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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Aura Spells: Scan (Blue), Scope (Green), Astral (Red), Ray (Orange), Aura Amore (Pink), Aura Body, Aura Bonds, Aura Shield, Aura Barrier, Aura Warp, Aura Enhancement,

Ash 10 inches soft, 20 inches hard

Gary 6 inches

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Aura Counter

Goh woke up he yawned and stretched. This young man was a new trainer. He took online classes to get his trainer’s license. His parents had agreed to let Goh travel the world, feeling it would be good for him.

The new trainer had a goal of catching Mew, but that goal was a bit far and away. So he planned to work his way back to Mew by completing the Pokedex. He looked at the post card from Samuel Oak. This would let him get a starter Pokemon.

“Today is the day...the future is in the palm of my hand!” He got ready and raced down stairs. “I’m heading out!” Silence…

Goh frowned. ‘They already left...why am I not surprised…’ His grandma at least left him a note and a thermos of soup. ‘Good luck, go catch ‘em all!’ He smiled and packed his stuff.  He got on the bus and rode from Vermilion City to Pallet Town.


Ash woke up, he got a shower and got changed. Today was the day, he would get his starter pokemon and go on a grand adventure. He grabbed his spell book and placed the rainbow feather in it like a book mark. He had done some late night studying looking up some spells to try out.

He was rocking fingerless gloves, his treasured Kanto League Hat, a tight black shirt, a vest, some nice slacks and his favorite running shoes. For added protection, with a wave of his hand the book shrank to pocket size and Ash tucked it into his vest.

Ketchum felt he was ready, he knew exactly which starter he wanted. Racing to Oak’s lab he could feel his heart racing. A stunning smile was stuck on his features. Oak had three pokemon, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle for the trainers he was sponsoring.

Anyone with a trainer’s license can get a sponsor, even some well to do families simply sponsored the new trainer. Some strings were attached, and some trainers were scammed by some shady programs in the past. This was an opportunity one couldn’t pass up.

The league sponsored 100 trainers every year, even asking their gym leaders and elite four members to sponsor a new trainer. The goal was to find the best of the best for the sake of the future. The sponsors chose the trainer’s starter pokemon, unless they could somehow provide one for themselves.

Ash knew Gary was also sponsored by Oak. ‘I wonder who else Professor Oak picked?’

He was about to find out. Gary had bumped into Goh outside of Oak’s lab. “You think you are ready to be a trainer?”

“I know lots of things about Pokemon!” Goh snapped.

“Sure you do, but not more than me haha!” Gary eyed him up and down. “I give you a week before you go running home crying to your mama!”

“You got something to say to me!” Goh snapped.

“Isn’t it a bit early for this.” Ash said stepping up to the two. Gary blushed, his body language changing.

“Just sizing up the competition, I’m not seeing much of a rival, for either of us.” The younger Oak said, crossing his arms.

“What is your problem?!” Goh hissed.

“Ignore him, he’s like that with everyone, trust me.” Gary whistled nonchalantly.

“Whatever, I’m heading in, looks like I’m pulling ahead of you already. Get ready Ash, don’t forget our promise!” He said before dashing off.

“Who is that guy?”

“Gary Oak, he’s...complicated…” Ash said.

“Oak? Oak?! As in Samuel Oak’s grandson...I mouthed off to Professor Oak’s grandson?” Goh began to sweat. “Oh man, oh man, what if he doesn’t give me my Pokemon now?”

Ash laughed. “I doubt Gary will say anything, and Professor Oak’s not that kind of man.”

“Thanks...I’m Goh by the way.” He offered his hand.

“I’m Ash Ketchum, nice to meet you.”  The two shook hands.

‘He seems nice at least.’ Goh thought.

“Let’s head in, I bet you are excited for your first Pokemon right?” The two raced up the stairs and Gary was standing in the wings. True to Ash’s word, they’d each get to choose their starter together.

Samuel called out the starters. Goh was feeling nervous, he knew which one he wanted, but didn’t know if he was gonna get it. He shot glances at Gary and Ash.

Ketchum noticed his discomfort. “I think Goh should choose first.”

“Are you sure young man?” Samuel asked, getting a nod of response. “Gary?”

“Heh, I’m so good, no matter which starter I get, I’ll always get the best one. Let the newbie get the first pick.”

‘You are a newbie too jerk!’ Goh stepped up to the three monsters who eyed him. “My goal is to one day catch the legendary Pokemon Mew, I know I’m a long way off from that day, until then I’m gonna complete the Pokedex. For my starter I want the number one pokemon. I choose you Bulbasaur!”

The Bulbasaur was happy to be picked and Goh got his monster ball, his pokedex, and a bunch of empty monster balls. “That’s your reason, oh man!” Gary face palmed.

Ash chuckled. “You are pretty strange, huh Goh?” Goh was about to snap, thinking Ash was mocking his dream. “But catching Mew, completing the Pokedex, that’s a wonderful dream!” His words caused Goh to blush.

“Oh um...thanks…” He twiddled his fingers. He put Bulbasaur in his ball, and waited to see who the others would choose.

Ketchum got to go next. “In my heart while I think all the starters are amazing, there is one I wanted from the start. Charmander I choose you!” The fire type eyed his trainer, he sensed a great power coming from him.

The flame on his tail burned with joy as he jumped towards Ash. The trainer caught him and hugged him. “I’m gonna call you Scorch!” The power of a name was something unique for a Pokemon.

Getting a nickname made the Charmander’s eyes sparkled. He was Scorch the name was etched onto his soul, he could feel a force coming from his trainer and it was passed to him. Scorch glowed for a second, feeling stronger then before. Ash felt the shift, it was something he read in the Spellbook.

By giving a name to one’s pokemon you share your power with them. Ash got his Pokedex and monster balls.

“Now it is the best for last!” Gary sauntered up to Squirtle. “I knew I’d get the best one!” He fist bumped the turtle monster and got him in the ball. The younger Oak got his Pokedex and balls. After showing off a one finger ball twirl, he headed out. “Smell ya later Ashy!”

Ketchum knew it wasn’t a simple taunt. Gary had a little gift of his favorite underwear in his bag. He also knew about their little deal, the younger Oak was gonna train his ass off to come after Ketchum’s booty.

Goh watched the young man leave in a sports car, he had a driver and a whole cheering squad. ‘I do not like him!’ He noticed Ash hadn’t returned his Pokemon yet.

“I want Charmander to hang out with me while we travel. It is more fun that way!”

“What’s fun got to do with it?” He sweat dropped. Goh thanked Professor Oak for the opportunity.

“I know things might be scary your first time out, but you’ll be fine so long as you trust your Pokemon partner.” Samuel told him.

“So I’ll see you around Goh?” Ash asked.

“Yeah...see you around…” He waved. ‘Don’t get attached, he’ll be like all the others.’ Goh left and Ash left to show his new friend to his mom. It was a nice little visit before he headed into route 1.


Goh thought he was starting on the right foot, he spotted a Rattata and threw a ball at it. “Nice!” His Pokedex cheered. The devices were the latest model, serving as both a phone and computer for the new trainers. It even had info on the Pokemon found in the Route. “Got it!” Goh exclaimed, Rattata was added to his Pokedex.

He tried to do the same with a Pidgey, but it spotted him and flew away. “Aww man!” He checked the Pokedex.

Dexter: Some pokemon may be skittish and run away rather than be caught or battle. Some Pokemon may try to fight if they see a trainer or their pokemon!

‘Okay I just have to avoid being noticed.’ He crouched down and crept around some grass. Goh spotted another Pidgey, he tried to sneak up on it but accidentally stepped on a branch.


The Pidgey went on alert. “Monster Ball Go!” Goh stood up and went to throw the ball.

“Pidge!” The monster cried out and whipped up a Gust. It blew the ball right back into Goh’s face, before blowing him away.

He lost that Pidgey.

‘Maybe I should try battling.’ He got Bulbasaur’s ball at the ready. After some searching he found another Pidgey. “Bulbasaur go!” He called out the Grass Type. “Use Tackle attack!”

Bulbasaur charged at Pidgey. The flying type took to the air, and blew Bulbasaur and Goh away with a strong Gust. “Waaahhh!”

“Bulbaaaah!” The two landed and the Pidgey flew away. Goh was furious now, he was determined to get that Pidgey now!


Ash and Scorch were making there way through the route. His new buddy spotted a Pidgey snacking on a berry. “Okay Scorch, I’m gonna throw the ball at the Pidgey, if it flies away I want you to smack the ball towards it got it?”

“Char char!” He nodded. They took their positions.

Ketchum felt the flow of aura. “Monster ball Go!”

Pidgey saw the ball coming, and took to the air, he looked ready to Gust Ash a new one. Scorch jumped out of his hiding spot, and swatted the ball with his tail. Whoosh it struck the Pidgey’s back.


The ball sealed and Ash got his first Pokemon. “We did it!” He did a victory pose. “Nice one Scorch!” Charmander blushed at the praise.

Ketchum brought out the newest team member. “Welcome to the team Wings!” His aura was passed to the Flying type.

“Pi Pidgey!” He was happy at his new name. His trainer was radiating a warm energy.

“I’d like us to do some training.” He conjured his aura and had it coat his body. “I want you both to attack me!”

His monsters ere surprised, sharing a look. This young man was something else. Orders were orders and the two worked on their moves with Ash as the target. It was a good experience for them all.


Goh was so focused on finding a Pidgey, he ended up creeping around some tall grass. ‘There!’ He thought he spotted the bird monster, but he was a bit far away.

He got a nut from a tree and threw it at the flying type to try and stun it. It hit and it pissed the monster off. “Spearow!” It roared. The noise sent chills up Goh’s spine.

“Uh oh!” Bulbasaur couldn’t handle the Spearow, he was weakened from the earlier Gust. Goh hadn’t even noticed.

The Spearow was fierce and mean, Bulbasaur was pecked and knocked out. “Oh Bulbasaur...return…sorry...you did your best...” Spearow turned it’s sight onto Goh. “No get away!”

He threw a ball at it and it sucked the flying type up.

Jiggle...Pop! Spearow burst out and grew angrier. “Spearow!” It called out.

“Spearow!” “Spearow!” “Spearow!”

“What is this?” A storm brewed over head.

Dexter: Warning some pokemon will call for help when enraged. Swarms can be deadly for new trainers beware!

“Now you tell me!” Goh began to run. The swarm of scary flying types chasing after him. Thunder crashed as Goh ran for his life. “I’m sorry!” He screamed.

He had Rattata, but what could he do against a swarm. It began to rain making things harder for Goh to run. The swarm wasn’t giving up on him.

Leader Spearow swooped down and attacked him. “Oww oww oww I’m sorry!”

“Wings!” A familiar voice was heard. A Pidgey flew in and clashed with the leader. The two went at it and looked evenly matched.

“Ash!?” Goh gasped.

“We gotta run!” Ash was carrying Scorch, shielding his tail from the rain. While Wings could fight Spearow one on one, the swarm ganged up on him. “Wings return!”

Ketchum called him back into the ball. The swarm now looked ready to attack the trainers. Ash took his hand. “We gotta run now!”

The two raced as fast as they could, the Spearow hot on their heels. It looked like they were gonna escape, but then Goh slipped in the mud. ‘No…’

“Spearow!” They dived on him like a predator after prey. Goh’s eyes closed and braced for the inevitable.

“Aura Barrier!” The Spearow were blocked off a barrier of blue energy protecting Goh. He had Scorch go inside the bubble with Wing’s ball. The Spearow couldn’t penetrate the barrier.

“Ash?” The young man stood in front of the barrier. “How are you doing this?”

“I’ll explain later, but don’t worry I got you. Scorch if anything happens to me get Goh and Wings to safety.” His body glowed with a blue energy. “Spearow, I am Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, my goal is to be a Pokemon Master!” His aura flared. “If you want to hurt my friend, you are gonna have to go through me.”

The leader took that as a challenge, with a fierce cry they dived down on Ash. The young trainer was pecked and attacked by each of the swarm. The aura around him didn’t diminish even as he took more and more damaged.

‘His friend?’ Goh blushed.

After taking so many hits Ash struck a pose. “Aura Counter!” The blue energy turned orange and flared like the sun. All the hits Ash took were stored in the aura and changed into a fearsome attack. The Spearow were blasted away, Goh and Scorch safe behind Ash’s barrier.

“Ash...Ash!” The raven haired boy was collapsed. The Spearow were gone and the storm had passed. Scorch and Goh rushed over to him. “What was that? How did you do that? Why did you do that? You got hurt because of me…”

Ketchum smiled. “I’m glad you guys are okay!” Goh blushed.

“You are crazy...that was crazy!”

“Hehe...maybe a little…” Scorch hugged him. “Aura Counter allows me to turn my enemy’s attacks against me into a powerful burst of an attack. They sure got me good though!”

“We need...we need to get you to a hospital…” He didn’t know where one was.

“There is a pokemon center in Viridian City.” He said weakly.

“Okay!” Goh called out Rattata and Scorch helped carry Ash out of Route 1. That spell took a lot more out of him than he thought.

To be continued...Aura Blast


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