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Digimon Tamers parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Rumble!

Renamon and Impmon charged at Guilmon. Takato wasn’t getting any answers from Rika. ‘What’s with this girl!?’

“Diamond Storm!” Renamon conjured shards of diamonds, before unleashing them. If Guilmon was weak the attack would have shredded him to pieces. The shards struck Guilmon, but he didn’t seem phased, in fact he shook them off like they were nothing. “My attack had no effect?”

“Ha, seems like you aren’t as strong as you thought toots!” Impmon built up power. “Summon: Ice!” He conjured thick ice shards. “Bada Boom!” He launched them at Guilmon.

With one tail swing the dinosaur-like digimon swatted the ice away. “The heck is with this guy?” Rika tried to scan Guilmon with her digivice but nothing was coming up. “No data?”

“Pyro Sphere!” Guilmon launched his attack, the burning hot sphere was fired from his mouth. Renamon jumped out of the way, while Impmon ducked. The sphere blasted a hole in a tree.

‘Who is this guy?’ Renamon thought.

‘This loser thinks he can handle us?’ Impmon thought.

“Renamon, Impmon, don’t let that chump get the better of you!”

“Hey would you stop, what if we don’t want to fight?” Takato snapped.

“Then this will be easy!” Rika pulled out a card.

‘What is she doing?’ Takato thought.

“Impmon...Digi Modifiy Drill Knuckle Activate!” The card had a picture of Digmon on it. Data moved through the air, and Impmon got some yellow knuckles with drills on them. Takato gasped.

“No way!”

“Oh yeah baby!” The drills began to spin and Impmon charged at Guilmon again.

“Power Paw!” Renamon cast, ghostly flames appeared around her fist.

“Stop it!” Takato cried out.

“Lion Sword!” Leomon appeared and slashed the ground, halting their attack. “Two against one shows you lack honor.”

“A Leomon, what’s a champion doing here!” Rika’s digivice reacted, bringing up data for Leomon. “Don’t tell me this little boy is a tamer to a champion.”

“Takato is my tamer, and Guilmon is my partner.” Leomon answered. “I suggest you leave us be!”

“You must be joking.” Rika was playing it cool but something felt off. ‘A tamer with a champion and a digimon with no data, just who is this guy?’ She put on her shades. “A fight is a fight, just because you are champion doesn’t mean you’ll win, it just means you’ll make my digimon stronger when they absorb your data.”

Leomon growled. “Takato, we should fight, they don’t plan on letting us go easily.” Guilmon looked ready to rumble.

“But…” He didn’t know about this.

“We don’t have to delete them, we just need to teach them a lesson.”

“You delete us, get real pussy cat!” Impmon laughed. “I’m gonna get so strong by absorbing your data!” His drill knuckles activated again.

“Takatomon, let me fight, I will win!” Guilmon said.

“Fine, let’s do this guys!” Takato put his goggles on and whipped out his digivice. He was able to get data on both Renamon and Impmon.

“Two on two, now things are getting interesting. Renamon deal with the big kitty, Impmon take care of the runt.”

“Got it!” The four began to clash. Renamon was fast, throwing punches and kicks at Leomon, but the Champion blocked the blows.

“Diamond Storm!” Leomon blocked her attack with his Lion Sword.

Impmon charged at Guilmon. “Take some of this!” He threw a drilling punch.

“Burning Rock Breaker!” His claws glowed and flames encircled his fist. He clashed with Impmon and managed to break his weapon.

‘Just as I designed.’ Takato thought.

“You broke my toy!” He growled and stomped his foot childishly. “I’m gonna get you!”

Guilmon growled at Impmon making him sweat. He got whipped by Guilmon’s tail and thrown back. “Gah!”

“Fist of the Beast King!” Leomon launched an attack at Renamon.

“Kohenkyo!” She cast and switched places with Leomon, causing his own long range attack to be suddenly aimed at him.

Leomon acted fast and blocked his own attack with his sword. “What’s the matter Champion, struggling against little old me?” She lunged at Leomon only to be tackled by Guilmon. “Get off me you...ugh…” They rolled around in the dirt.

Guilmon went primal, biting at Renamon and grappling with her. “Impmon, get him off her.”

“Yes Ma’am!” He conjured a spell. “Magic Circle!” With a snap of his fingers Guilmon was teleported to him. Renamon hopped up and shook herself off.

Before Guilmon could figure out what happened, Impmon uppercutted him. “Blizzard Knuckle!” The dino digimon stumbled back. “Take that chowder head!”

“Hm?” Guilmon seemed to be unfazed by the attack.

Renamon went at Leomon even harder doing a Spin Kick, Swift Strike, and Palm Strike. It was like punching and kicking a mountain. Leomon wasn’t just a champion, he was mighty and strong, his bulky muscles took the impact of her blows. “You are strong, but you lack something!”

Her eyes widened. ‘What is he saying?’

“Beast King Shock Wave!” Leomon made a palm strike, and sent out waves of energy that shook the air and knocked Renamon away, slamming her into a fence.

“Pyro Sphere!” Guilmon charged his attack, before unleashing another orb.

“Pillar of Fire!” He conjured a wall of flames, it took Guilmon’s attack before the sphere burst. An explosion happened, causing the smaller digimon to be thrown back.

“Nice going guys!” Leomon and Guilmon shivered at the praise.

“What are you two doing?!” Rika snapped. “You are making me look bad!”

“What is your problem, can’t we just stop this?” Takato’s words just made Rika angrier.

‘How can I be losing to someone like this?’ She gripped her digivice tightly. “You are pathetic, soon it’ll be your digimon being ground into the dirt.”

“Sorry Rika, this guy’s got no brains all brawn!” Impmon got up and rubbed his head.

“Leomon isn’t a digimon to underestimate, he’s a true warrior!” Renamon got up.

“No excuses!” She activated her digivice. “Renamon Digimodify...Boost Chip Activate!” It boosted her power by 10%. “Impmon Digimodify...Devil Chip Activate!” It boosted his power.

“There she goes again!” Takato gasped.

“Machine Gun Kick!” Impmon hit Guilmon with a barrage of kicks, the force slamming him into the dirt. “Now eat this, Fire Shot!” He conjured fire balls, before lobbing them at Guilmon.

They pelted the dinosaur, but Guilmon wasn’t shaken. “What is his hide made of diamonds, grr!” He began pelting Guilmon with small fire balls, but they just seemed to bounce off his hide.

“Leaf Arrowheads!” Renamon channeled her energy into leaves making them as sharp as blades. She fired them out, only for Leomon to counter them with his sword. “You say I’m lacking something what might that be.”

“A true warrior finds out the answers for themselves.”

“I’ll pull the answer out from your data!” Renamon used Diamond Storm while Leomon countered with Fist of the Beast King, the two attacks collided and dispersed into data. “Power Paw!”

Leomon blocked the fist with his sword, the ghostly flames crackled and lashed out. She looked about ready to over power him, only for his sword to begin to glow. “Lion Beast Wave Slash!” Renamon was overwhelmed, orange energy slashed out, and she was knocked back by Leomon’s technique.

“Rock ‘n’ Roll Breaker!” Guilmon brought his claws together, the black markings glowing red. Energy swirled around him like a drill, the dino digimon charged forward.

“Dark Mist!” Impmon tried to conjure a purple cloud, but the drilling energy blew it away. The little guy barely dodged it as Guilmon charged through and drilled into the ground. “Damn!” He didn’t escape completely unscathed, the energy sending him spiraling out.

“How is this possible!?” Rika could feel her frustrations building.

Guilmon came back over to Takato and hugged him, nuzzling him happily. “You see Takatomon, I won!” He laughed happily.

“This fight is over.” Takato said firmly.

“You don’t know a thing do you!” Rika snapped.

“Well no, I’ve only been a tamer for a day!” Though Takato meant no ill will, his words were like an arrow to Rika’s pride. “I’ve never done this before.”

‘A day...just a day and we are losing to this...goggle head…’ Her fury began to rise. “We aren’t gonna lose!”

“That’s enough!” Henry arrived and he had both his digimon with him. Terriermon and Armardillomon. “What are you two fighting about?”

“Hey she attacked us!” Takato defended himself.

“What are we fighting about? Don’t you realize that’s what Digimon do, they fight collect data and evolve!”

“That’s not all Digimon are for, they aren’t weapons and they aren’t our pets either.” Henry’s words didn’t sync in at all.

Terriermon went over to Renamon, while Armadillomon went over to Impmon. “You sure seem silly attacking a Champion like that, can’t you tell the difference in skill between you?”

“What?!” Renamon snapped.

“Terriermon you shouldn’t mouth off to someone three times your size.” Henry warned.

“You okay little guy?” Armadillomon asked Impmon.

“Feh, I’m fine!” He dusted himself off. “Who you calling little!”

Henry sighed.

“Whatever, this isn’t over.” Rika put her digivice away. “Renamon, Impmon, we are leaving.” The trio left, the digimon would be licking their wounds.

“Just who was that crazy girl!”

“I don’t know, but she’s a tamer like us. I don’t think we should be fighting.”

“Takatomon...I’m hungry!” The dinosaur’s stomach growled.

“I’ll get you some food, you guys did great.”

“I want some of Takatomon’s bread and his milk!” Guilmon licked his lips. Takato blushed.

“I could go for some bread and ahem...milk as well!” Leomon said. Takato felt his blood rush south.

“Henry I’m hungry too!” Terriermon said.

“You just ate!” His ears covered Henry’s face.

“So?” Henry groaned.

“I could eat!” Armadillomon said.

“Looks like hunger for digimon is as contagious as a yawn.” Takato said with a chuckle. The two parted ways.


Rika was seething, walking around town to cool her head. The fight replayed in her head. ‘This was our first tamer fight, maybe tamed digimon are stronger than wild ones?’ She chewed on her thumb nail in annoyance. ‘I’m the greatest tamer, I won’t accept losing to some goggle head.’ She looked at her cards. ‘Next time I won’t hold back.’

She was the digimon queen, the next time they rumbled she would crush both of them. ‘Maybe I should take out the tamer with the two rookies, absorbing their data should be enough to make them digivolve, then we can bring down the Goggle head.’

To be continued...Saving Henry


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