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Young Justice Parody: Patreon Reward

Chaos Wolf

Nightwing has gone missing, he’s off comm, off grid, even Batman can’t find him. So there are a lot of worried heroes, Superboy has gone cross country trying to find him, but Nightwing didn’t want to be found, he was cursed by Klarion and made into a werewolf. Knot Furry

Chapter 1

Nightwing has gone missing. Superboy was kicking himself for not gooing with him that day. He shouldn’t have been alone. Losing Wally was one thing, everyone was hurt by that.  He claimed he wanted...needed a break. At first it just seemed he stayed off comms, but concerns started to rise.

Conner went looking for him, but his apartment was empty. He asked Oracle, but she hadn’t heard from him either. What scared him was when he asked Batman. “I haven’t heard from him in a few weeks.” Dick hadn’t used any credit cards, his phone hadn’t been turned on in weeks, and Nightwing wasn’t active at all. “I’ll find him.”

Superboy believed that if anyone could find him, it would be Batman. A month later and the greatest detective hadn’t found a clue. No one had heard from Nightwing or Dick Grayson, even any of the undercover aliases weren’t in use. No deep cover mission, no flying solo, he was just gone. The doom flag was planted. With the meta human trafficking happening a true fear was that someone had grabbed Nightwing or Dick.

Both the League and the Team began to search for him, with no results. To the Team, Nightwing was their mentor, he trained with and worked with most of them. To the League, Nightwing was someone to respect and to have him go missing without a word wasn’t like him. Many of the leaguers owed Nightwing a debt, as it was his plan that cleared their names across the universe. The heroes didn’t want to fear the worst, as the months passed the mood was getting heavy. It only got worse as Luthor began to mount actions against them their focus slowly left Nightwing.

Superboy couldn’t stand it; he wasn’t stupid, it was for the mission, the bigger picture, but that didn’t make it hurt less. It felt like everyone was giving up. Conner kept searching, he wasn’t giving up, he felt something was wrong. Zatanna wasn’t even able to find him with her magic, they even asked Fate for help. “He is alive, his soul has not left this world, but I cannot pinpoint his location.”

Despite the small speck of hope, it raised more questions and concerns.

Megan tried to “help” believing if she eased his mind Conner could move on. That was the final straw for the clone, and he broke up with her for good. “Conner you need to let this go, do you want to end up like Will was broken and sick?”

“Will was right not to give up, he found Roy. It’s my choice, even if you are concerned that doesn’t give you the right to mess with my head!”

“Conner...I’m sorry!”

“I’ve heard that before, we are done Megan!”


He left with Wolf and Sphere. “I’ll find him and bring him home.” He told Batman. His plan was to go cross country, going from town to town looking for any signs of Nightwing. Batman hooked him up with a passport and ID, along with cash for travel expenses.

Conner busted up some bad guys along the way, but his goal was finding Nightwing. In each town he had Wolf sniff him out, not wanting to leave any stone unturned. His phone went off. “Hello?”

“Hey Conner, it’s Will.” He heard his fellow clone on the line.

“Have you heard from Nightwing?”

“No, but that’s why I’m calling.” Superboy sighed.

“You aren’t gonna try stopping me are you?”

“I’d be a hypocrite if I did, I want Grayson found too. It’s very likely that the Light had something to do with his disappearance.”

‘I know…’ He just didn’t know what they did to him.

“I wasn’t able to find Roy alone, I hate to say it, if the Light did something to him, there would be someone who would have an answer.”

‘No...damn it...no…’ Will was right.

“You might be able to find him another way. It may not be a card you want to play, but you may get a clue to finding him.”

“Thanks Will, you are right.”

“Just be careful.” Conner hung up. Wolf whimpered at him.

“I’m fine buddy, but thanks!” He petted his friend. “This is for Nightwing.” He made a call, contacting a man he never thought he would.


Superboy received coordinants. “This better not be a trap Luthor.”

“Conner, I’m hurt. You surprised me really, I wasn’t expecting you of all people to contact me, son!” Superboy grit his teeth.

‘Don’t call me that, you are barely a sperm donor!’ He thought. Lex had created two Superman clones, one was Match his brother, who was insane and destructive. Match was a pure clone, but for him Lex added his DNA to create him. “I need this favor, you owe me this Luthor.”

“Conner, we are family, I’d do anything for you.” Lex could sure talk smooth, but for anyone that knew him, it sounded slick or slimey.

‘If you really believed that, you wouldn’t have used the clone trigger on me.’ Cadmus had programmed their clones with shut down triggers, to make sure their weapons couldn’t turn on their masters the Light. “What happened to Nightwing? Did your people take him and make him a meta human?”

“One of my associates may have done something to him, but we don’t have him currently. He escaped and made it to some remote island.”

“It’s not like you to let an asset get away.”

“He wasn’t my asset to keep track of. Klarion loves playing with toys but is bad at keeping track of them.”

“Klarion did something to Nightwing!?” He could feel his blood run cold, Klarion was an agent of chaos, his magic power was something to be feared.

“Indeed he did, Klarion wanted to make one of you suffer for ruining our plans with the Reach. He couldn’t decide who to punish so he picked a name out of a hat, childish really. Bad luck for Nightwing.”

“Then why help at all, you can’t honestly expect me to believe you are doing this to help me.”

“I suppose not, but I don’t like being in anyone’s debt. Nightwing helped saved my life from the Joker. Reuniting you with him will settle that debt, what happens after that is not my concern.” Lex hung up.

‘I’m coming Nightwing, just wait for me!’ The island was truly remote, Sphere flew almost all night. there was a jungle with a strange castle in the center. Superboy, Sphere, and Wolf landed. “What is this place?” The concern this was a trap did linger.

He could have called in for back up, but felt if this was a trap he shouldn’t drag the others into it.

“Mrrr!” Wolf sniffed the air, his ears going up.

“What is it?” The altered creature’s tail wagged. “Is it him?”

Wolf howled and took off, with Superboy and Sphere following behind. They moved through the jungle, growing closer and closer to the castle. Suddenly Wolf stopped, his fur spiked up and he began to growl. “What is it Wolf?”

Another growl was heard. Superboy could hear something moving in the jungle, something large. It was stalking them, moving around them at great speed, but keeping it’s distance. “If you are the master of this island, we aren’t here to fight. I’m looking for my friend who’s gone missing.” The creature stopped, and began to move towards them.

Superboy took a defensive stance, but he wasn’t prepared for what came from the darkness and foliage. It looked like a panther but walked like a man. He was tall, covered in fur, with cat-like features gracing him. “I am the owner of this island!”

“You can talk?!” Superboy gasped.

“Indeed I can. I am Tygrus, this island belonged to my father, with his passing it belongs to me. I order you to leave.” Wolf growled at him. “Take that mongrel with you.”

“Easy buddy! I’m Superboy, this is Wolf, and Sphere,” Superboy tried to calm Wolf down. “Please, I’m looking for my friend, he’s been missing for months. I’ve been searching for him everywhere, my only lead has led me here!” He bowed his head. “If he’s here please let me look for him, then we will leave!”

Tygrus could hear the pain in his voice. “Someone came to my island months ago, he was strange, he was running from something so I allowed him to stay.”

“If Nightwing is here please let me see him.”

“What if your friend is here, but does not wish to leave?” He crossed his arms. “Or rather, what if he does not wish to see you?”

“If that is what he wishes I’ll honor that, but only from hearing it from his lips. I need to see him, I need to know he’s okay.”

Tygrus shook his head. “No, you cannot see him, you will only bring him pain. You need to leave!”

“I’m not leaving without seeing him. Even if that means going through you!” He took a fighting stance.

Tygrus chuckled. “You can try!”

“It’s three against one, not very good odds for you.”

“I like these odds!” Wolf charged at him, and Tygrus was able to dodge him. He was agile, avoiding both Sphere and Wolf.

“Let’s see how strong you are!” Superboy went to punch him,  but Tygrus dodged and kicked him into/through a tree. “Okay...he’s strong!” Conner rubbed his head. “Let’s bring him down!”

The cat was strong, but may have over estimated his abilities. Even with his enhanced stamina and durability, Superboy, Wolf, and Sphere made a strong team. Sphere went Cycle mode and provide cover fire from the air, which pushed the anthro cat into a corner.

Wolf tackled him and the two grappled, hissing and growling at each other, before Tygrus shook him off. Superboy came in swinging, getting a few hits in before getting scratched. “I liked that shirt!” Tygrus’s claws tore off his S crest on his shirt.

What shocked Superboy more was that this guy could injure him. ‘Was he a weapon made like me?’ He thought.

The group had caused quite a commotion, alerting the other inhabitant on the island.

Superboy and Tygrus went at each other, only for a rift to appear between them and someone stepped out. The two were caught and tossed aside, effortlessly. A jet black werewolf stood before Superboy now, he had blue rings around his eyes, blue fur on his chest, in a familiar shape, blue fur stripes on his hips, blue fur rings on his wrists and ankles, and the underside of his fluffy tail was blue.

The beast flexed his claws. ‘Another one?’ Wolf tackled him. “Wolf wait this guy is too strong!” Superboy froze as a familiar laugh reached his ears.

Wolf wasn’t attacking this beast, he was licking him! “So you still recognize me even like this huh?” He ruffled Wolf’s mane, and received more happy licks.

“No way...Nightwing?” He stood up.

“In the flesh...well fur…” As dawn’s morning light came, the werewolf reverted back to a familiar human form.

Superboy blushed. ‘Naked!’ Dick Grayson stood in all his naked glory.

“I think we need to talk.”

To be continued... Dick’s Curse

Dick and Conner catch up and the curse is explained to him. They even discuss Tygrus. Meanwhile Lex decides to test their latest weapon, sending it to the island.


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