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Martin Mystery parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Wolf Mystery

Martin is a paranormal investigator working for the Center. He battles all kinds of alien and supernatural threats, but on one of his cases he has to catch a Phantom Werewolf. It escapes but not before giving Martin a little scratch, this changes Martin into a werewolf with all the instincts and powers. He bites the wolf that scratched him becoming the new Alpha.

Chapter 1

Martin Mystery was a seemingly “normal” guy. He liked comic books, paranormal/horror movies, sci-fi series, and the like. Despite his laid back attitude he was a farm boy, so he was deceptively strong and tough; he had a strange upbringing, being taken all over the world. Not that anyone believed his stories, thinking he was just weird.

His dad was a piece of work, after remarrying he got a Step Sister named Diana. The two of them weren’t fans of the supernatural, believing in science and rational thinking. Gerard didn’t understand his son, often teasing him and putting him down when he dove into flights of fantasy. Diana adopted the same attitude, often believing Martin was nothing but a screw up.

He was scouted by the Center, a secret group devoted to battling alien and supernatural threats. The blonde loved being a secret agent. He received training from the center and a U-Watch with all sorts of gadgets. The training helped hone Martin tapping and utilizing his raw potential.

His boss was a woman that went by the code name Mom. She called on Martin to handle all sorts of cases, from missing persons, strange disappearances, weird phenomenon, UFO and monster sightings. Not that she sent him off alone, he was partnered with Java the Caveman, Billy the Alien, and his friend Antonio the Witch.

Billy worked for the Center and he loved Martin, the two had a strange bond, but they clicked. He was more than meets the eye, he was once a mighty alien warrior, he had shapeshifting powers. The alien didn’t go out into the field often, often supporting Martin with information, lab analysis from back at the Center.

Java was an innocent caveman brought to the modern area by a crazy scientist. The Center gave him a downloaded education so he could function in the modern world. He acted as the muscle on the team.

Antonio was a Canadian youth, he was a witch and had magical powers. His ancestor tried to use him and take over his body, tempting him to use Wild Magic which tended to corrupt the soul. Antonio was a bit nerdy so he didn’t have many friends, so he tried to use magic to make his life better. It was all a trap and Antonio was nearly sacrificed to revive his ancestor. Martin saved him, and the two became close.

He could still use magic so long as he had a medium to channel his power through. After a transfer to Torrington Academy the two got even closer and became friends. He was able to help deal with the more mystical cases.

Martin was the heart and soul of the team, when he was in his element he was able to really shine. Sadly his upbringing didn’t make him the social butterfly, he often tried too hard and ended up annoying people instead of impressing them. His family moved around a lot, which didn’t leave him time to get proper social skills.

Most kids and teens couldn’t believe he traveled the world, kids thought he was fibbing, and teens thought he was a joke. It wasn’t like his dad let him keep proof of anything. His love of the strange and the supernatural just made him seem weird. Sad truth is Martin just wanted friends and maybe something more. He was just looking in all the wrong places.


Martin’s latest attempt was researching what girls liked to try and ask them out. “You should give it up Martin, every girl in school thinks you are a joke, because you are!” His sister laughed at him.

“Ugh!” Martin groaned. “They’d like me if they just got to know me.”

“As if they’d want to date anyone who believes in the paranormal!” She walked off leaving Martin to sulk. Diana didn’t know about his job, and she didn’t care enough about him to check into his strange disappearances.

Antonio patted his shoulder. “Martin, have you ever considered maybe you are looking for love in the wrong place?” He asked, a faint blush on his cheeks.

“I’m one step ahead of you, I’m gonna ask out girls from all kinds of social circles, there’s Jenny, a cheerleader, an art major, and this girl loves this rock band I got tickets.” He showed Antonio pictures of the girls.

“Martin, this is a bad idea. You’ve asked Jenny out tons of times and she always shoots you down. That girl is shallow, she only dates rich guys, or popular guys, or jocks.” Antonio pointed out.

“I’m athletic, I mean come on look at me!” Martin lifted up his shirt, showing off his firm pecs and six pack abs. Antonio blushed.

“Yes you are very hot, just...put your shirt down.” The glasses wearing blonde knew Martin was athletic, he could try out for any team and get in easily. Problem was, with the Center, Martin couldn’t go out for such clubs that demanded time. “And I didn’t mean different kinds of girls when I said you were looking for love in the wrong places.” Antonio twiddled his fingers.

“Where should I be looking?” The bell rang. “Gotta run, later Antonio!” He ran off.

The blonde which sighed. “How about looking right next to you?” He whispered.

In Art Class Martin flirted with a girl, only to get confronted by her boyfriend Brad Bradford. He was good looking, tall, had pale blonde hair, tan skin, and was in fact a model. Just cause he was pretty didn’t mean he couldn’t kick ass, he was ready to fight Martin for “hitting on his girl”. The agent backed down.

While in Gym Class Martin tried to hit on a cheerleader, getting the anger of her basketball star boyfriend. Chip was tall, had fair skin, brown hair, and always wore a baseball hat that caused his long bangs to stick out in front of his face a bit. Chip was ready to knuckle down on Martin, but was scolded by Java. His teammates also told him to calm down, he didn’t want to get benched.

Then at lunch, Martin asked a girl to a concert, only to be lifted up by her jock of a boyfriend. “This loser bugging you?” Luke was a jock but rocked with the football team, he had slicked up hair and was built like a mountain.

Now Martin could have taken these guys, but he wasn’t allowed to use agent training for such things. Self defense sure, but Martin simply backed off. He wasn’t a girlfriend stealer, he didn’t know they were dating. He tried to ask Jenny out but was shot down again and slapped for his troubles.

He was knocked back and landed on a table and got covered in food. People laughed at Martin, and he blushed in embarrassment. He ran off, clearly upset. “He’s such a loser.” Diana laughed.

Java and Antonio felt bad for Martin. They knew the good sides of Martin, he wasn’t the joke Diana painted him out to be. To save her own image, she often painted him out to be her loser or lame step brother. The dude saved people, putting his life on the line, and the people he saved got mind wiped. They wouldn’t know what he did for them.

Martin could be cool and charming, he just tried too hard.

Antonio found Martin later, he got a shower and tossed his food splattered clothes in the to wash pile. Antonio blushed as Martin came out with his only towel. He tried not to stare but Martin was just so bold...wet and big…

The taller blonde’s towel wasn’t big enough to hide his size.

“You okay?” Martin asked, drying himself off.

“Y-Y-Yeah, are you?” He rubbed his chin.

“I think she knocked one of my teeth out.” Antonio checked, and while it wasn’t knocked out, it was cracked.

“I got it!” He pulled out a wand. The witch’s magic was able to repair Martin’s tooth.

“Thanks!” He hugged Antonio, making his glasses fog up. “What would I do without you?”

“Just put some pants on, we got a mission.” Martin grabbed his U-Watch and some pants, before they headed to the Center.

Billy floated down on his little saucer ride. “Hey Martin!” The two fist bump and do the ET finger tap.

“Sup Billy!” He sighed.

“What’s wrong?” The alien asked only for Martin to sulk.

“He tried asking four girls out, and three of them were taken and the other was Jenny.”

“Taken? Like kidnapped!?” Billy gasped.

“No, taken like they had boyfriends already.”

“I don’t really get Earth culture or mating habits, on my planet a guy like Martin would have lots of mating requests!” Martin’s eyes widened.

“Really!” Billy nodded.

“Yeah, you are really cool Martin!” Antonio noticed the blush blooming on Billy’s cheeks.

Their talk was cut short as Mom gave them their mission. It seemed there has been some werewolf sightings, Mom had sent probes, but they hadn’t picked up anything. “It might be a hoax, but we want you to investigate. If it is a werewolf avoid being bitten at all costs.”

The mission was rather boring, they didn’t find any signs of werewolves in the area, but just to be safe Antonio put up some wards against such a creature around the village. Problem was they weren’t dealing with a normal werewolf, it was a Phantom Werewolf.

It had the power to disappear, which made things tricky. The village had disturbed the beast awakening it from hibernation, but it hadn’t done any damage yet. Martin fought it off, but it was able to scratch his arm. “Gah!”

“Martin!” Antonio’s eyes sparked with rage, and he fired lightning from his wand. It struck the beast and sent him flying. He was quick to heal Martin, making the wound close, but the damage was done.

The beast escaped. Mom called in a clean up crew, thanks to the wards the village was safe. If the wolf popped up again, they’d call them back to deal with it.

Everything seemed fine, Martin felt the area where he was scratched was itchy, but otherwise he felt fine. So he didn’t tell Mom about the scratch. They went back home, but the Wolf was on the trail.

It had tasted Martin’s blood, from remnants on his claws. He could now track the blonde anywhere he went. It had a feeling when he found Martin he’d find good prey.


Martin wasn’t exactly out of the woods, it seems the three guys who he ran into before, were looking to make his life miserable. They wanted to teach the “freak” to “know his place”. Brad, Chip, and Luke were even trying to get other guys in on the mission.

Jim was on the basketball team, he was tall, tan, and had short fluffy blonde hair. “Dudes, I think this is a bad idea. If your girlfriends find out your bullying Martin over an honest mistake, your asses will be dumped.”

“I also think the three of you are blowing this out of proportion.” Jarrett the captain of the fencing club stated. He had long dark hair, that he tied back while fencing but outside he let it hang loose. “Are you so insecure about your manhood you need to freak out over harmless flirting.”

“That’s not what this is about. He’s a pest and needs to be taught a lesson.” Luke said.

“If you do this, you’re on your own. I’m not getting in trouble cause of your egos.” Jared was another tall guy and all the same team as Luke, he was bigger and more muscular than Luke. He didn’t think Martin was a bad guy, a bit to eager, but otherwise he was fine.

“You guys don’t get it because you don’t have girlfriends, that punk is too cocky he needs to be taken down a peg.” Chip said. He didn’t find many who agreed. They thought Chip was over reacting and being a jerk. “Let’s go guys, I have a plan!”


Martin sneezed. “Oh man, is someone talking about me.” He rubbed his nose.

To be continued...Alpha Behavior

Martin is feeling strange, just as a series of “pranks” befall him. The guys think they are “teaching Martin a lesson” but their own stupidity costs them in more ways than one. Martin is freaking out feeling strange urges and desires. Billy arrives in a fresh human form to try and help.


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