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DBZ parody: Bad Day Fic/Tier 1

Saiyan Invader

Beerus was warned about his mortal level problem. If things kept up his universe would get too weak. One of the strongest mortal races in the universe was the Saiyans, so he took them under his dominion directly. He still was lazy about it asking Whis to take over while he slept, he wanted  Without the threat of Frieza, the saiyans were able to grow and evolve, developing new classes of warrior.

Chapter 1

Beerus was pissed, he just got out of a meeting with his fellow God of Destruction. They were discussing Mortal Levels again, and Universe 7 was a bit on the low side. They weren’t the weakest, but being on the lower end in terms of strength was grating. His fellow gods loved to rub it in his face that from their efforts their mortals were properly developed.

His Kai believed they should be hands off and let the universe evolve naturally. Of course Beerus had been lazy, he recruited the Ice Clan to destroy planets for him so he could nap. Then sadly while he was napping many of his kais were killed by some creature, and the work of Creation was ground to a halt.

“Great just great, that damn clown has the nerve to mock the strength of my universe.” Belmod was the god of destruction for universe 11, other than his brother Champa and Quitela of universe 4, Belmond was always riling Beerus up.

“Lord Beerus, the fact is while you are sleeping the mortal levels of the universe are not improving. Lord Belmond is quite active with the mortals.” Beerus made the Cold Family, Agents of Destruction, to destroy things while he sleeps. Belmod had the Pride Troopers, who served as agents of destruction, but they destroyed evil, allowing mortals to grow and thrive. King Cold and his family destroyed for profit and personal gain, destroying many species of mortals that could have boosted the mortal level of their universe.

“Fine, maybe we need new agents. Whis, find me the strongest mortal race in the universe right now.” Whis sighed, such a vague request again from his God of Destruction student. He checked the universe, but in terms of strength that varied. “I believe that would be the saiyans.”

“The saiyans!?” Beerus groaned. “Such an arrogant group.” He rubbed his temples.

“I believe that arrogance can be adjusted. If you wish for them to be your agents of destruction, I can train them and whip them into shape.”

“I need more than just one strong group, even a planet of warriors won’t be enough. I want to rub my whole universe in Belmod’s stupid face.” He snapped his fingers. “We just need to make more saiyans!”

“Even if we start a breeding program it will take time to raise new saiyans.” Whis informed the feline-like god of destruction. Beerus was not a patient god, funny given how much he sleeps at his own pace.

“Isn’t there any other way?” Whis checked the options, and there was indeed. “Excellent, see to it Whis!” He yawned. “I believe it’s time for my 50 year nap.”

“Of course Lord Beerus, I’ll see to it.”

After Beerus was tucked in for his 50 year nap. “Well, atleast I’ll have something to occupy my time.” Whis left to handle the task Beerus left for him.

His first stop was the remnants of Planet Salad/Sadala. He collected some strange rocks before heading to Planet Vegeta.

King Vegeta was the descendent of the Saiyan who led the charge against the Saiyan God in the past. The saiyans who were consumed by their arrogance and pride destroyed their world and expanded out into the universe. Starting off as space pirates they robbed and plundered, making a name for the saiyans as being blood thirsty warrior race. This name did gain them attention, there was money and tech to be made for protection. Kingdoms needed soldiers and were happy to pay.

The saiyans grew and benefitted from the contracts they made, and technology they either traded or stole. The spoils of war could be plentiful. The House of Vegeta served as the royal family to the saiyans, they led their people and built a restrictive class system.

Whis arrived to great surprise. The saiyans knew of him and Lord Beerus, beings far beyond their ability. They make even the terrifying Cold Family quake in fear. It was odd to see the angel without the God of Destruction.

King Vegeta prepared food for Whis, the angel always seemed to enjoy the local cuisine when he came with Beerus. “Lord Whis, what do we owe this pleasure?” He was sweating.

“Lord Beerus has made a decree, an impossible task he expects me to handle. He wishes that the mortal levels of this universe be increased, and he has chosen the saiyans as the strongest in this universe to make it happen.”

“Oh...such an honor…” Whis could see the wheels turning in his saiyan brain. He was trying to process what was just said and how it would effect his standing. “Lord Beerus understands it will take time to breed more saiyans, yes?”

“He is aware, but he isn’t that patient.” Whis conjured a stone fragment. “I have found another way.”

The rock was giving off some form of energy, it made King Vegeta’s cells tingle. “What is that?”

“A stone fragment from Planet Salad/Sadala, after the planet’s destruction these stones became charged by ki and were altered. They now give off radiation that effects the cells. In theory, if a mortal is compatible and is exposed to the radiation of this stone they could be turned into saiyans.”

“Could such a thing be possible?” The possibilities of this were endless, both positive and negative. Whis could see the desires swirling in his eyes.

“It is, but there is more. The Saiyans need to change and grow to better serve the universe.”

“You have no right to…” King Vegeta was silenced, the angel’s pressure made him freeze. With one finger the King was brought to his knees.

“This is a decree by the God of Destruction, it will be carried out. Am I understood?”

“Yes...Lord Whis!” The pressure was lifted.

“Excellent let us begin!” King Vegeta hated being under anyone’s thumb, his pride made aggressive and foolish. He had unknowingly crippled his own people to keep his family superiority. The royal family, the elites, the second class, and the third class, he felt this power structure kept the saiyans strong.

This stone Whis brought made changes. The scientists were fascinated by it and began develop ways to fully utilize this new mineral labeled Saladite.

Some new born saiyans in the past died from power sickness, where they were born with such great power the small bodies couldn’t handle it. Thanks to Saladite they could cut down the mortality rate, the stone stimulating the infant cells to help support their powers. Thanks to Whis and a scientist called Bardock many saiyan babies lived to add to the mortal level.

These new saiyans were placed in a new class called the Destroyers. Whis got to instruct the saiyans helping them grow stronger, learn how to control their ozaru form. Without Frieza’s influence and control the saiyans could find themselves and grow as a society. King Vegeta wasn’t much for the change, but Whis was keeping the Cold Family off his back.

Soon the time came to put the Saladite to its intended purpose.

A new class of saiyan was made, Invaders. Their job was going to worlds of value and building up the saiyan empire. If they located viable mortals they were to create new saiyans, Demi-Saiyans, they would be called. King Vegeta put a lot of funding into developing tech to make sure these demi-saiyans were loyal.

One of these Invaders was the son of Bardock, Kakarot. He didn’t quite agree with the King’s plan. Their ruler wanted loyal soldiers and servants to aid the royal family. Kakarot believed these new saiyans should be loyal, but loyal to saiyans as a whole.


Kakarot was heading to a planet called Earth, as an Invader his ship was larger than the normal pods saiyan warriors and destroyers got saddled with. It was as large as namekian ships, and it was decked out with all sorts of machines Kakarot knew well.

He was happy with his work, this was his first big mission as an Invader solo. He found a good landing spot and set the auto pilot for descent. The targeted space was a place known as a desert.

“Master, we got something special today!” A high pitched voice was heard. A furry creature was gazing through a scope, witnessing the saiyan ship coming down.

“What is it Puar?” A gruff voice was heard, a man with long dark hair approached the floating feline.

“It’s a space ship Yamcha, coming in for a landing.” Puar cheered.

“Is that right, looks like we have some out of town guests Puar, let’s go greet them and say hi!” This man, Yamcha was a bandit, he robbed the travelers of their food, money, and tech that came through. Out of town guests was code for aliens, it was a big universe out there. Getting your hands on alien tech was big money.

They got a capsule car out and raced towards the ship.

Kakarot’s ship landed and the saiyan came out in his armor. He had jet black armor, with orange pads. With a standard saiyan body suit under it, a tank top shorts combo. His tail was uncurled and swayed behind him. He had a tool belt with pockets for his gadgets and tools. The saiyan also had arm guards and boots.

The Invader didn’t have a Scouter, all invaders had to learn to sense ki, one of the lessons passed on from the angel. So he wasn’t surprised when Yamcha and Puar headed his way. “Looks like my job can begin.”

A car pulled up, the bandit and his furry companion stepped out. “You there, can you understand me?”

“I speak Common. Who are you?” Common as the name suggests was the most used language through the universe.

“I’m Yamcha and this is Puar, we are bandits, so hand over your valuables and you’ll be able to walk away alive.” Yamcha drew his sword.

Kakarot stroked his chin. ‘Very saiyan.’ He eyed Yamcha up and down. “I am Kakarot, a saiyan invader. I never back down from a fight!”

“Well I don’t know what a saiyan is, but let’s see how you fight!” Yamcha took a fighting stance.

“Get him master!” Puar cheered.

Kakarot stretched. “I could use some exercise.”

The two clashed, but Yamcha didn’t know what he was fighting. Every saiyan was a trained fighter, Whis taught them, trained them, and honed their potential. Kakarot may have been an Invader class, but he could stand tall with the warrior class. He blocked Yamcha’s sword swings with his arm guards. “That’s some nice armor you got there. I’ll take it after I defeat you!”

“Thanks, we shall see if you are worthy of it.” Kakarot dodged his sword swings a bit, before disarming him with a quick smack with his tail.

“Let’s see how you handle my Wolf Fang Fist!” He attacked Kakarot, the saiyan watching and observing him closely. ‘What’s with this guy?’ His attacks weren’t landing at all. ‘Why can’t I hit him?!’ He was going all out but wasn’t able to land a blow.

Kakarot flipped out of the way of a kick, and his tail came up and swiped Yamcha’s cheek. It was gonna love a mark.

“You’ve got speed, power, and technique, very good. You pass!” He hit Yamcha hard, knocking the wind out of him.

‘He’s too strong!’ His eyes widened as he was brought to his knees.

“Master!” Puar flew at them hoping to help.

‘No Puar stay away!’ He couldn’t speak yet, his whole system felt out of wack.

Kakarot charged some ki and zapped Puar, knocking him out. “Puar…” Yamcha groaned. “Please...don’t hurt him…” He struggled to get up.

“Loyalty, another fine quality. Not to worry, you and your friend are gonna help me.”

“What are you gonna do?” Kakarot smirked.

“I’m an invader, you are my first spoils of combat!” With that said, Kakarot knocked Yamcha out. He carried the two into his ship. The two were healed and sedated. Yamcha’s blood was tested and he was indeed compatible. Puar’s was a bit different, and while he couldn’t be a saiyan he wasn’t trash.

He put them into pods and activated his machine. A device landed on Puar’s head and began to read his mind. All of Puar’s thoughts were scanned and downloaded.

Yamcha needed some extra steps. Kakarot activated the disintifabricator on Yamcha’s pod. Lasers came down and began to shred his clothing, the energy was fine tuned to dissolve clothing. Bit by bit, Yamcha was stripped naked, his sexy body exposed.

The bandit was fit, his life style sharpening his form, but Kakarot could see some raw potential. He was muscular and toned, he had a fitting body style to that of a saiyan. Every stitch of clothing was erased and he was now fully naked, his manly bits were exposed. His dick was uncut, 7.4 inches long and had some nice girth to it. He didn’t have a lot of hair crowning his crotch, and a lot of his body was pretty smooth.

Once he was fully naked, Kakarot activated his pod. Like Puar a device came down and attached to Yamcha’s head. His brain was scanned and his memories downloaded. Kakarot would review them to learn more about this world.

The protocol was to download the minds, collect the data, erase the source and reprogram the new saiyans or the new recruits. He was told to use the Vegeta Program, but Kakarot didn’t much care for that one. He’s been working on a special little program.

He ran the program by Whis, he found it amusing. He didn’t care much for Vegeta’s program either. Their minds were collected it was time to begin. A shard of Saladite was erected in Yamcha’s pod, energy was channeled through the stone and the pod filled with radiation. “Sleep tight Yamcha, when you awaken you’ll be a saiyan just like me.”

His focus went to Puar. “Little one with the heart of a warrior, lucky you we can give you the body of one to.” He pressed a few buttons and activated the warrior program. Puar’s mouth got covered by a machine that provided him oxygen and some special gas to trigger his cells. The pod then began to fill with a liquid. “Evolution gel, just sit tight and relax, you’ll be seeing your friend soon, and you’ll be able to protect him.”

While the two went through their metamorphesis Kakarot began to look at their memories to collect data. He was about to know more about Yamcha and Puar then they did themselves. It would serve him well for when he initiated his special program.

To be continued


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