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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Ash the Naturalist

One of the many recognized trainers is a Naturalist, trainers who embrace or seek to get back to nature to become closer to their pokemon. Most trainers wouldn't choose to register as a Naturalist out of some form of embarrassment as Naturalist while also receiving a license to carry pokemon they also have a license to be naked all the time! Ash learns his dad was a Naturalist and thus seeks to follow in his foot steps, being a naturalist does wonders for his body allowing his endowements to grow and grow, his manhood matures becoming a 12 inch monster and yes he's a grower.

Chapter 1

There were all types of trainer classes in the world, from the Bird Keepers to the Bug Collectors, the Bikers to the Swimmers, even the Jugglers to the Fire Breathers! A trainer can register for these classes and can get special support to raise certain pokemon, enter certain events and tournaments, or be allowed certain circumstances.

There was a special little class that not many registered for, the Pokemon Naturalist. These types of trainers were...unique…

For one thing, these trainers didn’t wear clothes, believing that by being naked one can tap into one’s primal natures and become closer with Pokemon and even People. Naturalists weren’t stupid either, just as pokemon can seek shelter or coverings from the elements so can a naturalist dawn clothing for survival or function. To them wearing a vest to carry their items is no different than a pokemon holding an item or an accessory. A typical taboo for a Naturalist is the wearing of underwear, even if dawning clothes for the sake of survival they will go commando to honor their core beliefs.

Some argued these people were just perverts, and shouldn’t be recognized by the Pokemon League. Professor Samuel Oak, former League Champion defended the Naturalists, and helped establish rules and regulations to have the classification official. He stood firm, and spoke of the deep beliefs Naturalists have, how they worked to become closer to Arceus.

He faced some push back but revealed how most trainers could only bond with up to 6 pokemon at a time, but Naturalists were able to bond up to 9. They were able to connect with Pokemon on a greater level. “I met a Pokemon Naturalist in my youth and he opened my eyes to the world!” He credited his accomplishments to that trainer.

The League accepted Oak’s proposal and Naturalist was a registered class. There were rules of course, while they could enter towns and establishments buck naked, a Naturalist couldn’t just jerk off on a corner without consequences. Cities and towns could set their own limits on public sex and arousal. The larger cities could embrace such things in a red light district. Some beaches offered couples areas for such things.

With the world embracing a unique side of things trainers got to feel more open. The system wasn’t perfect, and there were trainers who continued to think that Naturalists were just perverts. Oak believed, no he knew one day a Naturalist trainer would stake their claim on the world, and stand proud as they worked towards their goal of being a Pokemon Master.


Ash Ketchum, son of Delia Ketchum and Scorch Ketchum, the boy had a love of Pokemon, and wished to become a Pokemon Master. Kids his age mocked his ambitious dream, it hurt because it was his goal. He wanted to see and experience all this world had to offer. His dad was quite supportive. “The map to your goal is inside yourself, if you give up your dream will never come true.” Ash didn’t really get it, but he would one day.

Scorch was a Naturalist, and his son could see people mocked him for it. Not that it stopped him, he showed his son a different side of Pokemon, one that not many got to see. His dad was strong, stubborn, and full of heart. It helped Ash realize just as his father had people who judged him without knowing him, those kinds of people appeared in every generation. This fact helped soften the blows, as he chose not to take the word of such people seriously.

He admired his father, who set off to try and achieve his own dream. The man sent money back home, but it would be many years before Ash would see his father again. Ketchum took the man’s teachings and worked to be a Naturalist.

His growth over the years began as he followed the path. He stopped wearing underwear and tried to be naked as much as possible at home. Delia supported him, and even helped him train for his journey. She taught him how to cook, and used chores to help train his body.

Over the years Ash did indeed grow, embracing the Naturalist ways allowed him to become closer to nature. He found himself and was even able to tap into his inner power. Being naked felt so freeing and he felt he could connect with Pokemon more. Delia’s training helped mold Ash’s body he was lean and toned, and his body benefited from the nudity.

By the time he came of age he was taller, had firm pecs, rock hard abs, was deceptively strong, and was rocking a 12 inch dick, be it the blessing of Arceus he was also a grower. His skin had a healthy glow to it, and he was full of energy. Even his cooking skills were impressive, the food may not have always looked the neatist but it was delicious.

Ash learned martial arts for self defense, his mom insisted on it. This allowed him to tap into his aura ability. By no means a master, but he found uses of it in different ways. His love of Pokemon only grew over the years, he watched Kanto League Tournaments, Battle Club Events, so he learned about Type Match Ups and Pokemon Abilities; he couldn’t wait to have his own Pokemon.

He spent his off time training in the woods naked. Normally it was dangerous for trainers to go off without a Pokemon, but as a Naturalist Ash could connect with wild Pokemon on another level. He could meditate in the buff and wild Pokemon would just gather to him. There were days he’d do his kata and the Pokemon would either watch or join him.

One monster caught his eye, it was a Nidoran Male but it wasn’t a normal one. He had the coloring of a Nidoran Female, but his ears and horns were clearly of a male. He became curious of Ash, and the boy even shared his food with him. The two bonded and even Nidoran’s parents could see how close the two were. What sealed their fate together was when a horde of Beedrill wanted their lunch.

Nidoran could be stubborn and didn’t want to give up the food Ash made for him. The swarm grew angry and chased them around the woods. A storm brew overhead and rain pelted the two. Nidoran’s parents got worried and went looking for their son.

Ash and the poison type ran, only to slip in the mud. “Nido!” Ketchum protected Nidoran, covering his small body with his own, the swarm dove down on him.

“It’s gonna be okay!” He declared, aura burst out and scared the Beedrill off. The storm passed and the two were okay. Nidoran’s parents arrived and were happy to see they were okay. Ash sighed, the two were covered in mud and a few scratches but were over all fine.

The skies cleared up and a golden pokemon flew through the sky. A rainbow followed it in it’s wake, it’s wings flapped and a strange feather came down from the sky. Ash picked it up. “Wow, it’s warm!”

Nidoran’s parents were surprised, he received of feather from Ho-Oh. That sealed the deal, they could tell their son wanted to be with Ash so they let him go. Their bond was gonna become something special.

Ash didn’t have a Monster Ball, but that didn’t matter. They stayed together until the time Ash got his trainer license. Ketchum showed Oak the Rainbow Feather, and the man studied it. “You should hang onto it, it may come in handy in the future.” Ash kept it safe, the shine of the feather showing the strength of Ash’s bond.


The day came for Ash to receive his first Pokemon. He was so excited he couldn’t sleep, so he ended up sleeping in the next day. Nidoran and Ash bolted to Oak’s lab. “Today’s the day buddy!”

“Nido Nido!” He would be getting his trainer’s license, his Pokedex, and his monster balls.

Ash was in such a rush he didn’t bother to throw on sweats and simply streaked to Oak’s lab. No one was really surprised, the young man helped Delia in the garden bare assed naked, did laundry naked, and did yard work naked. Everyone had seen his butt at this point.

He bumped into Gary Oak, Nidoran knew this boy was his trainer’s rival. “Well if it isn’t Ashy, no pants day huh?” The brunette eyed him up and down.

“I’m a Naturalist so it’s not much of a surprise.” He got up and dusted himself off. Gary was a bit of a jerk, he was Oak’s grandson so he was a bit privelaged and a tad spoiled.

“I bet you are here to get your starter Pokemon.” Gary revealed his monster ball. “Too bad for you I got the best one!”

“I don’t know about that. If I’m late and you are just leaving doesn’t that mean you were late too?” Gary blushed. “What kept you up all night?”

His blush grew. He didn’t admit it but…

Gary had spent the night jerking off, one hand fisting his dripping 6 inch cock, while his other hand worked two fingers inside his tight ass. “Ash...Ash...Ash!” He moaned, his digits twisting inside his hole.

The younger Oak has had his rival be the source of his wet dreams and fap material. Having seen Ash naked dozens of times, and having eyes he could see the kind of stud Ketchum had become. The fact he didn’t flaunt it, but was confident in his nakedness. That confidence was so sexy.

He didn’t see Ash hard, but that beast between his legs led Gary to do some research. Going down the rabbit hole has left Gary with some confusing and conflicting feelings. He couldn’t help but jerk off imagining their rivalry turning spicy. “Ohh fuck!” He made a mess, his balls lurching and his dick squirting and splashing his face, chect, and stomach. The rest spilling over his hand and crotch.

Oak cleaned up, despite jerking off before bed, that didn’t stop him from having a really wild sex dream. He woke up to soiled sheets and needing a shower. So he was a bit late.

“Tch, none of your business.” He grabbed his ball. “Smell you later Ashy boy!” Gary’s uncle got him a car and a cheer leader squad to “motivate” him. “Try to make it to the League!”

“Ugh!” Nidoran nuzzled him. “You are right buddy, we’ll show him!” He went into the Lab and sadly Oak didn’t have any starters for him. “Aww man!”

“But I think you have a perfect candidate right beside you.” Ash looked down and Nidoran blushed. Samuel gave Ash a monster ball.

“You ready buddy?” The poison type jumped in and the ball closed with a click. “Nidoran I choose you!” He called his friend back out.

“Here you are Ash, this is your trainer’s license, and you are registered as a Naturalist.” Ash was excited. He could finally embrace being a Naturalist Trainer. Samuel gave him his Pokedex and 30 Monster Balls. “You can carry up to 9 Pokemon with you at a time.”

“Thanks Professor.” Delia arrived with Ash’s stuff.

He put on his treasured League Hat, his vest, some shoes, and some fingerless gloves. Ash put the shoes in his bag, along with his empty monster balls, he put 8 in his vest for easy access as well as keep Nidoran’s ball stored. The Pokedex, license, and the Rainbow Feather were safely stored away in his vest.

His food, rations, a tent, a sleeping bag, and some toiletries were safely packed in the bag. They were off on their journey.  Ash facing the world bare!

To be continued


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