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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

True Hero

Tomura was suffering, he had just lost his family and was all alone. No one was helping but then...she appeared. Inko Midoriya she saw the young boy suffering and couldn't do nothing. She takes the boy in and gets him help. With her kindness Tomura isn't consumed by darkness and he gets help to learn how his quirk works. He doesn't think he can be a hero with a "evil" quirk like his, but his little brother thinks he can become a hero.

Chapter 1

Tenko Shigaraki was suffering. His quirk manifested, a powerful and destructive quirk. He didn’t know what was happening to him and he didn’t know that his touch was lethal. Their pet dog was the first victim. When his sister saw she screamed, and out of fear of being punished he reached out to stop her from telling on him. One touch sealed her fate.

When his mother rushed to help him, her fate was sealed with a single touch. Things spiraled out of control, Tenko was freaking out, and panic and fear led to bad choices as his Grandparents fell to his quirk. His father came out and the man wasn’t the kindest soul to begin with and lashed out striking his son violently. This wasn’t the first time he’d done so, but it would be the last as Tenko lashed out and put an end to father.

He was hurt, confused, and emotionally withdrawn over what happened. He left his home to get help, wondering around on auto pilot. People saw him, but taken aback by his current state, they left him. “A hero would be by soon.” This thought left Tenko alone, helpless, and hurting longer than he needed to.

It began to rain, hiding Tenko’s tears. Everything hurt, his hands were aching, the maddening itch he was experiencing was a sign of his quirk manifesting. His family took no notice, as they didn’t really have a quirk line. Shigaraki’s quirk was a mutation, something new and powerful, that was just waiting for the right vessel to be born in.

Many bad choices were made, had Tenko’s father not hated heroes, and rejected hero society and quirks he may have recognized his son’s abilities and they could have gotten him tested and made it possible to prevent this tragedy. Had his sister not revealed that their Grandmother was a hero, and then thrown Tenko under the bus, which led to another round of “punishment” from dear old dad, that left him crying outside where his quirk fully manifested. Had his mother or her parents stepped up and stood up to the man and left maybe Tenko could have been raised under a more caring home. Had the father not been so quick to hit and to hurt, maybe Tenko wouldn’t have snapped.

As people walked past a crying and injured child, expecting a hero to be along soon to deal with him, Tenko sank further into despair. “Oh you poor thing!” A tall green haired woman stopped. Tenko looked up, weak and exhausted.

She held an umbrella over him. This woman Inko, had a child of her own, her little boy Izuku was at home right now. In her heart she couldn’t just abandon a child. “Are you alright sweetie, where is your mom, or your dad?” Tenko sniffled, he looked so worn. “How long have you been out here?” Another good question but one he didn’t have an answer to.

His stomach growled, and Inko tried to give him some food. When he touched it with all five fingers the sandwich decayed. “Oh my!” She gasped.

Seeing the decay gave Tenko horrible flashes of what happened to his family. He began to scream and freak out. “It’s okay, it’s okay!” She hugged him carefully. “It will be alright, I’m here…” She patted his head and soothed him.

Tenko wanted to return the warmth she was giving him, but now knew he couldn’t. He kept his hands firmly at his sides. “Let’s get you some help.” Inko Midoriya’s act of kindness would change the fate of many. Though she had a quirk, she wasn’t a hero, and the world wouldn’t know how much of a True Hero she was this day.


She got him to the police, and called her friend Mitsuki to look after Izuku for a bit. A doctor was called to treat Tenko’s wounds, some of which were old and healing. Some detective went to his home and found the remains of his family. The incident was labeled a quirk accident, and Tenko wouldn’t face any criminal charges over what happened. Inko probably should have questioned why the matter was swept away so easily, but didn’t want to press it as she didn’t believe Tenko should be punished for what happened.

Tenko was fed some pudding that Inko got from the store. He tried not to touch anything, and for now that was probably for the best. A quirk specialist; an older woman with purple hair and dressed like a librarian, and a quirk therapist; a younger man with blue hair, snake eyes, and was wearing black gloves, were called in.

The therapist had to help Tenko deal with what happened and also got some insights into the boy’s family life. “I just...I just wanted to be a hero…” he sniffled. It broke his heart.

The specialist had Tenko go through some tests, first by touching an object with a finger, nothing happened. They did this with each finger, one by one, then had him touch things with multiple fingers at once. With a quirk as powerful and frankly deadly as his they had to understand how it worked.

While Tenko was tested Inko checked in on Izuku, who missed her, but called his mommy a hero when she told him what was happening. She didn’t see herself that way, she was just trying to do the right thing. Inko checked back in on Tenko.

They had it down to Tenko needing to touch an object with all five fingers in order for his quirk to activate. However they made notes saying it could evolve one day. The specialist began to work with him to teach him how to hold things and avoid touching things with all five fingers. It was harder than it sounded.

He was bounced around between doctors checking on him, the therapist talking with him, and the specialist working with him. Inko remained in the wings staying close, being allowed to come in and sit with Tenko during breaks.

The kid’s family was gone, and there was no next of kin so the police asked her to take temporary guardianship of him. She agreed, filling out whatever paperwork they needed.

The specialist gave Tenko some gloves, they were made of a special fiber and were missing the thumb and pinky fingers. Quirks that required touch to activate weren’t uncommon, so there were gloves and fibers developed to help people with such quirks. After testing them, they learned Tenko could touch things if he had some form of covering. “You can wear these while you sleep, so you don’t activate your quirk by accident.” The gloves shouldn’t be used 24/7 for numerous reasons, it was a support item for a reason.

“Thank you…” The specialist felt bad, many youths have suffered from their quirks manifesting before, but nothing to this extreme. Had he been taken to any quirk testing facility such a tragedy could have been avoided. She had a feeling she knew why this incident was being swept under the rug, this incident and this boy was a prime case for Quirk Singularity theorists.

The therapist was in the same boat, as far as helping the lad. Tenko was in shock, he’d need more sessions to deal with the trauma of what’s happened to him. Not just this incident but things that happened in his past. Going over the medical reports from when he was brought in, he also asked Inko some questions. Thankfully the therapist was good at their job and didn’t jump the gun.

Tenko’s home life was called into question given his injuries, but now there was no one to question about that. From the police report, and state of the house, this incident was recent. “The boy had to be alone for several hours, do you know why he wasn’t brought in sooner?”

“I’m sorry, I just saw him on my way from the store. Why didn’t anyone else help him?” Sadly there was a dark mentality in the world, it shifted and changed with the times, but it was there.

“An analogy of this being imagine you were in a hotel, and there was a horse standing in the hotel. You can go to the bellboy, the doorman, and the manager and they will all say the same thing. “Well I figured someone else was handling it” It was an obvious problem, so people just assume it was being taken care of, but with everyone assuming this the problem isn’t handled. In our hero society, sadly this phenomenon happens people expect a hero to handle things, even something as small as helping a lost child.”

It broke Inko’s heart. The boy was gonna need a lot of work, but Inko wasn’t gonna abandon him. Tenko was exhausted, in a number of ways. They were done with everything for now and Inko went to Tenko. “It’s time to go.”

“Where am I going?” She scooped him up.

“You are coming home with me, if that’s alright with you?” He nodded and hugged her. She rubbed his back and took him home. What did the future hold for Tenko Shigaraki?

To be continued


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