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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Cutting Strength! Natsu’s Sword Skill and the Fall of the Thunder Dragon!

Laxus Dreyar had obtained the title of S-Class wizard and stood in his mind as the strongest wizard. He was so strong he rarely used his Dragon Slayer Magic, the majority of guild didn’t even know he was one. There were others that followed, Erza becoming notable for being the youngest wizard in the guild to obtain the title.

The blonde didn’t like it, he felt the test was to lenient. Power was all that mattered. Given the nature of the trial there were other ways of earning the S-Class Title. When he heard Natsu was selected he was annoyed. ‘The punk thinks he’s gained a little power and he can stand with the big dogs?’ Not on his watch.

Out of the five S-Class Wizards Laxus only respected one of them. Gildarts Clive was known as the strongest man in Fairy Tail, even Laxus accepted that. The man was insanely powerful, and capable of going on missions that lasted years. The quests beyond S, that were so dangerous, so intense it took many years to complete or they were quests so impossible they had been up for 10 to 100 years. Gildarts took these impossible quests on, and many he had claimed!

He was currently gone on one of these quests, the other S-Class Wizard he was curious about, Mystogan was also absent. Mystogan was an odd duck, he appeared, put everyone to sleep, took an S-Class Quest and then he was gone. He got results sure, but Laxus just had a weird feeling about him.

Respect didn’t fall towards the other two, Erza and Mirajane. While other members of the guild feared Erza, Laxus looked down on her. As for Mira, there was a time he recognized her power but after the incident with Lisanna she lost her spark. He didn’t believe Erza had the strength to stand as an S-Class, something he often made clear.

Now Natsu was aiming to be S? ‘Hell no!’ Laxus didn’t see this rank as a joke. Makarov may hold this trial every year, but having a large number of S-Class wizards didn’t mean much if the quality dipped.

It wasn’t like Laxus hated Natsu or anything. He was almost like the annoying little brother he never wanted. Dragneel knew his secret and kept his big mouth shut on it, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to hang with another dragon. Natsu challenged him a lot, just wanting to spend time with him. “I don’t have time for weaklings!” Was his usual response.

That’s just how Natsu was, whenever Gildarts came home, there was Natsu charging in like meteor even if he was just gonna get smacked, smashed, and knocked around. He always bounced back. The pinkette had spunk, Laxus would give him that much. It was odd though, after becoming a Third Gen Dragon, Natsu hadn’t been chasing after him as much. Not that he was missing the flame brain.

They hadn’t talked in so long, Laxus almost snapped when Natsu came up to him smiling. “Laxus, I’m gonna pass this year’s trial and become an S-Class Wizard just like you!” There was no ill intent, he was just happy. He felt, he had gained enough strength to stand in the same ring as Laxus.

“We’ll see about that!” Laxus, Erza, and Mirajane were serving as Trial examiners. The lightning dragon slayer wanted to face Natsu and show him how far apart they were in strength.

He waited on the island. There was a chance Natsu wouldn’t fight him of course. Laxus thought about cheating and slipping a note to Natsu telling him which path to take. Turns out he didn’t have to, Dragneel’s nose led him the way. “Laxus!” He smiled. “I knew I recognized that scent.”

“So you found me, too bad for you, that means you won’t be passing this exam!” Laxus said, cracking his knuckles. “We are gonna fight Natsu, and if you can’t beat me, you fail!”

“Sounds good to me!” Natsu set his back pack down. “It’s been awhile so, I’ve been itching to fight you again!”

Laxus twitched. “This isn’t some silly spar Natsu, you aren’t strong enough to become S-Class!”

“We shall see!” Natsu took a fighting stance.

“You can’t even beat that weakling Erza, and you think you can beat me?!” He growled, lightning crackling around him. “You are so dead!” He fired lightning at Natsu, but to his shock Dragneel cut it and blocked it.

“Blade Dragon Severing Slash!” He had magic energy circulating his arm forming a shape of a blade.

“So that’s that new power of yours, don’t get cocky just getting some new magic doesn’t make you as great as me.” His body became coated in lightning and he charged at Natsu. The third gen slayer, dodged using flames to boost his speed.

“I know that, it’s why I’ve been training so hard. Let me show you!” He channeled the blade energy in both arms and began to clash with Laxus.

Dreyar was shocked, Natsu was putting up a good fight. His magic blades were able to cut through his lightning coating and land a few scratches on him. When he attacked with lightning coated fists, Natsu blocked with flames and countered with blades. Laxus should be impressed but he just grew enraged. He kept seeing the pinkette as the same little kid always running around and causing trouble.

Dragneel wasn’t a little kid anymore, they had grown. Laxus had been so high up for so long he didn’t notice someone else was trying to get closer to him. He was getting stronger day by day too, but it was harder for someone as to say at level 50 to grow stronger compared to someone starting far lower.

He was blinded by his own power, and that was gonna cost him. “Grr, why are you doing this Natsu?” He growled. “You are weak, you aren’t ready to be S-Class! You entering this exam is a mockery to the guild!”

Laxus’s words cut deep. “You are being a jerk Laxus. Maybe you haven’t noticed but I’ve gotten stronger, a lot stronger. I’m not the only one. Maybe you’ve spent too long on the second floor!” He swung at Laxus, only for him to turn into lightning and dodge the attack.

Dreyar twitched in annoyance. “That’s it, I’m done holding back, I’m gonna crush you with everything I’ve got!” His lightning crackled more, growing stronger with his rage. His fancy jacket fluttered from the force of his magic power. “I’ll show you even as a dragon slayer, you are second best! Lightning Dragon Roar!”

He unleashed the dragon’s roar, a staple of dragon slayer magic. “Blade Dragon’s Tearing Roar!” Natsu cast back, unleashing a howl of blades, tearing Laxus’s lightning apart. “Now Fire Dragon’s Roar!” Laxus was shocked that his attack was bested so quickly, which gave Natsu an opening. His flames shot forward, but Dreyar recovered quickly and blocked it with a wall of lightning.

“Your blades are a nice trick, but your flames are still weak.” Oh he shouldn’t have said that. If there was one thing Natsu had pride in, it was his flames. They were the flames Igneel taught him to use, they were special to him. It wasn’t that the his flames were weak, the lightning from a lightning dragon was also special in different ways. “My lightning pierces through anything!” He readied his next attack. “Lightning Dragon’s: Heavenly Arrows!” He formed arrows of lightning around him.

“We’ll see about that, with the flames of my left hand...meet the blade of my right!” He brought his hands together. “They forge a mighty blade of flames!” The two energies combined forming a huge sword. “Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Flame Sword Style!”

Laxus unleashed the arrows. “It’s over Natsu!”

Natsu was calm and collected. “Dragneel Style: Parry of Burning Embers!” It was the improvised version of Blade Dragon’s Sword Arts Parry and Fire Dragon’s Burning Embers technique. With unnatural grace Natsu parried the arrows, his flames consuming each of them causing the attack to burst like fire works.

“What the hell?!” Laxus gasped. That attack had taken out dozens of tough magical beasts.

The pinkette fixed him with a look. “Scorching Sword Dance!” He charged at Laxus, flame kicking at his heels, making his movement even fast. In what seemed like a flash he was there and suddenly behind Laxus.

Dreyar felt the heat washing over him, but there was no pain. It took a second, but he figured out what Natsu did. The skill of the Blade Dragon was so fine, Zlash could choose what to cut, to the point the blade could not harm anything except the target. Dragneel’s attack struck true, slicing Laxus’s clothes clean off his body, the flames gobbling them up and leaving nothing in the wake.

In a flash the Lightning Dragon was bare ass naked. His broad shoulders, thick arms, beefy pecs, 8-pack abs, sexy back, juicy rear, toned legs, big feet, fat 10 inch cock, and heavy balls were on full display. He felt the breeze between his knees, a look down, and his cheeks turned red. “You!” He growled, hands moving down to cover himself.

“Looks like I beat you!”

“BEAT ME?!” He growled. “You are a 100 years to early to beat me!”

“Well you can’t fight me like that can you? I never expected you to be the shy type.” Natsu eyed him up and down. He didn’t see what he had to be shy about.

“Of course I can!” He roared, he un-shielded his cock. His muscles flexed as he surged with power. “I have pride in my strength!”

“I wonder about that, maybe you have too much pride in it. All you’ve ever said to me is about strength.” Natsu had trained and worked so hard to grow strong. He admired Laxus, but he was seeing something darker inside him now.

Laxus glared at Natsu. He had no idea about what was to happen. Their eyes were locked. The blonde was full of so much rage and pride. Natsu’s eyes turned gold, his pupils turning into sharp slits. “Strength-Cutting!” He cast.

The blonde’s eyes widened as magic blades cut through him, severing his “Strength”. Cutting such concepts could have interesting side effects. Laxus’s pride was so deeply rooted in his strength it fell along with it. “Forgive me master!” He bowed his head, getting on his knees and his head lowering to the floor.

“You’ve been a bad boy Laxus!” Natsu crossed his arms. To see a man as big and strong as Dreyar prostrating himself like this was turn on. “Rise!”

“Yes sir!” He sits up on his knees.

“Oh what is this?” Jutting up from between his legs was his cock. “You are a naughty boy aren’t you Laxus?”

He bowed his head. “Sorry for being naughty!” Natsu tilted his chin up.

“I don’t mind.” Laxus gulped. “You are submissive now, does being so turn you on?”

Laxus blushed. “I don’t know...sometimes I have dreams, but have always felt submission was for the weak, and the strong dominate!”

“I don’t think pleasure has anything to do with being strong or weak.” Natsu stepped out of his sandal. “You are so strong Laxus, just look at you!” The praise made Laxus shiver in delight. He stepped on the blonde’s cock, earning a moan. “I think you can be strong and still like taking it up the ass!” He ground his foot into the hefty rod.

The words cut deep. Without any pride, arrogance, or other nonsense getting in the way. “You got a nice piece and a sexy ass, it’d be a shame to deny either.” Laxus gulped. He was hanging on every word, his master’s words were absolute truth. “You want to be a good boy, don’t you Laxus?”

“Yes!” He moaned. Laxus did, he really did!

“Then lay back, show me how you masturbate!”

“Yes sir!” Natsu removed his foot from his groin. The blonde whined at the loss, but moved to obey. He laid on his back, one hand taking ahold of his fat cock, while the other fondled his chest. Laxus felt Dragneel’s eyes on him, spicing up the usual sensations.

The man’s fat nipples hardened into perfect peeks. He started pinching one. “Ohh!” He tugged it and he began working his shaft. “Ahhh!” Pre-cum began to spill out. The blonde wasted no time polishing his shaft, making it glisten.

Natsu watched him masturbate, seeing the pleasure caress the man. Without his strength or pride, he was just able to feel. “That’s it, good boy, now play with your ass!” Natsu palmed himself to the show.

“Yes sir!” He shuddered at the praise, wanting more he was swift to obey. Laxus sucked two fingers, getting them nice and wet. Without any hesitation he began to work his ass with the digits. “Ah...it’s tight…” He grimaced a bit, but slowly the digits worked the virgin soil and opened him up.

“It’s alright, take it easy, work it nice and slow.” Laxus shivered and obeyed, his pumps were less forceful. He caressed his length while slowly working his insides. The initial sting faded and pain melted into pleasure. “How do you feel?”

“It feels good master!” He moaned.

“That’s it, good boy!” Laxus arched his back and moaned.

“More, praise me more!” His skin was flushed. The fingering was controlled exploring this new avenue of pleasure. Laxus was not a virgin, he knew anal sex. A wizard’s body could handle sex, made for it, such lovely nerve endings lining the walls.

His fingers and cock had sent many men and women over the edge and down the rabbit hole of pleasure. He was tasting forbidden fruit in his mind, and it was oh so good! Laxus was getting more into it, focusing more on his ass then his cock. “That’s it, good boy, keep going!”

Another jolt of pleasure sparked through him. He added a third finger and began to work his ass like he’d been doing it for years. Having Natsu watch him was fuel to the fire of pleasure. Then his fingers brushed something. “Oh fuck!” His whole body shook, and he had a dry orgasm.

“That’s your prostate. Now that you’ve been introduced, keep going!” Laxus nodded and began fingering again. His digits curling and brushing his sweet spot. The man’s body grew hotter, his toes curling.

“I...I’m...I’m...oh master...I’m cumming!” He came hard, shooting all over his sexy body. Semen splattered his pecs and abs, the rest spilling over his hand. It had been awhile, so he had a lot saved up.

“That’s quite the mess.” Natsu stepped on his cock. “Let’s see if we can add to it!” He began to gas pedal him.

“Ahh master please!” He moaned. “I just came...I can’t…”

“You are still hard, that’s dragon stamina for you. These big balls I’m sure you have more to give.” Laxus curled up like a puppy wanting a treat.

“Nnnhhh ahhh haaa aaahhh!” He began to drool.

This was too much fun. Laxus began rolling his hips, bucking up into the foot, adding to the pressure and friction. “You are doing such a good job, my good boy, there is just one thing I want you to do.”

“Anything master!” He moaned.

“Cum for me!” Natsu squeezed the tip with his toes.

“YES MASTER!” He came again even harder than before. His cum got everywhere, shooting between his toes and all over Laxus’s body.

“Such a mess, naughty boy, clean it up!” Dragneel wagged his foot.

“Yes sir!” The blonde obediently licked his semen off Natsu, going between the toes, licking the pads, sole, and heel. Even when he finished the job he kept licking, enjoying himself more and more.

“Good boy!” Natsu praised. He reached down and caressed Laxus like a pet. Dreyar moaned in delight. “See, you are still strong and you can enjoy yourself in submission.”

“It’s all so clear to me now, thank you master!”

“I know how you can thank me! First, admit defeat!” Laxus obeyed bowing to Natsu.

“I lose, you win!” Laxus gushed. “You beat me completely, you’ve grown so strong!” He marveled at Natsu’s strength. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize.”

“All is forgiven, now here is your treat.” Natsu undid his pants and freed his monster of a cock.

“Oh wow!” Dreyar’s eyes sparkled at the size, Natsu was a grower. 10 inches soft and 15 inches hard. The rod cast a shadow over the blonde’s face. Laxus’s penis twitched between his legs, the sight of it made his hole throb in want. He licked his lips.

“Suck my dick Laxus!”

“Yes sir!” He went down on Natsu, slurping and sucking his monstrous shaft. The cock wasn’t just big, it was hot! “Mmm!” He moaned around the hefty shaft. ‘So big, so good!’

The blonde breathed through his nose, taking in Natsu’s manly musk. It was so spicy, it tickled his nose, and created fireworks in his brain. His moans worked through the shaft, earning moans and praise.

Laxus’s efforts doubled, enjoying giving the blow job to his master. His rod twitched between his legs, his lust was building. Dreyar’s efforts coaxed pre-cum to spill and he drank it happily. It lit a fire in his belly, ramping his lust and libido to another level.

The more he drank the hornier he became. He slurped down Natsu’s monster, taking more, his throat relaxed and he took the hefty monster down. Natsu was singing his praises. It felt good, so good.

He may have been enjoying himself too much. ‘Not like this...not like this…’ His eyes closed and everything went black.

Laxus came, hard, blowing his load all over the ground. “Wow Laxus, cumming from sucking my dick, you are a real pervert!” He fucked the blonde’s mouth to finish, cumming down his throat.

The lightning dragon had been defeated, fully and completely. Natsu ended up passing the trial and became an S-Class wizard. He undid the spell on Laxus, but the blonde remembered everything. The ride home was strange, Laxus had to get a spare change of clothes. “You aren’t turning into Gray are you boy?” Makarov asked.

“Shut up!” He hissed.

The old man noticed a change in his grandson, but couldn’t put his finger on it.

A few days after the exam, Natsu got a knock at his door. “Laxus?”

“I...can I come in?”

To be continued...



So hot!