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Martin Mystery parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Alpha Behavior

Martin was feeling strange, despite his more buffoonish behavior, he wasn’t stupid. After the werewolf mission something was happening to him, but he just believed he was getting a cold. Nothing in werewolf lore said a scratch from a werewolf could cause a turning. It took a bite, werewolves were not zombies after all.

Antonio had worked his magic on him, and the wound seemingly vanished. His arm was feeling itchy, but otherwise he wasn’t feeling sore. If anything he was feeling...warm…

Martin woke up from a rather strange dream, his dick tenting his boxers. “Mmm...nnhhhnn…” He pulled his cock out. ‘Am I bigger?’ Mystery shook his head, the rod was a bit thicker then yesterday. ‘Must be going through the change Dad was always talking about.’

His dad gave him the talk the typical: parts of you will grow, you’re gonna get hair in funny or odd places, you would start having weird dreams and feel things. Martin thought those days were behind him, but it helped mask the sudden girth and his pubes had grown out.

He started his morning wank, his typical thoughts shifting ever so slightly. The blonde squeezed his hefty girth, working the shaft. “Oh ohh...mmm yeah!” He licked his lips.

The boobs he usually thought of slowly got smaller and smaller, becoming firm and toned. The slender waist became more filled out and muscular. His ideal butt didn’t really change, go figure. As his ideas shifted, and a new image formed in his mind, Martin’s fapping increased. “Oh yeah, oh yeah, so sexy, so hot, so…” Before he realized he was jerking off to the image of a guy he came, and jizzed hard!

His climax rocked him like a hurricane. He used to get a good three to five spurts with decent volume, but today he hit double digits and his cum was heavy, thick, and potent. The orgasm was so intense Martin forgot about what got him off. “Oh wow!” He panted and trembled in delight. ‘Today’s gonna be an awesome day!’ Oh Martin…


After a shower, Martin dressed met up with Antonio to go to class. “You doing okay Martin?”

“I was feeling a little odd this morning, but I’m feeling better now I think!” Martin said, lightly scratching his arm. He stretched. “I think today’s gonna be awe….” He was gonna say awesome, but when he he went to sit down there was tacks in his chair. “YOW!” He sprang up.

Brad, Chip, and Luke laughed. “Martin are you okay?” The blonde whimpered as the tacks were removed. Antonio shot the guys a glare, his hands sparking with energy.

“I...I’m fine!” He took hold of Antonio’s hand. “Haha, you guys got me. I’m sorry about the other day.” Despite Martin’s attempt to laugh off and apologize, the jerks saw his mannerisms that he was mocking them or patronizing them. Essentially they took Martin’s honest attempt to end this nonsense before it gets started as if he was mocking them, looking down on them, that he was so high and mighty. Sad really, things were gonna get worse before they got better.

At the next class Luke got a bucket of water and put it on top of the door. Martin entered and SPLASH! Antonio was about to hex a bitch! Mystery pulled the bucket off his head and saw the guys laughing. “I’m gonna do something!” The glasses wearer said.

“It’s just water right...it’ll dry off…” He shook himself off. Again the guys took Martin’s chill attitude in a negative way, so they planned to up their game. Luke’s girlfriend saw the bucket incident and wasn’t happy.

In art class, Brad stole his girlfriend’s paint and they filled up a balloon with it. “Let’s see this dry off!”

When Martin came in they launched the balloon at him. Pop! Paint exploded all over Martin, covering him in all sorts of colors. “Well, I’ve always said I had a colorful personality.” He laughed.

The teacher came in. “Mr. Mystery what is this?”

“Teacher it was…” Antonio stood up, but Martin cut him off.

“My idea, my art project, becoming the art itself!” He struck some posses. “Do you like it?”

“While I appreciate the passion, you are making a mess, go wash up.”

“Okay…” he left and went to shower and change. Luke’s girlfriend arrived and wasn’t happy to have her paint taken. She even got chewed out by the teacher, as it was her responsibility to stay on top of her supplies. She was pissed.

On the way to his dorm Martin started to feel weird again. He started to get hot, his senses were all distorted. “Ugh...maybe these paint fumes are making me sick.” He got a shower, subconsciously he kept scratching the spot the werewolf had scratched him.

Antonio went to check on him. “Martin...you okay?” He entered his room. He could hear the shower running.

“Yeah...I’m good…” The water was turned off. Antonio tried to ready himself for what came, but Martin surprised him coming out with only a towel...around his shoulders. “Thanks for coming to check on me.”

Antonio’s heart skipped a beat. Martin was looking...steamy…

His skin was flushed, wet, and the confidence he was walking around with his dick hanging out was sexy. ‘So sexy!’ He felt his glasses fog up. His cheeks burned with a blush.

“You are always so good to me Antonio.” Martin approached the sorcerer.

“M-M-M-Martin…” He gulped. ‘What is happening? Why is Martin looking at me like that?’ That kind of loving look he’s only seen in dreams and in BL movies. The way he moved was so controlled, focused...on him.

Antonio backed up, until his back met the wall. Martin put his arms on either side of him. ‘Kabedon...this is a kabedon!’ He blushed, this was something he had seen in anime. His heart was pounding in his chest. Martin was wall pressing him against the wall and he was naked. ‘I’ve had dreams like this, but this can’t be happening.’ Martin was taller/bigger than him, but with him towering on him like this it was more noticeable.

“You know Antonio...I never noticed before...you are really cute…” The glasses wearer gulped.

‘Close...so close...too close…’ Martin had this wild air around him. ‘What’s gotten into him?’ The taller blonde was inching closer to him. Sure Martin wasn’t exactly shy, but this was something else. His eyes roamed over Martin’s body, noticing his sudden girth, but didn’t linger.

Just when it looked like Martin was gonna kiss Antonio, his stomach growled. His head fell forward and rested on Antonio’s shoulder. “Hungry…” The sorcerer couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘I must be crazy...this is still Martin.’ He patted his friend’s back. “Let’s get some lunch. Let’s eat in the school yard, those guys will be in the cafeteria.”

“Sounds good.”

“Umm Martin...pants…” The agent jumped and began to ran around the room putting clothes on. It gave Antonio time to calm his heart.

They went for lunch, Martin loaded up on a lot of proteins, and ate in the school yard. “Sup Marty?”

“Hmm?” Martin looked over and saw a strange young man. “Do I know you?”

“Hehe!” The boy transformed into an alien form, before shifting back. “Recognize me now!”

“Billy!” The two did their hand shake. “Nice human form!” He purred, earning a blush from Billy and a raised eyebrow from Antonio.

“Thanks, MOM helped me with the formula. I wanted the chance to experience human life on Earth.” MOM already set him up with ID and paperwork, he’d be crashing with Java. “I was really hoping to go to school with you Marty!” He said twiddling his fingers in a cute way.

“I think it’s great, it’ll be nice having my buddy around.” Martin hugged Billy. “It’d be awesome to get to know each other more, and hang out together!” Billy smiled and felt his hearts flutter. Yes hearts, he has two.

They had lunch together, and Martin once again was acting weird. He was chowing down like he was starving. “Your timing is impeccable, Martin’s got bully problems.”

“They aren’t bullies, they are just some guys I accidentally ticked off.” He said with a shrug. “I asked out their girlfriends, it’s not like I knew they were dating, their online profiles said they were single.”

“Ohh is this “alpha male behavior”. From my studies I’ve read human men tend to fight over females, sometimes to the death!”

“No one is killing anyone, the guys are pissed and letting off some steam, it’ll blow over.” Martin hand waved it. Billy thought Martin was so cool. “I’d be annoyed to if someone was hitting on my mate!”

“Mate?” Antonio asked.

“You know what I mean!” Martin laughed.

“They blowing that steam off on you, I just don’t want you getting burned!” Antonio said. “I think they deserve a good hexing!”

“Well I’m a believer in karma, do good things and good things come back to you, do bad things and bad things come around. The universe will sort this all out.” He patted Antonio’s shoulder. “I think it’s cute you are so protective of me!”

Antonio sputtered and blushed. “And what happens if someone gets hurt in the cross fire.”

“If they wanna mess with me I don’t care, but if they do anything to you guys…” He crushed his burger in his hand. “No mercy!” He growled. Antonio and Billy were shocked by the rise in aggression. Martin licked the mess off his hand. He got up to grab more burgers.

“Does Martin seem different to you?” Billy asked.

“A little...hey Billy any word on that werewolf we fought?”

“It’s been on the move, but it’s been hard to track, why?”

“Nothing...just got this weird feeling…” He hoped he was wrong.


Later that Night…

Brad had a date, but his girlfriend wasn’t having it. “Come on babe, I thought we were going out?”

“We were, that is until you stole my paints to prank some guy.”

“Oh come on, he deserved it, he was totally flirting with you!”

“Yeah...yesterday, and he stopped when he found out I had a boyfriend.” She had him in two other classes and Martin didn’t say a word to her.

“Please let me make it up to you.” He wanted to take her out on a romantic evening.

“Oh you will.” She handed him a bill for her paint. “What you guys are doing is really childish, you might be model hot, but I want to date a man, not a boy.” She pushed him out of her room. “I expect my supplies to be replaced or I’m going to the principal.” She slammed the door in his face.

He pounded on the door. “Babe please!”

“We are over Brad!” She snapped.

Brad was pissed and frustrated. ‘This is all Mystery’s fault!’ So much for his romantic night, now he was stuck spending money to replace the art supplies and the only loving he was getting tonight was from his own left hand. ‘Just wait till I get my hands on him!’

He got the supplies and was heading back to the dorms when something made a noise. “Who’s there?!” Brad whipped around. He didn’t see anything, but something saw him. Red eyes focused, peering through the night like it was day. It stalked him, following his every move. “Mystery if this is you trying to get back at me, bring it!”

No response.

“Man I must be going crazy.” He turned around and bumped into something. A werewolf appeared before him. “Aaahhh!” Brad dropped the art supplies as he was grabbed and bit. He was dragged away into the night.

To be continued...Weird Changes

Brad has gone missing, Martin is feeling new feelings and going through some weird changes. Chip and Luke think Mystery did it, but that’s not stopping them from enacting their childish revenge. Not realizing they are poking a beast.


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