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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Gas Dragon

Natsu is raised by the Gas dragon Caeser, he's given a twisted insight into humans and what they'll do to indulge in certain desires. He becomes a Gas Dragon Slayer, with a touch of fire magic thanks to his brother. Unlike Wendy he's more of a hexer than an enchanter, with his vast array of different gases he can make even the toughest wizards a mess. His favorite is one his father used, a special gas that made humans, hot, horny, and high, hungry for attention and obedient. Brainwashing Body Modification Chubs Muscle Growth Size Manipulation

Chapter 1

Zeref had managed to bring his brother back as a demon. He was able to draw back his soul from beyond, and place him in a fire demon body. Their father was a fire practitioner, and Natsu took after him so he felt it was fitting. They had lost everything when Acnologia attacked, coming to their village and like a force of nature destroyed everything.

His efforts came with a price, a deadly curse placed on him. Since he crossed the veil of life and death, the more he loved and cared for life, the more he would take life away. He tried to seclude himself while looking over Natsu’s body but the Dark Dragon was still out there.

Just as one dragon brought them pain and suffering, another dragon brought them sanctuary and protection. The Gas Dragon Caeser. He was a dragon who loved humans, and not as a snack. Caeser worked with humans, creating a den of desire. “So many dragons look down on humans these days, but the old ways of dragons has led many to ruin.” Caeser had a deeper understanding of humans, he knew their wants, their desires, and what they’d do to obtain it.

So he weirdly respected Zeref’s attempts to save his brother. Acnologia was no friend of his, but many dragons looked down upon Caeser. There were dragons of Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, and Darkness, so the dragon who reigned dominion over Gas wasn’t seen as high on the pecking order. They didn’t understand the true power he possessed.

Zeref recognized his abilities and left his brother in Caeser’s care. Natsu learned a lot from the Gas Dragon, he was known as a hexer compared to an enchanter. His magical gases could effect the human body and change them. With how they effected the body and for a long time, the effects became permanent. Natsu was trained to be a dragon slayer and was taught Gas Magic.

As a fire demon he could use fire magic, which complimented his gas magic. Caeser was quite the genius when it came to magic, gas wasn’t some joke, the different kinds of formulas one could make with it was truly impressive. Combination magic, the mixing of two or more magical formula to create an even more powerful spell. Even Zeref was impressed by Caeser’s formula manipulation.

In the current era learning one magic was hard enough, many strove to gain access to all sorts of magic. The current state of human evolution wasn’t ready for that. Caeser’s formulas unlocked human potential. Although the people under his domain seemed odd, they were all strong their potential ahead of their time.

One day humans could hold all sorts of magic inside them, trying to gain more and more power. The smarter the human the more they would seek out powers to match their own core power. Mixing magic could be like mixing chemicals, get the wrong mix and get a destructive result, get the right mix and you could have something truly amazing. Then again you could have a mix that has nothing happen at all.

Caeser carried Natsu’s education, making him a dragon slayer was a simple enchantment. He perfected the formula so the demon seed and dragon seed would not conflict with each other. “The body your brother gave you is truly fascinating, but with the right modifications you can be ready for your true potential.” The process was done while Natsu slept, he was none the wiser.


Caeser brought Natsu to a gathering of dragons a few times, the dragons brought their charges. Children who lost their homes to Acnologia and were taken in, many of them had already gone through the dragon enchantment process and received their dragon seeds.

Natsu and a boy named Gajeel butted heads often. Which was ironic as their dragons held no animosity. Caeser and Grandeeny didn’t care for each other much. The Gas and Sky dragons were natural rivals, almost like fire and ice.

Grandeeny was a healer and enchanter, whiled Caeser was a poisoner and hexer. They looked similar, while Grandeeny was pure white and had blue eyes, Caeser was green and had purple eyes. Oxygen was also a gas, so the two could devour the air for power.

While the dragons talked the kids would hang out and play together. Acnologia was getting out of control, he was killing dragons and people alike. “We are running out of options, we should speak to Selene and get her help in stopping him.” Weisslogia suggested.

“Not a chance in hell, I’d rather die fighting then turn to that beast for help!” Igneel growled. Metalicana agreed, Selene was far too dangerous to be trusted. In many ways she was worse than Acnologia.

“Owing her a favor would not be beneficial.” Caeser said. “That’s assuming she’d even help us and not Acnologia.”

“There is enough of us to mount a strike against him.” Skiadrum said.

“We would need a plan!” Caeser said.

“I won’t go into battle with you!” Grandeeney said

“Excuse me?” The green dragon growled.

“You do not fight well with others poisoner!” She snapped back.

“Grandeeney, Caeser, please!” Igneel grumbled.

“If we bring him onto the battlefield he will poison the air we breathe.” As much as it hurt Caeser remained one of the surviving dragons because of his abilities. Armies and dragons fell to his tricks, no one had been able to figure out how to best this dragon, the fact dragons looked down on him aided to the fact he was underestimated. No one usually lived to sing his praises, those that joined him on the battle field suffered and were able to live to complain about his ability and tactics.

“Feh, do you think I lack so little control that I would be unable to fight along side you to bring down that monster?” The silence spoke more than words. “Fine, attack the beast, I’ll be working on another plan for when you fail!”

Caeser collected Natsu and they headed home, but sadly there was no home for them to return to. Acnologia had attacked Caeser’s territory and laid waste to it. Natsu bore witness to this terror. “Your little pets were pain to deal with, I’ll have to pay you back double, gas dragon!” The dark dragon flexed his claws.

“You dare attack my land, my people, you will suffer for this!” Caeser growled.

“I came here looking for something, a little pest has been working to destroy me, he’s rather difficult to pin down, but I learned he had a brother.”

“You will not know it for long!” Caeser created a purple gas and let it fill the air. This magic gas targeted memory, the problem was Acnologia may have forgotten his reason for coming here, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to kill everything in his wake. Caeser was at a disadvantage because Natsu was nearby, he couldn’t unleash his full power.

“You are pathetic Gas Dragon, a joke, I shall bathe in your blood before hunting down the others.” He had dealt a heavy blow on Caeser, which wasn’t an easy task.

“You are arrogant, we dragons are mighty yes, but even we...need air…” With a grip of his claw, he removed the oxygen from around the Dark Dragon. The beast howled and thrashed choking and gasping for air that no longer could be found. “Gas Dragon Roar: Poison Gas Cocktail!” Caeser unleashed his attack, striking Acnologia just as he returned the air to him.

The Dark Dragon breathed in the poison, and was forced to flee. Natsu had witnessed the battle and knew his dragon and guardian was hurt. Caeser sent word to others informing them of what happened and the other dragons unleashed an attack on Acnologia.

Despite being weakened, the wicked dragon was strong. He managed to injure each of the others gravely before receiving a devastating blow from Igneel. He fled to survive, but the other dragons were deeply wounded.

Thankfully Caeser and Zeref had a plan.


On a July 7, X777 the dragons vanished. The dragon slayer children would have to survive and grow stronger in a new world without them. Natsu didn’t know where Caeser went, but he remembered what Acnologia did, and he swore he’d get stronger. He carried Caeser’s lessons with him and worked to improve.

Natsu ended up joining Fairy Tail and meeting all sorts of strange people. There was one man that stood out from the others. Loke…

Dragneel knew what humans smelled like, Loke did not have the scent of a human. He surrounded himself with girls, but the scent was feminine and didn’t linger. Natsu’s nose couldn’t be deceived.

He approached the player. “Yo, Loke!”

“Hey Natsu, would love to chat, but I got a date to get to.”

“I have a question for you.” Loke stopped.

“Alright shoot.” He turned to face Natsu.

“Are you human?” The question caught Loke off guard. His body language shifted and Dragneel noticed him sweat.

“What...of course I’m human!” His voice cracked.

“Really? You don’t smell human, and your magic power seems really low today.” Loke gulped.

“I...I...I don’t know what you are talking about…” Natsu approached him.

“Really?” He conjured some strange gas.

“Natsu...Wha...I...I’m a celestial spirit!” He confessed, and slapped a hand over his mouth. Loke blushed.

“A celestial spirit? How are you able to survive?” He knew about celestial spirits, they lived in another world and could be summoned to this world through a contract with a celestial spirit wizard. There was something odd, there were no celestial spirit wizards in Fairy Tail, and no one with a spirit key either.

“I’ve been able to sustain myself by playing with lovely ladies.” Loke confessed. So that’s why he dated so many girls, he took a little bit of energy from multiple partners, just enough to sustain himself. He used magic rings to fight, so he was able to avoid wasting his own power.

Natsu’s expression changed. “You must be suffering.” He got in close.

“I um...I…” A sudden pressure was on him. A red gas snaked it’s way around him, similar to purple flare was a flame that could touch material objects, this red gas could touch. “It does…” To be on the edge, just by existing you were spending energy and inching closer to fading away.

“Loke...let me help you…” He kissed Loke, and gave him a healthy dose of magic power. The spirit blushed. This wasn’t the first man he’s kissed in his life, but Natsu’s kiss was HOT!

His lips parted and the kiss deepened. Dragneel cooked up a lovely mix and fed it to the spirit. ‘Oh fuck!’ His pupils dilated and his magic spikes. His short hair popped becoming wild and luxurious. “Ahh!” The kiss broke and some smoke escaped Loke’s mouth.

It wasn’t easy for spirits to get high or drunk, they required special means to do so. Natsu’s magic mix was making Loke feeling hot and high. His body also felt all tingly. “How do you feel now?”

“Good…” He wanted more, licking his lips.

“I can give you more!” Natsu kissed Loke again, he pulled the spirit in close and he melted. It’s been a long time since he was kissed by a man, he forgot how good it could be to just surrender. The feeling of big strong arms encircling you, pulling you into a warmth so similar to your own.

Despite his flirting Loke didn’t date any wizards, he didn’t want to risk being caught absorbing energy. A normal person wouldn’t notice, especially with how little he took, but a wizard could sense it. Natsu was pouring it on, Loke felt a fire in his belly and a gas in his lunges. The combination made his blood rush south. ‘It’s too much...it feels too good...I can’t…’ Loke came, jizzing into his fancy underwear and tight pants. His body shook and trembled. “Wow!”

“You are my friend Loke, I’m not gonna sit back and watch you fade away. I’ll be here for you!” Loke nodded dumbly. He was definitely gonna come to Natsu again. The spirit was carrying around a lot in him, a lot bottled up, with the gas dragon slayer he felt he could unwind, and maybe...heal.

To be continued...Chubby Lion

Loke’s visits with Natsu have been changing him, and...he doesn’t hate it. His company changes a bit but he was done chasing skirts. Seems his new form is quite popular...


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