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Black Clover parody: Tier 1


Asta has no magic power that he knows of, he does have a little trick. He can absorb offensive magic thrown against him causing him to transform into a more powerful monstrous beast form. (Like Gen's form from kekkaishi) He's a halfling, half human half werewolf, the magic absorption comes from his mother. He gets a little wild when he transforms, thanks to Yami he learns to harness this form with ki with partial transformations with his hands and feet, and even his dick in the bedroom. Furry Knot Transformation Asta/Harem

Chapter 1

Zoncrobe, a terrifying monster of great power. In the Clover Kingdom it became the name attributed to man that transforms under certain conditions. In other lands the word werewolf was common for these kinds of creatures.

A young woman fell in love with one of these unique beings. Her own power made finding love difficult, but her mate was strong able to be with her for long periods of time. Not that it didn’t take it’s toll on him. He was a good man, and though the humans of the world hated and feared him, that didn’t stop him from lending aid to them.

During a devastating storm he helped save the village, but it cost him his life. Buried alive in a mud slide. The humans could have helped him, but despite saving their lives all they saw was a monster. Only one man had tried to help, but he was too late.

They had a child together, but they had to give him up, for his safety. She left her child at an orphanage run by the same man who had tried to save her mate. Their child was a hybrid, and his future was gonna be interesting.


Asta was raised in the orphanage alongside another boy named Yuno. He didn’t know what he was until one day. Yuno had gone to run an errand for the priest, and while he was out a drunk had spotted him. Normally this wouldn’t mean anything, but Yuno had a fancy necklace, it was left with him and it was his treasure.

The drunk stole the pendant, planning to sell it for more booze money. Yuno tried to get it back, but he was a child, and the drunk was bigger, stronger, and had his grimoire. So even when Yuno tried using magic. “Don’t even try it kid, unless you wanna die!” The man pulled out his grimoire, and Yuno backed down.

“Yuno!” Asta came charging in and attacked the man.

“You little shit!” He punched and kicked Asta, but the white haired youth kept charging at the drunkard. “What the hell is wrong with you!?”

“I’m not done! That belongs to Yuno...give it back…” He growled. Yuno was crying, Asta was getting all beat up, he had a black eye and a tooth knocked out. Despite all the hits he was taking he kept coming back.

“Do you wanna die!” His grimoire glowed.

“Asta!” Yuno cried out.

“I’m not gonna die!” Asta charged at the man, and he fired some fire magic.

In a world full of people who could use magic, Asta seemed like an outcast, seemingly had no magic power. He had one special trick, his mother could absorb magic and life force from those around her, his father was a werewolf, these two forces combined in their hybrid son.

Asta absorbed the man’s magic and he transformed. Black fur spread over his body, his body grew larger, ripping out of his clothes. “Wha...what the hell?” The drunk became pale. Hands turned into claws, his mouth shifted and stretched and became a beastly muzzle. A fluffy tail grew out, and strange markings appeared over his body.  His hair grew wild and long, turning into a mane of white. “M-m-monster!”

Asta was a bit thick he didn’t even realize he had transformed at first, he was just fighting like crazy. The drunk fired fire balls at him, but Asta was able to dodge them easily.

He attacked the drunk, tackling him and slamming him down and taking back the pendant. “This is Yuno’s! Come near us again...and you are dead!” He snarled. The drunk pissed himself in fear.

Asta let him go and returned the pendant to Yuno. “Asta...what happened to you?”

“What do you mean Yuno?” He looked down and saw his now furry body. “GAH! WHAT THE HECK!?” The shock soon faded and Asta began to gush. “Is this my magic, this is so cool!” His tail wagged. “Is this why he called me a monster?”

Yuno was quiet, starring at his friend. He was so cute, looking himself over, marveling all the new features to his body. “Whoa my penis is gone!” It wasn’t he just now had a sheath. His balls had gotten significantly bigger to. Asta didn’t panic he figured out the ins and outs of his sheath quickly enough.

“Are you scared of me?” He asked Yuno. The raven haired boy blushed and shook his head.

“You are still Asta!” He got his pendant back for him, he fought for him, he wasn’t a monster. This was still the same goofy boy he’s grown up with. “You aren’t scary at all!”

Asta smiled. The moment was nice until his body pulsed. “Gah!” Steam emanated from his body and he reverted back to human form. He was still all beat up and now he was naked.

“Oh no!” He got Asta back home and Sister Lily healed him. The hybrid got sick, but this was a bonding experience between the two. Yuno was determined to get stronger, and Asta wanted to figure out how to use this new power.

Over the years the two got closer, Asta was training his body trying to draw out this power again. Yuno had it figured out, Asta transformed again when Sister Lily hit him with a water spell. He seemed to be able to absorb offensive magic and use it to transform into his alternate form.

He was convinced if he trained his body he could hold his form longer. His senses were different, his sense of smell and hearing were sharper than most people, he also could see a bit in the dark. With this new ability in mind, Asta was sure he would get his grimoire some day. Yuno was sure of it too. The two were rivals, aiming to become the Wizard King. Soon they would be the age young men get their grimoires.

Despite sharing similar goals, they were closer than most. Their orphanage wasn’t grand or fancy, so the boys often slept close to each other. Since Asta transformed, he got cuddly.

More often then not, they would go to bed in their spots, but end up under the same blanket. “Sorry Yuno, you just have such a nice and relaxing scent!” Hearing that made the wind wizard’s heart flutter.

Yuno couldn’t deny sharing a blanket with Asta was nice. The hybrid was warm, had a nice manly scent, and his growing muscled form made one feel safe. Yuno felt so safe and happy in his rival’s arms.

Asta clung to him, nuzzling him, spooned him, and when they were older...humping him! Yuno sometimes woke up with Asta’s morning would nudging between his cheeks or between his thighs.

When Asta was having a certain dream, he’d grind and hump against Yuno. The wind wizard was embarrassed about it, especially since it turned him on. He originally tried to ignore it, and tried to distance himself from Asta. It didn’t go well, he ended up coming back and crawling under the covers with Asta to get a good night’s sleep.

The hybrid had no idea what was happening. Not helping was Yuno’s attitude. “It’s nothing!” or “I’m fine!” came from his mouth whenever Asta got the inkling something was up. If Yuno wanted space he got it, if he wanted to be closer Asta’s space was open for him.

Yuno could be dense but he was quicker on the uptake than Asta, so he was able to figure out his feelings for the hybrid. ‘I’m in love with Asta!’ These emotions he could keep in check. He didn’t know how Asta felt.

It was frustrating as he was so loving and touchy feely with Yuno. Especially during the nights of the full moon. When the moon was full Asta was randy. On those nights the wind user proposed they sleep outside, camping under the stars he called it. The hybrid was cool with it, getting back to nature was pretty cool.

Yuno woke up feeling shifting from behind him. “Asta?” He blushed as his pants were pulled down. “Ehh!” A blush bloomed on his face, growing from ear to ear, as his pants were pulled off. “Asta-aaahhh!” He moaned.

Strong hands spread his legs and Asta settled between them. His cheeks were parted and a long tongue brushed his crack. Yuno’s penis twitched. More licks came, his rival’s tongue brushing over his hole. The entrance twitched, parting ever so slightly. “What are you...ohh!”

The wet muscle circled his pucker, before working along the crack again. Wizards had unique bodies, they broke down all food and converted it into magic, the body could expel impurities by simple urination. On rare occasions if someone ate something toxic or not good for their system it did irritate the stomach but such cases were few and far between.

Yuno shivered as the licks got longer. “Asta…” he moaned, putting a hand over his mouth. His body trembled and his cock rose to attention. This little surprise was exciting him. He felt his hot, his heart pounding away in his chest.

Asta’s licking was so loving and tender, slowly getting bolder as the night went on. Yuno looked up at the moon, not sure weather to curse it or thank it. As Asta’s tongue began to press his hole, he was drifting towards the later. The wet muscle was strong, pushing past his virgin entrance and into the untouched soil that lay beyond. “Oh...ahh Asta…” He moaned into his hand.

The tongue penetrated his ass, darting back and forth. It made Yuno’s toes curl. He was getting tongue fucked, Asta wasn’t saying a word, though his mouth was a bit occupied. Yuno’s penis twitched and began to leak. The organ was popping his hole open, before wiggling and stretching his channel. Saliva poured in and it made the raven haired male all the hotter.

He couldn’t help himself, with his free hand he reached down and began to play with his dripping cock. The pre-cum made his shaft nice and slick, he worked his meat pumping faster and faster. The tongue fucking turned into a full eat out.

Yuno’s cool and stoic expression melted away.

His pleasure was growing, twisting up tighter and tighter, into a little knot before it finally...snapped! “Asta!” He cried out as he came, his seed shooting up into the air, landing on his belly and shirt.

Yuno was a mess, his head was fuzzy, his arms and legs felt like jelly, he felt hot and relaxed at the same time. Asta pulled his tongue from his hole, and moved up his body, he licked his penis clean. Then his smooth stomach was bathed, all his cum being lapped up.

After cleaning the mess, the hybrid slumped against Yuno, nuzzling his neck. “Asta?”

“Mmm~” He was asleep!

‘Did he do all that while asleep?’ Yuno blushed. ‘His instincts are insane!’ It was like he was possessed by some kinky ass eating demon. To make matters more interesting, there was a full moon roughly every 36 days. He had no idea he was doing it either.

Between full moons Yuno took Asta’s instincts and used it to deepen their relationship. He introduced Asta to hand jobs. Each new full moon Asta took them to the next level. The next time he ate Yuno out, he didn’t let him touch his dick, Asta tongue fucked him while reaching up to fist his penis.

Things just kept escalating, Yuno sucked Asta’s cock, surprising his rival, but it felt so good the muscle head embraced it. The next full moon Yuno got eaten out and his cock jerked off, but after his climax the hybrid went down on him. “Asta wait...I just came...ohhh~!”

Intercrural sex appeared to be the plateau of their moonlight escapades. Asta never penetrated him while asleep, they’ve frotted before, Asta humping against his crotch. Yuno wanted the D, but if he wanted it he’d have to tell Asta how he felt.

Time was running out, as they’d be getting their grimoires and heading for the magic knight exam soon.

To be continued


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