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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3

Natsu and Gray were doing quite well for themselves. They took down a faux “Salamander” who was working a human trafficking ring. They caught him in the act and gave him and his crew a smackdown. The traffickers were handed over to the council, and their operation received a deadly blow.

They rescued Macao from being possessed by a Vulcan. Considering he took out over 20 of the beasts, he had bragging rights. The cold area was nothing for the two and the Vulcan was beat down and forced to release Macao and they brought him back to his son Romeo.

The boys took on a duke to get a strange book from him. The creep was holding maid auditions so he was distracted, and the guys went into his mansion ninja style. They found the book but didn’t just destroy it. Natsu felt some form of power coming from it, he couldn’t really explain it.

He was right on the money, the person who wrote it was a wizard, he had enchanted the book. The Duke had no idea and he didn’t care, he was so arrogant and egocentric he wanted to keep the book. Natsu and Gray beat his “battle maids”, Dragneel beat his mercenaries while Gray beat the Duke and his tunnel magic.

Everlue tried to use Celestial Spirit Magic to bring out Virgo. The spirit was defeated by Natsu and Gray crushed the troll with his ice magic. Virgo was a very loyal spirit, going as far as to alter their form to serve their master. Natsu had defeated Virgo, and Gray had defeated Everlue.

With all his criminal activity exposed, their contract was voided, by spirit law Virgo could assign to the person who defeated him. So Gray became Virgo’s wizard officially, but Natsu’s name was also added to the contract.

First thing was first, Virgo took on a new form to suit their master’s taste. Since the two were gay, Virgo became a man. His hair grew long and was tied back in a braid that reached between his shoulders. Instead of a lithe feminine body or a bulky gorilla body, Virgo took a happy medium, a toned fighter body. He still wore a maid uniform, with a full-on skirt and panties to match, he had long stockings that matched with his attire.

Virgo referred to Natsu as Master, and Gray as Lord. Natsu made use of Virgo’s tunneling magic, building an underground sanctuary for their home. Virgo was also...super kinky. He liked punishment and being submissive, so he found the perfect masters to serve. Since the contract was a union, Virgo’s key shared both of their magic energy.

The spirit could pop over easily and assist them with things. Virgo’s schedule was pretty open, he loved to be of service and be at his master’s beck and call. He really inspired Natsu for more games they can play.

It didn’t take long for Natsu to see Virgo as a treasure as well. The spirit responded to this affection happily and brought the dragon slayer sex toys from the spirit world, a treasure trove of smut and possibilities.

This was a better reward as they didn’t take the money for the quest. They delivered the book to the employer, who was in fact the author’s son. In his hand, the spell on the book was undone, and his father’s legacy was bestowed upon him. That fact touched Natsu more, it would be a family treasure.

They got to bond with Virgo for a few weeks, but then SHE returned. Erza was back, and the whole guild was in a panic. Erza was all about the guild’s reputation, so while Makarov hand waved a lot of their actions Erza brought the hammer down. She had the epitaph as Queen of the Fairies, standing as the strongest woman in Fairy Tail.

Some members were trying to find quests just so they wouldn’t be in her warpath. To make matters worse Makarov was off at a Guild Master’s conference. So the wrath of Erza was coming!

Natsu and Gray were looking to get out fast, but a sulking Alzack caught the pinkette off guard. “What’s wrong dude?” He sighed. The dude was plastered he was four drinks into the wind.

“Bisca turned me down again.” The gunner finished his glass.

“I’m sorry.” He patted his back. Everyone knew Alzack was crushing on Bisca since she came to the guild, they were both gun wizards, from the same region, he thought they had a lot in common. He had a hard time talking to girls, but when he summoned his courage and asked Bisca out she shot him down.

She claimed she only dated strong men, so Alzack’s been training and pushing himself. Despite his efforts, Bisca just didn’t seem interested. She didn’t want to date a man weaker than her, which Natsu found debatable on who was the stronger gunner wizard. “Now she said, she wants a more accomplished wizard.”

Natsu didn’t like how Bisca was jerking Alzack around, he was a good guy. Alzack had several missions under his belt, several D and E ranked solo, with a few C and a B ranked in groups/collaborations. She had extravagant tastes, if she couldn’t see how great a guy Alzack was, it was her loss.

Gray tried to find them a mission to get out before hurricane Erza returned. Too late...

Erza arrived with a bang, carrying a horn from a monster she slew. She was quick to start chewing out the guild members from the news that reached her ears. It was weird, it was like disappointing a parent. The victories and successes were good, but the collateral damage and trouble outweighed it.

Scarlet could see their good points, their potential, and didn’t want it squandered. “So the master is off at conference?” Mirajane nodded. She got a tip for a mission against a Dark Guild.

Eisenwald was up to something, they lost their guild license for taking Assassination Requests. They were plotting something dangerous with a magic item called Lullaby. “I was gonna charge into the guild and take them on, but I’m not so foolish to charge in alone. So I’d like some help!”

She recognized the growth Natsu and Gray had made, and their accomplishments, so she picked them to assist her. “I’ll go, but I want Alzack to come along!” He patted the gunner’s shoulder.

“Me?!” Natsu nodded.

“Very well, but we must hurry!” Erza said and left to prepare. Mirajane was shocked, this was a powerful team, possibly the strongest in Fairy Tail.

“Come on Alzack, this will be fun!” The gunner agreed, but Natsu’s chipper nature wouldn’t last long as they’d be taking the train.

While the dragon slayer suffered from motion sickness, Erza gave Alzack and Gray details about this mission. Erigor was the guild’s ace, they didn’t have a master, but Erigor was seen as their leader. As a Dark Guild they felt they didn’t need an official master, that was something Light/Official Guilds had.

Erigor had located Lullaby, but it was under a powerful seal.

Alazack had heard of this Lullaby before, a story from his homeland. “It was sleep magic, but it was converted into powerful death magic by Zeref. Legend says that he took the flute and turned it into a demon.”

“A demon from the book of Zeref?” Gray began to sweat. He knew a bit about those monsters. They went over the game plan of stopping Eisenwald from unsealing Lullaby. Such a magic item shouldn’t be allowed to fall into a killer’s hands like Erigor’s.

They arrive in Onibus Town, and got off the train, but forgot about Natsu. He was spotted by a guildmember of Eisenwald. Kageyama was tasked with unsealing Lullaby, and he succeeded. Kageyama was going to meet Erigor when he spotted Natsu on the train. The guild mark crest on his shoulder was a dead give away he was a member of the “flies”.

Without warning, Kageyama comes over and steps on Natsu’s face. An eye opens, rage showing. “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

“Oh nothing, I just enjoy stepping on flies!” He said smugly.

“Flies?” Natsu growled.

“All you light guild losers, you multiply like flies and buzz around like you are so special!” He was enjoying having someone underfoot. Natsu didn’t take too kindly to being stepped on, he gave the guy a hotfoot. “Fuck!”

Kageyama cursed and pulled his foot back, his shoe was on fire, after stomping the fire out, his shoe was half charred and a half was gone. “You got some nerve!” Natsu wiped his chin.

“You won’t be so high and mighty wants Erigor gets Lullaby, he’s gonna drag all you flies down.”

“Erigor?” Natsu didn’t know who that was and didn’t care. “You little punk, I’m gonna teach you a lesson!” His fists caught on fire.

“I’m no punk, I’m Kageyama of Eisenwald!” He used Shadow magic, the two clashed, but Natsu was a lot stronger than Kageyama was expecting. He dropped the flute and quickly snatched it up.

“You are facing Natsu of Fairy Tail, you punk!” Natsu’s flames devoured his shadows. Things were going well for Natsu until the train started back up. “Ugh!”

“What’s the matter Fairy Tail fly?!” He launched a barrage of shadow fists, Dragneel dodged and jumped out the window.

“We’ll settle this later!” He met back up with his friends, but Erza wasn’t too pleased he let a member of Eisenwald getaway, completely forgetting Natsu was passed out.

The chase was on.

Though there wasn’t a warm welcome for Kageyama. He gave his report, and when Erigor learned he let a light guild member escape him, he blasted him with wind. “You piece of trash, how could you allow some Fairy Tail fly to get away from you Kage?” Erigor was looking psychotic, and his fellow guildmates laughed at him getting smacked around. “You are lucky you broke the seal on this, or I’d end you!”

Erigor wasn’t stupid, he knew if there was one fly there were others. He also knew the reputation of Fairy Tail. “Change of plans boys, we are gonna make a pit stop!”


The Eisenwald guild took over a train station, stating they were gonna broadcast Lullaby over the PA system, killing everyone who hears its cursed Melody. Oshibana Station was completely taken over.

Rune Knights had been called to try and stop the dark guild but they were swiftly defeated. The commotion had drawn a crowd, which on the surface looked to be what Erigor wanted.

Fairy Tail arrived on the scene, Ezra pumping out a lot of magic power to get them there swiftly, and met with the Dark Guild. Eisenwald was going all-in on this little scheme. “Greetings Fairy Tail flies, you are just in time, soon I will broadcast Lullaby and punish all who hear it with death!”

“You are insane, what did those people do to you!?” Erza snapped.

“They are all sinners, they bare the sin of not knowing there are people who suffer without the same rights and safety you do!” He said referring to the ex-communication of Dark Guilds.

“That’s insane, even if you do this that won’t get you your rights back!” Alzack snapped.

Erigor simply laughed. “We no longer care about the rights, we have power. We will rewrite history and rule the future. With this!” He revealed Lullaby.

“That’s...Lullaby…” Just looking at it was chilling.

“You won’t be seeing the new age of Dark Guilds, you’ll be the first to join the afterlife!” He created a magic seal. “Shadow Snake!” Kageyama launched an attack at Alzack.

Natsu got in the way, scorching his snake to ash. “You are looking a lot more beaten up than the last time I saw you!”

“Shut up!” He growled. This was how they do things in Dark Guilds.

Erigor made a swift exit. “Natsu, Gray, go after him don’t let him broadcast Lullaby!”

“On it!” The two gave chase, only to be followed by Kageyama and Rayule.

“Alzack, please back me up!” Alzack readied his guns.

“You got it!” The two got to work fighting off the Dark Guild.


The fire and ice wizards meet a fork in the path. “I’ll go left, you go right!” Gray said.

“Sounds good, we just gotta find Erigor or destroy the broadcast system.” The two share a quick fist bump. “Just don’t die!” Gray whispered, but Natsu heard him.

The pinkette pulled him into a kiss. “Same to you treasure!” The ice wizard shivered. They parted ways.

Gray made it to the broadcast room, but Erigor was nowhere to be found. A wizard known as Rayule fights him. “Where is your boss?”

“Where indeed!” The two clashed. It appeared there was something else going on.


Erza and Alzack wipe out most of the guild members, Alzack’s special bullets coming through in a pinch. Erza was exhausted and had Alzack chase down the last wizard Karacka. “I’ll try to get everyone to evacuate just in case.” They split up but Karacka was hiding in the wall.


Natsu was hunting for Erigor with Kageyama following behind him in the shadows. He had seen the little kiss shared between them. ‘Who does this fly think he is?’ Seeing the two so happy and open made Kage burn with jealousy.

Kageyama followed Natsu into a room and tried to go for a sneak attack, too bad for him Dragneel caught his scent. The two clashed, shadows and flames duking it out. “You can’t win, Erigor’s plan is perfect!”

“What plan?” Kage smirked. “You know what, you are gonna be a good boy and tell me everything I want to know.” The way Natsu said good boy, sent shivers down Kageyama’s spine.

“What are you talking about?” Natsu brought his hands together.

“Orange Flare: Fire Flies!” The orange fire was condensed before bursting out and filling the room like a swarm of fireflies.

“The hell is this!?” Kageyama attacked the glowing orange lights, but his attacks had no effect. The more he gazed at them the more they affected him. “What is this...why are they so...pretty...ohhh…” Kageyama fell into Natsu’s trap. The orange lights danced around him, putting him in the perfect place.

The world faded away around him, it was just him, Natsu, and the glowing lights.

“That’s it, Kage, just relax, we don’t need to fight.” The wizard physically relaxed. “You are safe, you don’t need any armor or coverings.” The words seemed to resonate like a song, the lights moving with the words like a sing-along lacrima.

“Safe...relax...don’t need to fight...safe...relax…” He repeated as he removed his clothes. Natsu watched him strip.


While the private strip show was going on Erigor had sprung his trap, trapping the Fairy Tail wizards in his Wind Wall. A barrier of wind keeping everyone trapped inside. With the wizards trapped, Erigor could go and enact his true plan, playing Lullaby at the Guild Master Conference.


Gray had gotten this info out of his opponent, after kicking his ass and destroying the broadcast system for good measure. Gray was so pissed, he froze Rayule solid and left. ‘We can still get out of here!’


Alzack’s target, Karacka, had given him the slip, receiving final orders to kill Kageyama. His ability to break seals could dispel the Wind Wall. This Dark Guild wanted to cut any loose ends, unaware the Fairy Tail guild had a way to escape anyway.


Kageyama was in his own trap. Stripped naked, he was now on his knees, panting like a dog. “You sure got excited stepping on me on the train, did it make you feel strong?”

“Yes sir…” he moaned.

“Do the members of your guild step on you?”

“Yes sir...it turns me on...they mock me and call me a pervert, but that only makes me harder.” Kage was a masochist, he liked to act tough, but it was a perverted side to him. He was often pushed around by his guildmates, and the fact it turned him on made him accept that it was okay. He wanted to believe this guild accepted him, but they didn’t, they were twisting him up inside.

“It doesn’t seem you are treated well in this guild.” Kage’s world was a lie, and Natsu’s light was bringing him to the truth. He had tried entering a light guild once before, but after his desires came to light, he was kicked out cause the guild master didn’t want their image tainted, his lover didn’t support him and he was cast out. Eisenwald took him in.

“No sir...efforts that bring Eisenwald power get rewarded, those that bring shame upon the guild are punished,” Kageyama said. “They keep me around because I am useful, and give me protection and power!”

“Power is great when used to protect your friends, Erigor isn’t that kind of man, he’s throwing away everything for power. That kind of power is a person’s crutch.” He had seen Kageyama’s wounds from Erigor. They didn’t care about him, they were just using him. A guild that only kept around the ones who were useful wasn’t a proper guild in Natsu’s opinion. “What you need is a human touch!” He was gonna show Kageyama a loving hand...well foot!

He stepped on Kageyama’s penis, his hard-on pulsed. “Ohh!” Kage bucked his hips.

“Do you like being stepped on?”

“Yes!” He moaned. Natsu’s foot was so warm, he rocked it, the pads of his feet creating extra friction. This felt different than when his bros did it to him. There was no stomping or kicking involved, just the right amount of pressure. His 5-inch penis pulsed and began to leak.

Natsu rocked his foot, the pads working the shaft while his heel ground his balls a bit. “Oh ohh~!” He began to drool.

Dragneel worked his cock and balls, with surprising skill. The foot job added another layer to the deep dive. Pleasure and hypnosis worked hand and hand, things lacing together and amplifying the experience. “That’s it, good boy, do you wanna cum?” Kageyama nodded. “Then do it, cum for me!”

He squeezed Kageyama’s cock with his toes and the shadow user moaned. “Yes!” His dick erupts, cum shooting between Natsu’s toes and all over his foot. Semen ran over his sole and heel.

“You are a dirty boy, but that’s okay as long as you clean up the messes you make.” Kageyama gulped, being called dirty turned him on, and he knew what he had to do. He started licking his semen off Natsu’s foot.

It was so hot! His penis twitched and throbbed as he licked the foot clean. “Are you enjoying yourself? Keep going!” He obeyed licking Natsu’s foot, top to bottom, enjoying the flavor and manly musk. His cock was twitching like crazy.

He moved onto the other foot when offered, lapping at them like a dog with a bone. Kageyama may have been enjoying this too much, as he came all over the floor.

That’s when Gray came in, he had lost his clothes along the way, so there was no hiding his hard-on at the sight. “We need his help, Erigor trapped us!”

Natsu nodded. He had Kageyama deep in a trance so this would be easy. The fireflies were dispelled but Kage remained deep. “Kage, will you help us?”

“Will you step on me some more?” He asked.

“That I will if you are a good boy!” Kageyama nodded. “This is a mess Kage, you need to clean it up!”

“I will...” Suddenly he was attacked from behind, the trance was broken. “Gah!” He looked back and saw one of his guildmates. “Karacka!?” he coughed up some blood. “Why?”

“You were always weak Kage, but you were useful so we kept you around. Now you aren’t useful anymore.” Kage collapsed. “You were fun to mess with, you even let a guy like me walk all over you.” Kageyama began to tear up. “It’s time to be thrown away trash!”

“You bastard!” Natsu attacked him, he tried to flee through the wall, but Natsu simply smashed through it and gave him a burning fist to the face. “He isn’t trash like you!”

That was the last thing he heard before he passed out.

To be continued...Shadow Chance


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