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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

Third Gen Slayer: Flame Sword Natsu

Natsu was looking for Igneel, and Makarov informed him about dragon lacrima. Laxus had one, to aid his body, he became a Lightning Dragon. While searching for Igneel Natsu discovers a lacrima made from the remains of the Blade Dragon. He gets it installed inside him and becomes a Third Gen Dragon Slayer.

Chapter 1

Natsu Dragneel had lost his “father” Igneel, a fire dragon. His teaching were imparted onto Natsu, making him a Fire Dragon Slayer. After Igneel vanished the young dragon slayer began searching for him and ended up at a Wizard Guild, known as Fairy Tail. The guild master, Makarov, believed Natsu’s story.

While he had not seen a dragon himself, he knew they existed. Which was saying something, even those that believed dragons existed, recognized they were gone, vanished, definitely extinct. How did Makarov know dragons were real?

His very own grandson was also a Dragon Slayer. Natsu got excited, only for Makarov to continue his explanation. “Laxus’s body was very weak in his youth, to save his life we infused dragon lacrima into his body. It both saved him and made him a Dragon Slayer.” He was a second gen dragon slayer.

Natsu’s kind of magic was seen as Lost Magic, and attempts to recreate it led to the Second Generation Dragon Slayers. Finding dragon materials to create the lacrima wasn’t easy, but once found making a dragon slayer was simple enough.

Dragneel’s eyes sparkled. “What kind of dragon slayer are you?” He asked. Laxus raised his hand, and lightning surged around it.

“Lightning!” He was acting cool, but it made Natsu get excited. Natsu wanted to hang with another dragon slayer, even if he didn’t have a dragon. He thought they could be friends. “Ha, you are too weak, get stronger and maybe we can talk!”

Makarov sighed. He didn’t get why his grandson acted this way. ‘If the boy keeps this up he’ll never have any friends.’ Laxus didn’t want friends, he wanted strong followers. He was dead set on taking over the guild one day, and he wanted it to be the most powerful guild in the land.

It was a bit troubling. Makarov wanted the guild to function like family, where the members could stand together, grow together, support each other, and be there for each other. While everyone had their own unique goals and ambitions, they could still assemble, stand tall and united. He hoped Laxus would get better as he got older.


Getting stronger wasn’t a bad idea for Natsu. While he searched for Igneel he trained, honed his skills, and looked to gaining new strength. His efforts were not in vain.

He tracked down a dragon sighting, he thought it was Igneel, but it wasn’t. This was the Blade Dragon, they were recently discovered, the dragon was injured and had been trying to recover their strength.

Word got around, and by the time Natsu had gotten to the area, someone had killed it. Whoever it was stripped the flesh and scales of the dragon and left behind the bones. Natsu felt his heart ache. “I’m sorry, I wish I could have met you, spoke to you!” He shed a tear for the fallen dragon and something strange occurred.

Dragons were strong in both body and soul, the spirit of the blade dragon lingered. It heard Natsu’s heart and felt the warmth of his spirit. ‘Who are you?’

Natsu blinked and wiped his eyes. “Who’s there?” His hand ignited to light up the area but he didn’t see anything.

You wield dragon fire, perhaps the son of Igneel?’

“You know my dad?” Natsu looked around not seeing anything.

Yes, I knew him, he was the King of the Fire Dragons, I heard rumors he had a child. You must be him, state your name child of Igneel.’ The voice bellowed.

“I’m Natsu Dragneel, who are you?”

The spirit revealed themselves, lights leaked out of the bones and took form. ‘I am Zlash the Blade Dragon!’Zlash was stunning, purple scales, with fine claws. They had a blade like spines running down their back, with an axe blade growing out of the tip of their tail. Natsu thought Zlash was amazing and stunning. ‘Though we did not speak often, I was a friend to humans in the past. I taught humans the art of the blade, for that, some of my dragon brethren called me a traitor and attacked me.’

“My dad didn’t do that...did he?”

No, Igneel cared for humans, he often spoke of unity between mankind and dragonkind. He faced challenges on both sides, many dragons saw humans only as food, and believed they shouldn’t lower themselves to befriend them. While humans because of their pride and greed continued to anger the dragons by stealing their treasure and stealing their magic. In the end both sides continued to harm the other while Igneel and others struggled to bring peace.’ Zlash was upset. ‘I wanted to help the others, with my powers I was sure I could help bridge the gap, but I was taken out by those that didn’t want peace.’

“What were you doing in this place?”

I was trying to regain my powers, after being injured I used my secret arts to enter a meditation state, I was able to hibernate and slowly recover my strength. It seems this world has forgotten about me, I was discovered and humans fled before me. Before I knew it a strange woman arrived, I tried to tell her I meant no harm, she smiled at me and killed me.’

“That’s awful!” Zlash nodded.

Though my death was recent, the monster stripped the flesh from my bones. I don’t know what they were after, but it’s too late for me.’

“You said you wanted to help my father, teach me your secrets and I’ll use your powers well.” Zlash well.

I can see in your eyes you are quite honest, but alas. My soul can not linger long enough to teach you the Blade Dragon Arts’His spirit held little magic. ‘All that remains is in my bones.’

“There is a way, but I won’t do it without your approval. There is a process of creating dragon lacrima, if I take your bones I can have a lacrima made and have it put inside me, I’ll be able to carry your spirit and power with me.” He bowed his head. “I do not wish to disrespect your remains if you disapprove I’ll give you a proper burial.”

Zlash couldn’t help but laugh. ‘My word, you truly are Igneel’s son, he taught you well.’Zlash made a gesture as if wiping a tear from his eye. ‘I’m glad to have met you son of Igneel, my bones are yours use my power as you wish.’ The spirit touched his forehead. ‘I pass to you my knowledge, you’ll have to put it to work.’

Doing this weakened Zlash’s soul. ‘Just do me one favor, if you find the one who killed me, give ‘em hell!’With the knowledge passed on Natsu gathered Zlash’s bones and brought them to Fairy Tail. Makarov got him in touch with the man who made Laxus’s lacrima.

The magical engineer was amazed, he had so much to work with. The processing alone took days, making the lacrima took weeks. It was all worth it though as the Blade Dragon Lacrima was forged. With so much material, the lacrima was truly a work of art.

While waiting Natsu worked on what Zlash gave him. He had a bunch of Blade Dragon lore crammed into his noggin, he now just had to process all of it. In his mind the information weirdly took the form of a book, that he could open and close at will just thinking on it.

The blade dragon devoured swords and could nullify slashing attacks against him. Bladed weapons were a gift from another dragon, but the Art of the Blade that was all Zlash. He could have taught humans so much more. The ability to cut anything and nothing at all. Zlash’s stance was that there was nothing they could not cut, even cutting mental and spiritual concepts. He’d have to figure it out.

When the time came for the procedure, Natsu felt he was ready. This was a bit different, to date, on most records the process of giving a Generation One dragon slayer a dragon lacrima hadn’t been done. The process on Natsu held unforeseen effects.

Secrets that not even Natsu knew about helped make this process far easier than expected. Inside Natsu were two seeds, the dragon seed that embodied his fire dragon slayer magic and another seed. This was a demon seed, both were in a stable condition now, but one day their conflicting natures would have destroyed Natsu from the inside out.

The Blade Dragon Lacrima, severed the demon seed and consumed it, creating a void in Natsu it was able to fill. The dragon cores were able to synchronize with each other, boosting the dragon nature of Natsu. The remnants of the demon seed formed a tether between the dragon seed and the dragon lacrima.

When Natsu awoke, he was met with great power flowing through his veins. He was reborn as the first third generation dragon slayer. One hand burst with flames, while the other became coated in magic, taking the shape of a blade. “Zlash...thank you…” He brought his hands together and formed a flaming sword.

Zlash’s spirit lived on inside of Natsu, finding out another surprising secret.


As the years passed Natsu learned a lot about Blade Magic and was able to fight with both fire style and blade style bringing them together to be an even greater terror. Laxus had also grown, gaining his own little legion of followers. Quite literally in fact; the Thunder Legion, consisting of Evergreen, Freed, and Bickslow. Each of them was a skilled wizard in their own right, not only having their main magic, but mastering a secondary eye magic.

Laxus had even risen to the rank of S-Class Wizard in Fairy Tail, a high position but he saw it as a mere stepping stone. His ambitions hadn’t changed, he still saw power as the only path. Friendship? Love? Such things wouldn’t make the guild great, only by having strong wizards could they be great! On the Sixth S-Class Trial Natsu was selected to enter, his growth and training over the years as well as his quest history had earned him a spot. His epitaph of Salamander remained, but he gained another Flame Sword Dragneel!

Dreyar didn’t agree, he took part in the trial to weed out the weaklings and he believed he was gonna do the same to Natsu. ‘Don’t act so high and mighty small fry, you aren’t ready to reach this stage!’

To be continued...Cutting Strength! Natsu’s Sword Skill and the Fall of the Thunder Dragon!


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