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Digimon Tamers parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1/2 

Chapter 3 A Game?

Takato had a problem. Not the problem you might be thinking of. His morning wood was swiftly taken care of by Leomon and Guilmon. The lion anthro was early to rise and sat the sleeping Takato on his face, and he got ate out like a champ. A wake up call the goggle head was expecting as Leomon’s big thick tongue penetrated his ass, swiping and stretching Takato out.

His body spasmed and jerked, on reflex he pushed his ass against Leomon’s face, wiggling a bit from the wonderful sensations the digimon invoked within him. His toes curled as Leomon purred, kissing and licking his rear. He was enjoying himself, his tongue tracing the puckered rim of his hole before diving in and working his insides.

The brunette’s moans and the smell of his arousal woke Guilmon up, the dinosaur-like digimon didn’t wait and swiftly gobbled down Takato’s dripping cock. His greedy sucks and lack of gag reflex had the human bucking and sticking his hand in his mouth to muffle any louder cries. Leomon focused on tongue fucking his tamer, his tongue the equivalent of three fingers fucking his ass, but better. The way the wet muscle brushed his insides, saliva paving its way along his channel, it had his whole body trembling.

Guilmon was enjoying his tamer’s cock, greedily slurping and sucking his rod trying to get his milk. Having both ends toyed with at once had Takato lose it, his balls tightening, and his seed unloading into Guilmon’s mouth. The dinosaur felt him twitching and pulled back to get a mouth full of cum.

His cheeks puffed out as he held all of Takato’s man milk, savoring it before gulping it down. “Takatomon’s milk is yummy!” He said, his tail wagging.

“Guilmon…” Takato began but didn’t get to finish as he was rolled over. “Leomon?”

“I want my milk Takato.” He purred, before descending on Takato’s penis.

“Wait...I just came…” He was reduced to moans, as the tongue that had been teasing his ass just moments ago, teased his sensitive penis. Leomon’s sucks were relentless. “Oh Ohh Ohhh fuaaahhh ahh ahh ahh Leomon!”

He came again, giving kitty the milk he so desperately craved. It was one hell of a wake up call. Having back to back orgasms had Takato feeling all warm and tingly. His digimon looked pleased with themselves, then came another problem. “Takato...we’re hard!” Their hard dicks stood at attention.

Leomon could have taken care of it himself, but Guilmon had claws. Takato twitched. “I’ll take care of both you, stick your asses up for me.” Guilmon got to it quickly, Leomon followed suit, they stuck their asses up in the air, faces down asses up. Their hard cocks dangled between their legs. ‘They both are so big!’ Takato thinks not realizing they received their blessed size from him.

He marveled at their assets for a bit; Leomon having the ass of a body builder, firm and tight in all the right ways; while Guilmon’s ass was softer, plumper, and dare he say juicier. Leomon was bigger and thicker in the cock department. He took hold of both their cocks and pumped them together.

The two monsters melted as their tamer worked their shafts. Takato leaned forward and kissed Leomon’s ass, giving his hole the same TLC as Leomon gave him, the monster’s hole opened up easily allowing the tamer to kiss him french and deep.

Leomon purred, trembling from the pleasure. He almost whined at the loss when Takato switched to Guilmon.

“Ohh Takatomon!” He moaned and drooled.

Takato switched back and forth between them, building their pleasures higher and higher until they both came. Their hefty balls unloaded their seed and they made a mess on Takato’s bed. ‘So thick...I wonder what digimon cum tastes like?’ He collects some with his fingers and tastes it.

The essence danced over his tongue, tasting like nothing he’s ever sampled before. “Mmm!” His eyes sparkled. He tried some more, the monster cum would have an effect on his body; just as his had an effect on them. He got to have both of their cum, before Guilmon recovered from his orgasm.

Guilmon wasn’t picky, he helped lick up the semen. He bounced back and began lapping up the puddle of man milk. He slurped the semen from the sheets, his tail wagging in delight.

Leomon helped clean up Takato, he gave his tamer a tongue bath. “Ohh~” The anthro licked every inch of him, lapping up every drop of sweat, he purred sweetly as he licked his feet and pits. Guilmon was out, rubbing his belly after he licked up the cum.

The tongue bath made Takato feel both clean and dirty at the same time. He felt weirdly refreshed after two orgasms.

Now to his real problem. ‘What am I gonna do with these two while I’m at school!?’ He snuck down stairs and got them some food.

His dad thought he had a date in his room, his mom thought Takato had a pet in his room. She heard some shuffling while Takato went to take a shower and get dressed for school. His dad tried to give him “the talk” while his mom gave him a lecture about no pets. “I don’t have a girlfriend and I don’t have an animal in my room, okay bye!” He bolted.

Leomon helped Guilmon out of his room and the two landed safely to the ground. “Again, again!”

“No again!” Takato took them to the park. “I need you guys to hide and stay put while I’m at school.” Leomon nodded.

“But I want to play more!” Guilmon said.

“I promise we’ll play after school.” He checked out his digivice. “I have so many questions.”

“Find us a place to hide and I will watch over him.” Takato smiled.

“Thanks Leomon!” Guilmon pouted.

“No fair!” He groaned and pounced on Takato. “I want to play more with Takatomon!”

“Don’t be selfish.” Lemon tried to pull Guilmon off him, his tail thrashed. The dinosaur digimon growled, his eyes going primal.

“You selfish!” He snapped and the two looked ready to rumble.

“Leomon...Guilmon stop it!” He got in between them.

“He’s the one who needs to cease this foolishness!” Leomon growled, putting a hand on his sword. Guilmon growled at him, the primal look in his eye not fading.

“Guilmon...you gotta listen to me okay...if you don’t listen we won’t be able to stay together at all.” He touched Guilmon’s face. His eyes regained some sense.

“Takatomon...if I listen we’ll be able to stay together?” Takato hugged him.

“I’ll do my best okay, but I’m your tamer, you and Leomon are both my partners, so you two can’t fight okay.” He looked between the two.

“Okay...what about for fun?” Takato sighed.

‘Does he really get it?’ He ruffled his hair.

“I’ll agree for training, this one has a lot of power inside him, he must learn to control it.” This surprised Takato.

“Guilmon, I’m still new to this, but I want us to stay together a really long time. I don’t wanna lose either one of you okay?” His eyes got teary. Guilmon nuzzled him.

They made their way to the park and Takato found a cement storage unit. “You guys can hide here for now.” He left them a bunch of food. “I’m gonna leave Leomon in charge, he’ll keep you both safe, okay?” Guilmon nodded.

Takato gave them both a kiss on the cheek. “Stay safe you two.” He headed to go get his cards. Leomon put up a barrier so no one would notice them...well no human…

Impmon found them and got Renamon. “Look here we got two prime targets.” He conjured a fire ball. “Let’s get ‘em!”

“Hold it, we’ll wait for Rika!”

“Huh?!” He glared at her. “What are you scared?”

“We have no data on our opponents, and we can’t approach to find out who we are up against without revealing ourselves.” She could sense that one of the opponents was strong enough to erect a field, no doubt he was strong.

“Heh, I think you are just scared!” Impmon pointed at her accusingly.

“If you want to get digitized it’s nothing off my fur, I’ll tell Rika you fought bravely.” That did it, Impmon grumbled but relented. “They aren’t going anywhere, they’ll be there when Rika gets out of school.” The two vanished.

Leomon peeked out. “Looks like they left.” Guilmon was a bit too busy stuffing his face, the smell of bread and biscuits blocking his nose.


Takato got his cards and went to school, he was surprised at his sudden burst of athletic ability. While his friends were getting winded he felt his body was full of energy. “Jeez what did you eat for breakfast?” Kazu asked.

“What I ate? Uhh…” He blushed. ‘No way, could that have…’ He shook his head. “Hahaha just the usual bread from my family’s store, yep just bread!” He patted his stomach.

Takato nearly had a heart attack when another digimon showed up at school. It wasn’t any of the tamers’ monsters. It was a tiny little guy called Calumon, he was wondering around looking for something fun to do.

He started scaring the teachers and eating the food in the cafeteria. “Monsters, I swear I saw a monster!” The principal was raving.

‘Oh no is it Guilmon, no way he promised, and Leomon is watching him!’ He thought. Takato ran around looking for the digimon but didn’t find anyone. Once Calumon ate his fill he was off. That didn’t stop Takato from having a panic attack.

He bumped into Henry and his partner Terriermon. “This guy looks dumb, you don’t know what you are doing do you?”

“Terriermon!” Henry scolded him.

“What it’s the truth, he doesn’t even know how to use his digivice.” Takato checked his digivice, and it showed a digital map, Leomon and Guilmon were nowhere near the school.

“They are okay…” He wiped his eyes.

“Apologize!” Terriermon bowed his head.


“Huh?” Takato blinked.

“I apologized!” Terriermon laughed.

“If you aren’t gonna stay hidden you are gonna stay home with Armadillomon.” That shut him up.

“Momentai!” He waved. “I saw him running around with the digivice.”

“That doesn’t mean you should reveal yourself.” He rubbed his temples. “Did you just recently become a tamer?”

“Yeah…” Takato looked at his digivice.

“The thing can work as a radar, it can also give you data on digimon you encounter. You can slide cards and give power and upgrades to your partners. There’s also a messenger feature, you can call for your digimon, but some can’t simply jump to you but can respond back via telepathy.”

“Who was in the school?” Takato asked.

“I managed to scan him.” Henry revealed it was Calumon a rookie level.

“I wonder if he belongs to someone at the school?”

“Hard to say, he could be a wild one.” Henry put his digivice away. “Listen, if you need to talk, my door is open, my name’s Henry.”

“Takato.” The two shook hands.

“The one with the big mouth is Terriermon.”

“Hiya!” The two parted ways.

They parted ways and Takato went to the park. “I smell Takatomon!” Guilmon giggled, and rushed out to see him.

“Guilmon…” Takato waved. Before they could meet Renamon charged in and kicked Guilmon into a fence. “Guilmon!”

“This one seems weak!” Rika came out with Impmon at her side.

“I told you so!” Impmon laughed.

“Who are you, why are you attacking us?” Takato asked.

“Even if he is a weakling a fight is a fight.” Rika put on some glasses. “We are winning this game.”

“A game?”

“Renamon, Impmon, walk all over him.”

“Yes Rika!” The two charged at Guilmon.

To be continued...Rumble


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