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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Rise of Beast Kings

Natsu and Elfman were having a spar, since the incident with Lisanna, the male Strauss has been pushing himself to get stronger and stronger. His magic power has grown, getting control over his Full-Body Take Over was just the tip of the ice burgh. He had to use that power effectively.

By mastering the power he could defeat other monsters and take their power, and the cycle would repeat. Fight, Take Over, Master, Fight the next monster. His fighting style was hand to hand combat so he took on powerful monsters and beasts to boost his combat ability.

For so long he focused on partial transformations, turning his arm into a beast arm to boost his power. While a good boost in power, it was limiting. Full Body was the main stay of his magic. Natsu believed Elfman could one day get even stronger. “Full Body and Beast Arm?”

Natsu nodded. “I believe the more Full Body Take Overs you master you can one day mix and match. You could call it Full Body Chimera!” Elfman’s eyes sparkled. It was a good idea! By doing full body, he could gain the benefits of that monster soul, and with partial take over he could make up for some of his soul’s weaknesses. If he could find the right mix, he could find a combo that compliments a soul, and bringing out more power.

His first attempt didn’t work at all, full body take over was tough enough. Layering magic on top of magic wasn’t easy, but that was a challenge the muscle head could work with.

So that brought Elfman to working on defeating more and more monsters. He was still choosing power types, which made the Monster King Soul he gained his over all strongest form. In power, defense/durability, and speed, it was an all rounder fighter.

Natsu in kind was training his own dragon control, working on developing techniques to fight with.

Wham! Bam! Crash!

“Not bad Elfman!” Natsu was fighting with his dragon claws out. From a cloud of dust Elfman stepped out. He was currently rocking a form Natsu had only seen in an arm.

Full-Body Take Over: Black Bull!

Elfman stood tall and jacked, looking like a minotaur, the body of a man and a head of a bull. His feet were like hooves, his legs were toned and sturdy; his pants clung to the beefy legs, while the crotch was stretched out from the endowments. He had three bull-like tails thrashing behind him. He had a gold ring in his nose, it matched the gold horns he had.

He snorted. “This one is good for charging and smashing huh?!” Strauss grinned, pounding his fists together.

“Not bad, not bad!” Natsu applauded. “Hit me with your best shot!”

Elfman stomped on the ground, in a charging manner. Natsu cracked his knuckles and readied to take the charge. The Minotaur Soul charged, and Natsu met him head on. The collision caused a burst of fire and magic power. In terms of strength it appeared to be a draw. They were smirking, and the two went at it, trading blows for blows.

Excitement burned hot, but Natsu took the lead. “Fire Dragon Tail!” He manifested his tail and he sweeped Strauss’s legs. He caught the minotaur by the horns and flung him into the woods, he smashed through some trees before landing, horns down into the earth.

“Alright then!” His body glowed. “Full-body Take Over: Ape!” Brown fur covered his body, a thick monkey-like tail grew from him. His Ape form had more bulk to it, his bull face became more ape-like. Elfman ripped a tree out of the ground. “Here I come Natsu!”

He swung the tree like a club. “Fire Dragon...Flame Pillar!” Fire burst up, scorching the tree and turned it to ash. “Nice try!”

Elfman flipped back, he grabbed large rocks with his hands and feet and flung them at Natsu. Dragneel punched two of the rocks with burning claws, and smashed the last two with his tail. Not a bad tactic, the speed and force of the throws, if not blocked the right way the target could get hit by the debris.

Strauss charged at Natsu, running on all fours. Dragneel got into a fighting stance to intercept, only for Elfman to jump, spinning in the air, before diving down with a kick. The dragon slayer caught him, blocking the foot and grabbing his leg.

He gave Elfman a smirk. “Eeeehhhhh!” Natsu took him for a spin. Round and round he went, Strauss getting dizzy. The Take Over Wizard got flung. “The world’s spinning!” He gasped and slammed into the ground. Poof!

Natsu flew over to him and helped him up. “You okay?”

“Yeah…” He wiped his chin. “That was a manly fight!”

“Hehe, it sure was!” They went to the guild for a drink and a meal. He was a long way away from going Take Over Chimera, but every new soul would make him stronger and boost his magic.

Natsu and Elfman were becoming quite the duo. They checked in with Mira. “Hey guys, how was training?”

“Excellent, Elfman’s really getting the hang of Full-Body Take Over.” Elfman blushed and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“I’m so proud of you!” Mirajane gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Mira!” His sister giggled. “I’m gonna get a lot stronger!”

“I know you will.” She set a magic candle on a plate and it ignited.

Natsu ate some fire. “Any news?”

“Well I got a strange tip. Girls have been disappearing from Hargeon. We don’t know if it is connected, but someone by the name of Salamander has been appearing at different locations and every town he visits people have gone missing.”

“Salamander? A dragon?” Natsu crossed his arms.

“Even if it isn’t connected to Lisanna, we gotta stop this guy.” Elfman said.

“And we will, we’ll take this job!”

“It’s yours!” The two packed up.

“Wings of the Fire Dragon!” Natsu sprouted wings, he scooped Elfman up and the two took off. Dragneel didn’t like transportation, it made him sick. With his wings he could fly great distances easily, so it was an issue he felt wasn’t a problem deep down.

They made it to Hargeon easily. This so called Salamander was just a guy. He had girls and guys swooning over him, but he was just a creep using illegal Charm magic. “Not manly at all!” Before they could nab him for questioning, he escaped with Flame Carpet.

“So he’s a fire wizard, let’s bring this clown down.”

Salamander had passed out invitations to his yacht for a fabulous party. “A trap?” Elfman asked.

“Totally a trap!” Natsu said. “We won’t be attending the party, but that doesn’t mean we can’t crash it.” The guys smirked and planned for their attack.

Salamander was really Bora, he was kicked out of his guild for the use of illegal Charm Magic and Love Potions. He turned to human trafficking and gathered a crew of bruisers to serve as his muscle. His goal was to lure people away, even posing as a model scout the sick bastard.

At his party he hexed the drinks knocking out the guests. “We got a nice haul boys, let’s bring them in!” Bora and his men laughed. They were sailing out to sea, thinking they were free and clear, but they wouldn’t be laughing for long.

From the sky Natsu dropped Elfman onto the ship. “Full-Body Take Over: Beast Soul: Iron Golem!” His body grew larger, his muscles became thicker and became covered in metal, he gained a flat iron mask like face. His fingers became square and blockish. His hair became metallic and spikey. He hit the ship like a cannon ball, ripping through the deck.

“What the hell was that?!” Bora screamed. “Get down there!”

His men went below deck. “Beast Soul: Black Bull!” Elfman shifted into his Minotaur form, and began to wreck their day. The “muscle” didn’t know what hit them. They had a rampaging bull on their hands. These guys were human traffickers...Elfman did not hold back.

Their screams reached Bora, and the man began to sweat. Heavy foot steps were heard, and they were getting closer. From the dark doorway, Bora’s men were sent flying out, they were bruised, bloody, and missing a few teeth. “Shit!” He readied an attack. “Let’s see if you burn, Prominence Fire!”

He unleashed flames, but Natsu flew in and caught his fire, slurping them down. “Wow you must be a lousy fire wizard, these flames are so bland.” Bora was sweating bullets.

“What the hell?” A dragon looking man and a minotaur. “Monsters!”

“We aren’t monsters…”

“We are wizards of Fairy Tail!” Elfman finished, and the two flashed their guild marks.

“FAIRY TAIL!” Bora tried to flee, but Natsu gave chase, the aerial battle was like a barrage of fire works from a distance. Elfman took control of the ship and got it going back to shore.

He tried to use his Charm Magic to escape, but such magic had weaknesses. Natsu wasn’t falling for such a loser. Dragneel torched the sorry fire wizard. They were handed over to the local magic knights, and their trafficking ring was   hunted down. The guests came to and were shocked to see “beasts” helping them.

A knight came over to them. “Are you the legendary Beast Kings of Fairy Tail?”

“Beast Kings?” The two shared the same look.

“You’re Natsu Dragneel and Elfman Strauss right?” The knight gushed. “I read about you two in Weekly Sorcerer!”

The two didn’t know it but the world had started seeing their work as a Team effort. Since their transformations were similar and beastly the title began to stick. The Beast Kings of Fairy Tail. Much like with Erza’s epitaph Titania, it was a name they had caused to rise. “What do you think?”

“Let’s make it official!” Elfman and Natsu fist bumped!

To be continued


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