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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 They Meet, A Clash of Battles and Ideals

When Ash landed in Kalos, he landed at the air port of Lumiose City. There were so many pokemon from so many different regions here. Ash got excited seeing monsters he’s never seen before. He could feel it in the air, the air in Kalos was full of different energies, some new, some familiar. Pikachu and Gible were excited.

His crystal had guided them to this place of all places, but Ash had no idea where they were. “Let’s see!” Thankfully such a grand and vast city had a bustling tourist and it was the heart of Kalos, serving as the central hub of the region. That meant pamphlets!!!

Not just for Lumiose City, but for the surrounding area. “The City of Light!” Ash opened up the pamphlet and along with a map of the city, but there was also highlights such as Prism Tower, Lumiose City Museum, the Lab of Professor Sycamore, the Battle Institute, and so much more. “Let’s see, there’s the Pokemon Center, a few hotels, all kinds of restaurants. We gotta check out the Battle Institute right buddy?”

“Pika!” He cheered.

“Gib Gib!” Gibble nodded.

There was a lot of new places Ash wanted to visit, like the Ball Boutique; according to the brochure they offered unique and new monster balls. A few restaurants and shops sounded like they offered lots of tasty treats. Despite having a map, people got lost walking around the city, with the towering and sometimes matching buildings it was easy to get turned around.

Locals used the Gogoat Shuttle to get around or the Lumi Cab. Ash also picked up a pamphlet about the different routes, Lumiose City connected to, there was so many options, he could his Route 4, 5, 14, 13, or 16. Before Ash could plan what to do next something pink flew past them.

“Gib…” the little dragon type froze up. He didn’t know what it was, but it gave him chills.

“Who’s that Pokemon?” Ash pulled out his Pokedex.

Dexter: No information found.

“Huh?” The little pink monster floated around, making Gible very nervous. “Are you okay Gible?”

“Gib…” He shook his head.

“Well it’s no surprise he doesn’t like Spritzee.” A woman approached Ash. “The name is Alexa, I’m a journalist here in Lumiose City!”

“I’m Ash Ketchum, a Pokemon Witch from Pallet Town.” Alexa gasped in surprise.

“A real Pokemon Witch!” She had stars in her eyes. “I’d love to interview you for the Lumiose Press!” Ash sweatdropped.

“Umm maybe, I’m actually curious about that Pokemon.” Ash pointed at the pink fluff ball. “Why is it making my Gible nervous?”

“Ahh yes, that’s Spritzee, the Perfume Pokemon, it’s no wonder why it makes Gible nervous, it’s a Fairy type, they are strong against Dragon types.”

“Fairy types?” Ash gasped. There was nothing in his Pokedex about another type.

“It’s no surprise you haven’t heard of it, though Fairy Types exist in other regions, it requires special tech to identify it.” Alexa explained. It made sense, he didn’t know Magnemite was a Steel type before. “You can find pure Fairy Types in this region.”

“A new type…” Ash touched his magical stone, that means there was a rune. ‘Fairy Magic!’ He wondered what kind of things he could do with that. Ash wanted to catch the Spritzee but it flew away. ‘I wonder if there is anyone who can teach me…’

A flash appeared in his mind, a Pokemon that kinda looked like an X appeared in his mind for a moment, but just as quickly as it came it vanished. Ash blinked. ‘What was that?’ Whatever it was it seemed to be sleeping.

“Ash...Ash are you okay?” Alexa asked.

“Oh sorry, spaced out there.” He chuckled.

“Were you having a vision? I’ve heard Pokemon Witches can see into the future, can you tell me my fortune?” She was ready to take notes.

“A vision maybe, while I can look into the future I try not to, life’s more fun when you don’t know what’s coming, ya know.” Alexa jotted down what he said.

“Yes, yes I see!” She sounded so excited. “So tell me what brings you to Kalos?”

“Oh um well I wanted to take on the Kalos League, plus I am on a journey to make new friends and learn as much magic as I can.” He said with a smile.

Her eyes sparkled. “Can you show me some of your magic?”

“Well um…” She cut him off.

“What kind of magic can you do?”

“Oh um…” She cut him off again.

“Can you fly? How many Pokemon do you have? How are you enjoying your time in Kalos so far? Is it true Pokemon Witches sleep with their Pokemon?” Ash blushed.

“What?! No!” She was bombarding him with questions. Ash had a strong bond with his Pokemon sure but he didn’t sleep with them. Not that he frowned upon those that did, it just wasn’t his thing. He’d rather sleep with the trainer than the monster. He saw his monsters like family, he’d die for them, as they would for him.

“Is it true witches can replenish their magic by having sex? Are you here to challenge the Lumiose City Gym?”

“There’s a gym here?!” Ash got excited, thankfully dodging the sex question. “Let’s go guys!” He conjured his broom. “Nice meeting you Alexa gotta fly!” Gible and Pikachu jumped on the broom and off he flew.

“So he can fly, what a scoop!” She went to contact her editor, she had a feeling following Ash around would get her some big time stories.

Ash flew high overhead, unknowingly passing over Clemont and Bonnie. “He went that way!”

Clemont was panting, missing him again, only catching his shadow as he flew past. ‘Oh man!’  he was breaking a sweat.

Ketchum made it to the gym easy enough, with his magic stone as a guide he didn’t get lost. He arrived at the gym, it was high tech opening up and allowing Ash inside. Automated floors carried him to the entrance for the arena. Robotic eye appeared from the top of the door. “Greetings! Welcome to the Lumiose Gym, are you Spectating or Battling?”

“Battling, I’d love to challenge this gym!” Ash looked pumped.

“Pika!/Gib!” His Pokemon agreed.

“Excellent, how many badges do you have?” The robotic voice asked.

“Umm, we don’t have any badges, this will be our first gym challenge in Kalos.” An alarm sounded. “Gah what’s going on.”

“So sorry, this gym requires a trainer to have four badges to enter, good bye.” The eye retreated. Ash knocked on the door.

“Come on, let me have a Gym Battle!” The eye came back out.

“You do not have enough gym badges and you are not a spectator, please leave!”

“Well can I watch a Gym Battle?” Ash asked.

“No Gym Battles are scheduled for today, good bye!” The eye retreated again.

“Oh come on if you don’t have a gym battle planned for today how about a practice battle or something?” Ash was really wanting to battle, he found he got that way on long flights.

“Request denied, you are now trespassing, you will be escorted out!” the robotic voice said.

“Wait what?!” Ash gasped. Suddenly they were approached by Magnemite and Magneton. Without warning they unleashed Thunderbolt and Zap Cannon.

“Gible!” The Ground Dragon jumped in and took the hit, he was fine. He even let out a yawn.

“That’s enough, Sleep!” Ash’s body glowed and he unleashed blue waves; the monsters were put to sleep.

“Unknown force detected, intruder threat level increased!” Suddenly round drones came out. They fired lasers which knocked Gible back, and clipped Ash in the shoulder.


“Pika Pi!”

Ash was quick erecting a barrier as the group were pelted by the lasers. “I’m alright, are you okay Gible?”

“Gib!” He nodded.

“Alright Pikachu, get rid of those drones!”

“Pikachu!” Pikachu’s attack passed through the barrier and destroyed the drones.

“Electro Cannon Charged.” The robot voice said and some kind of ray descended and Zzzzzzaaaappp! It fired a concentrated blast of raw electricity at them.

Ash had to focus to keep his barrier from shattering. The force of the ray pushed them back, bit by bit until...the floor suddenly opened up. “Waaaaahhhhh!”


“Giiibbbbbllllll!” The trio went falling down the trap door, and through the tunnels they went for being deposited outside, landing hard on their butts. Ash managed to catch his monsters and spare them from the impact.

“Owww!” Ash rubbed his sore behind.

“Are you alright!?” Bonnie and Clemont raced up to him.

“What happened?” The blonde male asked.

“I have no idea, I challenged the gym and I got thrown out of there for not having enough badges. Something wouldn’t even let me see or speak to the Gym Leader, and attacked me for being an intruder.” Clemont gulped and began to sweat.

Ash got up. “Man oh man, I was really hoping to have a battle.” He dusted himself off.

“We can battle you!” Bonnie said. “Right Clemont?”

“Oh umm sure.” He said.

“Really?” Ash’s eyes lit up. “Alright!”

“I’m Ash, a Pokemon Witch from Kanto!” He introduced his partners.

“Ohh so you are the Pokemon Witch we saw!” Bonnie got excited. “I’m Bonnie this is my brother Clemont, he’s single!”

“Bonnie!” Clemont blushed, making his glasses fog.

“A cutie like this, I don’t believe it!” The blonde’s heart fluttered, he coughed, cleared his throat, before adjusting his glasses.

“Well I’ll tell you what I believe in, I don’t believe Pokemon Sorcery is real!” Bonnie face palmed.

Ash was taken aback. “Excuse me?”

“I believe in science, Pokemon Sorcery is a sham. Pokemon “Witches” just use trickery, using their monster’s power to fake having power of their own!” Ash had met a few fakes in the past, so he understood the doubt, but he knew it was real. “Strange phenomenon gets mistaken for sorcery but things can be explained with the power of science!”

“Well Science is awesome, but magic is real.” Pikachu and Gible nodded.

“Very well prove it!” Clemont asked crossing his arms.

“Fine, Aport!” He transported his broom into his hand.

“Heh, simple teleportation nothing magical about that. You could be using pocket gear tech.” Clemont demonstrated his back pack carried all sorts of inventions in it despite the size.

“Fine, I’ll show you some Flying Magic!” Ash’s rune began to glow as he began to build up energy, wind picked up blowing some dust across Ash’s nose. Before he could unleash a spell. “Ah...Ah...Ahchoo!”


Wind had struck Clemont at point blank range, the blonde’s clothes were completely shredded. “Oh wow!”

“Gah!” Clemont’s whole face went as red as a tomato as he was naked except for his glasses. His cute pink nipples were on full display, the rushing wind causing them to stiffen and pebble. His boxers didn’t stand a chance, causing his 13 inch long, hefty, uncut cock to flop free. “Ahhh!” He gasped and tried to cover himself but even with both hands it was hard to cover anything.

Clemont panicked and tried to run only for him to trip. His plump booty sticking up into the air. “Oh Clemont…” Bonnie sighed.

“Are you hurt?” Ash asked.

“Just my pride…” Clemont whimpered. ‘He saw...he saw my freaky big penis...’

“Repair!” Ash magically fixed his clothes and he was able to put them on.

“See Clemont his magic is real!” Bonnie said. Clemont huffed, a mixed of embarrassed and having his pride shaken.

“Do you hate magic or something?” Ash asked.

“It’s not that I hate it...exactly...Our mom left us for a Pokemon Sorcerer, she bought into his tricks and he promised her a future of wonders. So its my goal to make the future now thanks to science. My inventions won’t lose to any spell or trick!” Clemont put his clothes back on. Ash couldn’t help but smile.

“I can understand that, I’ve had some bad experience with science but I don’t hate it. If you wanna challenge Magic with Science, I’ll take the challenge.” Clemont was surprised.

“How about we have a Battle first?” Bonnie pointed out.

Clemont brought them to a battle field, permitted for Pokemon battles.

Ash and Bonnie battled first Pikachu vs Electrike, she did her best but the little guy was against Pikachu. Ash and Pikachu were in perfect sync with each other, you could almost feel a power resonating in the air between them. A mysterious Pokemon is drawn to the feeling and watches the battle conclude.

“Oh man I lost!” Bonnie slumped.

“You did well for your first trainer battle, I could feel the bond between you and Elec, that bond will help both of you grow.” Ash told her. It lifted her spirits. “What about you big boy, you think you can handle a battle with me?” Clemont blushed.

“We shall see!” The two clashed, Clemont determined to win. Despite having caught Bunnelby recently, his experience as a Gym Leader helped carry the battle. Gible’s weird pacing did throw Clemont off kilter a bit. He had the edge, using Double Team, and Double Slap, with Mud Shot for long distance attacks. Gible looked shaken.

“Let’s wrap this up Bunnelby use Dig!” Bunnelby tunneled like a drill into the ground.

“Gible, Dig let’s go!” Gible dove underground.

In the battle of the Dig’s, Gible was clearly more comfortable in the earth, moving around in the ground like a shark moves through water. “Keep going Gible!” He connected Bunnelby’s tunnels with holes. “Now Draco Meteor!”

The ground lit up with orange energy and with all the tunnels connected Bunnelby had nowhere to run. Boom! Bunnelby was blown out of the holes. “Oh no Bunnelby!”

“Rock Smash Gible!” Surging out of the ground, Gible’s arm glowed with the power of the fighting spirit capable of smashing rocks. The timing, the synergy, the bond, WHAM! Bunnelby was hit into the ground.

The mystery Pokemon was amazed, Ash was an amazing battler. Clemont was stunned, he’s never felt like this in a battle before, his heart was pounding in his chest, he was excited. ‘Ash...just who are you?’ Gible jumped onto Ash in joy happily chomping on his head.

His mind was racing, he wasn’t upset about the loss, Bunnelby did great and they’d get stronger and get more in sync. He was already crafting inventions to help him train in his head.

Bonnie watched her brother and couldn’t help but smile. “Let’s get your Pokemon to the Center for treatment.”

“We can go to Professor Sycamore’s lab, it’s closer!” Bonnie suggested. It was a good plan, off they went, with the mystery monster following them like a ninja.

To be continued...Garchomp’s Rampage

Clemont is feeling things for Ash, but that is conflicting. Team Rocket and others have arrived in the city and a plot to steal Garchomp is hatched. Ash meets a weird little mon who seems interested in him.


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