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Kekkaishi parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Heavy Petting

Kouya didn’t know what was gonna happen, he was caught with Madarao, their dicks hanging out by their master. ‘What is he gonna say?’ Yoshimori was just staring at them. ‘Say something!’

Madarao chose this time to buck his hips, grinding their hard dicks together. “Gah...what are you doing?” The black furred werewolf growled.

“Did you wanna stop?” He looked coy, even as Kouya glared at him. “I don’t think Yoshi wants us to stop.” he leaned in close and licked his old partner’s cheek. “Can’t you smell it?”

A hesitant sniff and Kouya’s eyes widened. Yoshimori was hard! The smell of his arousal made the dark wolf’s cock pulse against Madarao’s penis. ‘He’s hard, seeing us turned him on?’ He gulped, the thought made him happy. His tail wagging in delight.

Their master’s cheeks grew red, a hand moving down to cover his crotch. Even if they couldn’t see his dick bulge, they could smell it. Madao was enjoying it, he humped against Kouya, increasing the friction between them. “Does it turn you on he’s watching us?”

“S-Shut up!” Kouya growled. “Mpfh!”

The white furred werewolf kissed him again, starting off a whole new make out session. Yoshimori watching them like a deer caught in the headlights. He knew these two had been partners in the past, but seeing it was something extra.

It was a turn on for Kouya, which surprised the wolf more than he thought. He could feel the intense burning gaze of Yoshimori on him. It gave the horny frottage something extra.

Their werewolf bodies were erotic, strong and masculine, their muscles bulging and flexing as they felt each other up. He felt his blood rushing south, making his cock even harder. It pushed at the confines of his pants, rubbing and rubbing, making it twitch more. “Oh wow!” Even the baggy pants and boxers he wore were feeling too tight.

Hard cocks pressed and rubbed together, the friction building between them. Pre-cum began to ooze out, slicking their rods. Hips bucks, furry balls clapping together. ‘Ohh yes!’

‘Yes, yes, yes, yes!’ The collision of their heavy nuts, sent a burst of pleasure through their groins. Growls of pleasure made the air tremble, they seemed to compliment each other. The two werewolves created an opera of lust, from the sound of their lustful humping, the duet of growls, and heated grunts! Even their sloppy kissing was getting lewd.

Yoshimori couldn’t look away, the furry sex show just seemed to keep getting hotter. Their hips were moving faster and rougher as they neared their orgasms. The kiss broke as the two howled in climax.

Two streams of cum erupted between them. It was a mess, years of pent up lust coming out in thick spurts. “Goopy!” Madarao groaned.

“Shut it, ya perverted wolf!” Kouya rolled off him, and the two began to bathe themselves.

“Say Kouya, I think our master could use a hand.” Kouya looked to Yoshimori.

“You...you don’t have to…” The kekkaishi turned around.

“Don’t be so cold Yoshi, we are your demon dogs, it is our job to serve your needs!” Madarao purred. He was on Yoshi quickly, undoing his pants.

“Hey!” He blushed.

“Don’t be shy, I know you have nothing to be shy about?” Madarao winked at him.

“Have you been spying on me!?” Yoshi gasped, his blush growing from ear to ear.

“Just a peek!” He licked Yoshi’s cheek. Madarao got his pants undone and down they went. The Sumimura’s cock tented the boxers, a little wet spot forming. “You aren’t a shorty down here!”

The underwear was tugged down. “Ohh!” It pulled Yoshi’s erection down only for it to snap up into the air. Madarao’s eyes sparkled.

“Oh wow!” He eyed the heavy cock, the big balls, and the thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch. It was so much bigger up close. ‘Oh my, he might be even be bigger than Tokimori!’ The size queen wolf felt his insides throb. ‘Hmm hmm, such a big piece of juicy meat, and that smell!’ He shamelessly sniffed Yoshimori’s crotch. “Oh~ho~ho~ho yeah!’

His tail started wagging. He rubbed his cheek against his length, nuzzling the male’s pubes. “Mmm~!” The werewolf’s fur tickled Sumimura’s cock, while his sniffing could be felt against his manly hair.

“You...you pervert!” Yoshimori groaned.

“Do you want me to stop?” He looked up, giving Yoshi puppy dog eyes.

“N-no…” he looked away and Madarao got cocky look on his face. He started licking the boy’s cock. “Ahh!”

Kouya watched, conflicting emotions surging through him. Madarao was going to town on their master’s crotch. He licked up and down his shaft, getting a taste of every inch, dipping down to even lap at his balls. His nuts were jostled inside his sac.

He had Yoshimori flushed and panting. Madarao paused to look at Kouya. “Do you want in on this, our master has plenty for both of us?”

Kouya blushed. “Don’t tease him, if he doesn’t want to do it, he doesn’t have to. Don’t go forcing him into weird stuff!” The kekkaishi said.

Yoshimori got a surprise when Kouya knelt beside Madarao. “No one forces me to do anything, I do what I want!” He snapped and began lapping at Yoshimori’s cock.

“Ohh!” He moaned.

‘He tastes so good!’ Kouya got a little giddy, his tail wagging at the flavor. Yoshimori’s penis was crammed into those undies all day and night, the rubbing in the confines really brought out the flavors. The musk was strong and wonderful. He took deep whiffs as he licked along his master’s shaft.

Madarao chuckled and got back to work. The two werewolves lapped along his cock and balls, sometimes taking turns, working opposite ends, but meeting in the middle. They got turns at tasting his pre-cum and it was delicious.

“Ahh ohh ahh ahh ahh ahh mmm~” Yoshimori bucked.

His hands came down and laced into thick manes of fur. The two growled in delight as Yoshimori scratched their scalps. “This feels so good!” He moaned.

Kouya was filled with a strange form of pride, his master was enjoying this, he was being pet and it felt so good. “Mmm~!”

As Yoshi’s orgasm grew, he guided them to the tip. The two were practically making out around his cock. Their tongues dueling around his head and teasing his glans. “Oh ohh I’m cumming!” His back arched and his balls lurched as he came.

Madarao and Kouya drank his cum, catching it in their muzzles and sharing it between a kiss. “Muah muah aaah aahh ahh muaahh!” Yoshimori shivered, some of his cum splattering their faces as the two just made out.

“Hot damn!” He panted. The kekkaishi fixed himself up. “I’m gonna finish patrol and let you two clean up.” He ran off.

“See, told you, you’d enjoy Yoshimori as your master, amazing isn’t he?”

“He’s not bad…” Madarao sighed.

“Would you rather he fucked your throat with that big dick of his?” Kouya’s fur puffed up.

“No!” He hissed.

“Really, you used to love it when I…” He covered his muzzle.

“Were you always this perverted?” He growled. Madarao blinked innocently. “This is different, but...I don’t hate it.”

“Well it’s a start!”


Tokine was none the wiser, she was so focused on the “competition” the heavy petting went completely missed.

Yoshimori’s little trick had her on edge. She’s never read about any such technique. “Honey…”

“What Hakubi?” She asked.

“Do you think you could work up a charm for me? I’d love to fight for you!” He rubbed up against her.

“I can’t…” She grumbled.

“Come on, you are a talented kekkaishi, you can do it!” He looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

“I said I can’t!” She held up a shikigami paper. “I tried, I don’t know how he did it.”

“Well you could just ask him…” She fixed him with a glare. “Never mind!” She took out her anger on some invading ayakashi.

For the first time in hundreds of years Hakubi felt jealous. A part of him, a very small part, wished he had Yoshimori as his master. This family rivalry was seen as more idiotic now that it was costing him something. He’d love to take his anthro form, even in a smaller state, he could be much more useful to Tokine that way. ‘Is asking Yoshimori for help really so bad, we’d be a much better team if I can assist in the fighting?’ He kept his thoughts to himself.

Tokine was in a mood all night.


The night ended and Yoshimori went home with his demon hounds. “Hey guys, tonight was...something else…” He said, lightly scratching his cheek.

“Hmm, did you have fun Yoshi?” Madarao asked.

“Yeah, do you think we can do stuff like that again?” He was blushing.

“I’m for it, but tsundere-wolf over here may need to take some convincing.” He gestured towards Kouya.

“I am not...ugh forget it...we’ll see!” They returned to spirit form and entered their houses. “Good night!”

“Good night master!” Madarao bid him good night, but good morning was better suited given the time. The Sumimura heir felt weirdly relaxed, he definitely wanted to do this again.

The nights that followed Yoshimori brought in a reward system, they suddenly became like close friends sharing in some nice heavy petting with the werewolves.

To be continued...Masamori


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