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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

Dark themes warning

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Education

Hisashi wanted his son to have the best education, he needed to know the world, both the hero society and the underworld. He brought in the “best” educators for the job. Izuku was actually quite smart, he was clever and quick to adapt. Chimera noticed this that his behavior shifted depending on which tutor was brought in.

Chojuro honestly believed the only reasons Hisashi let Izuku go to school was for; one, to make the boy work twice as hard as he had to do the work of both school and his tutors. Izuku doing it to honor his father, unaware of the other reason why. Two, so his son will face the harsh reality of people in hero society. Because he was seemingly quirkless, he was looked down upon by his peers and even his teachers treated him like an after thought.

Society put such a value on quirks, if a quirk was powerful or flashy, society lifted up the holder to a higher plateau than the others. This impression was passed on to the children who observed how adults treated both each other and the next generation. So kids would flock to those with powerful or flashy quirks. For Izuku, he was seen as a failure in their society, letting him feel how those with weaker quirks felt being cast off or abandoned by society.

Chimera watched Izuku try every day to manifest some form of quirk. His mother could attract small objects to herself, so Izuku tried doing that. His father’s quirk was a mystery. “Father doesn’t talk about his quirk. He said it’s best to keep one’s quirk a secret to gain an edge.” Izuku tried different things, but nothing worked.

As he passed the age for late bloomers to receive their quirks, it seemed the boy was truly quirkless. Hisashi didn’t seem worried, which worried Chimera. So he approached the mafia boss hesitantly. “Sir, you don’t seem worried that Izuku is showing no signs of a quirk.” He called Hisashi sir, to show some form of respect but in his eyes Hisashi wasn’t his boss.

“There are other ways a quirk can manifest,” he said with a smirk. Chimera was afraid of that. You don’t travel through the darkness and not hear of him. All For One, the man who had the power to steal quirks, and bestow them. Hisashi was trying to gain power, for what? To become recognized by All For One?

“You aren’t thinking of making a deal with that man...All for…”

“Be silent!” Chimera’s mouth closed, getting cut off.

‘This feeling...is this his quirk.’ Chimera sweats as Hisashi glares at him.

“I am not so foolish as to make a deal with...him. Taking anything from that fiend is putting you in the palm of his hand. It would take a miracle to get out of his grasp.” Hisashi shook his head. Even for a mafia boss, All For One was not a man to get involved with even if you had your bases covered. “No, there is still yet one way for a quirk to manifest in special cases, I believe my son fits.”

Chimera didn’t know what he was talking about, but it wasn’t a well known thing. He felt the weird pressure lift and he could speak again. “Still, my son must not falter before that time comes, so I think it best he start learning to defend himself and fight even without a quirk. See to it.”

“Yes Sir.” He left.

Izuku’s combat education began. Chimera wasn’t a master martial artist or anything but he knew how to fight. He began teaching Izuku how to protect himself and giving him instruction on physical training. Hisashi would hire a proper tutor eventually, but Chimera got him started.

The furry male, sparred with some of the other members of the Midoriya family, giving demonstrations of blocks, holds, using an opponent’s own force against them. Izuku liked these lessons, believing he could use them when he became a hero one day. Chimera ruffled his hair and said. “Sure kid!” He hoped the future would prove him wrong.

His main lesson was, that while his quirk made him monstrously strong, it was through learning to fight he was able to make use of his monstrous strength. He had entered a few underground fighting competitions. “For monstrous guys like me it was the only place we can find work. People like monsters beating up each other.”

Izuku took hold of his hand. “You aren’t a monster.” He said, and the look in his eyes showed he meant it. “Monsters are mean and scary, that sludge guy was really scary, you are just fluffy!” In his own innocent way, those words helped.

“It’s fine being seen as a monster sometimes, then I can scare the other monsters away.” He playfully growled, showing off his fangs and claws. Izuku simply giggled. His boss was truly sweet and kindhearted.

‘I’ll help you become stronger.’


Izuku didn’t use his teachings to hurt people, there were kids who bullied him for being quirkless and he didn’t do anything to fight back. It wasn’t until he was 9 did he get into his first fight.

Chimera took him to the park to play with some neighborhood kids. One in particular Izuku talked about Bakugou Katsuki. The boy had a flashy quirk called Explosion. In Chojuro’s opinion, the blonde was more of a mafia boss candidate than Izuku was. The kid had an explosive temper, he had a follow me or get out of my way attitude.

His Boss talked about the blonde in a high light and full of respect even if he could be “scary” and “prickly” at times. Chimera observed them from afar on a few occasions, Bakugou weirdly kept Izuku around, in a pecking order, but the blonde seemed to enjoy having Izuku around. He even ventured out, taking Izuku bug hunting, and wanting to spend more time with him than some of the other kids.

The blonde did have his issues, he was full of pride, and Chimera could already see the influence of society in him. His natural genius, athletic ability, and flashy quirk, put him on a pedestal and he realized it. If someone challenged him, he went all out.

Chimera weirdly understood, in the streets Bakugou’s actions wouldn’t seem strange. The blonde had an intensity that was scary. ‘I don’t know what’s in that kid’s head but he seems to have his own demons inside him.’ He needed to get his temper in check and learn some restraint if he wanted to become a hero. Without social skills heroes can struggle even if they are good at fighting villains.

Chojuro saw the incident completely. Bakugou and another boy had gotten into it on the playground. Things escalated and Bakugou smacked him down...hard! He started crying and Izuku, bless him, tried to break up the fight.

“Why are you being so mean? He’s crying Kacchan!”

“Are you standing against me Deku?!” He punched his palm. He had back up a boy who could lengthen his fingers and a boy with wings.

“I don’t wanna fight you Kacchan!” Izuku stood his ground. The three boys charged and Chimera was impressed, his student defeated the boy with fingers and the one with wings. His training was showing, and he almost beat the odds, but Bakugou was quite the different specimen.

Katsuki overwhelmed Izuku with his quirk. He didn’t back down, the two wrestling in the ground but in the end the blonde was on top of him. “I win!” Midoriya may have lost, but his eyes shined with defiance.

Bakugou’s eyes shined with surprise and excitement. The two   were at odds, but there was a strange form of respect forged between them. Chimera praised him for the fight later. “You may have lost, but you showed a lot of spirit. You did very well with odds stacked against you.”

When Izuku returned to the estate all scuffed up, his father wanted answers. “He had a run in with a few boys at the park, he was trying to protect another boy.”

“Me and Kacch...Katsuki got into a scuffle.” His father narrowed his eyes.

“Did you win?” Izuku didn’t answer. The gaze fell on Chimera. “Did he win?”

“It was three against one, he beat the other two, but Bakugou defeated him with his quirk.”

“So in the end you lost.” Izuku flinched.

“He did an amazing job, he stood up for himself.”

“And in the end he lost!” Hisashi snapped. “Son, I have high expectations of you, while any battle you can walk away from is a learning experience. You failed to live up to my expectations, failure must be punished.”

Chimera moved on instinct shielding the boy from the man. “Stand down!” The furry male felt a power wash over him, and he was compelled to obey.

“Please Hisashi, he’s just a kid, please.” Inko approached him.

“Stand back!” He said, and Inko obeyed, but from the look on her face and the way she was trembling she didn’t want to. Chimera growled and struggled but some force kept him unable to act.

Hisashi grabbed his son and dragged him away for the “punishment”. Chojuro could see the fear in Izuku’s eyes, but couldn’t move. Inko wept knowing what was going to happen. Chimera’s ears twitched, and though he didn’t see it he heard the cracking of the whip and Izuku’s scream that followed. Then he wished he couldn’t hear as the cruelty of Hisashi Midoriya was shown upon his own son.

He heard the screams until everything went quiet and the two were able to move again. Hisashi returned and dropped his son on the ground. Izuku’s once shining eyes were pure white, his mind shut down to deal with what happened. His body was messed up, with marks on his arms and legs, but his back...it made Chimera see red! “Use the special medicine on him this time make sure he doesn’t scar.”

“Doesn’t scar!” Chimera growled, his fur stood on end. His muscles swelled and his quirk was raging. “You do this to your own son!” He snarled. “Over a childish scrap!”

“Calm down!” Again a strange force forced Chimera’s actions. He grabbed Chimera by the hair. “I trust you help my boy get stronger, as you can see I don’t tolerate failure. Next time you’ll be the one to punish him.” A chill ran down Chimera’s back, he knew...this man could make that happen. He didn’t know how, but knew in his bones that Izuku would suffer at his hands the next time he “failed”.

Inko and Chimera rushed Izuku down and got him treated. The boy remained unresponsive even as they treated his wounds. He passed out and healed. Chimera stayed by his side. “I’m sorry Boss, I failed you…” He said he could scare the other monsters away, but he couldn’t stop the monster that was Izuku’s own father.

To be continued


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