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Reborn parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Confidence and Passion

Reborn was a cursed soul, despite his baby appearance he was actually an adult man. He retained his strength and skills, while gaining the power of the Acrobaleno. Not the fairest trade off if you ask him. He lived a cursed life, but faced challenges and earned the respect of many with his skills. He took what he knew and built upon it, having seemingly all the time in the world.

Despite all the fame, glory, money, women, and men, every day he looked in the mirror was a reminder of his curse. So he recognized Sawada Tsunayoshi was living a cursed life. All the pain, misery, and humiliation he’s suffered was directly because his flames were sealed. He’d understand if the boy’s flames were too strong he’d die, but this...this was sick and wrong.

‘Note to self, shoot Iemitsu in the dick...maybe just a testicle.’ Reborn was furious, but hid it behind his adorable baby face. What kind of normal life can one person have if you strip away their confidence? Sealing a person’s flame was like chaining their soul. He looked into Sawada’s life, from his grades, to his athletic performance, to his social standing are crippled.

‘This kid has lived a cursed life, but not anymore.’

Tsuna shed tears, tears of joy. Since he was a child he felt like he wondered around in the dark and scary world all alone. Now there was suddenly a bright warm flame. Like a moth he was drawn to the light, before he could reach it he stumbled and fell. ‘It’s okay now…’ Tsuna looked up and the flame looked like him. ‘You aren’t alone anymore, I’m with you!’

When he came back to reality he didn’t know why he was crying, but he felt good. A weight was lifted off his shoulders. His flame spread through his body waking it up. Even though the awakening process made him cum, he was still hard. “What was that?”

“Your body is waking up, take it slow you don’t wanna strain something. Don’t go jumping into bed with anyone either, that piece will break someone.” Tsuna blushed.

“Has...has my dick always been this big?” He caressed it, marveling at the size and weight. “Have I…” He looked himself over. The veil was lifted and it was like he could see himself for the first time.

“Your sealed flame has been stimulating your body as much as it could over the years. Sadly without the ability to fully utilize it.” Reborn eyed him. ‘I can get him up to speed to utilize the body he’s blessed with, and work with him to grow stronger.’

“My flame?” Tsuna was confused. The image of his fire double sprang to mind, smiling.

“What’s 9 X 43?” Reborn ask.

“Huh?” He blinked.

“Answer the question.” Reborn pointed a gun at him.

“I don’t know...I…” Something sparked in his brain. “387?”

“That’s correct, what’s 18 X 43?”

“Um...uh…” Another spark in his brain. “774?”

“Correct. 26 X 43?”  Tsuna thought about it and…


“43 X 43?” Tsuna thought again.


“Do you know why I’m asking you these problems?” Tsuna shook his head. Reborn pulled out Tsuna’s last math test. “Because you got these same questions wrong before.” Tsuna looked at the test.

“How is this possible?” He looked over the answers he got wrong, he was able to get the right answers now. There was a few more complicated questions he struggled with, but he’d have gotten more of an 80 or 90 score compared to the 8 he had.

“You knew it but you weren’t able to answer the problems, some might have attributed it to test anxiety. I can help you study, so even the most difficult problem will be easy for you.”

“I’ve never been good at studying…” Tsuna tried to say, and received a chop from Reborn. “Oww!”

“I’m well aware of that, you need to forget the past, now that your flame has been unleashed your intuition, processing, and memory.” Tsuna was confused. “Consider your life these years you’ve been on training wheels. I’ve removed those training wheels so now you’ll be able to study a lot easier.”

“How...how is that possible?” His brain and body were catching up. This flame...or whatever Reborn was talking about was making him feel active. He was noticing things about his body, he was feeling things, it was like going through a second puberty.

“You have the Dying Will Flame of the Sky, this phenomenon was discovered and harnessed by different mafia families. This power exists in all people, tied into their very life force.Humans who are closer to the flame are unique and hold special talents, those that can tap into it more and manifest it, had been explained as supernatural powers.” Reborn explained that the flames of the sky were divided into seven main forces, Sky, Storm, Rain, Sun, Lightning, Mist, and Cloud. “There are special flames, but those vary and are hard to analyze.”

“I had this flame?” Reborn nodded. “And it was...sealed...why?”

“That’s not important, the point is, now you are free. I’m your tutor Reborn. I’m gonna train you to be the next mafia boss of the Vongola Family.” Tsuna was shocked.

“I don’t know...if I can do that...I don’t know what I can do…” Reborn smiled.

“That’s why I am here, to guide you, help you reach your full potential.”

“So umm...what do I do with this?” His cock was still standing at attention.

“Heh, didn’t think this would be our first lesson. Tsuna, it’s time you learn how to masturbate.” Reborn got a wicked glint in his eye.


Tsuna didn’t have the confidence or the drive to touch himself before. He didn’t know if he liked girls or guys, as in his old brain he never had a shot with either. Reborn provided him ample reading material, with lots of pictures, while giving him a brief lesson in masturbation. Some of the images surprised him.

“Two guys can do stuff together?” He gulped.

“Sure can, in my line of work I had to seduce my way into beds.” Tsuna stared at him in surprise. “I was in my prime back then.”

“You...you are cursed too aren’t you.” The assassin tensed. “But not like I was.”

“My curse can’t be solved by a special bullet. A shame, if I was back in my old body, I’d have given you hands on experience, but I would have ruined you for other men.” Tsuna can’t help but laugh at that. “Now focus!”

“Right…” He blushed, his cock was still throbbing. “You’ve slept with women and men?”

“Indeed, as an assassin I had to master the art of seduction. I didn’t really have a preference, some fuck for love, others fuck for money, some do it for the thrills, but there is a linking element in all possibilities...passion.” He tapped the books. “Find your passion.”

Tsuna went back to the books. He wasn’t quite sure what he was looking for. The yuri pictures didn’t really interest him, they were both attractive and beautiful women, but it just didn’t stir his loins. The hentai pictures were better, and he admired the intimacy and passion shown in the pictures, but when he tried to imagine being in that position he didn’t feel any surges of lust.

When it came to the yaoi, he felt a surge. His penis twitched and he felt his cheeks go hot. Men really came in all different shapes and sizes, from height, weight, muscle mass, and...dick size…

Tsuna gulped. He flipped through a few pin ups and centerfolds, admiring the different bodies men had, his penis twitching at different ones. Their cocks also varied, but Tsuna noticed some studs were rocking monster cocks like him. He caressed his rod tenderly.

He moved from the centerfolds to the porn, and seeing two guys together stroked Tsuna’s curiosity and desire. Reborn gave him some pretty basic stuff, not wanting to overwhelm him with something too kinky. It was best to build up from a base, you don’t dive into the deep end before learning to swim. Basics build foundation…

Tsuna got to see men jerking each other off, kissing, frotting, rimming, sucking dick, fingering each other, and of course fucking each other. Seeing two guys kiss and touch each other had Tsuna’s heart fluttering.

In one image of a frot scene, as the two guys rubbed their cocks together, one of them groped the other’s pecs. Tsuna ran a hand over his chest at the scene. ‘Can a man’s nipples feel that good?’

Any question about how do two men have sex were quickly answered, while showing how to prep an ass for it. They stroked his imagination and he started thinking by the time he reached the fucking images. ‘Wow!’ His face grew as red as a tomato and as hot as a pepper.

The images had all kinda of guys fucking and getting fucked. Tsuna even saw big muscular hunks getting bred, some guys even with huge rods taking it up the ass. He looked to Reborn. “Just because nature blesses you with a kind of body, that shouldn’t take away from what you want on the inside.”

Age, size, body type, no one should look down on a 30 year old body builder wanting to get fucked as something impossible, people want what they want. A young stud with a 16 inch penis might not want to top, same for someone who’s packing a mini magnum shouldn’t be denied a chance to top. Sex was more than just what was between the legs. “The whole body needs experience to draw out the ultimate effort in sex.”

Tsuna began to try to imagine himself in the different roles presented, but when he imagined himself in the submissive position, he felt his engine cool. When he imagined himself as the dominant he felt his lust surge. “Mmmm!” He found an image that stuck out from the others, a man with a big dick fucking another guy, but you could see his impressive size bulging out the submissive’s stomach.

He focused on the image and imagined fucking a guy the same way. “Ohhh!” He took hold of his cock with both hands and began to work his shaft as he dived into his fantasy. The confidence to jerk off like this proved just how much of a change unsealing his flame did.

Sawada was beautiful, his skin growing flushed as he worked his meat for the first time. His moans and groans grew as he got closer to his climax. Pre-cum oozed out and smeared over his pumping hands. “Oh Oh Ohhh Ohhhh~” He felt the feeling of release build up and pool into his groin. “I...I...I’m cumming!” His body shook as he tensed, his orgasm hitting hard and his hefty balls unleashed his load. Such a mess, Reborn’s research materials were drenched and splattered in semen.

‘Good thing I had them laminated.’ They were covered in white. Tsuna was panting, as he discovered something new about himself.

‘I like guys...I wanna have sex with guys…’ He shivered at the thought and his penis twitched in approval. Reborn was ready to work with Tsuna.

To be continued...Confessions of a Baseball Nut



The Sex Ed we didn't know we needed. Thanks for this, Paper. 😉