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Hey guys now that the patreon rewards are all wrapped up, earlier than expected and i got the irl drama done to mixed results. I'll be working on the last 2 backlog projects with time to breathe. 

For now, I am opening up 5 slots on my 10 dollar tier reward. This gets you an update to a Tier 1 Multi Chap story, so if you have an idea of mine you love and want to see explored grab a slot its at a good price.

I have also opened up 3 slots on my 20 dollar tier the Backburner Flippers, this tier can request anything on the backburner, Tier 1 stories and Tier 2 one shots.

As a reminder if the summary for an idea has you on the fence my messenger is always open, and I can adjust kinks and yaoi elements for most stories, and I'm pretty flexible when it comes to the yaoi. I don't list every kink involved in the summary cause I'm flexible with the yaoi, if a patron or commissioner would like a kink to be mixed in depending on the story its usually easy.

Narrative alterations like who's in the harem, or plot changes are best for Tier 6's which may get a tier down the road, I just haven't figured how to do tier 6's with patreon.  Also Tier 6's posted are still off limits except to those who commissioned them unless abandoned by said commissioner, so far only 1 Tier 6 is abandoned and it's a DBZ one.  

Along with the tier updates I have some other ones planned, but need to make sure these tiers are filled up and things are more smooth going forward before I keep adding grander projects.

If you are waiting for Comms, those will also open this month I'll make a post on which tiers will be open. 



Woah! Great news!