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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Ash | New Trainer | 5 Inches | No Badges
Monsters: Mini Dit (Ditto), Pidgey, Charmander, Nidoran M, Caterpie

Shin Trace | New Trainer | ?
Monsters: Bulbasaur, Pidgey, Nidoran F

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 Evolution

With morning light Team Ash were bright eyes and ember tailed. They got cleaned up and had breakfast. “Hey Caterpie, wanna grab some fruit for us?”

“Ter!” He nodded and scurried up the tree Ash pointed to. The little bug type was collecting fruit, wanting to feel useful to the team. They would be traveling to Pewter City, but it was good to be prepared.

“Aaaahhhhhh!” The team heard a feminine scream. “Get away!!”

“What’s going on?” The team moves around the tree to see an orange haired girl freaking out. She was swinging her bag around, Caterpie was sent flying towards Ash, who caught him on reflex. “Caterpie?”

“You!” the girl hissed.

“Huh me?” He blinked in confusion.

“What are you thinking letting that thing out and about?” She pointed angrily at Caterpie.

“I asked Caterpie to collect some fruit, what is so wrong with that?” What happened was this...Caterpie was working on plucking a fruit. This girl happened to reach for the same fruit Caterpie was trying to pluck. She saw Caterpie and screamed.

“Bugs are disgusting creatures, they are absolutely the worst type of Pokemon!” She snapped and made Caterpie cry.

Mini Dit, Charmander, Pidgey, and Nidoran got angry, their companion was just insulted, so blatantly.

“Hey, why are you so mean?” Ash cradled the little bug. “Don’t cry Caterpie, you aren’t disgusting, and I don’t think there is a worst type or best type of Pokemon, they all have their strengths and weaknesses.” Ash said trying to cheer the little guy up. He nuzzled Ash’s chest, and got a back rub from his trainer.

“You must be new, clearly the Water Type is the best type of Pokemon in the world.” The girl gushed. “No other type can compare to the raw beauty and power Water Types.”

Ash and the team sweatdropped. She took their silence as ignorance and sighed. “Of course you wouldn’t understand, you are just a little runt.” The orange haired girl continued to gush about water types, while throwing insults about Ash and his team. “Of course your tiny mind, can’t comprehend the elegance of Water Types!”

Ketchum twitched in rage. If there was one button you didn’t press, was using words like tiny as an insult. Caterpie had enough of this girl and hit her with String Shot. “Gah!” Her face was wrapped up in the strings. Ash gave Caterpie head pats.

“Nice job buddy!” The girl struggled to pull the impromptu face mask off of her. “Listen up, I’m sorry my Caterpie scared you, but it was an accident. I’m a new trainer fresh on my journey, I haven’t caught a Water Pokemon yet but I do intend to. My goal is to be a Pokemon Master, so I want to catch all kinds of Pokemon.”

The orangette finally ripped the mask off. “You, a Pokemon Master? That’s a laugh.” She pointed at him rudely. “You are clearly the worst, look at you letting your Pokemon just wonder around outside their balls!” She crossed her arms. “You clearly don’t know the first thing about Pokemon!”

Ash was ready to rumble with this girl. “You sure talk a lot, how about you settle this with a Pokemon Battle!”

“Ha!” She suddenly got very cocky. “I’m far above your level, battling a shrimp like you would be a crime!” With a flip of her hair, she spun around. “Just get rid of that little worm of a monster, and as a Water Pokemon Master I can teach you everything you need to know!”

‘This girl is nuts!’ She was acting like a diva.

“Yeah...no thanks!”

Ash shook his head. “I think I’ll be fine figuring things out on my own. Let’s go guys!”

“Hey wait!” They didn’t, walking off with their stuff and some fruit Caterpie collected. “Fine see if I care!”


Pidgey was flying ahead, keeping a look out for danger. Caterpie was riding on Ash’s head, with Mini Dit and Charmander riding on his shoulders. Nidoran was up in Ash’s arms, their new bond making his ability not effect him. “Cater...Cater…”

“What’s the matter Caterpie?” He looked back and saw the oranged haired girl walking with her bike. “Why are you following us?”

“Well I uh…” She twiddled her fingers.

“You are lost aren’t you.”

“No!” She snapped. Truth was, she very much is still lost. She had used her bike in the forest and it drew the attention of the inhabitants. Being scared of bugs this forest was like a horror house, and she’s ended up crashing her bike a few times. Riding a bike through the forest wasn’t the brightest idea, more so riding in blind terror.

“We could help, but we’d like an apology.” His monsters agreed.

“An apology!? No way!”

“You sure are stubborn, you’d think you could be more respectful to someone you just met.”

“You’d be intense too, if you were lost in a creepy forest with a bunch of nasty bug pokemon!”

“So you are lost!”

“I am not lost!” She snapped.

“Lost in the woods, you better prepare for trouble!”

“We finally found you, so you better make it double!”

Some familiar faces to Ash appeared, going off with a full motto. “Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light!” Jessie said.

“Surrender now or prepare to fight!” James said.

“Meowth, that’s right!” Meowth finished.

“That Meowth...he talked!” The orange haired girl gasped. “Wait...Team Rocket...the gang that steals people’s Pokemon?” She hopped onto her bike. “You aren’t getting my Pokemon!” She rode off, leaving a cloud of dust in her wake.

“Hey shrimp, who was that girl?” Meowth asked.

“I have no idea!” Ketchum shook his head. “Look I’m not in the best mood, why don’t you guys get lost?” He grabbed a monster ball. “IF you really want to fight I could enjoy blowing off some steam!” Ash was still steaming after all the insults Misty threw at him, so he was down for a battle!

“Look at this shrimp that thinks he’s got big dick energy when actually…” Wham! Ash threw a monster ball right at Meowth’s face. Ketchum wasn’t expecting anything to happen, he just wanted to shut Meowth up. To his surprise the ball opened up and sucked Meowth inside.


“Meowth?!” Jessie and James gasped.


“EHHH!!!???” The ball flew back towards Ash.

“Well...I wasn’t expecting that…” He called Meowth out.

“Who, What, Where…” The normal type whipped his head back and forth. “Oh wow...I’ve been CAUGHT!” He cried.

Ash rubbed the back of his head. “Gee...sorry about that Meowth, I didn’t think that would work. I tend to see red when people mock my size.” Ash smiled and gave him a thumbs up. “But welcome to the Team!”

‘This can’t be happening, I’ve been caught...I have a trainer...this guy is my trainer!’ For some reason Meowth felt his heart flutter at the thought. ‘Stop that!’ He slapped his chest.

“Don’t worry Meowth, you’ll be back with Team Rocket soon, as we plan to steal all of that twerp’s Pokemon!” Jessie said.

“I’m not gonna let you steal my Pokemon, but if Meowth doesn’t want…” He was cut off as Jessie called out Ekans.

James noticed Meowth seemed happy for a moment, and was conflicted about taking him back. “What are you waiting for James!?” The red head snapped.

“Oh right Koffing Go!” The two poison types were called out.

“Two against one isn’t very fair.” Ash whistled and Pidgey flew back. “Pidgey, Caterpie, let’s get these guys!”

Pidgey took on the floating Koffing, the two clashing and fighting in the air. Caterpie was up against Ekans. “As if that tiny thing can’t defeat my big strong Ekans!” Jessie laughed.

Ash and Caterpie had enough being insulted today. “Caterpie use String Shot!” The little bug type unleashed his threads, binding the snake.

“Ekans use Poison Sting!” Ekans fired needles at Caterpie.

“Dodge Caterpie and keep using String Shot!” The little bug was fast, thanks to the training they’ve done with the Macho Brace Caterpie was deceptively strong. He zipped around Ekans and continued tying it up with thread.

“Ekans don’t lose to that thing use Bite!” No response. “Ekans?”

“Gah Ekans has been immobilized by the String Shot!” Meowth gasped. ‘No way, that little bug has gotten so strong, the twerp didn’t have it before. To have gotten so strong in a short amount of time...I wonder if…’

“Caterpie use Tackle!” The little bug charged and hit Ekans hard.

“Pie!” He glowed with some green energy.

“Caterpie?” Ash checked the Pokedex.

Dexter:Caterpie has learned the move Bug Bite. This bug type move deals strong physical damage and can take berries from an opponent.

“Awesome Caterpie use Bug Bite!” Caterpie charged and the green energy charged into his mouth. He bit down hard on Ekans making the snake cry out in pain, before fainting.


Koffing wasn’t fairing much better, as Ash’s Pidgey was swift and pelted him with Tackle and Quick Attack. When Koffing tried to use his Smog and Poison Gas attacks, Pidgey simply used Gust to blow it away.

The Double Battle ended in Ash’s win. “Alright!” Ketchum cheered. Suddenly Caterpie and Pidgey began to glow. “Oh?”

Caterpie evolved into Metapod and Pidgey evovled into Pidgeotto. “Amazing you guys!” Ash hugged them both. He scanned them with his Pokedex, and saw they got new moves.

“Don’t think this is over twerp!” Jessie snapped. “We are taking your Pokemon!”

“I don’t think so, Mini Dit transform into Pidgeotto!” The Ditto obeyed and the two birds stood side by side. “Whirlwind!”

Team Rocket was blown away. “Team Rocket is blasting off again!”

“What about Meowth…?” The normal type sulked. ‘Wait maybe this is a good thing, I can hang back and spy on the twerp. Maybe I can steal that Rainbow Feather of his and learn how he made his Pokemon so strong. Hehe!’

“Are you okay Meowth?” He tensed and collected himself.

“Huh, oh yeah I’m fine...hehe…” Ash’s other Pokemon weren’t buying it, especially Charmander and Nidoran.

“Listen, I know catching you was kinda a fluke, if you don’t want to be a part of the team, I can return you to Team Rocket the next time we run into them.”

‘Is he serious?’ Meowth couldn’t believe it. “What suddenly you don’t want me now!?” He crossed his paws, he was trying to play tough.

“I didn’t say that, but they were your friends right?”

“Huh, we were more like coworkers, I was assigned to their team to assist them, not that they appreciated my skills.” Meowth said.

“Who assigned you?” Meowth began to sweat.

“Hey!” He snapped. “You won’t be getting any info out of me you got it!”

“Okay, okay, sorry I won’t ask.” Ash waved his hands. “If you wanna stay your welcome on my team.” He offered his hand.

‘This kid is so trusting it hurts, I can play nice until I learn all your secrets, then it’s back to Team Rocket!’ He thought, his face shifting for a moment.

“Charmander Char, Char Char!”

“I don’t have anything devious in mind I swear!” Meowth shook Ash’s hand.

“Wow Meowth, it’s so cool you can talk to both people and Pokemon.” The praise made Meowth blush.

“Well, don’t expect too much from me I used up all my smarts learning to talk human.” He said, turning his back to Ash.

“Maybe, but even if that is true, that makes you an awesome Pokemon.” Meowth felt his heart flutter again. Jessie never praised him, she thought he was pretty useless if he can’t learn new moves. “I want to be closer to my Pokemon can you help translate for me?”

“Uhh sure…”

Mini Dit was happy being with Ash, that was clear. He explained to Meowth his own short comings and Ash didn’t reject him for it and has been helping the blob get stronger. Mini Dit warned Meowth that he wasn’t trusted yet, but since Ash was trusting him he’d give him a pass for now.

Charmander was also happy with Ash as his trainer. He wanted to get a lot stronger. He liked to battle and train. Charmander also didn’t trust Meowth, and made it clear that if he hurt him, he wouldn’t get off with just a burn. Meowth gulped.

Pidgeotto was very loyal to Ash, and was thankful for the chance to get stronger and evolve. Pidgeotto swore to Ash to keep getting stronger and work to be of use to him in the future. He wanted to rest for now, so Ash returned him to his ball for some recovery time. “Thanks Pidgeotto!”

Nidoran liked Ash a lot, and wanted to do some “special training” with him like the others got to do. This had Meowth curious especially as the others blushed. “If that’s what you want you are in!” Ash said and petted his Nidoran, their bond making it so Poison Point wouldn’t trigger.

Metapod was very chill. His biggest wish was to fly in the night sky, but he also wished to stay by Ash’s side for being so kind to him and believing in him. Meowth couldn’t believe a trainer could earn such respect in such a short time. Then again, Ash had made his heart flutter a few times now, so it was possible.

“Flying huh?” Ash checked his Pokedex and saw that Metapod evolves into Butterfree. “No worries Metapod we’ll keep training and make your wish come true.”

“Meta Meta!” He wiggled happily.

Ash put Metapod in his backpack. “Aren’t you gonna put him in a monster ball?” Meowth asked.

“Nah, Metapod likes hanging out, right buddy?”

“Metapod!” He agreed. Nidoran took the spot on Ash’s head, wanting to serve as look out for any new Pokemon to catch or battle.

“Do you wanna rest in your ball?” Ash asked.

“You asking me?” Meowth was just so surprised.

“Of course.” He agreed to walk, joining the walk along crew.

Seeing evolution for the first time in person had Ash curious, he began looking at his Pokedex. “So Charmander can evolve into Charmeleon, Pidgeotto can still evolve into Pidgeot, Nidoran can evolve into Nidorino, and Meowth can evolve into…”

Dexter: Persian the Classy Cat Pokemon, the evolved form of Meowth. Persian can walk silently thanks to its nimble muscles. It pounces on prey at lightning speed. Persian detects its surroundings by using its six whiskers to sense movement in the air.

“Don’t even think about it bucko. I’m not evolving for you or any trainer!” Meowth snapped.

“That’s okay, you don’t have to evolve if you don’t want to.”

“Huh?” Meowth couldn’t believe it.

“Mini Dit can’t evolve that doesn’t mean he’s not a great pokemon. If you don’t want to evolve, we’ll find other ways of getting strong together.” Ash didn’t have issues with guys being bigger than him really, but to have them looking down on him for being small that’s what set him off. It was just his luck the guys in his town and most of the world, their big cocks gave them a big ego to look down on others. “If you guys want to evolve you can, you gotta find your own paths to getting stronger and at your own pace.”

That was an ease off Charmander’s mind. He was worried if he evolved Ash wouldn’t love him anymore. Even if they got bigger they would love and respect their trainer. “So let’s train, and you can get stronger than any Persian!”

Ash’s words shot through Meowth’s heart. A lot of trainers saw evolution as a stepping stone for power. Not Ash, he recognized it as part of life, and as such it was a choice. ‘I can’t tell if this kid is naive or crazy...but...he is special…’


Jessie was annoyed, having lost to Ash again and this time by a worm. “What’s the matter with you James, you weren’t in the battle at all!?”

“Oh...I was just distracted.” Seeing Ash again caused a stirring in his loins. His arousal and memories of their last encounted shook him off his game. “What are we gonna do about Meowth?”

“What about him, nothing is changed?” She didn’t care about Meowth. To her if he was so weak to get caught that easily he wasn’t needed on the team. “That twerp is special, we must steal his pokemon! The boss will be pleased!”

To be continued...Samurai’s Challenge Crossing Swords!


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