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Going over and updating my Redux List which hopefully i'll have finished by next year so everyone can see what's gonna be getting redone/fixed and hopefully improved on

In this fic Luffy has the Power of the Volt Volt no mi which makes him an electric human and while a paramecia it still makes him plenty strong and deadly. Currently the story stands pretty simple with the original plan being later in skypiea he meets eneru and is able to control him because Eneru is made of lightning Luffy can control lightning additional fun times from there. 

With new information both in Eneru's backstory and more fleshed out time line the redux would consist of Luffy eating the fruit, Eneru eating the fruit some time later and these two fruits have a form of soul connection Eneru senses Luffy in the world and goes to find him instead of going to Skypiea. He finds Luffy and the two hit it off and the story will have a more Luffy/Eneru/Harem to it. 


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