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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1/Phone Fic

Soaked and worked on this one, hope you guys enjoy. 

Flare Advanced

After the S-Class Exam. the loss against the Dark Dragon, and being thrown into the future, Natsu is pretty shaken. Since they’ve been gone magic has advanced and the once strongest members need catching up to do. Natsu wants to get stronger, and when he dreams he gets a push from Igneel. He starts learning Flare Magic becoming a unique fire dragon in his own right.

Chapter 1

Natsu was shaken. The S-Class Exam had opened up his eyes, showed his weakness, helped him see, not only that he needed to get stronger but that he could. Then Grimoire Heart attacked, he experienced a fire he couldn’t devour easily, but he did taste it and use it for a moment. He scratched the surface of something bigger. He was given Laxus’s lightning, and he was able to quickly form a new style Fire Lightning Dragon! Before he had time to process the possibilities…

Just when they could breath the Dark Dragon appeared and wrecked everything.

Even with four dragon slayers they couldn’t even scratch that monster. He would have ended them had it not been for Fairy Sphere. They didn’t get away unscathed, being thrown into the future. The Tenrou Team lost seven years. The world carried on without them, magic advanced, new guilds appeared and older ones grew in fame and power.

Fairy Tail fell on hard times, losing their Guild Hall, falling into debt, losing their reputation, and losing many of its members. The Tenrou Team returned and helped put a stop to the harassment from Twilight Ogre, but the debt still hung over their heads. Macao had done his best to run the guild, but lacked the power or experience to stand with the big boys.

Monsters like Laxus, Erza, and Gildarts were still monsters in terms of strength and power, but many of the strongest members were now at a disadvantage. Natsu had to draw out the Fire Lightning Dragon mode just to beat Max, something he had to use to take on Hades. ‘I have to get stronger!’ He reflected over the experience of what happened.

Gildarts showed him the power of the S-Class, heights he could reach if he worked harder. Zancrow showed him that there were greater flames out there, and the power they possessed. The raid on Tenrou showed him a lot, how they relied on Wendy’s healing and support magic, which was asking a lot of her. He went up against all sorts of enemies, some taking longer to defeat and he needed help. He didn’t know how he’d handle some of the enemies the others faced. Hades showed him how out matched they were against some of the bigger threats in the world. Laxus showed him his Fire Dragon Magic was finite, it could grow and be changed. ‘I want to get stronger!’


Natsu started having dreams about Igneel, they felt almost like memories. His adoptive father told him that many dragons could breathe fire, but were not a “Fire Dragon” like him. He had chosen the path of Fire and achieved a higher tier of flames. Natsu didn’t really get it back then he just thought his dad was cool.

The dreams would fade, and Natsu would swear he heard Igneel’s voice. “You’ve grown strong my son!” It made his heart flutter and he cried tears of joy.

“You have been using my style and it has taken you far, but it is time for you to forge your own style.”

“I was born a fire dragon, I could have resisted my nature as others did and learned other magic had I wished, but I embraced it as others did. I became the Fire Dragon I was, because that’s what I wanted!” Igneel’s voice touched Natsu deeply. “What kind of Fire Dragon will you become?”

Each time Natsu woke up he felt inspired, he wondered how he heard Igneel’s voice. It felt so real, but he didn’t smell Igneel in the area. When he was a kid he remembered Igneel used to talk to him while he slept, giving him good dreams he said. It was always warming knowing his dad was watching over him, even if he was gone when he woke up the scent lingered. ‘Igneel…’ He gripped his scarf.

Igneel’s words gave him the final push. He had been stubborn, relying on Igneel’s style. believing that’s all he needed. He had come across other flames before, maybe if he had learned how to do these flames when he went up against Zancrow he’s have been ready. Flare Magic!

Macao and Romeo had this power, Macao had Purple Flare and Romeo was learning the Rainbow Flare Style. Totomaru had become a teacher, but still held a grudge over losing to Natsu way back when, so learning from him wasn’t possible. Natsu wasn’t worried he had an idea, he asked Macao for some fire to test his theory. “Here you go!”

Purple Fire was unique, it was moldable and didn’t burn, it also couldn’t be extinguished by wind or water. Natsu had eaten some before it tasted chewy like bubble gum or taffy. Natsu ate the purple flame, but savored it, like a fine meal. This wasn’t a simple slurp down for a power up, he let the flavor sink in.

He was like a wine expert, while savoring the flavor he was learning about what was in it. Natsu broke the purple flare down and then…

Purple flames appeared around Natsu’s hands. “Whoa!” Macao and Romeo gasped.

“Big Bro Natsu you are amazing!” Natsu had a life hack. As a Fire Dragon Slayer, he could break down flames he devoured. Laxus gave him a hint to this, when he tried to eat his lightning years ago he had just tried to chug it down, this would be like a vegetarian suddenly eating meat, it messed up his system and made him sick. On Tenrou the magic was freely given which made it smoother and less invasive, he did get a little sick after, but in the moment he had felt Laxus through his lightning, he was able to harness it and channel it.

Dragneel was a fire carnivore, he enjoyed “meat” dishes, but has mostly eaten one kind of “meat”. Flare Magic had more variety, like different cuts of meat, different flavors. Natsu could control the Purple Flare, testing it out, this fire was very manageable. He had used some of Macao’s fire control lessons in the past to some success, with Purple Flare it was so much easier.

The Flame was an extension of his will, only burning if he wished. He could pick things up without burning anything and could punch with intense heat. Romeo wanted to help. “Here Big Bro, try this flame!” Romeo conjured the Yellow Flare without thinking.

Natsu remembered that one and held his nose. “Yuck no way!” He said while pinching his nose.

Romeo blushed. “Sorry…” He conjured the Blue Flare instead. This was Ice Fire, flames so cold they burned! “How about this!?” He was eager to help Natsu grow stronger.

Dragneel recognized these flames too. He had eaten Totomaru’s Blue Flames before, they were cool and refreshing. Natsu ate the flame, and savored it. It really was cold, like eating ice cream. Natsu savored it, breaking it down and understanding this flame before manifesting it. “So cool!”

Flare Magic had evolved in the last 7 years, more colors were found and recognized, but the Rainbow Flare style was seen as the basics. Totomaru even had a few new tricks, Natsu couldn’t go to him for help but he figured he’d figure it out on his own. “Thanks Romeo!” He pats his head and Romeo blushes.

They were preparing for the Grand Magic Games, believing that they could gain fame and money in one swoop. The Tenrou Group was trying to figure out ways to get stronger.

He had two flare magics down, with more to come. His focus went to Wendy, her dragon not only taught her Sky Dragon Slayer Magic, but also healing and enchanter magic. It suited the Sky Dragon Style, but Wendy was young and probably hadn’t spent enough time with Grandeeney to learn a combat style. Natsu thought that he learned the combat style, and wondered if he could learn support magic too?

Wendy even got some ancient scrolls from Porlyusica, who turns out, was from Edolas and was the counterpart to Grandeeney herself. The dragon left behind two powerful Sky Dragon Spells with her to give to Wendy should they meet. Milky Way and Shattering Light: Sky Drill. Wendy had something to learn.

Natsu spoke to her wanting to learn Healing and Support Magic. She just snapped at him saying she had nothing to teach, her expertise involved herbs and Edolas “Science”. She was able to obtain the epitaph of Healing Mage, but only because of her medical knowledge and skills. “You are a destructive person, why do you wanna learn healing magic?”

“Because it shouldn’t fall on Wendy alone…” She stared at him. “When I was with Gramps he was hurt and I couldn’t do anything. The others were hurt and I couldn’t do anything. Wendy had exhausted her magic trying to keep us all healed. She shouldn’t have to shoulder all that on her own.”

The pink haired woman sighed. She got some herbs and gave them to Natsu. “Try burning these with your dragon fire.” Natsu applied his flame to the herbs and to his shock the flame turned green. “Eat it before it burns out fool!” She snapped at him.

“Ah right!” He ate the burning herbs, the green flame was bitter, like medicine. He swallowed it, but it wasn’t enough. He let out a little burp, and some green embers came out.

“The Fire of Healing: Green Flare!” She gave Natsu a jar of the herbs. “Take one leaf a day and you’ll get the hang of it. Now get out!”

“Yes Ma’am!” He took the jar and left.

‘Your kids are finally growing up Makarov.’ She thought. Natsu popped his head back in. “I said get out!”

“I just wanted to say, thank you!” He said with a smile. She was touched, before throwing her broom at him.

Natsu would harness the Green Flare and it gave him ideas on what other flames he wanted. He worked with Wendy to learn Enchantment Magic, he couldn’t use the Sky style, but he worked on his own style. He remembered the golden yellow fire Jellal fed him once, it made him stronger than eating normal flames, perhaps that was an enchantment?

He pictured the fire in his mind and what he wanted from it, magic was all about visualization. Wanting something bad enough before making it happen. ‘More…More…remember that soft flame…’ If the Green Flare was bitter, he imagined the Yellow Flare to be better. Totomaru’s Yellow Flare was stinky. ‘Mmm…maybe…could that be it…’

Incense could be burned emitting a good scent and making people feel good. He figured it out, manifesting the yellow flame with a twist. Yellow Flare would serve as his Enchanter Source smelling like cinnamon. Wendy suggested he master the basics, by boosting Strength, Speed, and Armor. “Arms!” He cast it, but it didn’t work. That was the Sky Style, he needed to do the Fire Dragon style.

“Sky style seems gentle, maybe Fire style is more aggressive.” He lit candles with Yellow Fire and meditated, searching for the answer. It came to him as he had visions of Igneel. “Flame Enchantment Claws!” He cast on himself, Yellow Flare washing over him and boosting his physical strength.

Claws was the Offensive Power Boost, Scales was the Defensive Boost, Glide was the Speed Boost. Natsu and Wendy worked together to strengthen their enchantment magic and together they learned a flight support spell, Natsu’s was Wings, and Wendy’s was Soar. When cast it allowed them to fly through the air with their magic power. Natsu gave Wendy the idea, using his experience against a wind user who could fly with his wind.

Wendy soon was able to dance on the air, for a Sky Dragon like her it was easy. Gajeel noticed the two training together and was feeling left out. Natsu also put another old experience to the test, Bora could fly using his Flame Carpet, Natsu recreated that move using Purple Flare, enchanting Flight was a big ticket spell for him, it was easier for him to fly with Purple Flare than the enchantment.

He gave Wendy some ideas on how to fight and defend with Wind Magic/Sky Magic from his fight with Erigor, she would practice those along with the new spells she got. When he left her to train he bumped into Gajeel. “Hey Salamander, why are you training with the shorty!?” He asked. “She can’t be a good sparring partner?” He said with his arms crossed.

“She’s helping me learn Enchantment Magic, and I’m teaching her to fight. You might be a good spar, but she actually wants me around.” Natsu snapped at him. Gajeel flinched. His whole “the sky isn’t big enough for two dragons” attitude was coming back to bite him.

“Yeah…well…” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. Since seeing the Dark Dragon, the skies weren’t safe for anyone. He wanted to apologize, he wanted to train with his fellow dragon slayers, but he wasn’t good with asking for stuff like that. His dragon was a bit of a dick, going for a tough love approach, making Gajeel figure things out on his own.

Natsu sighed. “Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Do you think we can be friends?”

“Maybe…” Natsu has seen Gajeel, he was a bit twisted, but deep down he was a good guy.

“Alright then!” Without warning Natsu suddenly kissed Gajeel on the lips. The raven haired male pulled back with a gasp, a blush blooming on his cheeks.

“What…what are you doing?” He gasped. His lips were still warm and tingly from the sudden kiss.

“What? You’ve never heard of kiss and make-up?” Gajeel’s blush deepened.

“That’s not…you don’t…you don’t just kiss people like that…” Natsu’s expression didn’t shift.

“Why not?” Gajeel face palmed.

“You are supposed to kiss people you like!” Without missing a beat.

“I like you, you can be kinda rude, but you are strong and fun to fight with.” Gajeel ruffled his hair in frustration.

“Not that kind of like you idiot. Like~Like, you know the kind you want to…” He couldn’t say Love, the word in his head made his blush reach from ear to ear.

“Mate with?” Gajeel anime fell. “If you're up for it I wouldn’t mind mating with you.” Gajeel’s whole face went red.

‘The hell is he saying?!’ He gulped. “Have you even had sex before?”

“No…have you?” Natsu’s words cut right through him. Gajeel was indeed a virgin, he didn’t want a weak mate so he just never did stuff. “Igneel told me about mating, but I hadn’t thought about it before, but after Tenrou I’ve been thinking a lot of things.”

“So what, now you want to have sex with me?” Gajeel got up.

“Well yeah, you are strong, you smell good, you are hot, have a rocking body, I bet you’d be fun in bed!” Gajeel couldn’t breath, Natsu’s words and compliments were like arrows that penetrated his thick skin and went right to his heart.

“Don’t think you can flatter me just to stick your dick up my ass!” He snarled and grabbed Natsu by the front of his shirt, he had steam pouring off his head. He was like a hot kettle.

“Do you wanna go first?” Gajeel was caught off guard again.

“Go…first?” He blinked, he was like a magical beast caught in a light lacrima.

“Yeah, you fuck me, then I fuck you, that’s how mating works right?” He had no idea, he had met some guys that wanted to make Gajeel their bitch so he kicked their asses. Their attitude turned him off, but Natsu was being open and honest. “We are both guys, we both have different needs and wants right?” It made sense but it was coming from Natsu of all people, he guessed the simplest answer would come from a simple minded person.

Gajeel released him. “That…sounds good…yeah!” Natsu smiled and the pinkette kissed Gajeel again. This time Gajeel didn’t retreat, he kissed back. Arms wrapped around each other, and Gajeel was pulled into Natsu’s warmth. Their lips pressed and meshed with each other.

Redfox was feeling hot under the collar. The kiss broke and Natsu caressed his cheek. “Let me in.” He said, and the raven haired male looked confused. Then Natsu kissed him again, licking his lips, Gajeel’s lips parted and their kiss deepened. He moaned as Natsu explored his mouth, his tongue shyly playing with and poking Dragneel’s.

Shivers races up and down his spine, he almost whined at the loss when the kiss broke…almost. Things were heating up. ‘Who the hell knew Salamander was a good kisser?!’ He gulped and licked his lips.

“Gajeel…fight me!” Natsu let out a sound that was a hybrid of a purr and a growl.

“Gihi!” He smirked. “Fine then!” He kissed Natsu and did what the fire eater did. Their tongue’s met and danced together, battling it out. What a hot match, this duel of tongues, fueled by the owner’s passion. Things got spicy as their competitive natures were drawn out. It was fun!

The two clung to each other as their duel ended in a draw, both were left panting. “Fuck!”

“Now or after some training?” Gajeel couldn’t help but laugh.

To be continued


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