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One Piece parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Journey Begins

Now that the invasion was over Luffy still had some clean up to do. The Germa soldiers weren’t like the brothers, they were purely a clone army.

Germa 66 had six types of clone soldier.

Type-WB (Woman Balance), Type-MB (Male Balance), Type-MR (Man Reach), Type-MH (Man Heavy), Type-MST (Man Strong), and Type MSP (Man Speed).

The Balance were average sized males and females, the Reach were tall, the Speeds were thin, the Heavy were broad, and the Strongs were heavily muscular.

Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji weren’t sent with any female clones, having only male soldiers on their ship. Luffy’s Lust Lust powers took them out easily enough, but now what to do with them. Their bodies were strong and durable, but their minds were a problem. Only the germa programming existed, to obey and serve the commanders, and to throw their lives away for the cause. They knew how to fight and serve. Luffy really wanted to punch this Judge guy.

Luffy had a lot of work to do, injecting these clones with some humanity. His sons helped, they needed to learn things anyway. Luffy fucked them all, the brothers watched as their Daddy took their elite soldiers and bread them. Their stone faces melting and filling with emotion.

One by one they were filled with seed and something changed about them. Luffy turned the soldiers loose on the princes, letting the clones take turns pounding their asses. This was a humbling experience, their Daddy was one thing, but having these men fuck them and use them was different.

With five different body types to work with the brothers got to work learning how to pleasure men. They sucked cock, licked pits, ate ass, slurped balls, kissed feet, and got fucked six ways from Sunday. Their daddy gifted them an orgy and a hands on learning experience all in one.

The balanced men had average dicks, the tall men had long cocks that reached deep inside them, the heavy men had fat cocks that stretched them wide, the strong men’s dicks were a mix of long and thick, but it was their fucking style that varied, their thrusts were rough and hard. The fast men were about average in dick size, not packing a ton of girth, their lengths did have a curve to them which was different. Their fucking style was also different humping like horny bunnies.

Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji, were doing well for their first orgy. One of the things they enjoyed the most was eating ass, mostly because they got to lick their Daddy’s cum from the clone asses. To their surprise a few of the clones even took spins on their dicks, riding them and enjoying their cocks.

They had their first gay dominant experience, it was quite fun, even though the tight asses made them cum pretty quick.  Each time it seemed they were spent, Luffy would give em some Lust Lust Invigoration. This would do wonders in training up their stamina.

Luffy praised them and rewarded each of them with his cock. “Well done boys, look at them, you made them so happy!” Heads turned, and the clone men looked more human and refreshed. Despite the different sizes, shapes, and gusto, it was pretty clear their Daddy was their favorite. The praise made their hearts flutter and made the whole experience worth it.

The soldiers were free but still needed some guidance. Twenty five of the soldiers wished to enlist into Luffy’s crew. The brothers didn’t notice it, but Luffy recognized them as the ones that rode the brothers. They didn’t have names, which left Luffy to name them, sadly he wasn’t very creative on the naming front.

Five of the Balanced Men, were named A-ko to E-ko. The Tall Men were named F-ko to J-ko. The Broad Men were named K-ko to O-ko. The Thin Men were named P-ko to T-ko. Last but not least the Muscular Men were named U-ko to Y-ko. These twenty five soldiers would join Luffy’s crew and help run the ship.

“Lust Lust Costume!” Luffy fired a beam at his new crew, not only were they cleaned up, the cum and sweat being used as a catalyst to create new outfits for them. This clothes creation beam could manifest all sorts of outfits from the sexy to the kinky. They were given fancy butler uniforms with their names lovingly crafted onto each of them in purple thread. These costumes weren’t just fancy they were just as much armor as the germa suits were. They also had masks.

The rest of the soldiers were adopted so to speak. The Mayor took on the Strong and Heavy Men, and had them work as both farmers and construction. Dadan adopted the Speed Men, swift men like these would make good bandits, and their combat training would help her family stand up even to pirates. The Reach Men were taken in by the town and they worked as police for the small village. The average guys were split up, Makino adopting one to work at her bar with her, he’d make a good bouncer if things got too rowdy. The people welcomed these strangers and brought them into their community. Over time these individuals would form their own identities and decide their own names one day.


Luffy wasn’t expecting to have such a cool ship right off the start, but he liked it. The snail ship accepted Luffy as his master, not much of a surprise. He explored his new ship and got the lay of the land. The brothers followed him around butt naked. He loved the cannons, the kitchen was nice, and the dining room could be fixed up to make it warmer.

Niji gave up his room to his Daddy as it was the biggest, and his Daddy deserved it. “Aww my sweet boy, that won’t be necessary!” Luffy ruffled his hair, before cracking his knuckles. “This is a good start, but we can do more.”

He found an open space in the mini castle. “Lust Lust Room!” He fired a beam at the wall and it created a heart shaped door, with purple doors. The brothers gasped at the size of it, this was crazy there was nothing on the other side of this wall and yet there was a full master bedroom now. “You see my fruit can make things bigger on the inside.” It created a full sub space.

Luffy worked his magic on Ichiji and Yonji’s rooms, making them equal to Niji’s room. Since he was manipulating an existing room, it didn’t take as much energy. “You boys can choose to sleep in your rooms, or have some fun in Daddy’s room.”

He turned one of the spare rooms into a Punishment Room. “This is where naughty boys end up, and the punishments will fit the crime understood.” The room had cells, whips, chains, cuffs, and an assortment of tools for punishment.

“Yes Daddy!” They said. The next room was a Pleasure Room, with beds, an array sex toys, and lube.

“This room is for the crew to have some fun when we have some down time.” Their eyes sparkled at the varying toys of all different shapes and sizes. “Daddy will bring my boys here now and then for special play time.” He said with a chuckle.

The bathroom was already pretty fancy, Luffy added a Sauna and a Spa Room attached to it.  They decided to break in the bath, Ichiji washed his back, Niji washed his front, and Yonji washed his legs. Luffy took his time washing his boys. It was a nice bonding moment.

After their baths they had some milk.

Luffy clapped. “Now some gifts for my boys.” he found a spot. “Lust Lust Room!” He created an art studio for Ichiji.

“Thank you daddy!” Luffy kissed him.

“We’ll buy some art supplies for you before we set sail.” Ichiji got excited.

They checked out the Lab which Niji claimed for his own. The bluenette had seen the lab at eh Germa main base. With the image in mind, Luffy was able to supercharge their lab making it bigger on the inside, and even creating a sub lab to store extra materials and inventions. Niji loved his new lab and couldn’t wait to start inventing.

The empty tower Luffy used his powers to turn into a Green House for Yonji so he could do his gardening. A farm on one floor, and garden on the other. Yonji was over the moon.

Luffy hugged his boys, and they thanked him for their gifts. Though there was a question. “Are we gonna get clothes?” Ichiji asked.

“An excellent question.” Luffy disposed off their princely clothes. “Lust Lust Costume!” He zapped the boys, giving them very form fitting speedos. They had their numbers over the crotch. “Some house rules, you’ll wear these around the house or go naked, you’ll be seen as fully dressed as long as you are wearing these.” He made them some clothes for when they went into town, some simple colored vests and black shorts. “You’ve lived a pretty luxurious life, and while I’m not gonna take that away, and I love my boys so you will have my gifts. For clothes you’ll work for them and we’ll either pick some up on our journey or I’ll make some in a pinch.”

“Yes Daddy!” Luffy’s stomach growled.

“Alright, I’m exhausted. Let’s eat and then we’ll go through town and get our supplies for our journey.” Creating so many rooms and clothes and things burned a lot of energy. It would replenish over time but the Lust Lust fruit was truly amazing.

Their Daddy was amazing. He whooped them, saved them, educated them, loved them, bonded with them, gave them gifts, he was tough but fair. In just a few days was a better father than Judge had been in years. He made this one little ship more of a home then their whole fleet.

A-ko and B-ko prepared a meal and they ate as a family. Even their meal together was better than any meal they had in the Germa Castle. After their meal Luffy dressed them in their vests and shorts, they wore sandals. The Germa cans were strapped to their hips.

Luffy got art supplies for Ichiji, tools and materials for Niji, he got seeds for Yonji. Monkey spent money and got them enough food to last a few months. Everything was brought back to the ship and they had their stores stocked.

Ichiji brought his art to help the crew, by using his paint to change the sails and remove the Germa Crest and replaced it with a Straw Hat. “It looks perfect!” Luffy praised. “Let’s go...I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!”

To be continued...Invention


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