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Ranma 1/2 parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 The Trial of Genma Saotome

Genma was sweating bullets, he was naked and cuffed, thrown into a cell. Because he was untrustworthy he wasn’t allowed to be given clothes. The untrustful could use anything to their advantage, so they were left bare and exposed. ‘Ranma...you gotta help me...what is that boy doing?’


Ranma was kissing Ryoga, feeling the lost boy up. Hibiki clung to the cursed boy, feeling years of confusion, doubt, frustration melt away. Saotome’s strong hands felt him up through his clothes. Never had clothing felt more unbearable, he bucked, craving skin on skin contact.

The pig-tailed boy got the hint, breaking the kiss. “Let’s get you out of these clothes!” Ryoga nodded dumbly. His yellow top was pulled off, exposing his toned upper body; strong shoulders, firm percs, rock hard abs, and jacked arms. Ranma pulled him back in for a kiss, and the skinship made this more intimate.

Ryoga’s nipples stiffened from arousal. ‘Ranma!’ His eyes fluttered, the kiss deepened and Saotome’s tongue brushed his lips. Hibiki gasped, his blush spreading from ear to ear. He thought Ranma was a great kisser, but his friend/rival was just following his instincts.

Ranma was good at adapting, he took Hibiki’s responses and reacted accordingly. He coaxed the lost boy’s tongue into playing with his, and so the duel began. Ryoga may no jack about kissing, but he could be competitive. The clash of tongues made the kiss even spicier.

While they made up for lost time, Mouse was currently in his own little world. Ranma’s cock tail, was working his mouth, thrusting in and down his throat. “Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!” His throat spasming around the tail.

Fireworks went off in Mouse’s brain. It was so hard to think, his tastebuds were bursting with strange but tantalizing flavor. His nose was being tickled by the smell musk, it awakened something new but wonderful inside him. He could feel a warmth spreading through him as he drank pre-cum. ‘Oh...fuck...’

The male amazon was feeling things, as a warrior he started going by instinct. As a blush bloomed on his cheeks, he started getting into it. He lapped at the tip, and began to suck on the phallic appendage. His eyes grew half lidded, his slurps grew loud and lewd.

Any little voice that would protest and object to any of this was smothered by foreign sensations, raw desire, and lustful passion. Without any second thoughts he just enjoyed himself. He was enjoying sucking and licking the phallic appendage. ‘Yes...fuck yes!’ The tail fucked his mouth, pulling out briefly and Mouse followed it with his tongue.

He got hot under the collar, his body starting to sweat. His dick tenting his pants. Mouse moaned around the tail. It was a good thing the appendage had a mind of it’s own, Ranma was focused on Ryoga.

His hands slipped down Hibiki’s pants and cupped his bodacious booty. Ryoga had a fine ass, pert and toned, all his running and traveling gave him fine hips, legs, and butt! Ranma fondled those cheeks, and devoured the moans he got out of him. Saotome knew one thing, Ryoga was gonna be tight, they were both martial artists, their trained bodies were gonna make the inner walls extra firm. It made his cock pulse in want.

That wasn’t the only thing Ranma was interested in, the bulge Ryoga was grinding on him was nice and thick. It had his gaping hole throbbing in need, Hibiki’s rod would feed his hungry hole nice~! The kiss broke again, Ranma moved down to kiss his neck, while his hands worked to move down his pants and boxers.

Ryoga sighed, head rolling back and giving Ranma more access to his strong neck. Saotome nipped and licked him. “Ugh~!” His hard on was tugged down before snapping up. Hibiki stepped out of his pants and boxers, he was now fully naked, unless you counted his bandanna.

“Damn Ryoga, you got a real nice piece here!” Ryoga shivered at the praise. He was rocking a fat 9 incher, his nuts were huge, and he had a thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch. Ranma caressed his length, Hibiki bucked into his hand.

“Fuck Ranma!” He moaned. It felt so different having another man touch his penis. Ranma’s hands felt so different, but so good! His cock was pumped a bit.

“We will, but this is new, we need to take it slow.” He said, giving Ryoga’s rod a squeeze with each word. His thumb brushed his head, smearing pre-cum all over the tip.

Hibiki gulped. The promise of sex was sending his mind racing. “Yeah…” He began to drool.

“You really are a full package aren’t you, you’re cute, you’re hot, you got a nice ass I’d love to plow!” He playfully swatted Ryoga’s butt making his cheek giggle, and the lost boy moan. “A nice big cock I’d love to ride, it’s so big and looks so tasty!” Ranma purred into his ear.

“Ohh fuck!” He couldn’t believe Ranma would bottom at first, but then memories kicked in. Saotome did say he had learned a lot about himself. The pig tailed boy was bigger than him, but that didn’t matter, Ranma wanted all of him. The praise was turning him on to boot.

“You are strong, tough, and you never give up. You are smart when you put your mind to it, you are really great!” Ryoga teared up.

‘How could I have held a grudge against you?’ God held up a sign: Because you were young and stupid!

Looking back on everything without the anger and confusion clouding things Ranma really was there for him. The feelings for Ranma were blooming, mixing with the lust he had for the “boy in the shed with the cock tail” it all meshed.

Saotome brushed his tears away and kissed him again, pulling him close, and bringing their hard dicks together. “You...fuck...I missed you...I am stupid...you helped me so much fuck…”

“We both are kinda dumb, but together we can support each other and grow.” Ranma kissed him again, Ryoga got bolder and began feeling up Saotome’s muscular body. Hibiki’s ass was cupped, and the pig tailed boy began to hump against him, their hard cocks grinding together.

While the friends/rivals turned lovers were having a moment, Mouse was coming undone. The heat surging through him made his clothes feel uncomfortable. Clothes were shaken off, the amazon getting naked as he suckled on the cock tail.

Mouse was no slouch in the muscle department, given his training as a warrior. He was a bit more slender, like a bird, but he was toned. The near sighted fighter ditched his clothes, and began to play with his 7 inch cock. His penis may have been smaller than Ranma or Ryoga’s but his dick stood out as it held an elegant curve to it. The man’s crotch was clean shaven, it was kinda cute, and it highlighted his curved length.

Lost in lust, Mouse began to pump his shaft, and play with one of his perky nipples. ‘Yes...so hot...so good…’

Ranma was feeling it, Mouse’s moans, licks, and sucks; the friction between his and Ryoga’s cock and balls. He groped Ryoga’s butt and used it as leverage to get that friction on. His balls clapped against Ryoga’s adding an extra burst of pleasure between them.

Climaxes hit home, one after the other, Ryoga’s big balls unleashed his heavy load. Hot cum splashing between their abs and pecs. Ranma came second, his massive nuts was split between his cock and tail, the orgasm adding to the mess between their hard bodies and cumming into Mouse’s mouth.

The amazon was overwhelmed by the man milk, he came all over himself as he chugged the heavy seed. The three of them basked in the after glow, Ranma and Ryoga, panted and rested their foreheads together. The moment was really warm and tender, even Mouse was basking in the after glow.

“Sirs!” The boys tensed. They look over and the guide is chilling with a bag of popcorn. “Would you like to take bath, I can take you there?”

“A bath sounds nice…” Ryoga said.

“Well, I just came from a bath, but I’m all dirty again so why not?” Ranma shrugged.

Mouse sat up and said nothing, he put his glasses back on. When the guide led them to the bathes, Mouse followed quietly. The boys cleaned up, Ryoga washing Ranma’s back, the cock tail curling around Hibiki’s leg. Mouse was quiet, simply washing his back with a towel.


Genma saw the setting sun. “Ranma...where are you?” The amazons arrived, they were carrying all sorts of weapons, some with swords, some with spears, one had an axe, and another had a large mace.

“Your trial begins soon, take him to the tribute site.” Cologne said, and Genma was led out of his cell. He had to take the walk of shame, where amazons were allowed to pelt Genma with rotten fruit.

“Isn’t this a bit much?” He was hit in the face with a rotten tomato.

“You are a dirty thief on the inside, this walk of shame, shall make your outsides match your insides.” Cologne explained. “You shall appear before the amazon elders, with your truth for all to see!”

‘Ranma…’ Genma was continued to be pelted with rotten fruits and veggies.


Ranma and Ryoga were cuddled up in the bath. Mouse was there, but a few feet away, glasses fogged up and he kept stealing glances at the two. The open air bath allowed them to watch the sky change colors as day turned to night. It was quite romantic.


Genma was brought to the courts where Cologne joined the other amazon elders. Perfume, Cologne’s brother; Gel, Spritz, and Saop. These five elders were skilled amazon warriors, each of them hundreds of years old, Perfume being the youngest. Spritz and Perfume were the only males on the council. Saop was the oldest at 500 years old, her ki was legendary able to keep her body strong and she stood as the oldest amazon in the world.

Genma was put into stocks and forced to stand trial for his crimes. There were no lawyers, the amazons believed that one should speak on your own behalf, let the truth and the law win out. The court record keeper explained all this in Chinese, but since Genma didn’t speak the language it fell on deaf ears.

“Speak!” Saop said.

The elder Saotome had a chance to plead his case, though he was unaware of how the trial worked. He was guilty as sin, Cologne had caught him red handed. However, he wasn’t able to get away with any of the scrolls, so his punishment could be lighter if he simply owned up to what he did and told the truth. Instead...Genma was Genma…

He started with a sob story, and threw in a lie claiming he thought the building was a library and was only going to borrow the scrolls to help his poor cursed son. Cologne had heard all this. “So far this cursed child has not been located, we have amazons looking for him.”

“He’s real I swear!”

“Be that as it may!” Perfume said. “A problem does not give right to stealing. You could have come to us and asked for help to cure his cursed child.”

Genma began to try and lie, and say he’s a foreigner he didn’t know he was stealing. Gel stood up. “Thief is thief, you take without ask, scoundrel!” Genma continued to dig his own grave, lying in amazon court was gonna bring more punishment.

Spritz allowed questioning of Genma’s cursed child. It started off simple what was the son’s name, description, his likes and dislikes. Genma managed to pull some honesty out of his ass for that. “What curse does he have?” The honesty train got derailed.

Genma in his mind couldn’t say what the curse is, without incriminating himself in bringing his son to the forbidden grounds.

Cologne had enough, she stated her testimony of what happened and even proved it by turning Genma into a panda with a splash of cold water. This was a problem, as the man now panda grew larger and broke the stocks. He ran!

“Seize him!” Guards came in and Genma was quickly restrained. Cologne was in fact not stupid, she knew the change would break the stocks. By running Genma showed he had no honor, he was a coward, he was a liar, he was scum.

‘Ranma where are you!?’


Ranma and Ryoga were currently side by side, jerking each other off. Hibiki getting his hands on Ranma’s penis and cock tail, his left hand working the long cock, while the right worked the phallic appendage. Saotome was loving the attention, and was working Ryoga in kind, pumping him so fast his fat nuts were bouncing.

Mouse was observing from afar, playing with his own cock to the show.

“Mouse, what you doing?” Mouse froze dead in his tracks, his head turning to see Shampoo.

“Sh-sh-sh-sh-shampoo!” He stuttered.

“You supposed to be looking for son, not doing naughty things in bushes.” Mouse tried to hide the fact of who he was watching. “Who you peep on?”

“N-n-n-n-no one!” He chuckled nervously.

Shampoo quickly knocked him out and stepped over him. “Ayah!!!” She screamed seeing Ranma’s cock tail.

To be continued...Arranged Marriage or Death?!



This was lovely, and I do appreciate Ranma didn't rush headlong into the full gamut of sex, allowing time for Ryoga to better adjust to the new level of intimacy.