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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Doing the Job

Komamura had lost his powers, turning Ichigo into a substitute shinigami had drained him. It had been a few days since then and his powers hadn’t returned. He couldn’t return to Soul Society like this and he couldn’t do the job either. To make matters worse, he was now sharing Ichigo’s room, and not only did the boy smell VERY good, but he was also very distracting.

Sajin watched Ichigo doing sit-ups on the floor, he was wearing some sweats and nothing else. The furry male could smell his manly musk and it stirred his loins, even with the window open Ichigo smelled so good. His eyes roamed over the male’s prone form, his workouts had toned up his body. The sweat ran down his muscles, dipping, and pooling in chiseled crevices. He gulped wanting to lick the male’s body clean.

Ichigo did this every day apparently, doing his daily stretches had Sajin starring. Not only did Ichigo fill out those sweats nicely, and the various poses made his assets stand out. Turns out Ichigo goes commando when he works out. What could Sajin say. “Please stop exercising, you are making my dick hurt?” Even if it was true he shouldn’t say it.

His manly musk alone was enough to make Sajin painfully hard, but seeing him work out had his tail thumping. ‘What am I gonna do?’ He was so confused, a part of Ichigo’s scent screamed danger to him, but the other part was so enticing.

It wasn’t like he could jerk off, Sajin may have had the social skills of an introvert, but he wasn’t an idiot. His cock ached, and his balls itched for release. Ignoring his aching erection for a moment, he also didn’t know what to do about his job.

Ichigo had no training, and there were dangerous hollows coming. He had taken out a few lesser hollows and performed a few spirit purifications, but there was a reason why a captain was picked to do this task.

With hollows possessing humans even an experienced shinigami would have trouble tracking them. At the same time he can still smell hollows, but he was at a disadvantage in combat now. Thanks to a special glove he could pull Ichigo out of his physical body, but he was basically needing Ichigo to do his job. “What’s wrong?”

Sajin looked up and his pupils dilated at the sight. Ichigo looked so sexy, and he smelled raw. There was something about a fresh manly musk that just gave a scream that said fuck yes! Komamura squirmed, adjusting his massive dick in the white pants he was wearing. He gulped.

Ichigo’s unconfined cock was bulging those sweats, the hefty size of him, his big nuts, no doubt the crotch of the garment was rich in Ichigo’s manly musk now. “I um...feel bad, needing you to do my job for me.”

“You shouldn’t feel bad, it’s not your fault really.” It was, in a way. He got himself in a bad situation and Ichigo had bailed him out. “If anything I should feel bad, taking so much of your power.” Ichigo rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Is there any way I can help get it back?”

Komamura blushed. “No...it just takes time…” he said.

It was a partial lie; he had asked the very same question to his contact, Kisuke Urahara. The man was helping him, providing the glove that he used to pull Ichigo’s soul from his body. Kisuke’s answer wasn’t...helpful…


“You should sleep with him,” Kisuke said opening a fan in front of his face to hide a smile.

Sajin couldn’t believe it. “You must be joking!” He had come to Kisuke Urahara in the hopes of some answers and help. The man was quite intelligent and also didn’t look down on Sajin’s true form. He found it quite interesting.

Kisuke clapped the fan closed. “Fraid not, you see creating a substitute shinigami is a rare process, you are pouring your soul into another, a process one might find in soul mates.”

“S-S-S-S-Soul Mates!” Sajin gasped.

“Relax, the effect is only temporary, its merely similar to it. The fact is there is still a connection between you and this new reaper, and the fastest way to restore your powers is to sleep with him.” Soul mates could share power with each other by having sex. “Once your powers return, the connection will fade.”

‘I have to have sex...with Ichigo…’ His tail wagged.

Sex between shinigami was different, they didn’t look at gender when it came to sex. Some reapers sought power by sleeping with stronger reapers, while power could be shared it wasn’t as potent, unlike soul mate mating. It was called the Hentai boost, simply sucking dick and drinking the cum of another soul reaper could boost one’s potential and raise their limits.

“I...I can’t…” Sajin said. Urahara eyed his wagging tail.

“Well you seem interested in the idea, is it him? Does he not like men?” Kisuke asked.

“I don’t know, maybe, but he...and I...I’m not normal...even for a soul reaper.” He hung his head.

“Hmm, well the fastest way to get your powers back is to sleep with him, even a blow job a day would get you on the fast track of returning to your full strength,” Kisuke said, enjoying how his words were affecting the furry male. The words made images appear in his head, images he clearly liked. “You are a captain-level shinigami, even if you two fuck every day it’ll take time for you to recharge. Going the way of no sex you’ll be stuck here a while.” Kisuke pointed out.

“Ichigo has already been so kind to me, how can I ask more from him.” He buried his face in his hands in shame. Ichigo convinced him to move in, after what happened he couldn’t refuse. How could he ask Ichigo to sleep with a stranger, and someone like him.

“Well if you feel your body is the problem, I can work on a gigai to give you a human appearance. If that will help.” Kisuke suggested. “You should talk to him, even if you do sleep with him, he’ll need to do the job. You’ll have to train to be the soul reaper in your place.”

The offer for a gigai was tempting, so Sajin agreed. Most gigai wouldn’t fit him anyway, and by using a gigai he could recover his spirit energy faster. It wasn’t so he could sleep with Ichigo. “I’m not gonna ask to sleep with him, but I’ll accept the gigai.”

“Well there is another way, if Ichigo is off-limits, you could always have a go with me,” Kisuke said suggestively. His tone was smooth and almost slutty. Sajin was in training when Kisuke vanished, but the man had more than one form of reputation.

“I...I don’t think so!” Kisuke chuckled.

“Captain Komamura, you wouldn’t be a virgin would you?” Sajin blushed. He got up from the table.

“I think our business is done for today.” Kisuke sighed.

“Oh well, if you change your mind you know where to find me, you can bring Ichigo along as well.” Sajin whipped around and growled. Kisuke put his hands up. “For training, teaching new soul reapers can be hard you know!”

Komamura calmed down. “I’ll think about it.” He turned back to leave.

“I must say I’m surprised. I thought maybe it was your appearance that was holding you back.” Kisuke stood up and Komamura paused.

“What are you talking about?” Sajin didn’t even turn around.

“I thought you might be the type that can only sleep with someone they love, but for you its harder. You have feelings for Ichigo.” Komamura tensed. Kisuke fought back a chuckle, and hid a smirk behind his fan.

“Good day!” He snapped and left.


‘Damn you Kisuke!’ He couldn’t get what Kisuke said out of his head, and Ichigo was very distracting. He was a very open person and certainly not shy about some things. Sajin shook his head. “I should be sorry, you now have to do my job for me, and it is a dangerous job.”

“Well you can show me the ropes, I’ve been doing a good job so far right?” Komamura nodded.

“Indeed, but you aren’t prepared for what’s to come.” He divulged the details of his mission to Ichigo, that hollows were possessing people, and hiding from usual Shinigami and building up power.

“Wanna check my gym teacher, we’ve always believed he was a monster in disguise.” He teased.

“I could yes...wait...that was a joke?” Ichigo nodded and laughed; after thinking about it Sajin chuckled too. “Humorous!”

“You have a nice laugh.” Ichigo said happily. Sajin’s heart fluttered at the praise. “I’m gonna grab a shower then we can do some training before I go on patrol.”

Komamura nodded but wasn’t prepared for Ichigo to drop his sweats and get a full view of Ichigo’s goods. His nose nearly burst with blood. ‘I saw everything!’ Ichigo grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist.

“I’ll be back!” He left to shower, and Sajin was left alone. He was weak...and he needed to get off fast. Komamura grabbed his sweats and brought the crotch to his nose.

“Oh-h-h-h-h-hhhhh~” He shuddered.

Ichigo used those pants to work out his scent was deeply rooted in the garment. His penis and balls rubbed against the confines so it was like having Ichigo’s crotch right there for him to sniff. He didn’t know why Ichigo’s scent affected him so, but it made this easy.

A few sniffs and Ichigo’s powerful musk sent him over the edge, he came and made a mess of his pants. ‘So goopy!’ The cum was still thick and made the pants cling to his crotch and the leggings of the pants clung to his legs. He put Ichigo’s sweats back and did his best to tidy up.

Things appeared normal when Ichigo returned fresh from the shower. He put on some boxers, giving Sajin a quick peek at his ass, before the garment went on. Ichigo got in bed before Sajin pulled his soul out. His body could rest comfortably now while his soul got to work.

Thankfully that orgasm helped ease Sajin, so he could focus on the task at hand training Ichigo. In spirit bodies, he taught Ichigo hand-to-hand combat. As a master of Hakuda, he was more than qualified to teach Ichigo how to fight hand to hand. Ichigo had some martial arts training so he picked it up fast.

“Hakuda is more than just fighting with fits, a true technique is formed by channeling your spirit power through your body to enhance its skills.” Komamura had Ichigo practicing attacks while he blocked and demonstrated throws. Even with his limited spirit energy, he was quite the beast.

Their training was interrupted when a Hollow roar was heard. “Off to work then!” He grabbed his sword and off he went.

‘I’ll keep you safe Ichigo, I’ll help you control the power you now have and prepare you as best I can.’ Sajin did his own patrol doing his best to sniff our hollows, the two would meet up later to rest.

While Ichigo knew how to fight with his fists, Sajin wondered if he had received Taijutsu training before now, somewhere Isshin Kurosaki sneezed. Ichigo was a total novice with his sword, simply swinging his blade around like a club. ‘I’ll have to teach him the art of the sword.’

He could do this...he could do this...he could do this…

‘I can’t do this!!!!’ Sajin was sweating bullets as Ichigo was cuddled up to him in his bed. Ichigo was so close and smelled so good, his dick had no trouble standing at attention. ‘This is bad, this is bad.’ He tried to roll over so he could attempt to hide his “shame” but this caused Ichigo to cling to him tighter. ‘Oh, Spirit King help me…’

To be continued...A Hollow in School


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