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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1 Phone Fic

AN: Apart of the Trained, Advanced, Master series gimmick.

Sinnoh Contest Master

Ash Ketchum learned a lot from his journey through the Kanto battle frontier. He was there for May's contests, and battled Tucker who combined the tactics of both battle and contests. Ash knew if he was gonna be a Pokemon Master he would have to master both styles. 

Chapter 1 Ash's First Contest

Ash Ketchum a young man from Pallet Town, started his adventure with his partner Pikachu. They've had a grand adventure traveling through Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn; even returning to Kanto for the Battle Frontier. Together they've made friends and found rivals that have helped Ash grow stronger. 

The Battle Frontier was Ash's hardest challenge yet, and made him take a good hard look at his training and battle style. His companion May had decided to become a coordinator, he hadn't paid too much attention to Contests while in Hoenn, but got to witness them in Kanto. 

Then he battled Tucker and Juan, Tucker was the Tactics Frontier Brain, and he was able to combine battles and contests together to form a powerful battle strategy. Juan was both an accomplished gym leader and a talented coordinator. The two were able to blend the styles making them superior trainers. 

Ash may have defeated the Battle Frontier and earned the right to become a Frontier Brain someday, he felt he wasn't ready yet. There was still more to do, more to learn. He felt a big step in becoming a Pokemon Master was to master gyms and contests and forge a new style. 

His latest catch Aipom liked the idea. She seemed interested in contests. So, together with Pikachu, Ash headed to Sinnoh. Since he bested the Frontier he had earned the right to carry 10 Pokemon at a time instead of the usual 6. 

He ran into some trouble with Team Rocket. Jessie, James, and Meowth, a trio of Pokemon thieves and troublemakers. These three were often trying to steal his Pokemon, especially his Pikachu. 

While chasing the trio Ash caught a Starly with the help of Aipom. He reunited with his companion Brock, a former gym leader and aspiring Pokemon Breeder. Ash then bumped into a purple haired guy named Paul. 

Paul was a bit of an ass. He was an experienced trainer like Ash but he had his own style of battling. It was intense…

He mocked Ash, calling him weak. They would have settled things right there but Pikachu was still missing. Their match would come soon enough after Ash got his Pikachu back.

A girl and new trainer Dawn was trying to help Pikachu with her partner Piplup. Team Rocket overwhelmed her, but the tides turned when Ash joined the fray. Aipom and Starly worked together and freed Pikachu, and sent Team Rocket blasting off again. 

Everyone got treated at Professor Rowan's lab, and Paul showed up for their battle. Earlier Paul had caught three Starly, and after checking them with his Pokedex, he released the two he deemed as inferior. Ash didn't understand that at all. 

They had a three on three match, the first round was Starly vs Starly. It appeared that Paul's Starly was stronger as it had a stronger move than Ash's. Ash lost this round but Starly put up a good fight. "You did great for your first battle, we'll get even stronger." Ash told him.

Next up was Aipom vs Chimchar. It was a close match, but Ash pulled ahead, using what he knew about Aipom and contests to pull a surprise victory. He had Aipom spin like a top while using Focus Punch. It surprised Paul and caught Chimchar off guard. He lost that round. "Pathetic!" He chastised the fire type.

Meanwhile Dawn gushed believing that was a contest move. 'Is Ash a coordinator?' 

The last match was Pikachu vs Elekid. Ash surprised him yet again Pikachu spinning with Iron Tail deflecting both a Thunder Punch and a Brick Break. The match didn't go as either thought it would, ending in a draw. 

After the match Paul released Starly. "This one isn't good enough, I'll catch a better one." He said before leaving. Paul really rubbed Ash the wrong way, the way he treated his Pokemon and other trainers was frankly rude. 

Ash hadn't met a trainer like Paul before, their ideologies clashed hard with each other. Dawn wanted to travel with Ash and learn some of his coordinator secrets. "I don't have any secrets. I haven't really been in any contests before but I want to master both Contests and Gyms to become a Pokemon Master!" 

"Wow!" Dawn gasped. She was a coordinator and had big dreams of entering the Grand Festival. 

So our trio of heroes were off together. 

On their way to Dawn and Ash's first contest a few things happened. They met a Pokemon Bard named Nando who was struggling to decide if he should do contests or battles. Dawn battled him in a contest style battle, and Ash battled him like a gym battle. In the end he decided to do both. "Hey Dawn, why don't you give gym battles a try too?" She wasn't sure but she said she'd think about it. 

Brock caught a Croagunk, Dawn caught a Bunneary, Ash caught a Turtwig. Ketchum and Dawn practiced some appeals round moves, Aipom did well, but Piplup got dizzy trying to attempt a spinning Bubble Beam. He figured it out eventually though. They thwarted a few of Team Rocket's scams.

Ash bumped into Paul again in Bewilder Forest. They were going to have a match, but it got interrupted by Team Rocket. Paul and Ash got separated from Brock and Dawn and ended up stranded deeper in Bewilder Forest. Ash and Turtwig had some time to bond as they tried to get back to their friends. 

Paul caught a Stantler, but after scanning him released him. "Get lost!" He snapped, scaring the Stantler off. 

"That was mean, I think that Stantler wanted to be friends with you." Ash pointed out.

"Friends?" Paul scoffed. "Friends are useless!" He said before walking off again. 

Ash bumped into a Stantler who tried to Hypnotize them. Turtwig fought back and weakened the normal type. The two were in much better sync and after a few Bites and Tackles, Ash threw a monster ball and caught the monster.

Stantler | Ability: Sap Sipper | Moves: Hypnosis, Stomp, Confuse Ray, and Double Kick

Sadly a swarm showed up forcing them to run, before angering a swarm of Beedrill. From one swarm to the next they got chased around until they disturbed an angry Ursaring. He scared the Beedrill away, but he was on a rampage.

 Turtwig battled it to protect Ash and thankfully Pikachu and the others arrived. Though, not even a Thunderbolt from Pikachu and a Swift from Aipom, and a Razor Leaf from Turtwig could stop Ursaring's rampage. He chased them out of Bewilder Forest where Paul was waiting. 

He had Chimchar blast it with flames before getting it with a monster ball. He caught it and scanned it, deeming it worth something. The two had their battle Chimchar vs Turtwig. Ash called out Stantler to meet the others and watch the battle. "So you caught a Stantler, I wonder if it's any good?" He mocked. 

"If you had one of your own, I'd love to have showed you." Ash shot back. 

They had their match Chimchar vs Turtwig. The type advantage was in Paul's favor, but Ash and his grass type weren't backing down. With impressive speed Turtwig dodged Chimchar's attacks. Paul was surprised by the impressive speed. 

His Bite also surprised him, as it made Chimchar flinch. In the end they lost, the type match up being too much. A Flame Wheel sealed the deal. Chimchar cheered only to be chastised by Paul. "Now do you understand, a weak Pokemon raised by a weak trainer will only stay weak." 

"Weak huh?" Ash scooped up Turtwig. "I think he's pretty great. He battled hard and did well despite the type disadvantage. It was a tougher match than you thought even with the advantage!" Ash said with a smile. 

Paul twitched in annoyance. What Paul didn't know is Ash hadn't even started training Turtwig yet, he did so well on raw potential alone. He listened to his trainer and took Paul off guard a few times. "We'll get a lot stronger together!" 

"Tch, whatever!" It was a bitter pill to swallow. Ash was right, Paul had been cocky using a type advantage monster, only to face a tougher battle. He didn't want to acknowledge Ash's strength. 


Shortly after Ash and Dawn received Poketch, the device looked like a watch but had a variety of functions. Including a Love/Affection meter. Dawn was shocked that the meter was off the charts with Pikachu and Aipom. Ash had a special way of bonding with his Pokemon. Dawn would find out later. 

The Poketch could even record and register contest moves. It truly was an important device for a coordinator. The contest is right around the corner in Jubilife City. 

Dawn shows off the dress she was planning to wear for the contest. In Sinnoh coordinators wear stylish clothes when performing with their Pokemon. Ash dusted off an old outfit with some upgrades. He looked like a genie with baggy pants, an orange vest, a stylish bracelet to match his Poketch, instead of a hat he wore a red headband with a blue gem. 

"Oh wow!" Dawn blushed. The outfit was certainly revealing, showing off Ash's abs and pecs. It was also clear Ash wasn't wearing underwear, when the light caught the pants you could see the outline of his endowments. 

Her choker was missing and found by another coordinator named Zoey. Her partner was a Glameow. She seemed nice and cool, walking off with some swagger.

The two registered for the contest and got their ribbon case, guidebook, licenses, and ball capsules. They also got the beginner set of stickers coordinators could buy or earn new ones. Dawn gave a demonstration with the heart sticker. "That's pretty cool!" Ash exclaimed.

They decided to do some training for the contest. Like in Kanto you could switch Pokemon for the performance and battle rounds. Dawn was going with Piplup and Bunneary. "Who are you gonna use Ash?" 

"Since this is our first contest, I'll have Aipom handle both stages." Aipom was gung-ho about it. 

Ash believed they had the performance stage on lock, but knew he had to bring something extra to the battle stage. He had all his mons out and watching the training. Ash wanted his monsters to have an open mind and be flexible in battle. 

He got a hint at something when Dawn showed off a charged up Peck, storing up the energy in the beak for even more power and flare. "That's incredible Dawn, what do you think Aipom?" She liked it, and felt they could pull off something similar with Focus Punch.

The two train and prepare, the other mons watching and taking mental notes. "Look out, I think I got an idea for a combination!" He smiled and chuckled. 

"Already?!" Dawn gasped. Brock chuckled.

"That's just Ash. He's always had an unconventional way of doing things. I think being a coordinator is letting him channel and apply his creativity." He explained. 

"You two have known each other for a long time, you seem really close." Brock blushed. 

"You think so huh?" He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. Dawn blinked and was confused, but decided to focus on training. 

Ash may have been an experienced trainer but this was his first contest too. She felt this was an even playing field. 

To be continued...Battling Nerves


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