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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 A Peek Into Darkness

Bakugou Katsuki wanted to be a hero, he admired All Might as a source of strength. “All Might is so cool!” and “All Might never loses!” he wasn’t the only one who saw All Might like this. A mighty force that always wins, that defeats the villain no matter how strong, no matter the odds. These thoughts were what drove Katsuki. He wanted to be an even greater hero than All Might, able to crush anyone that stood against him.

The blonde was young and didn’t know the meaning of restraint. When he fought he went crazy, unleashing his power as much as possible. When challenged, he tried to establish dominance and obtain absolute victory. He could be quite scary and intense. His talent and skill drew people to him.

There were not many people he “respected” so to speak. There was a pecking order that he acknowledged and within his class/grade he was at the top among the students. So it says a lot when someone challenged him and they earned his respect. To Bakugou, Izuku was an odd duck, with a weird family.

There were days he would just disappear from school and the teachers would barely acknowledge him.

Other kids were told by their parents to stay away from him, that he was dangerous. ‘How can a quirkless nerd be dangerous?’ It didn’t make sense to him. He wasn’t scared of anything so he talked to him. Midoriya was just so happy over something so simple.

He asked his mom about it. “It’s not that he’s dangerous, his family is, to be specific his father is. Katsuki I don’t have a problem with you playing with Izuku but don’t go to his house okay?” He took Izuku under his wing and made him part of his “hero agency”.

When Izuku would disappear randomly, Bakugou had tried to visit him, ignoring his mother’s warning. He never made it inside the estate always being turned away by the staff. This time was different.

Midoriya had stood up to him, and he held his own despite being quirkless. He lost, but he showed a toughness and grit that spoke to Bakugou. Katsuki wanted to talk to Izuku, but Izku didn’t come to school the next day, or the next.

He went to the estate but was turned away at the gate. “I want to see Deku!” He snapped.

“Midoriya isn’t allowed any visitors today.” The staff said.

“He wasn’t at school yesterday or today. I want to see him!” The man at the gate wasn’t moved. “Please he’s my friend!”

The man sighed. “Midoriya is still recovering, I’m sorry you’ll have to come another day.”

‘Recovering…’ He tensed. ‘There is no way I hurt him that bad...did I?’ He began to sweat. ‘Is this my fault?’

“J...Just tell him Katsuki came by, and that I’m sorry!” He ran off. The guard did relay the message.

“Kacchan came to see me?” The news lifted Izuku’s spirits, only to have them slip. “Maybe it’s better if we don’t see each other.” He touched his back.

“Is that what you want?” Chimera asked. Izuku blinked before frowning. He shook his head. “Understood, leave everything to me. I’ll be back soon.”

Chojuro grabbed a cloak and left the compound. With his speed he was able to catch up to Bakugou. “Who the hell are you?!” The blonde snapped.

“I’m Chimera, Izuku’s bodyguard. No need to be scared.”

“Tch, I’m not scared of you!” He snapped. “So you are the guy Deku has been talking about, he mentioned he got a new bodyguard...wait this isn’t important, how’s Deku?!”

“Izuku is recovering.”

“Recovering from what? Did I really hurt him that bad, I didn’t mean to I’m sorry!” Chimera shook his head.

“It wasn’t your fight, Izuku was bummed he lost, but was truly exhilarated from your scrap. He truly cares about you, and enjoys spending time with you.” Bakugou blushed.

“Then what…” Chimera tensed and his hand balled into a fist.

“His father...when he heard Izuku lost he beat him.”

“He what?” His eyes widened.

“Izuku’s back and spirit were messed up. His father punished him for losing.”

Bakugou growled. “And you just let him do that!” His hands sparked with explosions. “What kind of bodyguard are you?!”

“I’m a monster that Izuku showed mercy on, I wish to protect him, but his father is an even bigger monster than me.” Bakugou could see the sorrow in his eyes. “He has a power that I don’t understand, and it makes it impossible to defy him.”

“Shit…” Izuku wasn’t dangerous, but his family is. ‘Is this what the old hag was talking about?’ It was hard to believe. “Why are you even telling me this? Why did you come?”

“You wanted to see Izuku, he wants to see you. So to honor his wish I wanted to bring you too him, but you needed to be prepared for what you see.” He offered his hand. “Do you still wish to see him?”

“Yes!” He needed to see with his own eyes. Chimera scooped him up and snuck him into the compound. He brought Katsuki to Izuku’s room.

“Shh!” He revealed the blonde.

“Kacchan!” Izuku whispered happily. Katsuki’s eyes widened.

‘Deku’s all bandaged up.’ His hand balled into a fist. “Your back…” Midoriya tensed.

“It’s fine, with the medicine we have it won’t leave a scar.” Katsuki’s heart sank.

‘That’s what he’s worried about.’

“Your dad did this to you!” he tried to keep his voice down but anger was rippling. “Because of our fight…”

“For losing...he wants me to be strong…” Katsuki grit his teeth.

“I’ll murder the bastard!” His hands sparked.

“Kacchan no!” Izuku took his hands. “You are going to be a hero, a great hero right?” The greenette smiled.

Katsuki felt his heart flutter. “You know it ya damn nerd!” He said proudly. ‘I’ll find a way to save you!’

Midoriya’s spirits were lifted, and the two were able to talk. “You were really tough out there Deku, if you keep training like that you might make a good hero yourself.”

“Thanks Kacchan!” Izuku hugged him. The blonde blushed and carefully hugged Izuku back.

“Thanks for bringing him here Chimera!” Izuku smiled.

Chojuro bowed. “It was the least I could do, but we should go before it gets too late.”

“Okay...bye Kacchan…” He waved.

“Later Deku!” The blonde waved back. He didn’t want to leave, especially leaving Deku here with his dad. Katsuki was faced with his own limitations.

The bodyguard got Katsuki out and escorted him home. “Hey old man!” Chimera twitched.

“I’m not that old...but what?”

“Izuku’s old man is a pretty scary guy huh?”

“He is, I’ve faced all kinds of opponent’s none have shaken me like him.”

“If I hadn’t picked a fight with him, he wouldn’t have been punished…?” Katsuki was trembling.

“His father is dangerous, I feel this would have happened eventually. The point is making sure it doesn’t happen again.” Katsuki wiped his eyes.

“What can I do?” Chimera chuckled.

“Be his friend, that’s what he wants. Maybe between the two of us, we can save him from the darkness that wants to swallow him up.” Katsuki was given a peek at that darkness today.

“Deku is strong...stronger than I knew…” Chimera nodded.

“That he is!” He patted Katsuki’s head. “Not many see the truth of the world or get a glimpse of the darker side of things. I was almost consumed by the darkness, but Izuku saved me from that. I hope to do the same.”  From his tone Katsuki could tell it wasn’t so easy.

There was so much he didn’t understand. “Not to give a lecture you should be careful, even those with the best intentions can fall to darkness, or send someone else down that path.”

Chimera left and Katsuki had a lot to think about. His lesson held truth actions had consequences even for someone as powerful as Hisashi.

-x-Years Later-x-

“What is this...a joke?” Hisashi was called down to a meeting at the docks. It turns out to be a trap, the man he was dealing with had betrayed him.

“No joke, you’ve gotten a big head Midoriya. Your organization has become a thorn in my side. I’m not about to let my group be swallowed up by a small time loser who’s trying to be big time.”

“All this because I was making a deal with Hassakai? I’m about to gain a powerful ally so you wanna bring me down?”

“Shut up! You’ve been a pain in the ass for a long time now, you didn’t take the hint so now it’s time for your group to die. Cut off the head and the beast known as the Midoriya family will die.”

“Rojiya...you…” Bang!

Hisashi was shot in the shoulder. “Keep your mouth shut!”

“Fucker!” He cursed.

“I don’t know how your quirk works, and frankly I don’t care. You say anything and I’ll put a bullet right between your eyes.”

‘Damn!’ He gripped his shoulder.

“You’ve been careful, the police haven’t been able to get any evidence on you. All the illegal contraband here is in your name, the police will bring you down.”

‘Damn…’ Things seemed to be looking down for Hisashi, that is until he started laughing. “Fine...you got me...hahahaha...but so what...my legacy is safe...because he has awakened!”

“The hell?”

“My son, his quirk has appeared and it’s even greater than mine.” He laughed. “He holds my blood, my family will survive!” He laughed wickedly, even as the sirens of the police drew closer.

To be continued...Quirk Awakened?!


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