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Hey guys the new year 2022 is starting off and I wanted to give an update.

We will start off with the bad. On the health front the snow storms have me in a bad state. Sadly my doctor has restricted what pain medicine I can take and its been limited to bare minimum so I have been struggling a bit the pain making it hard to focus and even sleep at times. I do bounce back its just taking more time which sucks.

On the good front the backlog is getting cleared off bit by bit, which is a load off my mental health. The patron rewards for last month are almost finished which is also good. I'm avoiding spreading myself to thin and the smaller schedules is helping keep organized.

This year I'll be leaving my phone to handle the Trained, Advanced, and Master, series of ideas. If you are not aware of these ideas, they are essentially concepts that expand over multiple series finding points in the story that could have been built upon or fleshed out more or if its an arc I felt it could have gonna differently and serves as a jumping point.

So when I have to go out of town for doctor visits or be away from my computer for periods of time I can work on these series to keep my creative juices flowing while keeping up a momentum. If you have questions on these concepts I'll answer them as I can.

As far as the new projects and new tiers for patreon will hold off on announcing them until after February. While I have hope I just don't wanna get overwhelmed yet. That month is the shortest out of the year and the easiest to fall behind. I have plans A through M so if things don't go well I have a back up plan to fall back on. If all goes well I'll finish the backlog and everything by the 16th and will be able to stabilize this month and open up commissions.


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