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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

White Blossom

Ichigo’s hollow powers have manifested and he has plant-like abilities this does have a side effect on his physical form giving him both gentalia. His release form is similar to Luppi’s though even more plant like, he’s so powerful he’s even altered hueco mundo creating a forest/oasis in the vast dessert. A captain is sent to investigate, but Ichigo’s pollen power might be too much for the wolf like captain.

Chapter 1

Ichigo Kurosaki was a very unique soul, having both shinigami, quincy, and hollow powers. The combination allows the human to see spirits. This led to a problem as a hollow wanted to devour him and take his power.

On one rainy day, Ichigo thought he was going to rescue a girl down by the river, only to learn too late there was no girl. It was a lure, a hollow used it to trick those with spirit awareness into coming out into the open. Grand Fisher had used this trick on many, and had feasted on innocent souls before they could manifest their power to defend themselves.

Ichigo wasn’t alone on this rainy night, his mother was with him and she was no ordinary human. She was a quincy and the source of her son’s quincy and hollow powers. She saw Grand Fisher and was ready to fight him, but in that moment something stripped the power from her.

She was strong and able to survive the process but she wasn’t able to protect her son. ‘No...Ichigo…’ She collapsed and watched as the hollow descended upon her son. It’s claws pierced through Ichigo’s small body and...


Grand Fisher was blasted away as an immense power sprang forth. By luck the same force that had taken Misaki’s powers from her, had caused Ichigo’s quincy’s powers to falter. Inside his body the quincy power had been restraining and binding both the hollow and shinigami powers. His hold on them faltered allowing the hollow power to manifest and save Ichigo from death.

His body wasn’t able to be saved but his soul healed. Hollow high speed regeneration, it made quick work of the wounds Grand Fisher inflicted, but the boy’s soul had been pulled from his body. His soul chain broke as the hollow powers took over.

Ichigo’s spiritual pressure spiked and he evolved beyond a normal hollow. His spiritual body shifted and transformed, he gained plant-like features and tentacles. Fisher tried to attack but was repelled by the tentacles. “Damn!” He fled.

Fisher didn’t have a choice, with the growing power and wild instincts it would take too long to kill this hollow. He’d burn too much energy and the risk of soul reapers showing up was too risky.

The boy couldn’t remain in the world of the living, his spiking power was detected by Soul Society, and it wouldn’t be long before a shinigami of at least lieutenant or higher would be sent to investigate. “Ichigo wait…” A gate opened up and her child vanished into the night.

Hollows varied in type, the usual case was a hollow gained an animal trait and when evolving the animal traits manifested more and more. In very few cases a hollow manifested plant traits, for Ichigo Kurosaki his hollow was modified, it bonded with his mom’s soul long ago. It had the powers of the white blossom.

Ichigo took root in Hueco Mundo and things began to change. The quincy powers couldn’t restrain the hollow powers now, and the hollow began to use the quincy power to help Ichigo survive. Quincy were very good at manipulating and controlling reishi and Hueco Mundo was full of it, in both the land and the air.

His unique evolution had bypassed the normal hollow state and the menos state and evolved fully into the adjuchas state. He looked like a monster from ancient lore an alraune, the petals around his waist a brilliant orange with white tips. Some of his leaves were a sinister looking black which complimented the orange and white petals.

Ichigo’s hair grew longer, and he had a pure white flower in his hair. White flowers bloomed on some of his tentacles. His hollow mask had red streaks on it like leaves. His roots and tentacles absorbed the reishi from the air to feed him.

The flowers on his tentacles released some pollen that kept predators away. It took a year for Ichigo to regain his senses. He found himself in a strange land and in a strange new form. He was alive and knew he just had to survive.

His inner hollow helped teach him and guide him while he slept. He learned the basics being able to fire a Cero and even open a Garganta. He was able to form a cero at any blossom or tentacle tip. The inner hollow explained about his unique powers as a plant he had unique abilities.

The pollen he was using to ward off enemies was only one form he could produce. He had nothing else to do, so he began to experiment, he dispelled the warding pollen and faced off against hollows with the balls to attack him.

His warding pollen was yellow, he could also produce a purple poison pollen. He could fend off attacks with his tentacles, while his poison finished off an enemy. Another pollen he could conjure was blue and put hollows to sleep.

The prey he caught didn’t become a part of his soul, the hollow used some of the shinigami power to purify his food. ‘It’s crowded enough in here with these two, I don’t need anyone else crowding around in here. I like my space!’ Ichigo sweat dropped, his inner hollow was odd. ‘I need room to grow!’

Ichigo didn’t really get it but he had nothing else to do, so he continued to learn and grow. He found he could travel by sinking into his flower, and moving beneath the sands of Hueco Mundo.

He mostly kept to himself, while avoiding the major players in Hueco Mundo. Some hollows had obtained great power, and thus were able to make great change to the land. Barragan built a strange form of palace, and gathered hollows for his court.

Barragan was an arrogant man, claiming himself to be the God-King of the land. He gathered the strong and devoured the weak. Ichigo was quite strong and growing stronger, so much so Barragan took notice.

He had sent messengers after him before, Ichigo could have killed them, but he put them to sleep and simply escaped them. Shiro felt it best to end them, but Ichigo rationalized that if he killed them it would anger Barragan and drive him to pursue them harder. He had power and numbers, they were strong, but they were also alone.

Ichigo had been right, by simply putting the messengers to sleep, he simply annoyed Barragan rather than angered him.

The other big powers was Starrk, he had an overwhelming spiritual pressure. Barragan’s messengers couldn’t even get near the man, they died if they got too close. He cut his losses with Starrk.

Hallibel was a mighty terror, she had her own den. She protected other female hollows, gathering a coven of sorts. She knew about Ichigo but did not approach him, she got a weird vibe from him.

In two years Ichigo had evolved further, obtaining the power some others had Vasto Lorde. He gained a more humanoid body and he was able to move using his roots. The lad’s hair grew long reaching the small of his back. His hollow taught him Sonido, a high speed movement technique. Ichigo was able to learn some more pollen techniques.

He learned he could manipulate his tentacles, granting them aspects of plants, but amplified.

As time marched on, the hollow gave Ichigo access to his quincy powers, specifically the ability to manipulate reishi. Ichigo found an area he could build his territory on, he poured his reiatsu into the area and began to take control of the reishi in the area.

He was able to bring life to the barren wasteland. A few Vasto Lorde had made efforts to form their own territories. Ichigo did his best to avoid them, but he was tired of running, he wanted a home to call his own.

Barragan was getting more persistent and more annoying. Not just on Ichigo but Hallibel as well. He wanted to bring them both under his rule or they could leave to a place he couldn’t see.

He couldn’t leave, if he did the soul reapers would just hunt him down. Given his hunger he didn’t know if going back to his family was an option. Even as a Vasto Lorde he couldn’t just challenge Barragan, he was older and more experienced. Ichigo had some tricks up his sleeve and could rely on his regeneration, but Barragan had a whole bag of tricks.

Hallibel was in the same problem, at least she had friends to lean on.

‘Are you sure about this Shiro?’ Ichigo had found a spot far from Barragan’s territory, at least reasonably so. This was a man who thought everything under the sky was his kingdom.

‘It’s fine King...just say the words...and when you do be sure to let go…’

“Bloom and grow!” He released his power, blowing white pollen into the air, an overflowing swell. As reishi in the land was twisted to Ichigo’s will bringing life to a desert. In his mind he thought of grand trees that towered into the sky, as tall as the menos even.

He had only intended to make a small oasis, but he turned the valve and let his power flow and like blowing a dandelion into the wind the seeds of his power sprouted and gave new life. A vast forest grew, trees of black with leaves of white.

In the grand scheme of Hueco Mundo even this forest was small, but it was Ichigo’s oasis. ‘Hey Shiro...I think I over did it…’ His vision was getting blurry.

‘No King you did it perfectly, for what comes next, for the spirit to evolve properly the body must reach the peak of exhaustion.’ His inner hollow drew on the power of the shinigami inside him and used it to fuel his evolution crossing the boarder.

Ichigo’s evolution shook Hueco Mundo a second time alerting every power house there was a new heavy hitter, a pure and natural arrancar!


“Lord Aizen, I received a report from one of our probes in Hueco Mundo. It seems the flower has bloomed.”

“Did he now, how interesting, let’s just see how he will proceed. The game is just getting started.”

To be continued...Awakenings

Ichigo awakens to a more humanoid body, he’s older now, it was hard to keep track of time in this place. He’s an arrancar, the remnants of his hollow mask on his forehead along with some colorful flowers in his hair. He looks over his new body to find something extra he wasn’t expecting. He has a new home and a new form, things should be easy right...right...


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