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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 I’m An Alpha?!

Danny was going through the change. He tossed and turned as his insides cooked and simmered. Most people went through the change while they slept, their bodies going through the motions. It was easier to sleep through it, then ride it out while awake. It was like, experiencing growing pains but running through your whole body; feeling feverish and sweating, as the glans change.

To say nothing of the mental shifts, while asleep one would experience a pretty extravagent wet dream, awake the person experiences intense hallucinations. It can seem frightening, but its the body’s way of easing one through the process.

Fenton tossed and turned, he was feeling the heat. His body was sweating and his pajamas were getting wet. The garments started to clinging to him, but not for long. He went intangible and phased through his clothing. Danny got lucky, a lot of people ended up shredding their clothes going through the change.

Now naked, the cool night air helped ease the heat pumping through his veins. He panted and groaned in his sleep, his cock pulsing and getting harder. The change took hold, his balls swelled up, producing heavy man milk. “Mmm~!” A hand reached down and began to jostle his nuts, his sac stretched around the heavy orbs.

The half ghost’s cells began to shift and change. The upgrade Danny received upon getting his ghost powers, was about to get another upgrade. His muscles were expanding and contracting from the change, the ectoplasm smoothing things out. Danny got some light muscle, his arms and legs growing toned, not super bulky.

He got taller, he’d now be eye to eye with Dash. His pecs became harder and a little beefy, the young man’s nipples getting larger. His abs became tight and became fully developed. His ass got tighter, new nerve endings lining his walls.

Danny’s ectoplasm had burned away all his baby fat, so the change worked his muscles. Not just making him deceptively strong, but also flexible and durable. His pits got some hair on them, his crotch got a nice bush of manly hair crowning it, the change helped it grow in rich and it spread into a treasure trail up to his navel.

The last of the change occurred with his penis, the basic normal penis got some oomf~oomf. He got thicker, reaching 3.5 fingers in width. His cock began to rise, and rise, and rise!  Danny had some good genes, because even for an alpha he was HUNG! His cock reached 18 inches in length, then came his knot an additional 3 inches of fuck meat with the girth of a fist. “Uggghhh!”

Danny’s dream was reaching it’s climax.


The ghost boy was in a fog, wondering around naked. Misty figures approached him, brushing over him and giving him a wave of scents. “Mmmnnnhhh~!” His eyes fluttered and his cock pulsed.

Old scripts called these pheromone sprites, scientists today recognized these were written by those going through the hallucinations. It was simply the chemicals in the brain shifting and working to recognize different pheromones.

As the fog lifted Danny was met with figures, normally these beings were white, but for Danny they were green. Old scripts called these apparitions cum sprites, because of their semen white bodies. They weren’t real, taking on different body types. “Hi!” Fenton said in a daze.

Some figures passed him by, but those that interested him hung around. Normally just the bodies formed, but when the person had feelings, facial features emerged. A lustful growl escaped Danny’s lips.

In a flash he was on a red bed, the figments of his desire caressing him. For alphas the bed is red, for betas it was blue, and omegas it was green. The figments caressed Danny’s body, the change coming out in this stage of the dream. They felt him up, every touch and caress, yearning.

Fenton’s alpha was forming, growls and purrs of delight echoed out from him. He was learning how he liked to be touched, the things that would make his alpha purr in delight and growl in want. Some big jock-looking dudes buried their faces in Danny’s pits licking them, while fondling his pecs.

One looking very much like Sam, was going down, licking his balls and even kissing his ass. One that looked like Tucker was licking and massaging his feet. Other figments weren’t as clear, but they enjoyed Danny’s body all the same, licking his legs, while another licked his abs.

The manifestations bathed him with their tongues, making Danny feel all warm and tingly. He put his hands behind his head and basked in the warmth and lustful sensations. His penis twitched, going through the final change.

After some time the manifestations took to his cock, the massive penis standing high and tall. The cum sprites bathed his dick with their tongues, working along his inches and girth. There was so much man meat, five of the sprites could work the shaft and tip.

“Oh Ohhh!” Danny moaned. His cock was so big and feeling so good.

One by one, the sprites began to take his cock, tight holes enveloping his rod and taking him down to the root. Danny’s eyes sparkled as he watched his rod appear and disappear into a tight ass, the booty bouncing and jiggling as the sprite moved up and down.

His knot formed, but none of the sprites took his knot, that didn’t stop them from bouncing on it. They took turns on his rod, enjoying his massive penis. The urge to knot and cum was building up inside the new alpha.

Danny couldn’t move, just watch as the different body types rode his shaft, some were slow, some were fast, some were really working it. After each sprite had their fun the next one came in and sucked his dick while the others cleaned his shaft, before taking the turn.

It felt endless, this was the sensation of a rut. When time melted away, where all one could feel was raw lust. This was a testiment of his stamina and endurance, his ghost genes making this experience far longer than normal.

He did reach his climax, and when he came the sprites burst into blissful bits. So it began, the final rides, the sprites began to take his knot, making Danny cum and they burst so the next sprite could take their place. Danny could only growl and grunt as his balls unleashed his heavy seed.


Fenton woke up and he was drenched in his own cum, his bed sheets were splattered and soaked, from head to toe he was dripping. His knot had relaxed, but his dick was still standing at attention. “Ohh fuck...am I...an alpha?!” The giant fuck meat between his legs was a dead give away.

The room smelled of alpha, the pheromones and musk caked the room. Danny used Living Poltergeist to clean up the room and went to get a shower. He felt hot and raw, so the warm water felt heavenly on his skin. All sorts of new feelings and desires were running through him.

With each passing minute, these new sensations felt real to him. This was him now, Danny Fenton, the alpha...oh boy. He was a ghost and an alpha. After washing up and cleaning up he crawled back into bed, remaining naked. His mind was catching up with his body, all the pieces falling into place.

He was a high tier alpha based on his size. From health class he knew Omegas ranged from 1-5 inches, Betas ranged from 6-12 inches, Alphas ranged from 13-19 inches. The growth spurt was nice. His senses felt sharper, his mind seemed to be firing on all cylinders. Even his ghost powers seemed effected by the change.

Today was gonna be packed...


Fenton wasn’t expecting a big party or anything, but Jack was a bit wild. When he passed by his son’s door, he caught a whiff of Alpha pheromones. “Maddie! Our boy is an Alpha!” He cheered as he ran down the halls. “Woohoo!”

His mother got online and began registering her son in the Alpha Program. He would need to be tested of course, but the family would receive benefits to care for an alpha. Jack was gung-ho already ordering things for his alpha son.

Danny’s first day as an alpha officially began.

He struggled to find some fitting underwear, his new size and balls ripped out the crotch. Even his boxers couldn’t handle his increased size. “Guess I’m going commando.” He put on his usual pants and shirt and things were tight. Danny’s shirt was now showing off his abs instead of hiding them. “Right...I’m gonna need new clothes.” Given their financial situation they’d probably send his clothes in to be altered.

His pants were tight on him, his new muscle tone and size, made the pants look too tight and too short, he was showing off a lot of ankle and leg. He couldn’t even zip up his pants, his crotch was bulging out.

He looked like a stud on set of a porno, tight shirt; gripping his shoulders and pecs, abs showing, pants unzipped, treasure trail on display, crotch bulging, and his ankles showing. “Aww man!”

When he came down for Breakfast he was greated with party poppers and a banner. “Happy Awakening Danny!” His parents cheered.

“Uhh thanks Mom, Dad…” He sweat dropped.

“My boy is an Alpha, I’m so proud!” Jack cried. He quickly set the table for his son and his wife.

“We are gonna get you tested today and registered, Jack will get your clothes sorted out, he’s already ordered a few things.” She had already called the school, he’d be out for the day.

Jack brought Danny an orange jumpsuit for him to wear out, it had a built in pheromone blocker. Fenton would take classes to learn to control his pheromones. Most awakening people wear limiters day to day until they learn to fully control their pheromones. Once Danny was registered he’d be able to take alpha classes to learn about his urges and needs.

His dad was showing normal Beta behaviour, add that to proud papa behaviour Jack was going overboard. He fixed Danny a large breakfast with a lot of meats and proteins. Jack was gushing about his future.

Danny was taken to their family doctor after breakfast, and put through his paces. He got naked and had to exercise to draw out his pheromones with his musk. He was measured from head to toe, his records updated.

After getting a pheromone sample, blood sample, and semen sample, Danny was officially registered as an Alpha. His doctor was surprised, Fenton was a prime specimen. He wasn’t as bulky as other alphas but his muscle level was surprising for an alpha of his size.

All these tests were vital for ABO society, having a pheromone sample on file made it so it could be tested against if needed. If Danny took drugs or was afflicted with illness that altered his pheromone levels it would be easily proven. The blood now had markers that could be ran against. The semen sample collected had high potency levels. He was given the standard Alpha Pamphlets: The Semi and the Tiny Tunnel, Knot Play Not Always, Scenting and Marking, To Bite or Not to Bite, Ins and Outs of Ruts, and A Nut A Day Keeps the Alpha At Bay.

He also received a green choker that would serve as his limiter.

When they got home Jack had picked up his new clothes, while in similar style it was made for an alpha. “I picked you out some special gear!” He held up an alpha garment, it had a hole in the crotch so the penis could hang out while the garment itself supported the balls. Danny blushed. These were often seen as rut underwear.

“Dad!” Danny face palmed. Alpha, Beta, or Omega, his dad was still gonna embarrass him.

To be continued...Alpha Lockerroom


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