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Reborn parody: Patreon Reward

Vongola’s Pride

Tsuna didn’t want to believe he was a member of the Vongola family but Reborn knows the truth. He may not think he’s anything special but he’s got a beast between his knees and he’s a grower. Even some of the toughest guys who see it tend to bend to his will. Hyper Top Tsuna/Harem

Chapter 1

Tsunayoshi Sawada was born to a very interesting family. His mom was kept in the dark about it, but he was apart of the infamous Vongola Family. Though he didn’t know it, but he actually met the boss of the family several times seeing the man like a Grandpa to him. He didn’t have a direct succession to the boss seat as the Ninth had a few sons first in line.

His father, Iemitsu, was also removed from the line of succession by joining the CEDEF. In a stunning move of arrogance, he decided to remove his son from succession by asking the Ninth to seal his son’s sky flames. He claimed he wanted to give his son a normal life.

Iemitsu was warned by the Ninth. “Sealing his flames at such a young age could have serious side effects.” Timoteo said.

Iemitsu took a drink of some sake. “I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want my son getting dragged into mafia business. It’s better for him to have a normal life!” He said proudly, only to hiccup. In the drunk’s mind he truly believed he was doing what was best for his son, ignoring any other input on the matter.

Timoteo thought this was a bit extreme, Tsuna wasn’t in direct line for succession. His sons, Enrico, Federico, and Massimo were in line for the seat of boss. There was also his adopted son Xanxus, but he had no legitimate right to the seat. He was a father himself, he couldn’t imagine sealing his own child’s flames. Sealing a flame wasn’t easy, and should only be done if the flame was too strong for the vessel.

His mother had sealed an infant’s flame once, only because it was too powerful for him and he’d have died otherwise. Once he was old enough to control it she had it unsealed. Iemitsu didn’t seem to care if his son had a flame or not. He didn’t seem to care about the consequences. “Even if I do seal his flames, he’ll still be a Vongola heir, looking at him I can already tell he’s inherited Primo’s blood.”

Tsuna had inherited his ancestors good looks, and potentially more. Iemitsu laughed. “My kid no way!” He drinks some more. “My kid is too soft for the mafia world, he’ll be happier living a normal life.” Iemitsu continued to push even calling it a favor.

Timoteo did it, at great protest on his part. He tried to seal the boy’s flame, but found it difficult. Tsuna had a strong Sky Flame inside him, it didn’t want to be sealed. “I’m sorry…” He whispered upon sealing it. The boy began to cry and Nana checked on him.

The old man couldn’t shake what he did was wrong, and perhaps karma tried to right the wrong he did. He did Iemitsu this favor, and it’d be one he’d regret. Over the next few years his sons started to die, despite their skills and abilities they fell one by one. Enrico, who was the most qualified person died in battle; Massimo was the second in line, but drowned shortly after his brother died; Federico, was the favored candidate, but he met a tragic end...only his bones were found...

A cloud of misfortune befell the Vongola Family. Timoteo lost his children, and Xanxus discovered his journal and learning the truth of his heritage. Despite being trained to become boss, he had no right to the seat, upon learning that the next Boss would be Tsuna...he lost it…

He planned a coup and would have been successful had Ottavio, the Vice Captain of the aria not leaked his plan to him. Timoteo had time to prepare, and fought Xanxus, with his guardians dealing with the Varia. Xanxus had managed to form a terrifying coup, the largest in Vongola history and it was nicknamed the “Cradle Affair”.

Timoteo sealed Xanxus with a special technique, freezing his flames and sealing him in ice. Ottavio was put in charge of the Varia in Xanxus’s stead. It broke the old man’s heart, his adoptive son was so blinded by rage, he had no faith in his family. While it was true he had no claim to the seat that didn’t mean Timoteo couldn’t name him a successor. ‘Everything is such a mess…’


Sealing Tsuna’s flame had an effect on the boy’s mind and spirit. His grades started to plummet, getting worse with each passing year. Confidence and courage were snuffed out, and Tsuna was bullied and made a lap dog for other students. He couldn’t even stand up for himself.

His body was the only thing that matured untouched. Tsuna was stronger than he knew, he was deceptively strong and athletic, but he lacked the mental drive to make use of it. One part of him was a sign of his Vongola bloodline. The main family of Vongola were known as the most amazing lovers.

Primo took his guardians to bed, and formed bonds that were unbreakable. No man that Primo bedded could ever find it in their heart to betray him. The man was blessed with a naturally huge cock, and was a grower to boot. It was said Primo’s cock was so divine he didn’t even need protection in the bath, one look at the piece between his legs, every assassin surrendered to it.

Not only did he have a massive cock, he knew how to use it. Primo was a stallion in the bedroom, and one of the most tender and giving lovers. The man had stamina to burn, even fucking all of his guardians and servants in one night. Primo may have been the first Boss, but he held the record as the greatest lover in Vongola history.

The Vongola Pride was said to be the secret weapon of the Vongola Family. A mighty tool that can bring great men to their knees, break weaker men, and seduce the purest souls. After so long the rumors turned to legends, and eventually became myths. His descendants inherited this manly gift, some were better at using it than others, sadly some generations squandered their gifts, it happens.

Tsuna was no different, not only had he inherited Primo’s handsome features, he also was sporting a massive beast between his legs. He had to wear boxers because he kept splitting briefs with this monster. You’d think having such a massive weapon between his legs would give Tsuna some confidence...no…

Sadly because of the sealed flames...Tsuna didn’t know the weapon he was packing. As he saw around the locker room from low average, to average, to even a couple above average guys, he dwarfed all of them soft. It made him feel like a freak, like there was something wrong with him.

Tsuna wasn’t blessed with a normal life, he was cursed with a rotten life. Robbed of his spirit to even stand up for himself, he was called “No Good Tsuna” or even “Dame Tsuna”. Karma seemed to take all of Tsuna’s misfortune and inflict it upon the Vongola Family. His father also suffered, but the man usually was too drunk or happy go lucky to care.

Then there was a small problem, too big to ignore, where he got a bit too drunk and ended up having an affair and a love child from said affair. The affair became exposed, and word got back to his wife.

Nana got the mafia equivalent of a divorce. Iemitsu would continue to support Nana and Tsuna, but wouldn’t be allowed back in the house until Tsuna became the new boss. Karma...gotta love it sometimes, with just a touch of irony.

He was also under a strict no contact order for Tsuna. He wanted his son to have a normal life away from mafia ties, well he’s one of those ties; plus he had another son to raise now. Tsuna wanted nothing to do with his “good for nothing” father anyway, the few times he came home before the affair came to light weren’t happy times.

Tsuna’s birthday came and went, and he was old enough to be trained for the seat. Timoteo called upon Reborn the greatest assassin in the world to be his tutor.

Reborn wasn’t your typical assassin, he was an Acrobaleno, and the carrier of the yellow pacifier. He may have looked like an infant he was a full grown man trapped in a tiny body. The assassin had trained young bosses for the trials ahead, taking the weak and making them strong. He had tutored two of Timoteo’s kids in the past, and a young man named Dino. He took the job, but wasn’t happy when Timoteo told him the truth of what he did to Tsuna. “I can’t believe you would do something like this, even as a favor to Iemitsu!”

“Please Reborn...I believe fate has punished me enough.” He sits a golden bullet on his desk. “Please help me right the wrong, and save this family before it falls apart.”

Reborn sighed. “For the Vongola Family and for you I will do it.” He left, taking the bullet.


The assassin arrived, offering to be Tsuna’s tutor. Since her son’s grades were dead poor, she accepted him despite his strange appearance. Tsuna was self defeating, even as Reborn tried to talk to him he wasn’t listening. “Things haven’t been going your way, I’ve looked into you history, and with what the Ninth told me everything makes sense.” Dino had issues, but he wasn’t crippled at a young age. They wouldn’t get anywhere unless the seal was lifted.

“You aren’t making sense!” Reborn had a partner, a strange little chameleon. The little guy turned into a gun and Reborn loaded the bullet.

“Sawada Tsunayoshi, you are next in line for the Vongola Family Boss, I have a lot to teach you, but you need to be at your best.” He pointed his gun at him. “It’s time to break the seal and be reborn!”


Tsuna was hit with the strange bullet, made from the Ninth’s flames, the seal was broken and Tsuna’s flames were unleashed. “REBORN!” Tsuna ripped out of his clothes, becoming bare ass naked, his monstrous cock standing at attention.

Reborn whistled at the cannon the boy was packing. Tsuna didn’t have the drive to jerk off, now with his flames unleashed oh he was revved up. Using two hands he jerked off, for the first time, squeezing and working his shaft. “This feels so good!” Tsuna moaned.

The assassin counted his beats, it took Tsuna awhile to get off even for a virgin, who’s never even touched himself before. When he came he shot a solid stream of cum, his first release hit the ceiling, before showering down and making a huge mess. The orgasm lasted five minutes.

His flames fizzled, and Tsuna felt alive for the first time in years. “What was that?”

“I’m your tutor Reborn, prepare yourself Tsuna, I’m gonna be training you to becoming the tenth generation boss of the Vongola family!” Tsuna didn’t know what was happening, but his sucky and miserable life was about to get a whole lot better.

The cloud of misfortune over the family was cleared up and the warm sky was shining bright. The sky of the future!

To be continued



Ohoho~h, I really like this revisited format! 😄 Do have to laugh a bit of the idea of a sex tutor, but then again Reborn is canonically established as an amazing lover… although it's never expanded upon. Be interesting to see what he can do with a gifted and malleable student. 😜