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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Pocket Adventures 59

What if Ash caught Makuhita? Ash is training for the Hoenn League and manages to capture a fighting type, the two bond but the Pokemon’s seed has a unique effect on Ash. He starts gaining weight, his pokemon quite enjoy the softness. Chub Switcher Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Chapter 1

Ash Ketchum was a new trainer from Pallet Town, he started his adventure with a stubborn Pikachu, but the two were able to bond and become a strong team.

He traveled through Kanto collecting 8 Gym Badges, catching pokemon, meeting rivals, and making friends. He got a Caterpie which he fully evolved into a Butterfree, a Pidgeotto he evolved into Pidgeot, a Bulbasaur, a Squirtle, a Charmander he fully evolved into a Charizard, a Krabby he evolved into a Kingler, a Muk, and thirty Tauros.

Ketchum made it to the Top 16 of the Kanto League, but he wasn’t experienced enough. He needed to train more.

He went to the Orange Islands, caught a Lapras and a Snorlax. He got closer with his monsters, reconnected with Charizard, even managed to win the Orange League. Ash made a new friend, and gained a lot of good experiences.

These would carry him to Johto, he caught a very affectionate Chikorita who evolved into a Bayleef, a gluttonous Heracross, a tough Cyndaquil, a shiny and intelligent Noctowl, a happy and energetic Totodile, and a Cheerful Phanpy he hatched from an Egg. He even befriended a pack of Houndour and a Larvitar.

Ash made it to the victory tournament of the Silver Conference, but it wasn’t a victory for him. His match ended in a draw, resulting in a double knock out.

The trainer’s latest venture was the Hoenn region. He got the 8 gym badges and assembled a team. A Tailow that evolved into a Swellow, a Treecko that evolved into a Grovyle, a tough Corphish, an emotional Torkoal, and a mischivious Snorunt.

Ash was a bit too gung-ho when coming to Hoenn, he rushed to get his Gym Badges and while he did work with his Pokemon to learn new moves. It was noticeable that Ash was racing too hard to try and prove himself. He recalled Brawly’s teachings and how it helped him improve.

Drake of the Elite Four showed Ash that there was more trainers out there on a whole other level. His strength lit a fire under Ash. While he got all 8 badges, it was still 3 months until the Hoenn League started.

He was traveling with his best friend Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader, who was working towards his goal of being a Pokemon Breeder. His newest companions was May and her brother Max, she was a new trainer and her brother wanted experience. They traveled with Ketchum and the sister ended up becoming a coordinator.

While Ash got all his Gym Badges, May was still needing some ribbons to enter the Grand Festival. So they were traveling towards her next ribbon and Ash was working hard to train his monsters. His last Gym Battle with Juan was tough, so he wanted everyone to get stronger.

Juan was both an accomplished Gym Leader and an experienced Coordinator his style made his battle intense. It inspired Ash to use moves in unique ways similar to contest moves. Juan explained there were unique styles of combat, and suggested adjusting his monster’s moves.

Grovyle had a spinning manuever that boosts the power of his moves like Pound and Leaf Blade. May was taking notes wanting to use this style to boost her skills and earn her last ribbon. Swellow studied Grovyle’s style and tried to master this spin to strengthen their Wing Attack. Torkoal served as their sparring partner, working on building up his defenses and stamina. He cried tears of joy, happy to be a part of training.

Ash had Pikachu training with Corphish, using Iron Tail over and over while Corphish used Harden. He wanted Pikachu to master the move, while he hoped to strengthen Corphish up and learn the move Protect.

He was working with Snorunt to try and learn Ice Beam. It was slow going, but he kept trying to build up the energy only for it to burst and turn into Icy Wind. “Oh man, keep trying Snorunt!”

“Sno!” He built up energy, only for it to pop and turn into Icy Wind. The ice move blew into some tall grass and…

“Hita!” A cry was heard.

“Oh man!” Ash rushed over along with Snorunt. “A Makuhita!?” He gasped. This Makuhita was a bit different than Brawly’s, instead of the blue gloves and chest marking this one’s were red.

This Shiny Makuhita shook off the attack. He had come over when he heard all of the commotion going on. Ash and his Pokemon were training hard, which got the little guy’s blood pumping. The attack caught him off guard, but didn’t do a lot of damage. “Are you okay Makuhita?”

“Maku!” He nodded, brushing the frost off his body. Ash checked the Pokedex, and learned about the Thick Fat ability. It was a strong ability that made a pokemon resistant to both ice and fire attacks. “Makuhita Maku!” The little guy punched the air, before making a bring it on gesture.

“You want to battle?” Makuhita nodded. “That’s the kind of spirit I like!” Torkoal went up first, he was so eager to work on some moves. “Torkoal use Flamethrower!”

“Koal!” He blasted flames at Makuhita.

The fighter took the hit and patted his belly. “That’s...Belly Drum!” A red aura washed over him.

“Torkoal quick use Overheat!”

“Hita!” He shot forward at great speed, his fist glowing silver.  This was Bullet Punch. He hit Torkoal fast and hard, knocking him back. The fire type was struggling to move, which left him vulnerable for Makuhita’s follow up. “Hita Hita Hita!” He used Arm Thrust and Torkoal was knocked out.

“Thanks Torkoal you were great.” Makuhita celebrated his victory, bouncing from foot to foot. “You are pretty strong Makuhita!” The fighting type blushed. He got some berries and gave one to Torkoal so he could recover.

The fire type cried happily. “Not only are you strong, but you’re a really nice Pokemon too!”

Team Rocket were spying on the “twerps”. “That Makuhita should join our side, it’s so strong and unique.” James said.

“It’s unique alright, we could make that heavy hitter a gift for the boss, or make him our secret weapon.” Meowth added.

“Let’s see how this goes and waits for a chance to strike!” Jessie finished, and the trio cheered.

Pikachu went up against Makuhita, Ash trying to beat power with speed. In a clash of Quick Attack and Bullet Punch, Pikachu out sped and hit Makuhita. Belly Drum was a different move, but it could make a Pokemon be put at risk.

He did hit Pikachu hard with a Bullet Punch, and fell from Pikachu’s ability Static. That’s when Team Rocket chose to strike, launching a net from the air. It nabbed Makuhita and hauled him up, he couldn’t escape because of the Paralysis. “Team Rocket!”

“We’ll be taking this special Makuhita!” They laughed and tried to fly away in their balloon.

“Swellow, go after them!” The flying type flew after them. Ash and his monsters followed.

“Ash what’s going on?” Brock and Max came over. They were in the middle of making lunch.

“Team Rocket took my new friend!” He said as he ran past them.

Makuhita didn’t know what was happening, he was having fun, then some weirdos came in and ruined the fun. He saw Ash’s Swellow flying after them, and felt that Ash was coming for him.

It was true, Torkoal was pissed, he was charging forth like a steam engine. Grovyle was going by tree and Corphish was going by the river. They weren’t gonna let them get away.

Team Rocket didn’t get far, Ash’s team came to rescue Makuhita. “He found us, do something James!” Before they could act Snorunt used Icy Wind, slowing them down with ice.

“Makuhita!” Ash called out. They came with a berry to help cure his Paralysis. He was back up and charged, able to break out of the cage they put him in. “Are you alright?”

“Maku!” He nodded. There hadn’t been much time to recover but Makuhita’s fighting spirit wasn’t down.

“This isn’t over twerp!” Jessie called out her Dustox while James called out Cacnea. Torkoal wasn’t happy and awakened his ability, Drought! It created a harsh sunlight that strengthened Fire Type moves. His Flamethrower was able to beat both Dustox and Cacnea.

“Seviper go!” Jessie called out her snake monster, but Makuhita was itching to battle. “Use Poison Tail!”

“Use Force Palm!” Makuhita slapped Seviper and did quite a bit of damage, leaving her monster paralyzed. “Wrap it up with Arm Thrust!” He hit Seviper so hard it went flying and slammed into Team Rocket.

“What’s the big idea twerp, that monster doesn’t belong to you!?” Jessie snapped.

“He didn’t want to go with you!”

“Well that’s too bad, because he’s coming with us!” Team Rocket tried to catch Makuhita, but he slapped the ball right back into Jessie’s face.

“Hita Hita, Maku Maku!”

“Makuhita says, that he would only allow a strong trainer to catch him and we are too weak.” Meowth translated. “Those are fighting words!” He got pissed and tried to attack, but Makuhita got him fast with Bullet Punch.

Pikachu sent them blasting off with a Thunderbolt.

Ash praised Makuhita. “I think we’d be a great team, want to come with me?” Makuhita answered in a surprising way. He pounced on Ash and kissed him on the lips. Grovyle and Corphish arrived and their jaws dropped.

Ketchum was caught off guard by the sudden smooch, his Pokemon were weirdly shocked. This wasn’t the first time a Pokemon had showed such interest in Ash before. Their trainer’s reaction was a bigger surprise as the one little kiss stirred his loins, the scent of arousal coming off him.

Makuhita liked Ash, he had been watching the group train, and in battle the boy really shined. He wanted to join his team and so much more. Ash didn’t know it, but meeting this monster was gonna change things, in more ways than one.

To be continued...Surprise Effect

Ash gets a bit excited and his Pokemon want to give him a hand if he’s willing. Makuhita bonds with Ash, his seed having a strange effect on him. He joins the team with Swellow heading back to Oak’s lab so everyone can keep training.


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