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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Kalos

Ash was packing for the Kalos region. His monsters were all doing well, he’d have his legendary class look after things while he was gone. Pikachu was helping with the packing. He was coming with of course, a perk of being his starter. He’d call on his friends when the league came, or if they were in a pinch. Everyone would work hard and stay in fighting shape in the meantime. Ash’s monsters served as the leaders for the types at Oak’s lab, well except for one…

Gible was the lone dragon type of Ash’s crew, and while he had mastered the powerful Draco Meteor, he was a bit odd. The other dragon types at Oak’s lab didn’t look at him with respect compared to Ash’s other mons. It didn’t really bother Gible at first, but as he saw the others grow stronger together, Gible found he missed his trainer.

“Alright I think we are all packed.” Ash said.

“Gib Gib!” Chomp!

“Gah!” Gible chomped onto Ash’s head, surprising the witch. “Hey Gible what’s up!?” He gasped.

“Gib Gible.” Ash blinked.

“You wanna come with us to Kalos?” Gible nodded. “Sure thing!” He collected his ball from Oak. “Let’s fly!”

The witch conjured his broom, Pikachu and Gible hopped on. “Bye everyone, we’ll see each again!”

“Gible/Pika!” The two monsters cheered.

As Mewtwo waved his master off, he got a terrible vision. “Ugh…” He clutched his head.

In his vision he saw a creature he never saw before and it was going on a rampage; men and women clad in red; Ash was caught and bound by some form of strange device, his runes floating around him. Then everything went black, two red eyes peering from the dark, and something reaching out from the abyss.

“Something wrong Mewtwo?” Ash asked. The psychic type shook his head. When he looked at Ash, he briefly saw his face contorted in anguish and pain like his vision. Since becoming Ash’s partner, his powers grew, he started getting visions of the future but they were hard to translate. Even if he saw bad things happen it didn’t mean they could be stopped or that they were the end all be all.

“No...it’s fine...just be careful, and don’t hesitate to call on us if need be.” He didn’t see Tobias in his vision, and he believed that man was the only threat to his master. Together, Mewtwo believed that there wasn’t a threat they couldn’t handle. Even if his vision came to pass, they’d face it together.

“Of course!” They flew off.


In Kalos…

A blonde young man was having troubles. This glasses wearing cutie was named Clemont. He was a child of science!  From a young age Clemont loved inventing, so his father decided to send him to an academy to hone his skills. The facility trained Pokemon Scientists, Inventors, Engineers, and the like. They also studied Electric Type Pokemon, as they were rampant in the area.

Clemont was a brilliant student, even becoming the youngest student to graduate from the academy. His final research assignment gave him trouble at first, but he gained inspiration from an exhausted Shinx he found while taking a recreational stroll. He brought Shinx to the Pokemon Center and got him treated.

Monsters in the area tended to suffer from Electricity loss, and were brought in for treatment. Clemont got a brilliant idea and built the Clemontic Shower, it could recharge Electric types and make them feel refreshed like taking a nice warm shower. His idea and invention were a success, and was highly acclaimed by his teachers. Clemont graduated the top of his class.

Sadly he left Shinx behind when he returned home, he was too young to have a Pokemon and the two parted ways.

As the years passed Clemont dedicated his life to Pokemon training, becoming an Electric Type specialist. He became the gym leader of Lumiose City, and began to understand this type even better.

At the Gym he had Magnemite, Magneton, Heliolisk (which he raised from a Helioptile), Magnezone, Emolga, Mareep, and Voltorb. While he loved Electric types, he wanted to know more about other types of pokemon, and use his inventions to benefit all pokemon.

Trainers brought all kinds of pokemon to his gym to challenge him. While he had a solid assortment of Electric Types to challenge trainers of different skill. Depending on the number of badges he used different mons. If the trainer had one to three badges he used Voltorb, Mareep, and Emolga; if they had four to six badges he used Emolga, Manemite, Magneton, and Heliolisk; if they had 7-8 badges or more he used Heliolisk, Magnezone, Magneton, Magnemite, and Emolga.

He desire to study all kinds of other Pokemon made him set loose Gym rules. So he slowly became overwhelmed by gym challenges. His Gym work occupied so much of his time he had little spare time to work on his inventions. He didn’t want to abandon his gym like other gym leaders from other regions...he just wanted a little more free time.

Clemont didn’t even have time to train new Pokemon. The Gym’s newest addition was an Electrike, but Clemont hadn’t bonded with the little guy at all. It reached the point when his little sister came to him for a Pokemon he let her have him as her starter.

“Elec is my first Pokemon!” She nicknamed him. The two were quite the pair.

Clemont decided to use his inventions to try and fix the problem he was having. He built a robot he called Clembot, and tried to make him an effective trainer and battler that can serve as the gym leader and give him more free time. Gym leaders were supposed to be tough on challengers, so that’s what he programmed him to be, and that his ideal opponent would be trainers with four badges and higher.

This was a bit short sighted on his part, but Clemont didn’t have much experience with other gym leader’s except one. From what he heard the others had such free time they were even entering the Battle Chateau and obtaining special ranks. Even his rival was boasting upon obtaining the title of the Elite Four and also entering the Battle Chateau. Clemont was feeling inferior as if he was being left behind. Kalos was growing and changing and he felt the world slipping away.

He pushed forward, completing his Clembot in record time, but due to a small accident during the final installation and programming settings, things were not gonna go well. He even synced up Clembot with the gym’s operating system before even testing him. Bonnie came in and checked on him, bringing him some lunch as well. “Bro if you wanted a boyfriend you didn’t have to build one. I’m sure Grant would be happy to rock your world.” Clemont blushed.

“He’s not a sex bot!” Clemont protested making Bonnie giggle. “He’s to assist me with the influx of gym challenges.” He adjusted his glasses. “And besides Grant is just a friend, and I don’t have time for a boyfriend.”

“Sure…” She rolled her eyes. She felt her brother should just adjust the gym rules, other gym leaders did it. It was important to find balance and not do too much.

“Okay here we go! The future is now thanks to Science!” Clemont activated Clembot. Bonnie hid in case the robot decided to explode. She loved her brother, but his inventions tended to go crazy sometimes or explode due to a glitch or error.

“Challenger detected!” His eyes glowed.

“Umm Clemont?” She began to sweat.

“Hehe, not to worry.” He adjusted his glasses. “Clembot Master Recognition Mode!”

“Password please…” Clemont tried to give the password he set. “Password incorrect.”

“Huh?” Clembot returned to gym leader mode.

“Challengers detected, how many gym badges do you have?” The two shared a look.

“We don’t have any badges.” Clembot made a noise, his eyes glowing red for a moment.

“No badges...challenge request denied...please leave!”

“Wait what?!” The Gym security system activated and the two were thrown out of the gym. This was bad, and Clemont already had his Pokemon meet Clembot, and told them to obey their orders. He banged on the door and they were met with Clembot’s voice over the computer.

“Welcome challenger how many badges do you have?”

“Clembot let us in. Priority override!” He tried to give different passwords but none of them were working. Since they had no badges, the doors were sealed tight.

“What are we gonna do brother?” Bonnie asked.

“There’s nothing we can do, I did put in a final fail safe but we’d have to defeat Clembot in a Pokemon Battle.”

“Maybe we should call dad?” Clemont shook his head.

“No way, I can fix this. Clembot will follow his programming so the gym should be fine.”

“So you just need to get four gym badges and challenge him?”

“Right I just need to get...four...gym...badges…” He began to grow pale as he checked his pockets. All his Pokemon were inside the gym. “Oh no!” Clemont cried. He had his backpack thankfully and some empty balls on him.

“I have Elec, and I was planning to enter the gym circuit anyway.” She agreed to help her brother out. Clemont believed there might be a better way, and made a few attempts of getting back into his gym, but they ended in failure.

He was starting to think he had made some mistakes. He may have become a gym leader too soon, he was the youngest and newest gym leader in Kalos. His status of prodigy may have gone to his head. ‘I think there’s a whole lot more for me to learn.’ He sighed.

Clemont was still determined to take back his gym, but he got an unexpected encounter. While having lunch a wild Bunnelby stole some of their food. Bonnie had Elec battle it but the normal type was fast and tricky. She tried to catch it but it resisted and escaped.

They gave chase and learned Bunnelby was stealing food for his friends. A wild Diggersby was being a jerk and claiming the local food as his own. Bunnelby wasn’t strong enough to defeat his evolved form. Bonnie tried to paralyze it with Elec’s Thunder Wave, but Diggersby had a berry that nullified the effect. He took Elec out with a Mud Shot.

Things were looking bad, but Clemont made the save using his science back pack he let loose the Aipom Arm and knocked Diggersby back. He surprised him with a dish inspired by his partner Heliolisk, it blasted a beam of light, imitating Flash which stunned Diggersby enough for them all to get away. They rushed Bunnelby and Elec to the Pokemon Center, they made a full recovery.

Bunnelby didn’t like losing, and wanted to help his pack. Clemont could feel it. “Leave it to me, I’ll help you get stronger.” Using an invention of his he trained up Bunnelby’s speed. “The future is now thanks to science!” There were other ways for Pokemon to battle besides power for power.

After a rematch Clemont worked with Bunnelby to defeat the Diggersby, and give him an attitude check. The evolved monster tired itself out attacking Bunnelby, who dodged with his new speed and agility.

His new little friend was able to bombard Diggersby, and soon he surrendered. Diggersby agreed to share the food and protect the group of Bunnelby.

Bunnelby wanted to go with Clemont, and with the okay from his pack he left. Clemont got a new friend and he cried tears of joy. Clemont began to plan to take on the Gym Circuit so he can take back his gym.


In the Sky...

Flying to Kalos was peaceful enough. Gible did get a little nervous flying over the ocean. Grumble Grumble…

Stomachs growled. “Might be time for lunch!” He looked around and spotted a plane heading in the same direction as him. “That’ll do.” They flew over to it and landed.

With a snap of his fingers his broom turned into a picnic blanket and became attached to the plane’s wing like a magnet. He surprised a lot of people. “Aport!” He conjured plates and bowls and dished out the food, they ate in peace the plane surging towards Kalos.

His stone glowed. “Looks like we are getting close.” With a snap of his fingers everything was packed up and they zoomed off towards Kalos. Little did Ash know the plane he was on had a few familiar faces on it.

He arrived in Kalos, flying swiftly and passing over a certain blonde. “Who...was that…?!” Clemont gasped.

“He must be a Pokemon Witch!” Bonnie gushed, she read about them.

“Don’t be silly Bonnie, Pokemon Witchcraft, or Pokemon Sorcery is just silly superstition.”

“Then how do you explain the guy flying on a broom?”

“Hmph, well let’s just go meet this witch, and we’ll see what they are capable of.” Clemont said and fixed his glasses.

Bonnie followed after him.

To be continued...They Meet, A Clash of Battles and Ideals

Ash lands in Kalos and meets a bunch of different Pokemon, when he goes to the gym he’s kicked out, much to his annoyance. He bumps into Clemont and Bonnie, and things get interesting. They battle and things take a turn for the amazing.


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