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Ben 10 parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2

Rook caressed his collar. He belonged to Ben, his master, he didn’t know the depths of submission Ben would ask for, but he was enjoying it. The collar gave full control of his body and mind to Ben, all he had to do was speak Rook’s true name in anodite tongue and Blonko would descend into full sub mode. His lust and devotion were brought to the surface, reducing him down and bringing him into a primal state.

Blonko was like a beast in heat, happy and eager to obey his master’s every command. He would relive this state in his dreams, every command, order, and action perfectly remembered and repeated in his dream scape. So if he had any issues he could talk to Ben when he woke up, and if there were no issues he got an extra intense wet dream on top of some amazing sex.

Some of the play was embarrassing, but he did enjoy it. He trusted Ben, and while it was scary to try new things it was all for their unified pleasure. Ben took him into deeper depths of submission as promised, but he never broke the cardinal rules of a master. If Rook had any issues, Ben respected them, and wouldn’t force Rook to repeat something even if he descended.

Ben didn’t make Rook descend too often, only when he was feeling extra frisky or felt Rook had earned it. He never used this power when angry or as a punishment, or worse yet to win an argument over Rook, that wasn’t what this power was for.

The collar had other uses, as since it gave Ben full control of his body, the anodite could enchant him. Rook’s furry ass was modified, his body could now break down all food and convert it to energy. He only needed four hours of sleep a day to be fully rested which meant more time to play. His ass now existed purely for mating purposes, a new layer of nerve endings lined Rook’s walls, weaving over his prostate to become an instant climax button.

The body modifications weren’t just for the bedroom, his partner benefitted from Tennyson adjusting his limiters. His cells evolved granting him more enhanced strength, durability, flexibility, and speed. He wasn’t quite Ultimate, but Rook was on another level of evolution his species may find in a few hundred years. The control was so absolute, Ben could make it so Rook didn’t need to breath or even breath under water. This is what it meant to be the sub of an anodite.

It made fighting low lives and assisting Ben on the job much easier.

He brushed his teeth, finishing his reminising as he spat out the toothpaste. The revonahgander admired the look of the collar on him in the mirror, it looked perfect on him. That wasn’t the only accessory his master gave him as he looked down at his crotch.

A cock cage hugged his penis tightly, it was clear/see through, looking like plastic. It was a magical construct by Ben, it was superior to any earthly or alien device. Rook could wear it indefinitely, a magical rune would clean his cock when he showered. If he got aroused the cage gave him an intense squeeze, a sign he was owned and couldn’t get fully erect without permission. He loved it…

It could even serve as a cock ring should Ben wish it. Magically locking his ability to climax, so he couldn’t jerk off or get off with his other ergenous zones without Ben’s permission. It made his new nerve endings extra useful. Magical Edging was awesome!

Rook was such a perverted kitty he even asked for it. He’s been wearing the cage for two months, and got milked once a week. His balls had gotten bigger, the furry sac holding the enlarged orbs tightly. He was a good kitty and could ask for more milkings, but the horny alien asked for other things.

The cage was seemingly indestructable, some low life tried to kick Rook in the balls in a scuffle and the idiot broke his leg on the cage, with Blonko not feeling a thing. It was better than wearing the plumber cup he used to wear. There was a slight chastity feature, should someone try to touch his Rook without permission, from Rook or Ben, they would face some terrifying wards.

Every rune, charm, and feature just made Rook feel honored Ben loved him so much. He got in the shower and washed himself, the cage cleaning his penis. After a quick dry cycle he drained the lizard before returning to the bedroom.

His master was snoozing, buck naked, his morning wood standing at attention. Rook admired him a bit before crawling into bed. He slithered between Ben’s legs, coming face to face with his master’s crotch. The manly musk hit Rook’s nose. “Mmm~” His pupils dialated.

He savored the musk, sniffing along his penis, before nuzzling Ben’s pubes. The furry alien started purring. He got excited, feeling the bite of the cage. It only fueled his desires.

Blonko got to work and began to worship his master’s length. He licked along the shaft, back and forth, all around, not an inch was missed. The anodite’s massive penis had a lot to work with. He kitten licked the tip, brushing the slit and getting some pre-cum. It was both adorable and sexy!

Rook worked the head, working the tip like a sucker, his tongue working round and round, before caressing the glans. The flavor of Ben’s penis was ingrained into his tongue, it was wonderful. He cleaned his cock from the night, and enjoyed his flavor as a reward.

He was dilligent and loving, treating the man meat as the sacred rod that it was. The urge to suck on it was strong, but Rook was a good pet and stuck to the task at hand. He licked back down the shaft to his master’s balls. His tongue justled his nuts, and Rook even got to nibble on the sac.

Blonko cleaned his balls, even going as far as to suck each nut into his mouth. “Mmm~!” His eyes rolled up in delight. After cleaning Ben’s crotch, he could wake him up. He kissed his way back up, before opening his mouth and gobbling down Ben’s giant rod.

“Ohh!” Ben moaned in his sleep. His 15 incher was swallowed down to the root, he could take the whole length now thanks to some enchantments. Rook took every inch down, until he was nuzzling Ben’s pubes again.

He purred in delight, the vibrations tickling the penis. His master twitched and shifted but didn’t awaken. Rook could fix that, using his mouth and throat he worked Ben’s cock. He slurped lewdly, his tongue caressing the underside, his throat squeezing and massaging the head as it passed.

The gusto of Rook’s movements worked. Ben’s arousal twitched and throbbed, loving Rook’s blow job.  Blonko breathed through his nose, loving the manly musk filling his senses, as the flavor of Ben’s dick accompanied it. When his mouth and throat were fully stuffed it sent sparks off in his mind.

Had his release not been locked he would have came from sucking his master’s penis. He was such a naughty kitten.

With each new twitch, he knew Ben was close to cumming, which made him work even harder. ‘Kitty wants his milk!’ He lost himself in the blow job.

“Aaahhh~” Ben yawned/moaned, being pulled from his sleep as his climaxed rocked through him. He sat up rubbing his eyes, as his orgasm washed through him. Rook chugged his seed, being a good sub and not wasting a drop. “Morning Kitten!” He ran his fingers through Rook’s hair, earning purrs of delight.

An oral orgasm was the best way to wake, he felt so warm and tingly. Rook released his penis, licking his lips, loving the lingering flavor of cock on them. “Good morning master!”

Ben inspected him. “All Green Kitten?” He asked while fondling his balls.

“Yes Master!” Tennyson fondled his butt cheeks, the alien’s hole twitched eagerly.

“Would you like a plug or dildo today?”

“Plug please!” He wiggled his hips in excitement. The anodite conjured a plug of mana and Pop! “Ohhh!” Rook’s eyes rolled up, and his body shook in pleasure.

“I’m gonna shower.” Ben left the room and let Rook bask in pleasure for a bit. After he collected himself, the revonahgander got Ben’s clothes ready for the day. He’s been such a help. Tennyson didn’t have to even ask, Rook was looking for ways to serve his master.

He cleaned his room, did his laundry, made his bed. His master took notice of it, and praised him. The words alone made the horny alien trembol with love and excitement. Rook was a weird guy, not that Ben was complaining. From his time on the farm, he would do extra work for the praise, unaware of his submissive nature at the time, but it was a piece to the puzzle.

Tennyson finished his shower and came out. “What’s the schedule for today Kitten?”

“I have early monitor duty, after that I can pick you up for patrol, we can explore Undertown, we can hit Mr. Smoothies for lunch and breaks. For dinner I would like to return to the Sub Shop you took me to a few weeks ago.” He rattled off as Ben got dressed.

“You really like those meatball subs huh? Yeah we can go there for dinner.” Rook cried tears of joy.

“You are so kind!” He nuzzled him. “Then we have time for play and free time to be filled as you wish!”

Rook remained naked through breakfast, knelt at Ben’s side as he ate. He wasn’t hungry per-say, one of his modifications was being able to derive nutrifition from semen. Drinking Ben’s cum in the morning was like drinking a protein shake for breakfast.

Ben fed him lovingly, Blonko getting to lick and suck on his fingers with each piece of bacon or sausage offered. He was so turned on, the cage squeezing his penis, giving him the most erotic bite. Tennyson made him a salad after he finished and gave it some...special “dressing”.

Best salad ever in Rook’s humble opinion. He got dressed in his plumber armor and went to work. “Have a good day kitten.” Ben kissed him and Rook felt his heart skip a beat. He was so happy!

‘I do not understand anyone not wanting to be Ben’s submissive.’ Rook thought as he went to assigned duties.

Ben was left to his own devices, he was gonna play some video games but seemed there was trouble in town.

A fire had broke out and it was going wild. Ben suited up in his Lucky Boy attire, and went to help. He contained the majority of the fire in mana, allowing fire fighters to help put out the remaining flames. Ben rescued a little girl and her doll from the fire.

With Ben’s help they were able to save the house, allowing Lucky Boy to work his magic on it. Had the house burned down he’d have nothing to work with. “Your repair spells have gotten better.” Ben paused.

“Sup Tennyson?” He turned.

“Did you miss us?” Kevin and Gwen stood before him.

“Gwen, Kevin!” Ben hugged the two. They had been gone for so long, so they decided to catch up over some smoothies.His cousin Gwen busy with college and assignments, Kevin now had a job at a garage. Both were doing well, Gwendolyn was a bit frustrated with one of her professors, who seemed to have it out for her.

She liked being an over achiever and this professor took that as a major negative. So when Gwen tried hard, this person felt she was “trying too hard”. “Ugh, forget her, I’m finally on vacation and I’m gonna enjoy it.”

“So Ben, I heard you got a new partner, how’s that going?” Kevin asked.

“Good, we’ve really...connected.” Ben said before slurping on a smoothie. “I think you’d like him, he’s a gear head like Kevin, but a total farm boy.” He poked his smoothie, while listing all the safe work reasons why he liked Rook. “He’s really special.”

Kevin made a face that was hard to describe, was he jealous, upset, annoyed, maybe all of the above. “You guys can meet him later, he’s got monitor duty.” He said before going back to slurp on his smoothie.

Levin finished his smoothie. “Looks like I’m out, Tennyson, help me get some more.” Ben and Gwen share a look, before the anodite follows Kevin.

“What’s up Kev, you seem on edge.” The osmosian kept looking around.

“Look, I know things are weird between us but…” Ben stopped him.

“There is nothing weird Kev, I gave you a choice, it was yours to make.” Kevin bought some new smoothies.

“Yeah, but then I left with Gwen, and I’ve been away.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

“Can’t say I didn’t miss you.” Ben punched his arm. “You could have called.”

“I know, I’m sorry, I just felt I should give you space.” Ben gave him the “I’m not buying that” look.

“If this is why you are being weird, you can stop. We are good, I’ll treasure the time we spent together.” Ben placed a hand on Kevin’s chest, he could feel his heart quicken. “Always!” Levin blushed.

“That’s not the only problem. I feel weird asking this, but I need your help.” Before Ben could ask for more, an alien ship swooped down and began attacking. The anodite erected a barrier shielding Mr. Smoothie and the patrons of the establishment.

Whoever this was they were packing some serious fire power for a ship so small. It was a cruiser but had more arms than most war ships. It even fired an EMP shell that fried Kevin’s car. “My ride!” He cried. “What is it with this town?”

“Kevin!” Ben and Gwen transformed, she dawned her omnitrix and transformed, while Ben magically became dressed as Lucky Boy. They were fending off the attacker a bit but whoever they were, they were relentless.

Suddenly Rook’s ship arrived and provided cover fire. “Get in!” They climbed into Rook’s vehicle and off they went.

“Kevin, Gwen, this is Rook!” Ben said with a smile. “I don’t always get him, but he’s cool!”

“The feeling is mutual!” The two shared a look that left a deeper meaning to there words.

Kevin saw the collar on Rook’s neck, and looked down in shame.

To be continued


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