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Inuyasha parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 9 

Chapter 10 Rumors

Kouga’s annoyance with Inuyasha spiked. His jealousy pushed him deeper under Souta’s control. He worked out harder and trained harder, his head filling with more fluff. Ginta and Hakkaku didn’t notice the anger towards Inuyasha as strange, in fact it felt like a return to normalcy. The wolf demon was often bitching about the hanyo.

The two were like cats and dogs, ironic given one was a wolf. Both men came from well to do families, though Inuyasha’s family has faced some scandals. It’s why Kouga’s family was so strict about keeping his image in tact. A playboy wasn’t a problem so long as he kept his little swimmers in check. What happened behind closed doors stayed in closed doors.

For the wolf demon he’d never act so “slutty” as Inuyasha, happily servicing men in the public showers for all to see. Even if a part of him was finding that increasingly enticing.

Kouga and Inuyasha had this weird rivalry, it was hard to say how it all started. If you had asked them months ago, they’d each say it was the other’s fault. “He started it!” Since then, they competed in athletics, academics, and amore! Their not so subtle dick measuring contest had caused problems for Kagome, and now they were paying the price.

After Inuyasha got turned, Kouga thought he had won, but now the script was flipped and he felt like he was losing. He felt Inuyasha had surpassed him somehow. He was so focused on training to be a good boy, he didn’t notice the rumors circulating.

A little puppy had spread the word about a certain stall, in a certain secluded bathroom on the top floor, and that something special happened at lunch time.

Kouga would find a little surprise when he went for his training. The stall he had been using now had a hole in it, connecting to the next stall over. ‘I’ve heard of this kind of thing, isn’t this...a glory hole…?’

‘Who put this here?’ He thought, he couldn’t remember one being there before.

Don’t think just feel!’ Kouga couldn’t think of the implications as his head filled with fluff.

He got to work, training his nipples and ass for his master. It was quite the show, the wolf stud on campus bouncing up and down on a colorful dildo while pinching his swollen nipples, his big dick bouncing around and slapping his abs. The wolf demon’s pride and joy was now just flopping in the wind, a decoration and tool to expel his seed. His enlarged balls were swinging from the momentum of his slutty bounces.

His sexy tan body was flushed and sweating, his strong legs bracing him as he rode the dildo. His ass clenched around the toy, learning how to take a real cock someday. He watched his man meat bounce and sway, feeling his hunger rise. ‘Cock...I wanna suck cock!’ He licked his lips.

Just as the wolf demon was about to blow his load, the door to the bathroom opened. “Hello?” Kouga froze.

‘Oh shit!’ His ass tightened around the dildo. He was pulled back from the edge of orgasm, but the danger of being caught in such a lewd position stroked his libido on another level.

Jakotsu made his way to the second stall. ‘Inu-chan told me about this but it can’t be true can it?’ He entered the stall and blushed at the sight of the glory hole. ‘Oh wow!’

Sure, he’s been enjoying Inuyasha’s sudden enjoyment for sucking and working dick in the showers. There was just something exciting about a glory hole. He undid his pants, and pulled out his semi hard penis.

When his penis slipped through the hole, Jakotsu heard a moan from the other side. ‘Cock...cock...cock…’ Kouga licked his lips. Right in his face, was a tastly looking treat. ‘I want to suck cock!’

Don’t think just obey!’ The wolf demon drooled, he moved forward and started licking his shaft.

“Ohhh!” Jakotsu moaned.

The wolf demon shuddered in delight, his anal walls gripping the toy like a vice. He worked his length, lapping and taking in the musk. ‘I’m a good boy, I love cock, such a tasty cock!’ Kouga admired the rod and realized it looked familiar.

Inuyasha had played with this cock in the locker room. ‘Who was it?’

Don’t think just feel!’ The owner didn’t matter, the penis mattered. He kissed along his shaft to the tip, his tongue swirling and swiping the glans. He put his experience on his own dick towards Jakotsu, giving his mystery guest loads of pleasure.

“You really love cock don’t you!” Jakotsu moaned, he braced himself against the wall as the mystery man licked and worshiped his rod. ‘Inu-chan wasn’t kidding, hot damn!’

‘Yes!’ Kouga answered by wrapping his lips around the head. He started sucking, and he gave the piss slit a tongue lashing. His own cock twitched between his legs, dribbling as he tasted another man’s essence.

He put his brainwashed experience to work, taking the penis into his mouth. “Mmm!” He was enjoying the feeling of dick between his lips, another flavor of manhood tickled his taste buds. Pre-cum washed down his throat.

“Oh yes, suck my cock baby!” Jakotsu moaned. “You suck such good cock baby!”

The praise activated one of Kouga’s triggers. ‘I’m a good boy!’ He blushed and moaned, doubling his efforts on Jakotsu’s cock. His tail wagged like crazy. ‘I’m a good boy, praise me more!’

Kouga hollowed his cheeks, slurping and sucking him, his tongue working the underside. Inch after glorious inch was sucked down, Kouga relaxing his throat to swallow his customer’s rod. He breathed through his nose, getting another hit of manly musk.

His brain sparked. ‘Don’t think just remember!’ He remembered Inuyasha sucking this cock, and his competitive pride was flipped like a switch. The wolf demon braced himself against the wall and started going to town on Jakotsu.

“Ohh fuck!” The crossdresser threw his head back and moaned. Kouga was going down on him like he was starved for cock. “Oh wow, oh wow!”

The wolf demon wanted to prove he was a better cock sucker. In his mind he imagined this was master’s cock, and he was competing against the hanyo. ‘Lick cock, love cock, suck cock, worship cock!’ While his mouth enjoyed the tasty treat, his ass continued to flex around the rod. ‘Swallow cock, crave cock, serve cock!’

A mantra roamed through his head, on each word of cock Kouga was rocked with pleasure. Jakotsu was enjoying the blow job yes, but Kouga was LOVING sucking on his penis. His moans and growls channeling through his rod, earning more moans from his guest. Mentally and physically, layers upon layers, Kouga was inching his way into sub space.

Jakotsu guessed this guy was a demon, he wasn’t complaining, just something of note. “You want my cum baby, here it comes!” Jakotsu’s climax rocks him, his balls lurch, and hot cum floods Kouga’s mouth.


The wolf demon felt pure bliss, and he experienced a dry orgasm. His cock twitching in climax, but nothing came out. He drank every drop, eyes rolling up, and his tail puffing out from the experience.

Both men basked in the after math of their releases. Jakotsu pulled back, his spent human cock leaving Kouga’s lips. The wolf demon whined at the loss. “Damn, that was one hell of a blow job. I think I’ll swing by now and then.” Jakotsu fixed himself up and left.

Kouga was left in a daze, when he heard Jakotsu leave he fell back into a trance and got back to his training. He licked his lips, tasting the lingering flavor of his guest’s penis. That helped fuel his libido. ‘When did this glory hole get put in here?’

Don’t think just feel!’

‘He’s coming back again, am I just gonna suck some random guy’s dick?’

Don’t think just obey!’

‘Fuck yes!’

Good boy!’ He felt his master would be proud, that deserved a proper reward. Kouga rode the toy, fisting his cock, working his rod so hard his balls were bouncing. His orgasm hit and his semen was flushed.

‘Such a waste!’ This set him off, he sucked his cock while playing with his nipples. He was gonna fill his belly with even more seed. Once again he was late for class, so that landed him in detention. ‘Damn it!’ He’d have to deal with that later. At least this time he remembered to take the toy out of his ass before going back to class.

He was in and out until gym. Jakotsu’s taste lingered, triggering the anal hunger. He wanted to be bred, to have his master take him and cum inside him. The sensation was maddening. He planned to hit the weight room again today to burn off his frustrations.

Much to Kouga’s annoyance Inuyasha was in the weight room. The hanyo played it cool, just focusing on lifting his own weights. ‘Who does this mutt think he is?’ He growled.

Kouga grabbed some bigger weights. ‘I’m bigger than him, I’m thicker than him, I’m stronger than him?’ He kept stealing glances at Inuyasha. ‘Stupid mutt, with his fuzzy ears, smug face, all his muscles, his fat ass, his bulge…’ Things got fuzzy.

Ginta noticed while spotting Hakkaku. “Do you think Kouga’s checking Inuyasha out?” He would almost swear Kouga was eyeing the hanyo’s package.

“What?” The wolf demon gasped. He nearly dropped the bar, but Ginta had him. Hakkaku looked over and saw Kouga stealing glances at him. “Nah, he’s just being competitive.”

“Inuyasha’s been acting weird lately too.” They had seen the live sex show going on in the showers, while exciting they never approached Inuyasha without Kouga’s permission. It was one hell of a temptation.

“What are you talking about Ginta?” Hakkaku shook his head. “You and your hunches?”

“Maybe, maybe it’s just a change in seasons.” He palmed himself. He hadn’t gotten off in awhile. “Maybe, I’m just thinking weird thoughts.”


In the showers, Inuyasha was having his fun, giving the guys a hand and a mouth. Kouga growled. ‘Look at that mutt, enjoying all that cock!’ He spotted the plug in his ass. ‘It’s not fair!’

The wolf demon washed himself. The moans were effecting him, he kept stealing glances feeling competitive with Inuyasha for the first time in days. ‘Those cocks should be mine!’ He noticed Jakotsu wasn’t playing with Inuyasha today.

Don’t think just remember!’ His mind clicked and realized it had to be Jakotsu he sucked through the glory hole. The idea that he could use that space to compete with the hanyo added a new layer in his mind. To compete with Inuyasha for dick felt normal, natural, fun even!

Kouga was sinking farther, his defenses blissfully crumbling. In detention Kouga listened to the mp3 player, he couldn’t stop. Each time he listened to it, he felt as if he was peeling back the layers of a good song, finding deeper messages. He forgot what this mp3 player was originally for and who gave it to him, but he couldn’t get rid of it.

His head was filled with frustrated thoughts about Inuyasha, but as he listened to the tracks those thoughts turned to fluff. ‘There’s no need for jealousy, I’m a good boy. I just need to train for master, I’m a good boy.’ Detention served as a breeding ground for new ideas.

He’d be hitting the gym after school, but now he had to sit and wait. This was punishment, he had been a bad boy. Bad boys took their punishments. So even as he hungered for cock, even as he wished to train, even if he had no outlet for his libido that was his cross to bare. ‘I was bad master, but I can do better, I’ll do better I promise master!’ He would swear he could hear his master’s voice.

Be a good boy for master, remember for master, listen for master, obey master…’The mp3 was removed from his ears and Kouga whined at the loss.

“Detention is over, everyone has left for the night, you may leave now.”

“Y-yes sir!” Kouga didn’t move, he was pitching such a tent right now. “I just need a few minutes.”

“Sigh, very well, but I’m leaving. Make sure you take your stuff home with you, the doors have automatic locks.” The teacher headed towards the door. “Do not dawdle and no funny business if anything comes up damaged or stolen I’ll report you to the principle!”

“I’ll be good I swear!” Kouga said. “I just...my legs are asleep…” The teacher just sighed and left.

Clubs were done for the day, the teachers had gone home, the janitorial staff wouldn’t be here for hours. ‘Don’t think just obey!’ Kouga was feeling an itch to burn some stress.

The gym was locked but there was another way. ‘Don’t think just remember.’ How he felt when he streaked from the bathroom. He could do that here, no one was around! Kouga left the room and right in the hall way stripped naked.

‘This is crazy!’ He thought as each article was removed.

Don’t think just feel!’ As he got naked he felt his mind grow fuzzy and a feeling of freedom grip his soul. His inner beast was drawn out and it was time to play. He walked his muscular ass into the center of the hallway and he began to run!

The wolf demon ran and ran, hard on bouncing in the air. He felt a breeze between his knees and it was so liberating. Kouga went from floor to floor, traveling the hallways like it was a game. It might as well have been, he was having so much fun.

His earlier fears of being caught streaking couldn’t penetrate his fluff. ‘Nothing can ruin this!’

“Sup Kouga!” The dark haired demon skid to a halt. Inuyasha had come out of nowhere and was leaning against the lockers like it was no big deal.

“Inuyasha!” He gasped.

“Nice boner wolf boy, get excited?” Kouga looked down and blushed. “I never realized you were such a pervert.”

Kouga growled. “Says the guy with a butt plug up his ass!”

Inuyasha clapped. “Jealous?”

“Yes!” Kouga confessed and slapped a hand over his mouth.

“Don’t worry Kouga, I was never here, in fact you never even saw me.”

“What are you…” Inuyasha raised his hand.

“Give me paw!” Kouga gave the hanyo his hand and everything went black. When he came to he was dressed.

“Oh man, I’m late!” He headed home on auto-pilot, the mp3 player guiding him.


After completing his morning routine, Kouga went to the sex shop again and purchased some special toys. He carried the bag of erotic goods to school and walked to the same spot he had ran into Inuyasha the day before. The hanyo was chilling in front of his locker. “Sup Kouga!”

Without a word the wolf demon handed over the bag of goodies. “Good boy!” Inuyasha said, and Kouga rocked in a dry orgasm. He was riding his high, he didn’t notice the hanyo leave and someone else show up.

“Kouga you okay?” It was Ginta.

“I’m fine!” He snapped.

“You don’t look fine, you are all flushed.”

“I said I’m fine!” He hissed.

“Did I see Inuyasha earlier, were you two talking?” Kouga huffed and crossed his arms.

“As if I’d talk to him about anything.” Ginta frowned.

“Sorry Kouga, my mistake.” Kouga swung an arm around him.

“Ginta my friend, you are too tense. You need to cut loose. Have you heard this rumor…”


Inuyasha gave Souta a call. “Master, get ready, I believe the wolf will be ready by the weekend for stage 3.”

“He bought the supplies?”

“Indeed, and he’s started checking me out.”

“Good boy puppy!” Inuyasha moaned softly, rocking in his own dry orgasm. “Keep an eye on him puppy, if the final test passes it’ll be time for stage 3 and I’ll meet this big bad wolf myself.”

“Yes master!” Inuyasha drooled. They now had so many new toys to try out.

To be continued...Hole in the Wall

Kouga thinks he’s competing with Inuyasha, so begins to help spread the rumor. He’s got more guests coming to the glory hole, he finds he can train and take care of his guests at the same time. Now he finds himself reporting to Inuyasha, not that he remembers. What’s in store for the muscle head wolf in stage 3?


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