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Young Justice parody: Patreon Reward

AN: Some character back stories have been altered from the canon, please treat it as any other reboot/reimagining 

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Fancy Dress

Markovia was governed by the royal family. King Viktor Markov and Queen Ilona Delamb-Markov were good monarchs, but they had their troubles. Their daughter Tara Markov was taken two years ago; no ransom, no demands, she simply vanished.

Since she vanished things were strained in the home, their eldest sons were at odds. The twin boys took different paths, Gregor was being groomed to lead the country, he poured his grief into his studies and training to become the next king. Brion left the country and studied abroad, wishing to learn more about the world and bring what he learned to improve his country.

Some questioned if it should be Brion who should become king, Gregor had the right to the throne being born a mere 16 minutes before him. Something pointed out in a recent interview he had. At a glance, while you could tell he was keeping his composer on camera, it bothered him. The King and Queen were not fools, many in history has turned on their family for power, brother against brother for a crown. They didn’t want that happening with their children.

With their daughter taken, their sons growing up, and  dealing with other affairs the two presented a strong front unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows.


“You okay mate, how are you gonna handle Batman and the others resigning?” Constantine asked.

“One problem at a time, those that resigned from the Team and the League made a choice, and they can make another.” The two were communicating via magic.

“Bit of a sour note to fall on, with your return and all.”  Nightwing shook his head.

“No, it’s good seeing them all again. I’ve missed them.” He looked at the people he left behind, there were some new faces, but they felt like home.

“If you gonna recruit them like you recruited me, I’d like to watch.” Nightwing blushed for a moment, but collected himself.

“I’m sure you would.” He ended the spell and caught up with his friends. Nightwing was missed terribly. He was aware of some things, but he needed to be brought up to speed on others. In kind, he had a proposal.

“You wish to go to Markovia and investigate ties to the meta human trafficking ring?” Kaldur asked.

“Yes, I plan to lead a team in, things will be quiet and covert.” Hearing this made Kaldur chuckle.

“Just like the good old days…” His hand tightened. “I want to help you...but the duties to the league, I can’t go.”

“I know my friend, but you’ll be with us in spirit.” He hugged Kaldur.

“I’ve miss you.” The Atlantean whispered.

“I’ve missed you too.” Just having the former boy wonder around lifted a weight off his shoulders. “I’m sorry about Batman and the others.”

Kaldur sighed. He’d have to make a press release so their actions wouldn’t fall back on the league. “If possible I’d like to recruit help from the team if that’s alright?” Nightwing looked to Superboy, the clone smiled.

“I’m in!” Superboy stepped up. Superman was off world, so he was trying to step up and fill the cape while he was away. With the gift Nightwing gave him, it made the process easier. Kaldur gave the approval.

“Thanks Superboy, I’m glad to have you.” The clone blushed.

Kaldur patted his shoulder. “You should talk to him Conner.” He whispered.

“About that...I...I can’t...he just got back, what if I scare him away again?” Kaldur shook his head.

“You were scared to tell Superman, but he accepted you. I know Nightwing won’t be scared.” Superboy took a deep calming breath. “It’s possible he may already know.” Conner gasped. Kaldur smirked. “He is our detective you know.” His face burned.

Kaldur has been helping Superboy deal with his new feelings he’s had lately. The two have supported each other while Nightwing was gone. He came out to Superman and he was accepted, but it was hard to confess to one’s crush. When Wally...well...it had Superboy thinking about the future and what he wanted, he realized he wanted Nightwing. It was a confusing time for him, and his crush went and vanished too.

While Kaldur tried to give Superboy a pep talk. Nightwing spoke with the team about the mission he was planning.

“You don’t think the King and Queen are behind the trafficking do you?” Blue Beetle asked.

There had been a conference just yesterday. The King and Queen were not only taking in refugees suffering from Bialya invasion. They were against meta-human trafficking and offering full support in shutting it down. A tribute to their lost daughter who was taken.

“I actually don’t, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening under their nose.” He got Sphere to agree to help, they needed something that wouldn’t be easily detected. He wanted to pull someone from the Team to help.

It was nice that Superboy didn’t need much convincing. “Nightwing, I want in on the mission.” Virgil stepped up. “I’ve been wanting to help with the meta human trafficking problem. If you are going after a source, I wanna help!”

The others agreed Virgil was the right one for the job. Blue Beetle and Impulse weren’t the stealthiest of people. “Alright, you are in!” The two shook hands. Virgil was weirdly touched, he was getting to work with Nightwing, a supercharged one, but still. He was ready to put his gift to the test.

Nightwing patted their shoulders. “Practice with your gifts there will be other missions.” They nodded. Blue needed some time to figure out these feelings bubbling inside him anyway.

“It’s time to go, if you two would like to come with me.” Superboy and Static approached him.

“Umm Nightwing, can I talk to you for a second?” Nightwing smiled at him.

“Of course Superboy we can talk.” Superboy was feeling anxious.

“I umm, you see I...and you have been...umm…” Nightwing approached him.

“Maybe this will help.” Dick kissed Superboy, surprising quite a few people.

“Oh snap!” Virgil gasped. He couldn’t look away.

“Did that help?” Superboy shivered.

“Yeah it did!” He kissed Nightwing back, and clung to him and the two made out right there. “I guess I was always better with actions than words.”

“You got better with both.”

“Thanks to you!” They kissed again. Each kiss felt divine, lifting his spirits and dispelling every fear and doubt. “I missed you!”

“I missed you too!” Their hug was tight.

“If you are leaving, I’d like to say goodbye as well.” Kaldur stepped up and surprising everyone again, Nightwing kissed Aquaman.

“Oh snap!” Virgil, Blue Beetle, and Impulse gasped. Aquaman even kissed Superboy on the cheek. The original team were close, closer than most knew. Superboy didn’t discover it until recently.

“Can...Can I get in on that…?” Virgil asked.

“Me...me too…” Seeing Nightwing kiss another man, helped give Jaime some perspective. Even Impulse wanted a kiss, but felt he should probably check with his boyfriend first.

“I don’t see why not, but are you guys sure. For some a kiss is really special, especially the first one.” Jaime nodded and the scarab pulled back so Nightwing could give him some sugar.

Blue shivered and moaned, Nightwing was an amazing kisser, that had his legs feeling like jelly. Virgil wasn’t as sure, he hadn’t been with a girl or a guy, he wanted a girlfriend, but after seeing this, he maybe wanted something else. “Ah ahh~” Jaime crumbled to the ground.

Jaime Reyes you have climaxed from kissing Nightwing, this scarab will attempt clean up.’ Jaime blushed, he’s kissed before, but nothing like that.

‘How are they both standing?’ He looked and saw both Superboy and Aquaman were rock hard.

“I’ve never kissed anyone before, but I’d feel honored if you were my first kiss.” Nightwing chuckled.

“Real smooth Virgil, I’m honored.” He kissed Static and there were sparks. Nightwing held him so tenderly, supporting him as his kissing skills rocked Virgil’s world.

‘Oh fuck the hell yes!’ His eyes fluttered, and his electricity sizzled, and before he could help himself he came, making a mess in his pants. Like Jaime he crumpled to the ground. Nightwing didn’t tease him for cumming like that, it reminded him of the old days with Wally, Kaldur, and Roy.

Scarab had Jaime cleaned up, but Nightwing used some magic to fix up Virgil. “Thanks...wow…” Virgil panted.

“Aww man, I really wish I was coming on this mission!” Blue groaned.

“Tell you what, how about you come with us as back up.” Aqualad nodded in agreement.

“Alright!” Blue cheered. With Static, Superboy, and now Blue Beetle, Nightwing opened a portal to the tower of fate and they were gone.


Aqualad would be busy with a few things.

Meanwhile...in Markovia…

Prince Brion was making a move of his own. He got tested for the meta-gene and met with the family doctor Helga Jace. He came back positive, it was a high possibility his sister would test positive as well and likely why she was taken. “Can you activate my meta-gene?”

“Brion I’m a doctor not a mad scientist.”

“If I can’t become Markovia’s king, I can at least serve my country as being our country’s hero.” He said. It was touching, he didn’t want the power to claim the throne, but instead help his country in other ways. “Does our country have the means of doing so?”

“I...I don’t know, but I’ll find out.” She left him.


Nightwing drops the boys off at the tower. Nabu protested. “They are my guests, I believe I’m allowed to bring guests into the tower!”

“First Constantine, now this lot!”

“Ignore him, he’s always grumpy.” Constantine showed up.

“Hello boys, I must say Nightwing has some good taste.” He eyed them up and down.

“Don’t scare them, if you would get them ready for the mission.” He opened a portal to get the next person on his list.

“I got them, they are in good hands.” He clapped. Nightwing left. “Alright boys strip down, I need to get your measurements, no need to be shy.”


Nightwing arrived at Artemis’s home, she was sharing it with a familiar face. He appeared and shifted into civilian mode, before knocking on the door. “Roy?” He gasped.

“It’s actually Will now, Will Harper.” Will aka Red Arrow hugged Nightwing. “You’re back!” He’s been raising his daughter with Artemis, the aunt.

“That’s a good name, it’s good to see you again Will!” The two hugged, and Nightwing gave him a peck on the cheek. “And how are you Artemis?”

“Things have been tough but, I’m glad to see you.” She hugged him. He was invited into their home.

“I actually have gifts for the both of you.” For Will he gifted him a magic bow, it could create magical hexing arrows. For Artemis she received a cherub crossbow, and enchanted weapon with a near infinite supply of arrows. The two loved their gifts, both filled with fond memories.

“You didn’t just come by to play Santa Claus did you?” She asked.

“No, there is a mission, I plan on hitting at Meta Human lab, a big one, shutting these guys down would help a lot of people.” Will chuckled.

“Same old Dick.”

“Things have changed, I’ve learned so much more about the world, the universe, it helped after…” Things got quiet.

“So you need an archer for a job?” Nightwing nodded. The two played rock-paper-scissors to see who would go, and who would stay and watch the baby. Tigress won. “I’ll come pick you up with the others. Do you have a nice dress?”

“I believe I got something I can dust off.” Will lost on purpose, he knew Artemis needed the action. “Wanna have some tea?”

“I’d love some.” The trio sat down with Will’s daughter and caught up a bit. Grayson even did some magic for the girl. She loved it. “Uncle Grayson may have a gift for you as well.” He brought his hands together, after rolling them a little ball of purple fluff appeared.

“Meow!” The tiny creature hopped out of his hand and went to the baby.

“Kitty...kitty…” the baby giggled.

“A cat...how thoughtful…” The two sweatdropped. The dog approached the familiar, the purple cat’s eyes glowed and any ill will vanished from the beast.

“It’s a guardian familiar, it will protect the home and your family.” The can vanished and appeared random places.

“You got a twisted sense of humor Grayson.” Will chuckled. Their daughter liked it, so it would be fine.

Dick left the home and returned to the tower. Constantine was dressed in a fancy black suit. “Well don’t you clean up nice.”

“You know it. I took the liberty of getting your boys fitted.” He whistled and they came out dressed in fine suits.

“You all look nice.” With a snap of his fingers, he was wearing a fancy suit. Superboy looked a tad uncomfortable.

“I’ve never worn something so fancy.” Virgil said.

“And they are magic suits, James Bond wishes he had this kind of suit, it’s enchanted so even your own mother wouldn’t  recognize you in that, no mask needed.”

“Which will help us on the job we have to do. We’ll be sneaking into a party being held by the royal family.” Once there they’d follow the targets and track them to the TAR and some of the missing people. He gave Superboy and Static a pin, it would store their clothes for a quick change. Jaime could simply use the scarab to quick change. “Everyone get some rest, if you like I can have the tower prepare rooms for you or I can take you home.”

The guys agreed to stay since this place was so cool.


A sinister plot was unleashed upon the King and Queen, as a meta human teen was let into the palace. He had speed powers and was able to slip into the palace getting past the guards with ease. Jaculi was a muscular, young-looking man, with black eyes and long black hair.

He had been an innocent young Quraci boy, until he was captured by Bialya soldiers. After being brought to Queen Bee his fate was sealed. He was trained to be an assassin under her control and had his meta-gene unlocked. Jaculi could tap into the speed force but only for short bursts.

The speedster was sold to the Bedlam Syndicate. To make sure he stayed a good little weapon he was given a control chip. Queen Bee could control men, but even she had limits the chip made him the perfect puppet.

Jaculi did the unthinkable, he murdered the King and Queen. The royal guard led by Fredrick DeLamb, the Queen’s brother, attacked Jaculi but he avoided the attacks with ease. He seemed to be home free but Fredrick tasered him and had him captured.

Gregor and Brion arrived on the scene and the two crumbled at the horror. The younger brother wanted revenge, feeling Jaculi should be killed on the spot. “He will be punished, but he should be made an example of.”

“Wait, what if he had help, shouldn’t he be interrogated?” Gregor said.

“A wise observation, one worthy of the next king!” Delamb bowed to him. “Leave everything to me!”

Jaculi was taken away. Delamb knew they’d get no answers from him, but he could use this pawn more alive. The Light wanted to keep as many pawns alive as possible, especially the ones who had the gene. That didn’t matter he had a plan.

Delamb declared martial law, and took over affairs until Gregor came of age to take the throne. The party was changed into a pre-coronation event for Gregor, as well as a memorial for the King and Queen.


It was all over the news.

“Looks like we have a side quest, we need to find out who did this.” Nightwing said.

“My money is on the Uncle, the guy oozes shady.” Constantine said.

“Didn’t they catch the guy who did it?” Jaime asked.

“He could be killer but he also could be an innocent under the control of the Light or one of their new partners.” Jaime felt bad, he had been under the control of others and forced to do bad things.

“Yep, I’ll talk to him, with my magic I’ll get more answers out of him than any interrogation.” Constantine conjured a magic ball. “People can mess with the mind and body, so I’ll ask his soul.”

“We’ll need to move, we got a lot to do to bring balance.”

To be continued... Royal Party


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