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Danny Phantom parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Alpha Ghost

Danny is an alpha, and is a ghost hybrid. He doesn’t look like the typical alpha, so often has other alphas hitting on him. This proves to be a big mistake as Danny doesn’t submit and has no problem breaking arrogant alphas and making them submit completely turning them into omegas. Alpha Danny/Harem

Chapter 1

The world began to evolve many years ago, the standard became shifted as humans began awakening to a secondary sub sex. Alphas, betas, and omegas began to appear and shape society as a whole, for better and worse.

One thing was a constant, human bodies evolved to break down all food and convert it into energy, making the ass hole exist purely for mating. This allowed humans to only need 4 hours of sleep a day to be fully rested. Restrooms were slightly changed needing very few toilets, and were divided among the three sub sexes. Unless someone ate something spoiled or didn’t agree with their stomach, the human body now purged toxins through simple urination.

Changing rooms followed, locker rooms, and so on, dividing among the sub sexes. The typical male and female dynamics began to fade with time, with each passing generation, in this day an age male and female alphas could shower or share a changing room without batting an eye.

Even clothing lines became less about male or female, there was now Alpha-wear, Beta-wear, and Omega-wear; clothes for your dashing alpha, your stylish beta, and your beautiful omega! To say the sex industry boomed over the years was an understatement.

One of the cons was a form of class system among the sub sexes.

Some countries valued one sex over the others, in a few they valued alphas for their strength and ability to dominate others; while other countries valued betas their versatility and their sway over the other two; omegas were seen as divine in some countries, their fertility and their allure.

Depending on where they were raised Alphas, Betas, or Omegas could get an inflated ego from their respected societies. There was also those who grew up in those areas who got a perspective and biased for their sub sex. So even in areas where they promote unity and equality there were those that made that difficult.

Give anyone an ego, inflate their pride, and they’d be a walking pain in the ass.

Another pro was the sex ed courses, they were more developed, more informed, and frankly more consistent.


Amity Park is a small city home to one Danny Fenton. He was the second child to an Alpha and a Beta; he figured he’d be a beta like his sister. His mom was an Alpha, his dad the Beta. When it came to sub sex probability, the trait was usually carried by the father when it came to male and female pairings, between male and male or female and female it was an even 50/50 split.

So Danny wasn’t expecting much in life, he’d present as a Beta, he’d either be scouted out by an Alpha, or find a nice Omega to mate with. His normal life got a nuke dropped on it. His parents weren’t normal people, they were paranormal investigators.

They not only wanted to prove the existence of ghosts, but figure out how they work. They made tech to fight ghosts, and potentially capture them, track them, and even dissect them. They reached the culmination of their research a portal, potentially leading to a Ghost Zone!

The first test was a failure, and it was a crushing blow. Danny took a look inside of it, wearing a radiation suit for safety. As it turns out Jack had an on/off switch inside the machine and forgot to turn it on before plugging it in. What Danny didn’t realize the machine was still plugged in from the test.

There was a great big flash, and from that...everything changed…

Turns out his parents weren’t crazy, there was a Ghost Zone. The portal connected their worlds, or more so created a new connection. With Danny inside the portal the energies merged ectoplasm into his DNA. When he woke up he had snow white hair and glowing green eyes.

He was now part ghost, able to shift between human and spirit. Danny had powers now, ghost powers, he could walk through walls, disappear, and fly. Since the accident his normal life was flipped and turned upside down. His hands turned intangible causing him to drop things, which landed him in some trouble, the only trouble’s ever been in.

There was an incident where he turned invisible in the showers, not that anyone noticed. He phased through his bed and landed down stairs, he also levitated over his bed only to wake up and fall hit the ground hard. Despite all the weird stuff going on around him, he managed to keep it a secret.

Six months after the accident he started to get control. He learned to transform or “Go Ghost!”, he started getting control over his powers bit by bit, with practice. His friends were helping him, Sam and Tucker were the only two who knew. He didn’t want to tell his parents mostly because of…

“I can’t wait to find, trap, and dissect a ghost molecule by molecule!” His dad Jack said. It made Danny very nervous.

These new powers had Danny trying to avoid being labeled a freak for the rest of his life. He hadn’t even awakened yet. Everyone else was preparing for their awakening, while it was the furthest thing from Danny’s mind.

Sam thought his powers were cool, Sam liked unique and different. His parents were a beta and omega, and came from a wealthy family. They wanted Sam to be a more “proper” omega or beta, and wanted to set him up with a nice Alpha as soon as possible. He was against arranged matings on principle, they were too old fashioned, and kinda creepy.

The families would meet, go over the arrangements, and the two intended would be thrown into a room together during a heat or rut and left alone for days. With the two families hoping for a baby or a mating, not really caring which. If there was a mating, the two families would be united like a marital union, if no mating occurs but a child was made depending on who had the high station would receive the first child and they’d do this again and if no mating happened again the other family would keep the second child.

Sounds messed up yes? It’s why most families don’t do this crap anymore. It was usually only the rich and powerful who wanted to make sure they had an heir still did nonsense like this. Sadly Sam’s family was rich and powerful and didn’t get modern sensibilities.

Manson has been his biggest help with his powers, he’s been studying ghost lore and having Danny work his spector muscles so to speak to try and figure his abilities out.

Tucker on the other hand thought Danny should forget about the powers unless he could use them for profit. Tucker was also a son of an Alpha and a Beta, two men, so he was banking on becoming an alpha. Unlike other potential alphas in their class Tucker didn’t see the need to bulk up.

Dash, Kwan, Dale, and a few others had spent the last four years bulking up for their awakening. It’s why they were such skilled athletes. Tucker seemed to think he’d awaken as an alpha and be able to bench press 300 pounds like nothing. He really should have paid attention in Health Class.

Tucker was a tech geek, his biggest goals in life was to get popular, get a date, and get laid. He thought he was cooler than he actually was. Danny shared his love of gaming, but the two didn’t have the most in common.

While Sam was trying to help him get control of his powers, Tucker was coming up with ways to use his powers for gain. Danny felt a form of responsibility on his part, as he learned not all ghosts were friendly. He decided to protect his home, friends, and town from ghosts coming through the portal and appearing in town. Which he figured out via his Ghost Sense.

By karma Danny had been bullied so he enrolled in self defense classes, that helped in battling ghosts a bit. With Sam’s help he began figuring out what else he could do, tapping into ectoenergy, which he could fire off in blasts either from his hands or finger tips.

Since he was half human and half ghost he found he could pull a poltergeist and infuse his consciousness into an object and control it. Sam called it Living Poltergeist. This power he “abused” the most.

By infusing his consciousness into a text book for example he could read it and study while doing other things, like playing video games or fighting ghosts. Sam only approved of this because he was using it to keep his grades up. Danny could infuse his consciousness into a pen and do his home work while he slept. The power wasn’t absolute he could only control three objects at once, but using this power helped work his ghost muscles. It also held his consciousness so if he didn’t study he couldn’t get the answers right.

Sam was quite athletic so he worked on building up Danny’s physical vessel. Giving him a compromised diet and working with him to train his body. So the next 6 months carried on with the time of awakening fast approaching. “Sam why are we doing this again?”

“Because Danny, you’ve come along way with your powers so far, but you’ve only been fighting weird animal ghosts, what if there are more powerful ghosts out there.” The two had gotten up early to go for a jog. “Or at least one’s more intelligent.”

Sam had his hair tied back, and was wearing a black t-shirt with a purple x over his chest, and purple running shorts. Danny was wearing a white t-shirt and red running shorts. “I’ve been getting control and picking up a few things, I’ve been so focused on my powers the awakening is around the corner.”

“Let me guess Dash?”

“Yeah, he was an early bloomer, he’s already presented as an alpha. He says my ass is his once I present as a beta.” Danny sighed.

“You know he can’t force you to mate him, and didn’t you have a crush on Dash?”

“When we were kids, and we used to hang out all the time, then his dad sent him off to a Youth Sports Camp and he came back all...jock…” Danny hated to admit it that Dash was indeed hot, but he also became a world class jerk.

Since High School started Mr. Lancer has been letting the potential alphas get away with whatever. The Jocks had a run of the school bullying anyone weaker than them or those that had a lower social standing. The popular kids were off limits. Dash and the other jocks, made his Freshman and Sophomore years feel like hell. Now was the time of awakening and a lot of them were staking claims on potential mates already, never mind they spent the last 2 years acting likes jerks and idiots. “Dash used to be so cool, I don’t know what happened to him.”

“High School happened to him Danny, it changes people. Those too scared to strike their own path and be an individual or find their own place tend to get sucked into clicks and buy into the social nonsense.”

“Does it ever get better?”

“Well like the song says, High School Never Ends.” Danny groaned.

“Great…” He shook his head.

“Come on Danny, who knows maybe you’ll present as an Alpha?” Sam said patting his back.

“Would you stop saying that, do I look like an alpha to you?” He made a look at me gesture with his hands.

“Mmm,” Sam stopped and thought about it, eyeing Danny up and down. “Not really.” He lifted up Danny’s shirt showing off his toned stomach. “There ya go!”

Danny blushed and forced his shirt down. “That’s just because of my ghost powers, it super charged my cells.”

“So what? Your ectoplasm gave you abs?” Danny rolled his eyes. “I’m telling you Danny, there is a chance your an Alpha, if you are one like your powers, own it, embrace it, and if Dash messes with you...fuck him!” He meant it literally. “Just because you are born an alpha or any of them doesn’t mean you stay that way.”

This was true, there were ways for Alphas, Betas, and Omegas to alter their sub sex even after presenting. In this day and age companies even made special protein shakes and offer infusions to try and shift the possibilities. Since the rates were essentially 50/50 with most pairs some people opted to choose what they wanted to be. Others awakened to their sub sex and it didn’t feel right so found ways of changing to their desired sub sex.

As strange as it may sound, there were big dicked alphas out there that just didn’t want to top, and actually enjoyed bottoming to the point they wished they had been awakened as a Omega or Beta. The same was true for Omegas, despite their smaller dick size they could be scrappy and desire to dominate others, so much so they wished to have been an alpha or beta. Betas tended to be the most fluid as being switchers they often got the best of both worlds, but that didn’t mean some betas didn’t crave more dominance or more submission and a change could occur.

Like in school a lot of jocks bulked up and spent years training believing they were gonna present as alphas and for some that didn’t happen. Alphas, Betas, and Omegas, came in all shapes and sizes.

For example Danny’s dad Jack was as big as an alpha, but he was just a Beta and happy as could be. Some liked the surprise of the awakening, adopting the principle of a coming out party, announcing to the world they are a proud...insert sub sex here...not for everyone but some people like the attention.

“No matter what you present as, we still gonna be friends right?”

“Always!” Danny and Sam shared a fist bump.

The time came for Danny’s awakening, and it turns out his half ghost body beat the odds.

To be continued...I’m an Alpha?!



Fine bit of world-setting, and I do like the setting of an ABO verse that is more fluid… feels less predeterministic. 😉