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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1/Bad Day Fic

AN: Worked on this had a bad day yesterday trying to bounce it back

Chapter 1 

Ben’s Charms: Third Arm Sash, Tangle Web Comb, Lunar Locket, Reversing Mirror, Snake Fang Yo-Yo, Crystal Glasses, Shadow Cloak, Beast Mask, Key Stone of Bezel, Magic Bag, Sorcerer Staff, Charmix Costume, Schere

Chapter 2 Kevin’s Omnitrix

Ben knew the power of names, its why he gave names to his charms and treasures. Gwen thought it was silly, but hey she named her aliens, mostly to prove she could be as creative as Ben.

He also gave a name to his magic bag and magic scissors after a time. The bag was named Buttons, since being named it seemed to have more personality. His scissors received the name Schere, it was german for scissors, but also sounded like shear. When they went to a farm he saw a sheep get sheared, the process fit Ben’s intention for the scissors. His magical treasures/tools he wanted to use to help people not kill, the scissors seemed to be a terrifying weapon but they couldn’t kill, he could slice through someone and the worst that would happen is their clothing/armor would be cut up.

Having a name made the treasure stronger, once a charm had a name it unlocked potential. It also came with risks, as if it got destroyed, Ben wouldn’t be able to create the same charm with the same name, even if he made something similar it wouldn’t be the same.

“Grandpa, tell Ben he needs to be smarter with his charms.” Her cousin just rolled his eyes. Ben was still testing out charms, his mana experiments were strengthening his magic muscles, and if he got a charm he liked he named it.

Gwen tended to hog the shower, so Ben conjured up an enchanted wash clothe. In one of his comics there was a woman with bubble powers, these bubbles could wash away dirt, grime, and imperfections from the body. He experimented with the principle and created the Soap Duster. The enchanted washrag worked on anything, Ben could use it to bathe, use it to clean his clothes, clean floors or dishes. Normally one could not do that, it wasn’t wise to cross use wash clothes and rags as you needed the right tool for the job.  Magic twisted that logic, the little charm magically cleansed everything. Grandpa Max used it and it washed away wrinkles.

A few swipes and wipes left anything sparkling, and the rag’s enchantment kept it eternally clean.

So Ben’s morning routine consisted of, using the Third Arm Sash to brush his teeth, the Tangle Web Comb to brush his hair, and the Bubble Duster to wash himself. What took Gwen hours to do Ben managed to do in minutes.

His experiments included attempts to create his own versions of the Charms of Bezel. His attempts weren’t successful so far. The five charms had the powers of Luck, Pyrokinesis, Electrokinesis, Telekinesis, and Resurrection. He also tried to match Gwen’s aliens a bit, something to breathe under water, something to control plants, something for speed, but so far nothing felt name worthy...yet!

Gwen didn’t like him trying to match her powers. “Now Gwen, there’s nothing wrong with Ben experimenting, and you two need to work better together.” She groaned.

“So long as I got the omnitrix I don’t need his help!” Ben rolled his eyes.

“It’s that kind of attitude that led to Kevin!” He snapped.

“That wasn’t my fault, he was a monster!” Kevin Levin was a boy living on the streets. Gwen thought he was no good, which led to a scuffle and a fight, and Kevin accidentally absorbed energy from the omnitrix. He went crazy.

“He’s not a monster, there’s just something wrong with him…” Ben was right, from what he read taking energy the wrong way can mess with one’s head, in the book it even had a name, Power Addiction. Warlocks stole power from other magic users, but it was never enough, they kept consuming more and more power. “He needs our help!”

“I tried to help him and he betrayed me, and teamed up with Vilgax to try and take the omnitrix!” Ben shook his head. He didn’t know what happened on the alien arena ship, but Gwen had unlocked Master Control on the omnitrix, and Vilgax had teamed up and in Ben’s opinion, used Kevin to try and take the omnitrix.

When Gwen had Master Control she could turn to any alien at will, and there was no living with her ego. She was so arrogant she charged in to fight Vilgax head on. Ben and Max had to bail her out a few times. Weirdly though, Vilgax had called Ben something. “Levin, deal with the anodite!” He didn’t know what that meant.

She lost master control, but Vilgax and Kevin were cast into the Null Void. “It isn’t right, Kevin isn’t a bad guy.”

“Whatever, I never want to see that loser again!” Gwen said. Karma had something to say about that.

On their next stop they ran into Kevin. “You!” Gwen growled.

“You’re human again!” Ben exclaimed happily.

“Sure am, thanks to this!” He revealed a red omnitrix.

“No way!” Gwen gasped. “How?!”

“I used Gray Matter’s smarts and with some help for the parts I built this. It was able to stabilize my form, and get the DNA samples I needed. I made a few modifications, I’m a mutant human so my omntrix gives my aliens a mutant twist. While in the Null Void I was able to pick up some more samples, so I’m even better than you.”

“I’ve unlocked some new aliens too I won’t lose to you Kevin!” The two activated their omntrix.

“Stop it both of you.” Ben snapped at them. “We don’t have to fight!”

“Are you crazy, we can’t let that freak run around with a knock off omnitrix?!” Oh she shouldn’t have said that. Kevin snapped at being called a freak. Ben face palmed.

She transformed into a female Tetramand she called Four Arms. Kevin adjusted the dial and slapped the top becoming a similar Tetramand, only male and slightly mutated. Instead of the usual red skin he had purple skin, he had thicker arms than the typical Tetramand of that age. Comparing the two Kevin looked more ready for combat then Gwen. “Quad Smack!” He smirked.

The two clashed and despite Kevin’s superior size, female Tetramands were actually naturally stronger than males. The two went at it, trading blows, for blows, for blows, and blows! Ben was forced to erect a barrier of mana around himself, the air was crackling from the two heavy hitter’s back and forth.

Max had been taking a nap but had woken up from the ruckus they made. “Will you both just stop!?” Ben cried out, but neither one was listening.

Four Arms began to gain the upper hand, thanks to her martial arts training. Gwen could incorporate that into her aliens and fighting style. “Nice trick, here’s one of mine!” Kevin touched the Rustbucket, and absorbed some of the metal and used it to make gauntlets.

“I can’t do that?!” She gasped.

“I can!” Wham! He knocked her back.

With a growl she slapped the watch and in a green flash she transformed into… “Diamondhead!” She began to pelt Quad Smack with diamond shards. “Anything you can do, I can do better!” He slapped his crest, and there was a red flash. “Crystalfist!”

Gwen’s female form was more slender, Kevin’s was looking like a big hockey player. His color was a deep purple compared to the traditional teal. Kevin had the upper hand from the start in this form. He fought like a hockey player, body checking her, swiping her legs, and he began to overwhelm her.

“Enough!” She slapped the symbol. “Cannonbolt!” She started to roll over Kevin, knocking him around and smashing his crystals. Crystalfist bounced back and surprised Gwen by not only regenerating, he managed to create tentacles out of crystals. The mutation giving him more control able to do more flexible and artistic creations. “I can’t do that!”

“Hehe!” He used his tentacles to grab her and knock her around. “My turn!” He slapped his crest and a red flash happened. “Wreckingbolt!” He had more more armor than Gwen’s Cannonbolt, and it was spiked for more destructive hits.

The two clashed like wrecking balls, Gwen thought she had the upper hand until Kevin used his unique body to tunnel and burrow underground. He came back out hitting her with a surprise attack from under ground.

“Ugh!” She slapped the omnitrix and transformed. “Toxifly!” The humanoid insect took flight, hers was female, so instead of a dark blue and light blue body, it was pink and dark pink, her wings were a silver color. Ben wanted to call her Stinkfly, cause the insect could emit a foul odor like a stink bug.

She kicked Kevin around for a bit, her insect-like strength making her a power house despite her thin appearance. Females of their species could produce a stinger like blade from her wrists. It didn’t work against Wreckingbolt’s armored body.

“Darn it!” He charged up some speed. “I’m gonna squash you!”

Gwen sprayed some goo across the ground causing him to lose traction and control, and ended up slamming into a tree. “Who were you gonna squash Levin?”

“Ugh!” He slapped his omnitrix and in a red flash he was in a new alien form. “Skunkmoth!” His version of “Stinkfly” was more beetle-like, with a red body and golden armor. He’s rocking a prominent gray horn that gave him the look of a rhinoceros beetle. He had some shoulder pads and from an evolution stand point their placement along with the horn would make it look similar to a face to scare off predators. This extra armor protects even his wings.

They took this battle into the air, clashing with each other, claws met and the two fired goo at each other. Kevin showed her a trick as he could fire acidic orange goo along with sticky red goo. Things weren’t looking good for Gwen, especially when a familiar beeping was heard.

Beep Beep Booop! Red Flash

Gwen had over used the omnitrix, the energy she had built up was drained away all those transformations wore it out. It was now in charge mode. She transformed back to human form in the air. “Waaaaaahhhhh!” Down she went.

Ben was able to save her by putting up a mana barrier around her. “What’s the matter Gwen, out of juice, looks like mine is good to go!” He laughed.

Again Karma as his watch began to make noise. “Uh oh!” He flew down and landed just in time as he reverted back to human form. His watch was in the white.

“What was that Levin?” Gwen laughed.

“Shut it, I just overloaded it with too many transformations.” Sure enough Kevin’s watch was back up and running while Gwen’s was still in the red. “See?”

“Come on, come on!” Gwen fiddled with her watch.

“I picked this one up in the Null Void.” He slapped the watch and transformed. “Bashmouth!” He became a large husky-like werewolf alien. His fur was a dark greyish blue with parts of his body being cream-colored. He had four finger claws, and three toes on each foot. Bashmouth was rocking a dark orange vest with a red center line, black pants and a shoulder pad on his right shoulder.

“What is that freaky thing?” Gwen gasped.

Bashmouth growled and was about to lunge at her only for Ben to get in his way. “Kevin...Bashmouth stop!”

“Out of the way Benji!” He growled. Ben didn’t flinch.

“Kevin please, no more fighting, for me…” The dog-like alien whimpered, looking at Ben softly.

“Fine for you…” Ben smiled and hugged him, the furry alien’s tail started to wag.

“I’ve missed you!”

“I missed you!”

Gwen made a gagging gesture. Ben snapped his fingers and Gwen landed on her butt. “Oww!”

There was a lot of questions in the air. Ben was just so happy to see Kevin again.

To Be continued


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