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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Omega Curse

Team Aqua is trying to harness the primal forces. They experiment with an Electrike, it escapes and encounters Ash and the gang. In a blind rage it bites Ash giving him features from the Electrike/Manetrick line. It awakens desires and powers inside him. Not only can Ash use pokemon moves now, he's also awakened his libido and seeks to be fucked by both trainer and monster alike. Through bonding this way Ash discovers the power of mega evolution/primal evolution. Bottom Ash/Trainer/Monster Harem Shock Play

Chapter 1

Team Aqua was a villainous group in the Hoenn Region. They were at odds with another group Team Magma. Their ideals were polar opposites.

Magma wanted to harness the power of the land to expand human civilizations. They were after the legendary pokemon Groudon, it is believed it can tap into the primal forces and reach a higher level of power.

Aqua were the opposite, they wanted to harness the power of the sea to destroy human civilizations and return the world to the pokemon. They were after the legendary pokemon Kyogre, a pokemon capable of tapping into the primal forces.

So far the efforts of Team Aqua had not made many results. They were trying to find the secrets of the Super Ancient Pokemon. Maxie couldn’t shake the feeling they were up to something. He called in one of the Three Flames. “Blaise, I need your assistance!”

“Yes sir, anything I can do for the Team I will do it!” Blaise was just a code name, his true name was Mack Hokage. He was a skilled Magma agent, standing as one of the three admins. His comrades Courtney and Tabitha were also powerful Magma admins, those were also code names.

The current Blaise was toned and atheletic and has long blonde hair, it curves over one of his eyes in a stylish spike that from angles hides half his face. “I want you to inflitrate Team Aqua and discover any research they have into Primal Energy!”

“Primal Energy sir?”

“Yes, from some of the research our field agents have collected, the Ancient Pokemon Groudon and Kyogre have another form. Harnessing primal energy they can return to that form again. Our efforts in finding Groudon alone have gotten us so far, but if Team Aqua finds Kyogre and unleashes his primal power even Groudon will not be able to stop it.”

“It shall be done!” Blaise bowed. “They won’t know what hit ‘em once the Shadow of Fire is done with them.” He was a skilled illusionist. His efforts as Magma’s interrogator had earned them plenty of information.

‘We’ve always been at odds, but would you really go so far for your beliefs...Archie!’ Maxie was sweating. The tip that Team Aqua was messing with primal energy rocked him to his core.


While Blaise worked on infiltrating the rival group we find our story on another path.

Ash Ketchum a trainer from Pallet Town had come to Hoenn looking for a new adventure. He’s already traveled through Kanto, Johto, and the Orange Islands, making friends, finding rivals, and catching Pokemon.

His first Pokemon was Pikachu, and while they had a rocky start of things they became friends. By the end of Kanto he had Butterfree, Pidgeot, Charizard, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Fearow, Kingler, Muk, Primeape, Tauros x 30. In the Orange Islands he caught a Snorlax and a Lapras. By the end of Johto he had a Bayleef, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Heracross, a Shiny Noctowl, and hatched a Phanpy from an egg.

His Charizard is in training in the Charicific Valley and his Squirtle was training with the Squirtle Squad.

Ash’s efforts in both the Kanto League and Johto League shaped him. He needed to get stronger, he needed a bit of a fresh start. So, he decided to leave the majority of his team with his sponsor, Samuel Oak. He kept Pikachu and brought Phanpy along to Hoenn.

So far he caught a Tailow and a Treecko, before getting his first badge in Hoenn. He reunited with his companion Brock, who caught a Lotad. He met a guy named Ruby, he had dark hair but wore a cap that was a Hoenn League cap, it was black, white, and red. He wore fashionable clothes including a red and black jacket and a pair of tight pant, even his shoes were designer running shoes. His back pack was even a top of the line fashionable piece.

They first met when Team Rocket had tried to steal Ash’s Pikachu, he actually didn’t help because he didn’t want to get dirty. When Pikachu fried his bike there was not so many tears shed. They ended up traveling together Ruby thinking he could use a big brute like Ash to protect him on his journey. “You do owe me a bike, and that was a top of the line model! You can pay me back by being my body guard!”

So Ketchum was stuck with this guy.

Ruby wasn’t like any trainer Ash had met before. He didn’t like battles, and preferred Pokemon Contests. The guy wouldn’t even train because he didn’t want to get his Pokemon dirty. His first Pokemon was a Torchic, he caught a Poochyena, and a Wurmple.

He almost didn’t get the bug type finding it creepy, but when he learned it would/could evolve into a Beautifly he got it.

Ruby did inspire Ash to try contests. With enough prodding he got Ash to take the challenge. He entered with Phanpy and got to the finals but lost to a Beautifly. Ruby didn’t fair much better having lost to a Venomoth. The contest coordinators were pretty nice and even helped Ash train and learn some new moves.

Pikachu learned Iron Tail, Phanpy learned Stealth Rocks, and Treecko learned Absorb. A good combo for defeating Roxanne.


Ash had met Ruby’s dad, the gym leader Norman. The two didn’t get along well, and Ash got his first look into his new companion’s dislike of gym battles. Norman seemed to want Ruby to take on the gym challenges to, but he refused. “I hate such kinds of battles, contests are better!”

Ash couldn’t battle Norman until he had more badges anyway.


Team Rocket could be a pain, they claimed they were in Hoenn to take it over, but to Team Aqua and Team Magma they were just pests. They believed their groups were just and had a truly noble goal for the future, Team Rocket just lusted for power to obtain a dream one couldn’t reach. Jessie, James, and Meowth took offense to that, believing in their boss’s dream.

That didn’t stop the duo from making trouble, trying to steal Ash, Ruby, and Brock’s Pokemon.


They arrived on Dewford Island, Ash planning to challenge the Fighting Gym. He felt this was Tailow’s time to shine, but Brawly’s battle style was strange. Ketchum went in a bit over confident and got spanked.

He had faced a fighting type gym leader before, but Brawly had a whole different style. Ash lost hard, and the gym leader gave him some advice to train on the island. Ruby wasn’t interested in training, until Brock pointed out training for his contest wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Ruby even gave names to his Pokemon. His Torchic he called Zuzu, his Poochyena he called Coco, his Wurmple he called Momo.

Momo evolved into Silcoon and later a Beautifly. During a fishing expedition Ash caught a Corphish and Ruby accidentally caught Mimi the Feebas. Brock got a Mudkip a little later.

Ash’s Treecko gave him an idea for a new kind of battle style. Treecko spun to increase the power and speed of his moves. Ruby saw it as a contest move. Ketchum thought it could be both. He started training his pokemon in this manner, they were getting more in touch and in sync.

He battled Brawly again and this time got his next badge. It was time for Ruby’s contest so they were off to Slateport City.

This is where the paths of our stories intersect.


Blaise had been working undercover and found Team Aqua was in fact messing with Primal Energy! He started making copies and sending the data back to base.

Disguised as an Aqua Grunt he had the run of the facility near Slateport City. “We are ready to perform the test, bring in the subject.” The scientists bring in a small pokemon and put it in  a large container.

“What are they doing with that Electrike?”

“Pull the switch!” One of the scientists called out. The switch was flipped and the chamber was filled with raw Primal Energy.

“What the hell?!” Blaise gasped. His eyes widened in a mix of shock and horror. Even contained the energy made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. ‘Team Aqua what are you up to?’

The Electrike was super charged, readings of the Pokemon’s base abilities were increasing. “Yes...it’s working...it’s working!” The machines started to crackle.

Electrike began to pulse, the primal energy triggering something in his cells. He began to grow larger. “What’s happening what is this?” One of the scientists shouted.

“Unknown sir, the monster is growing larger, we don’t know what this is!”

“The Primal Energy is having an unknown effect, we need to cut the flow!”

“Do it now!”

Electrike’s eyes began to glow red. He was larger than any known recording of one. “Elec!” His body sparked and the container cracked and the base broke. The charge couldn’t be contained and the machines started to fry.

“Stop you belong to us, I command you!” Electrike’s monster ball got blown up. With a single roar the glass shattered and scientists took cover. The Electrike ran for it, nothing could stop it, he charged through the walls and ripped through doors like they were paper.

‘This is the power of primal energy?’ He could see now why Maxie was concerned.

“What are you doing fool, don’t just sit there, go after that monster!?” The scientist shouted at Blaise.

“Uhh yes sir!” He gave chase, planning on catching the large Electrike and bringing it back to Team Magma.

The monster had gone through a change unseen in the modern world. Even the name of what he was had been lost to time. The primal energy not only changed it but the residual feedback destroyed his monster ball. He was free!

Things were spinning and he was hopped up and super charged. He wanted to fight more than anything right now, so he lashed out at anything he saw. He began to go nuts in Slateport City.

Ash and company arrived. “Electrike!” He saw them through red tinted lenses.

“What the hell is that?” Ruby gasped. He froze in terror as the monster charged at them.

“Ruby!” Ash got in front of him. “Pikachu use Iron Tail Phanpy use Rollout!” The two pokemon charged bravely and their attacks did hit, but it didn’t slow Electrike down.

His jaws opened wide, before coming down on Ash’s arm. “AAAHHH!” He cried out.

The primal energy found a source to leak out to. It channeled from Electrike into Ash. Ketchum stood strong. “It’s okay...were you scared…?” He pets the Electrike.

His eyes widened, the red fading from them. Ash had such a soothing aura, as he was touched he felt the blind rage be soothed. “I’ll keep you safe!” Ash pulled out a ball and tapped it on his head.

He vanished in a flood of red energy. It jiggled a few times before it pinged. “He...he caught it!?” Ash collapsed. “Ash!?”

Brock rushed over to him. “He’s burning up with fever!”

Ruby glared at the ball. Ketchum had protected him and got hurt, that brought up some bad memories. He planned to pick the ball up and throw it into the sea. Pikachu and Phanpy stopped him. “Whatever!” He huffed.

They rushed Ash to the Pokemon Center to get treated. Blaise saw the whole thing. ‘This just got more interesting!’

To be continued...Transformation Spark


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