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Pocket Monster parody: Phone Fic/Tier 1

Fighting Sponsor

The League Officials were pushing the Elite Four to sponsor new trainers, to help strengthen the next generation. Delia happened to be friends with one of the Elite Four, Bruno. The man didn’t want to sponsor anyone but he had a debt to repay and agreed to take on her son Ash. Things end up well for the both of them.

Chapter 1

The Pokemon League had a tournament every other year. Trainers gathered at least 8 badges from Gym Leaders across the Kanto Region. In the mean time the League Officials had special matches for the Elite Four to challenge each other and the Champion of Kanto.

Champion Sammy was getting up there in years, and upon his retiring to become a Professor left a vacancy that needed to be filled. This led to a domino effect of the future. Even if one of the Elite Four members took the role of champion, that’d leave a seat vacant there. If a Gym Leader was promoted to Elite Four that’d reduce the number of active gyms.

So the League began pushing for Trainer Sponsorship. Where the Elite Four and even Gym Leaders could sponsor a trainer, giving them a starter pokemon and guide them towards a brighter future. The idea being these sponsored trainers could become Gym Leaders in the future, or members of the Elite Four, become Champion, or even become a Frontier Brain if they were skilled enough.

Some of the Elite Four members were into the idea. Lorelei decided to sponsor a girl from Cerulean City named Misty. Lance sponsored a boy named Ritchie, seeing promise in him. Agatha sponsored a girl named Karen. Bruno was the last one to sponsor anyone.

To be fair, he wasn’t sure about sponsoring a trainer at all. He was focused on his own training, and didn’t want to waste time training another trainer. He also didn’t think he was the teacher type.

A lot of trainers wanted to be sponsored, they got funding, lessons, a unique starter, they were also allowed to carry more than the standard 6 monsters. Bruno was bombarded by requests, and he kept denying them or putting them off. Bruno kept stalling to the point the League Officials started threatening to revoke his title if he didn’t sponsor at least one trainer.

Then by luck, he received a call from an old friend Delia Ketchum. The woman was a trainer/coordinator back in the day but retired. The two often got into it as Bruno used to mock coordinators, and Delia soundly spanked him. He was never able to beat Delia, but he did try hard!

Even as he attained the rank of Elite Four, his losses to her still hung around in his head. So when she called he wasn’t exactly thrilled. She did seem different, perhaps motherhood had changed her for the better. Delia spoke in such a warm and kind manner, compared to the sassy and cheeky way she used to.

She wanted him to sponsor her son Ash. The kid loved Pokemon and simply couldn’t wait to become a trainer. He wanted to be a Pokemon Master, a crazy goal in Bruno’s opinion. He thought Ash wasn’t truly focused on a proper goal, as many trainers spend years trying to master one goal, himself included. “I don’t think this will work out.”

“I think it will, considering you owe me one.” She said confidently.

“What?!” He gasped. Delia proceeded to remind him that before he entered the League way back when, the two had a match with a bet on the line. Delia bested him and earned a favor from him, that she decided to hold onto.

“The great Bruno of the Elite Four doesn’t welsh on his bets does he?” Bruno growled in frustration, this was the Delia he remembered. She always knew where to Poison Jab him where it hurts, like his pride. There was no way out of this, but then Bruno got an idea.

‘I can make this work, I just have to agree to sponsor the kid, if he can’t handle my training and drops out I can get the league off my back and I won’t owe Delia anything.’ He didn’t feel bad because even if Ash dropped out he could still go through the other channels of becoming a trainer.

So Bruno agreed to sponsor Ash, and took him on a training mission. When they met Ash was bright eyed and shooting off a thousand watt smile. “Nice to meet you Master Bruno!” He said, showing Bruno respect.

‘You can’t butter me up kid, you better be prepared for hell!’ He wasn’t planning on going easy on Ash, Bruno’s Bootcamp was gonna make him drop out. He had no idea who he was dealing with…

Delia had raised this boy, from the time Ash was 10 and he had his heart set on becoming a Pokemon Master, she had been secretly preparing him for the future. For the last 6 years her chores she gave him had toughened him up. The boy was deceptively strong and had stamina to burn. Bruno’s “intense” work out schedule was fun for Ketchum. The active year of training helped Ash build up some muscle, but he kept his more lean figure.

Bruno had Ash do all the chores, feeding his Pokemon, preparing meals, doing the laundry, etc… He even had Ash wash his back for him in a nearby hot spring.

Ketchum had this covered. His mother had taught him to cook, and while he was no master chef he could make decent meals. He was a much better cook than Bruno, his cooking making the elite trainer’s heart sing and his stomach happy.

The boy didn’t complain, he handled every chore Bruno gave him. He took this training and sponsorship seriously. Ash even took notes on the way Bruno battled and trained.

Ash fed Bruno’s mons getting to learn more about Rock, Ground, Fighting, and Poison Types. Bruno had a Nidorino, an Onix, a Hitmonchan, a Hitmonlee, a Machoke, and a Primeape. He won the hearts of his monsters over the year, and Bruno couldn’t believe it.

He thought Ash would crumble in the year, but it didn’t happen. Ash even seemed adept at the Kung Fu exercises he tasked him with. “Oh my mom’s Mr. Mime had me do this all the time.” Ash even led some exercises with Bruno’s monsters.

Bruno remembered that Mr. Mime, it was the bane of his fighting types. It was quite clever and Delia was good at using it. Ash had an interest in martial arts and boxing, which led him to bond with Hitmonchan a bit more than the others.

After a year Bruno had to gift Ash his first Pokemon. Thankfully his Primeape had gotten frisky and returned with an egg that hatched into a Mankey for Ash. It was a bit of a trouble maker, but Ash got into his heart too, and the two bonded.

The boy had an insane practice as using himself as target practice for  training. His own skills began to shine as he trained with Mankey, often coming back all scuffed up and scratched up, but happier then ever. Bruno did have Ash train against wild Pokemon, but not catch them, to learn about type match ups and how to use moves.

He absorbed the lessons like a sponge, and even Bruno had to do some studying to teach Ash something new. Without realizing it he was bettering himself and getting stronger because of Ash in his life.

Even Bruno was starting to like Ash in spite of himself. He was making Bruno’s training days more fun. His camp outs were now more warm and inviting. Ash celebrated his 18th birthday with Bruno, and the man gave Ash his first set of monster balls, he got a Pokedex from Professor Oak, and his trainer license. His mother sent him an assortment of items.

In the two years Ash had been with Bruno, he’d watched him grow into a strapping young man. The league would be opening their tournament soon, in just six short months Ash would be leaving and going on his journey, and that thought made his heart ache a little. That’s when he realized a bit too late that he had fallen for Ash.


Bruno was coming back from a serious intense work out. He had worked up quite the sweat, his manly muscles glistening. As he approached the camp, the smell of Ash’s cooking hit his nose. “Mmm, something smells good.” He entered the camp site and froze. “Holy Arceus!”

Ash was naked...mostly naked...fuck it he was naked except for a red apron, that only made it hotter. Bruno got a good look at his sexy backside, the firm back muscles, the toned arms and legs, the juicy behind. Bruno gulped feeling his blood rush south.

Bruno was a sexy beast of a man, but he was a bit lacking in the love department. He’s trained his whole life to grow strong and be the best, he didn’t have time for a love life. Not that he didn’t have admirers, he had long dark hair which he kept tied back, he was tall, built like a mountain, muscular, with manly hair peppered between his beefy pecs, he had an 8 pack, with a treasure tail that led down to his thick nest of pubes. He was a well endowed man having an impressive 12 inch cock, with a mighty girth. His lack of a love life gave him some Golem level testicles big, round, and full.

He blushed like a virgin, eyes roaming Ash’s sexy form.

“Welcome back Master Bruno, would you like a bath, your dinner, or perhaps...me…” His dick strained painfully in the confines of his pants. Ash noticed and chuckled. “I see what you want.” Ash walked over to him, sinfully stripping off the apron allowing Bruno to admire him in his full nude form.

He couldn’t move as Ash approached him, undid his pants and let them fall, allowing his fat cock to spring up. “So big...Master…” He purred, before licking his dick. Bruno didn’t know what was happening, and part of him didn’t care. Ash started sucking his dick so lovingly, while playing with his heavy balls.

Just when he thought he was gonna cum, Ash stopped and got before him, spreading his cheeks. “Please Master...cum inside me!” Bruno gulped and his body moved like it was on auto pilot. He got behind the young man his hefty cock pressing against his hole.

‘This is so hot...so amazing...so…’ Just as he pushed forward, he woke up. Bruno’s eyes snapped open and he shot up in his sleeping bag. He was flushed, and with a quick peek his suspicions were confirmed. ‘I had a wet dream!’ He looked over and saw Ash sleeping away in his sleeping bag, his Mankey curled up with him. ‘Oh shit!’

To be continued...Final Lesson?


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