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Pocket Monster parody: Bad Day Fic/Tier 1

Flame Sponsor

Blaine pays a visit to Oak and finds a trainer who woke up late and didn’t get his starter pokemon. As it happens Blaine brought a gift for Oak’s research but Samuel thinks it’d be a better idea to have Ash have it. Blaine’s Gym has not been doing well so he decides to sponsor Ash, he can see the fire and passion in his eyes. What if Blaine sponsored Ash?

Chapter 1

Blaine was quite the researcher and scientist in his youth. He was once tasked with creating a clone of Mew, but after many failures resulting in the Pokemon Ditto he turned to his own improvement. He became an accomplished trainer and even gained the title of Gym Leader. He may have gotten too good as his popularity brought a lot of business to Cinnabar Island.

The island began to grow and develop, Blaine even got a new Pokemon Research Center so he could carry on both passions. Time marched on and his Gym fell from grace, fewer and fewer trainers came to challenge him the incinerating defeats he dealt weren’t helping matters. Soon people just came to Cinnabar Island for fun, relaxation, and the local pokemon catching.

His Gym lost funding and fell into disrepair. Blaine eventually built a secret gym with the help of his Pokemon. That didn’t stop the Pokemon League from putting pressure on him as a Gym Leader. “If they can’t solve my riddles then they don’t have the right to challenge me!” That excuse only went so far.

Things weren’t going so good for Blaine, the League wanted him to sponsor a new trainer, it wasn’t an odd request. Such requests started coming to the Gym Leaders with strong win streak, even the Elite Four were asked to find new promising trainers. The Kanto Champion spot had remained empty for awhile, after a certain someone “retired”.

As it happened his Ninetales brought him an egg. He wanted to have it examined as the egg hadn’t hatched in a long time. It was warm, the life signs were strong, but it just wasn’t hatching. ‘Time to go see an old friend.’


Blaine arrived in Pallet Town on a very auspicious day. Professor Samuel Oak, the former League Champion. The two had their run ins in their youth. Samuel being one of the few to have beaten him to earn the Volcano Badge. It was almost ironic their paths went in similar but opposite directions.

He became a professor, and his been sponsoring new trainers, giving them starter pokemon. Their choice of Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle! Though for one trainer that wasn’t an option today. He arrived late, and three other trainers had already come and collected, including his own grandson.

The boy, Ash Ketchum, slumped at the thought of not getting a starter. The next batch wouldn’t be ready for a month, a month behind put him at a big disadvantage. Ash may have a trainer’s license, but a month was a long time for a trainer. His rivals would get so far ahead of him. “Didn’t get a spare Pokemon did you Sammy?”

Oak and Ash turned towards Blaine. “Oh Blaine, what brings you here?” Not many could get away with calling him Sammy. “Ash, this is one of my old rivals Blaine, he’s the Gym Leader on Cinnabar Island.”

That got Ash excited. “You’re really a Gym Leader?”

“Sure am!” He flashed his badge and his ID. The man was an honest to goodness Gym Leader. “I’m here for a reason, but it seems you have another problem.”

“Ash arrived late, I was only given three starters.” Oak said firmly.

“It’s okay Professor, it was my fault. I was just so excited I couldn’t sleep, and I ended up sleeping in late.” Ash said.

“Hm,” Blaine revealed the egg. “This little one has yet to hatch, and it’s been some time.” It was red with some dark red waves at the base.

“A pokemon egg!” Ash got excited.

Blaine handed over the research to Oak. “Other eggs have been found and they’ve hatched long before this little one. I’m getting worried.” Samuel flipped through the research.

“Can I hold it?” Ketchum asked.

“Sure.” Blaine handed the egg over to the young man.

“It is so warm!” He hugged it. “I bet he or she is just waiting for the right time to come out, and you are gonna be an amazing pokemon!”  It pulsed at his words. “Hm?”

“I hear you’ve been asked to sponsor a trainer?” Oak said.

“Me, Giovanni, even Koga. I’d almost find it insulting. Like they want to replace us.” Blaine huffed.

“Stop, you knew this was coming.”

“Only because you retired, Kanto wants a champion.” Blaine whispered. Ash wasn’t paying attention, the egg was responding to him.

“I’m sure the spot will be filled by one of the Elite trainers. I heard they’ve even offered Koga a position among the Elite Four, that spot you passed up.” Oak was sure Lance would be named the new champion sooner or later.

“Me and Agatha in the same group, not a good idea.” Samuel chuckled, the two did butt heads a lot. Both prioritized a specific typing, while gaining certain monsters to make up for the weaknesses. “Koga would be a better fit than me.”

“We’ll see, I heard he has chosen a trainer to sponsor same for Giovanni.” Blaine crossed his arms.

“Umm Professor…” Ash said, he had been calling for them for awhile, but the two were engrossed in their own conversation to notice. The egg glowed which did catch their attention. “Oohhh!”

In Ash’s arms was a brand new Vulpix. “It is a Vupix!” Samuel exclaimed. The markings on the egg made sense now, the dark red markings matched Vulpix’s tail.

“My word!” Blaine gasped. ‘Is this some kind of miracle?’ He adjusted his glasses as he stared at Ash.

“Oh Vulpix, welcome to the world!” Vulpix opened his eyes and gazed upon Ash. The little fire-type had sensed Ash’s strong aura, heard his words, and felt he was ready.

“Vul!” He spewed flames.

“Hehe, you are strong like I thought. You are full of spirit!” He grinned.


“Well Ash, seems you made a friend.” He looked to Blaine who was stunned. The egg resisted the most advanced incubators.

“Sammy who is this young man?” The scientist asked. It boggled his mind.

“I’m Ash Ketchum sir!” Ash said.

“I have an idea, Blaine why don’t you sponsor Ash, then Vulpix can be his starter and he can start his journey.” Ketchum got excited.

“You are always like this…” Blaine grumbled. He looked Ash over. “I got some questions for you, if you answer them correctly I’ll sponsor you!”

Oak sighed. “You haven’t changed either.” Ash was a bit nervous, when it came to quizzes and tests he didn’t do the best. He looked to Vulpix, and summoned his courage.

“I’ll do it!”

“Can you name three types that the fire typing is strong against?”

“I got it, Bug, Grass, and Ice!”

“Correct! Now name three types that it is weak against?” Ash thought about it.

“Water, Ground, and...umm...Rock!”

“Correct!” Blaine adjusted his glasses. “On last question, in a battle between a Vulpix and a Ninetales who would win?” He smirked.

Oak sighed. ‘You really haven’t changed. The third question is always a trick question. He’s trying to see what kind of trainer Ash is.’

‘A trainer that focuses on power will pick the evolved form Ninetales, a trainer who focuses on tactics will give Vulpix as the answer, but should his reason being that Vulpix will win if they try hard enough, he will fail.’ Blaine didn’t believe in such childish logic. ‘Now show me what kind of trainer you are?’

Ash pondered about it. “I don’t know!” He said confidently.

“Huh?!” Blaine gasped.

Oak chuckled.

“What do you mean you don’t know?” Ash scratched the back of his head.

“Well while evolving can make a Pokemon stronger, stone evolution can be tricky. If a monster is evolved too soon they can’t learn some of their more advanced moves. So Ninetales could either have really great moves or really basic moves. Then there is Vulpix, depending on the trainer a Vulpix can learn all sorts of moves, with the right strategy one could defeat their evolution. If the trainer and monster aren’t in sync they could get overwhelmed by the evolved power.” Blaine could see many influences.

He didn’t know it but Ash loved Pokemon. It has been dream since he was 7 years old, to become a pokemon master. It was a heavy order, he watched League matches on TV; learning about type advantage, different moves, and strategies. He watched Oak’s broadcasts to learn more about the monsters of the world. He’s been preparing for this day his whole life, even his Mom helped him.

Blaine laughed. “What’s your goal?”

“I want to be a Pokemon Master!”

“Ambitious, you’ll have to master many aspects of the pokemon world, do you think you can handle it?” The young man was not short on passion.

“I want to chase my dream with all my might, I may stumble and fall along the way, but I never want to give up on my dream!”

“I’ll sponsor you!” Blaine said, lightning up Ash.

“Really?” He jumped into the air. “All right!” He exclaimed.

“I think Vulpix will serve as a good partner for you.” Ash turned to the fox-like monster.

“What do you say Vulpix wanna be my partner?”

“Vulpix~!” It nuzzled Ash, making him giggle. Blaine could see a bond between the two. He wondered how or why the egg waited so long, but it came.

‘This guy might be special, or it could be coincidence. I want to see if he’s got what it takes!’

Oak gave Ash some empty Pokeballs and a Pokedex. Blaine gave him a Pokeball for Vulpix. “Alright, Vulpix I choose you!” He tapped him with the ball and the fox monster got sucked up. It closed with a single ping.

Vulpix was registered in Ash’s pokedex. He called the little guy out, he jumped back into Ash’s arms with a happy coo. “You are gonna have Vulpix travel outside the ball?” Blaine asked.

“Yeah, I think it’ll be more fun that way!” Vulpix seemed happy about it.

Ketchum checked his Pokedex.

Dexter: Vulpix the Fox Pokemon: It can freely control fire, making fiery orbs fly like will-o'-the-wisps. It manipulates balls of fire to catch prey.Just before evolution, its six tails grow hot as if on fire. As its body grows larger, its six warm tails become more beautiful, with a more luxurious coat of fur. Inside Vulpix’s body burns a flame that never goes out. During the daytime, when the temperatures rise, this pokemon releases flames from its mouth to prevent it from growing too hot. When held it feels slightly warm.

Ability: Drought, can conjure harsh sunlight in battle.

Moves: Ember, Disable, Flame Charge, Spite

Blaine believed it learned Flame Charge from one of his other Fire Pokemon while in the egg. Ash was gushing over his first Pokemon. This was his starter he was so happy. “Allow me to give you some advice, using a Pokemon move over and over allows one to gain mastery over that move, such moves are never forgotten allowing a larger move pool for the Pokemon.”

“Awesome!” Ash spun around with Vulpix. “We are gonna get so strong together, right Foxy!”

“Uhh Foxy?”

“That’s gonna be Vulpix’s nickname, you like it right?” Foxy agreed.

“Not the most imaginative…” Blaine muttered. “Anyway Ash you are gonna take on the Pokemon League yes?”

“Yes sir!”

“That means you’ll be taking on the Kanto Gym Leaders, after you get six gym badges come to Cinnabar Island and challenge me to a match and we’ll answer the Vulpix vs Ninetales question.” Ash nodded. “I’ll inform the Pokemon League I’ll be sponsoring you, so do me proud and work hard.”

“Right!” Ash was ready to start his journey with his new partner Foxy.

To be continued...Bond of Flames!


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