusuke wrapped his lips around the head and began sucking him. “Ohhh that’s good.” His cock was sucked deep into his throat, burying his nose in his bare crotch. “Fuck if your mouth is this good your ass must be even better.” He moaned as his cock was sucked, Yusuke worked him hard and fast, working him from base to the tip.

The demon felt his release build up, but he didn’t want to finish in his mouth after all. “Alright enough slave, I want you to turn around and offer your ass to me.” Yusuke however didn’t stop; he kept sucking while fondling his balls. “Ahh damn it I said stop, turn around so I can fuck you.”

Yusuke looked up, and pulled off Hiei’s cock but kept a firm grip on his balls. “Sorry I’m not that hypnotized.” He says.

“What?!” he gasped, but didn’t move not with his family jewels in Yusuke’s grip.

The detective continued fondling his balls, and the demon groaned. Yusuke went back to work sucking his dick. ‘Damn it what’s he up to.’ He got a small piece to this answer as Yusuke collected some of his own pre-cum to coat his fingers.

He reached behind Hiei and spread his cheeks, his slick fingers caressed his hole and one digit slipped inside. “Ah you bastahhhhh!” he moaned helplessly. His ass stretched around the finger and he began to thrust it in and out. He matched his movements in his ass, with his mouth and Hiei moaned as the pleasure began to overwhelm him.

Hiei’s climax erupted and he spilled his seed into the detective’s mouth. Yusuke drank him down, even giving his slit a few licks collecting every drop. The demon’s legs felt like jelly and he was trying to collect himself.

Yusuke didn’t give him that chance as he removed the male’s shirt and pushed him down. He grabbed Hiei’s hands and used spirit cuffs to bind his hands behind his back. “Damn you what are ahh!”

“Shut up, you were gonna make me your bitch, you got no right to complain.” Yusuke slipped two fingers into the boy’s ass, he began stretching him. Hiei groaned in pleasure, feeling his dick rise back to full arousal.

The detective used his spirit scope to read Hiei’s body. ‘There it is.’ He began attacking Hiei’s prostate, jabbing that spot again and again.

Hiei was trying to resist this pleasure, but having only ever being a top this pleasure was new and felt so damn good. He soon lost it when Yusuke channeled his spirit energy to his fingers and began touching his sweet spot. “Ahhhhhhhh!” Hiei came, blowing his second load all over the ground beneath him.

The demon was drooling and he was now in a daze. “That’s two climaxes and I haven’t even gotten one yet, that’s not fair.” He brought his pre cum slick dick to Hiei’s ass, running his length across his crack.

Hiei bucked back, his body betraying him. Yusuke smirked and lined his penis up at his stretched hole. He pushed in and Hiei moaned as he was stretched wide. The friction had his toes curling from the pleasure.

Yusuke held his hips and began rocking his dick in and out, letting Hiei get used to his size. “Ah ah I’ll ah get you for ahh this!”

“Says the demon with a hard dick from being filled.” he reached around and flicked Hiei’s hard cock. The three eyed male moaned and grit his teeth as pleasure filled him. Yusuke began moving faster and faster, their bodies meeting in a loud smack. “You have a nice little ass Hiei, it keeps squeezing me.”

“Shut ahhh!” he cried out as Yusuke’s penis touched his sweet spot. Yusuke kept that angle and began pounding away at his prostate. Hiei came again, painting his chest and abs in semen. In his climax his inner muscles squeezed Yusuke’s thrusting cock.

The detective moaned, but managed to give another ten thrusts into his clenching heat before spilling his cum. Each spurt hit right against that sensitive bundle of nerves and caused Hiei to have another orgasm. The demon’s cock twitched and spilled a few more spurts before going limp.

In his release the spirit cuffs faded, but Hiei had no energy left to move. Yusuke found the sword and took it, but he didn’t leave the boy in his own cum. He got dressed and he scooped the boy up and carried him out of the warehouse. In his slumber Hiei sought out Yusuke’s scent and nuzzled against him. “Well I see you have everything under control here.”

“Oh hey Kurama!” he says.

“I’ll deliver the treasures and Hiei to Koenma.”

“Thanks but can you also give him a message for me to.”

“Of course Yusuke, I owe you my life; if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to ask.”

Kurama took the treasures and Hiei, along with Yusuke’s message back to Koenma. With the treasures back safe and sound Koenma’s behind was spared. As for Hiei well…

The three eyed demon stood, dressed, before Koenma. “Hiei your actions caused great unrest in both human and spirit world, I would like to bring the strictest of punishment upon you.” He says, but sighs. “However Yusuke has asked me to pardon you.”

“He what?” he gasped.

“Yes, Kurama delivered the message word for word. He said, ‘Please don’t punish Hiei, after all the treasures got returned with no one the wiser right, like they never were stolen at all. I think he should be let off with a warning, he’s not a bad guy.’ That’s what he said alright. Though I can hardly believe it,” he banged a gavel and the restraints binding Hiei vanished. “You are free to go, but I warn you cause any more trouble and the punishment will not be pretty.”

Hiei left the room and was quickly met with Kurama. “What do you want?”

“Oh nothing, there was still another part of Yusuke’s message strictly for you. He said, ‘Thanks for the great first time, sorry if I sucked but went with my instincts.’”

“That was his first time!” Hiei blushed, no surprise there. For demons virginity was rare and highly treasured. He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter; I’ll make him pay for the humiliation he brought upon me.”

Kurama chuckled, in truth he didn’t know what was going through Hiei’s mind, but revenge wasn’t on the top of his list.

To be continued

Chap 3 Preview Spirit Power

Things just keep getting better for Yusuke, as he’s asked to go train under Genkai, but more importantly enter her tournament and stop an evil demon from gaining her power.

End preview


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