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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Heroes Vs Villains? Basic Hero Training Class Go!

Izuku was happy to see the students back. Aizawa’s lesson would shape the way they acted and worked going forward. The seats were arranged differently given Izuku’s size he took a seat at the back of the class as to not block anyone’s view. Shoji was also moved next to him.

“Shinso-kun, what is your quirk?” Izuku asked excitedly.

The purple haired youth blushed. “Well um...heh...you’ll just have to find out later. It’s good to keep some secrets am I right?” He was bluffing, Shinso’s quirk gave him a bad reputation in his old school. This class was a fresh start and he wanted to be seen as a hero.

“Hm, I suppose that’s true. I hope we can be friends.” He offered his hand, but Shinso didn’t take it.

“Yeah sure…” He chuckled. ‘Everyone wants to be friends at first, but then once they learn of my quirk it’s “don’t use it on me Shinso” or “your quirk lets you do a lot of sinister stuff Shinso” and then slowly but surely they drift away from me. Who’d want to talk to a brainwasher?’ He put a fake smile on his face and walked off.

The rest of the classes went on as normal, but there was an air of anticipation. They had their first hero course classes today. Morning classes consisted of the usual things, one of them being language basics. While it was rare, heroes did work in other countries, by learning other languages it opened up more hero work one could participate in.

Then came lunch, Izuku ate lunch with Iida, Kirishima, Kamenari, Shoji, and Bakugou. The explosive blonde seemed irritated by the crowd of “extras” around Izuku. The excitement was swelling, as afternoon classes were set for hero courses.

Class A was getting basic training in combat, Class B was doing rescue training. Hero training was broken down into different courses; Combat, Rescue, Team Work, Quirk Training, Moves, to name a few. UA offered an assortment of additional classes, even calling in other heroes to teach lessons. Izuku was in fanboy overload as each teacher was a pro, even lunch was governed by the Cooking Hero: Lunch Rush!

Some might think it silly, but Lunch Rush was indeed a pro hero, the food he makes has higher benefits than normal food, he could also recognize a person’s dietary needs and prepare food to help their development. As a support hero he fed his allies and helped them recover energy. He could also incapacitate enemies with spicy food. The titan was giddy seeing the pro in person.


All Might was teaching the basic training today for Class A, combat training! “I AM HERE...COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!” The symbol of peace entered, and seeing him lit up the room. Everyone got excited, no doubt, this was the symbol of peace. All Might inspired many to become heroes, seeing him in person was awe inspiring.

“We’ll be doing some combat training, but you’ll get to use your hero costumes!” He flexed, showing off his costume. It was his Silver Age costume, it really stood out.

The class was feeling chills. “You’ve sent in designs for your costumes, a hero’s costume isn’t just for style or flare, it’s important it supports your quirk or assists you in your hero work!” He struck a pose. When one had their quirk registered, you could submit designs for a hero costume, upon entering UA adjustments to these designs were made and resubmitted.

This would be a fine test of their creativity. All Might ordered everyone to the locker rooms to get changed. “Meet me at Ground Beta!”


Everyone went down to the lockerooms and worked on getting changed. Izuku accidentally knocked over his back pack and some of his pamphlets fell out. “Oh man!”

“I got you!” Kirishima came over and saw one of the pamphlets Sex and Mutation. He blushed.

“What are you doing spiky hair?” Bakugou snapped, he came over and saw one of the reading materials, Monster Quirks and Mating. The blonde’s face turned beat red. “DEKU!”

“Sorry!” Izuku got red and collected his pamphlets. He began to mutter about how Hound Dog gave him research material to help him feel better. “Thanks!” Being so tall made picking things up off the ground a chore.

“You forgot one!” Shoji picked up the last one, a blush tinting his cheeks.

“Thank you!” He put the reading material back into his bag.

Katsuki huffed and worked on getting on his gear.

Izuku’s hero outfit was pretty simplistic, he had some gold bands on his upper arms, some dark green baggy pants, with utility belt, the final touch was a bunny cap made by his mom. She tried to copy All Might’s hair style for the cap, but it ended up just looking like bunny ears.

The heroes in training met up at Ground B. “Oh man, everyone’s costumes look amazing!” Izuku gushed.

“I think yours is pretty amazing too!” Kirishima praised.

“Thanks...you don’t think it looks too basic?” With his size it wasn’t easy to find affordable clothing. Even with UA’s clothing budget, his measurements were taken and the cost of the materials to make his costume, that ate up the majority of the funding. Izuku could see others got state of the art upgrades and gear. Sadly there wasn’t any extra funding for monster quirks.

Eijirou gave him a thumbs up. “You look great!” He said, making the titan blush.

Katsuki grit his teeth, glaring at the two. “My dad thought I should go for less, and go with a wrestler look.” The image of Deku as a wrestler in those tiny speedos made some nosebleeds happen, and some blood rush south. He could have rocked the bunny luchador look...maybe... “I think the speedos were a bit too revealing, plus...not everything fit…” One could certainly imagine.


All Might arrived and praised the uniqueness of the costumes. “They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies, make no mistake as you step out in these suits, you are heroes!” Everyone gathered before All Might. “Nice, nice, you all look cool!” He gave everyone a thumbs up.

“Now, shall we begin, you zygotes?”

‘Eh, zygotes?’ While the man was a high tier hero, the symbol of peace, but as a teacher he was a total newbie. Today’s combat training was simulating indoor combat, close quarters brawling. Fighting a villain indoors was different than fighting outdoors, they’d need training in both.

“In this world of heroes, truly intelligent villains hide in the shadows!” For this class the students would be split into a hero team and a villain team, for a 2-on-2 indoor battles. They wouldn’t be using robots, they needed to face enemies that can think and respond to them.

“Isn’t this a bit soon since we don’t know the basics?” Tsuyu asked.

“How will wins and losses be determined?” Momo asked.

“Can we beat them up in any way?” Bakugou asked.

“Will there be a punishment like in Mr. Aizawa’s class?” Uraraka asked.

“How will it be decided who’s on the hero team or the villain team?” Shinso asked.

“Can we pick our own teams?” Kirishima asked.

“Does my cape look fabulous?” Aoyama asked.

All Might trembled. “I’ll answer all your questions…” He pulled out a script from his pocket. “First, the best kind of training is hands on training. Fighting against real opponents is different than fighting against robots, you need to understand that.”

The scenario for the exercise was that the villain team have hidden a weapon somewhere in their hideout. The hero team have to stop them. There would be a time limit of course, if the heroes fail to retrieve the weapon in the allotted time they lose and if the villains capture the heroes they lose. The hero team must either capture the weapon or capture the villains to win. “Now win or lose, I’ll be grading you on your performances. Do not forget this is a class.”

As for who would be on which team, it was random. “You shall be drawing lots.” He revealed a yellow box.

“Our teams will be decided in such a haphazard way?” Iida asked.

“That actually makes sense, in hero work you often work with other agencies. You never know who you’ll be paired with on any given mission, or if you are on patrol you could get back up from other agencies.” It was best to learn to adapt, how they would work together, and working with each other’s quirks.

“Young Midoriya is correct.” All Might got pumped. “Let’s do this quickly!”

Team A: Izuku and Kirishima

The red head was positively giddy! A few guys were pissed and/or jealous of Kirishima. ‘This must be fate!’

Team B: Shoji and Todoroki

Team C: Uraraka and Momo

Team D: Bakugou and Iida

Team E: Mina and Aoyama

Team F: Koda and Sato

Team G: Kaminari and Jiro

Team H: Fumikage and Tsuyu

Team I: Ojiro and Toru

Team J: Sero and Shinso

Next All Might had them choose teams for heroes and villains. Shinso breathed a sigh of relief getting one of the hero teams.

The first match was Team A vs Team D

“Whoa going up against your childhood friend is that gonna be rough?” Eijirou asked.

“Kacchan is tough, smart, and powerful, this isn’t gonna be easy.” Kirishima hardened his fists and brought them together.

“I like a challenge!” The two had a little pow-wow.


Bakugou and Iida were given a paper mache weapon and time to prepare as they pleased. “You know Midoriya’s quirk and abilities, do you have a plan?”

“Plan?” Katsuki barked out. “You can plan against Deku, the only way to beat him is to overpower him which isn’t easy.” His hands sparked. “We gotta crush him!”

“Maybe we should hide the weapon or something?”

“No point, Deku can see with the Earth, just stay here and protect the weapon, I’ll crush them!”

“I know we are the “villain” team, but you seem more like a villain than most!”

“Fuck you, just stay and guard the weapon!”


All Might signaled for the exam to start. “Let’s begin!” Izuku closed his eyes. ‘Oh mighty Earth, give me sight beyond sight!’ He stomped his foot onto the ground, and energy surged through the ground. “Iida’s on the top floor with the weapon, and Kacchan is moving to intercept the heroes.”

“Oh man that’s so cool.”

“We got a plan, let’s do this!”

“Ready!” Kirishima was excited. He wanted to show Izuku how good a combo they could make.

To be continued...Kirishima vs Katsuki

Katsuki and Kirishima but things get weirdly personal. Izuku faces off against Iida and the speedster isn’t ready for Izuku’s special move.



This is shaping up wonderfully, especially in developing the interpersonal relationships. 👏

Damion Andrew

I love how personal things are already. Also, Kirishima is best boy