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Naruto parody: Patreon Reward

Canine Brothers

The Inuzuka family took Naruto in and raised him as one of their own. Kiba and Naruto were like brothers, but feelings were stronger than that. The two were strong with alpha instincts, and competed with each other. Kiba doesn’t want to give up his ass so easily but Naruto has an ace in the hole, Kiba submits and helps Naruto with his crazy idea of building a harem. Top Naruto/Switcher Kiba/Harem

Chapter 1

Tsume Inuzuka was a wild woman with an odd sense of humor. The only one who seemed to get her was her teammate Kushina Uzumaki, who was also somewhat of a wild woman. The two had each other’s back Tsume being impatient in a fight often charging in on Kuromaru and getting into trouble. Kushina bailed her out, and often needed Tsume to save her when her temper got out of control.

The two served on the same ninja team for many years until they became Chunin. They retained their friendship, Tsume even being the one to give Kushina a push in pursuing a relationship with Minato.

She had mated and already had her first pup by the time the two got married. She was a bridesmaid for their wedding. Kushina even wanted Tsume to be her child’s godmother. The Inuzuka woman agreed, not trusting the named godfather to honor the job. Tsume wanted to be there for her during the birth got some surprising news of her own, she was pregnant again.

Dark events unfolded as Kushina and Minato were attacked and the Nine Tailed Fox was released. It attacked and brought havoc to Konoha. Minato had to seal the beast in a new vessel, and the only one available was their newborn son, Naruto. With a heavy heart the deed was done, Minato’s final wish was that their son would be treated like a hero. Kushina simply wished her son had a happy life.


Tsume was a wreck, she had to bury her best friend and the leader of the village on the same day. Their son never got to meet them, the little one born to family, now alone in the world...well not fully alone. Kyuubi’s attack left a lot of people with fear and rage inside them, such feelings now targeted towards the innocent child that now housed the beast.

It was idiotic to Tsume, the boy was a dog house for the beast, if the dog does something bad you don’t try to smash the dog house in revenge. Others didn’t feel the same, wanting to kill Naruto and the Kyuubi inside him in one swoop. Over Tsume’s dead body, and the woman was tough on her best day, but messing with a pregnant, hormone riled, Inuzuka was like dancing with death himself.

The council received many complaints and dealt with the fall out of the Kyuubi attack, many thought they were the ones who would decide Naruto Uzumaki’s fate. They would be wrong. Sarutobi took back over as hokage, and did his best to honor Minato’s wishes. Tsume took charge and made sure Kushina’s wishes were honored. Naruto’s godfather wasn’t around to claim him so…

“The boy will be adopted into my clan!” She declared surprising the old farts on the council.

“Tsume, Sarutobi, what is the meaning of this?”

“Until a new hokage is chosen, as living Third, the title returns to me.” Sarutobi stated, ignoring their protests. He might be old but he was still the kage of the hidden leaf village. Since Minato didn’t choose a successor the baton was his to claim. He did so to honor Minato’s wish.

“As the boy’s godmother I am allowed to speak on his behalf. So I say he’ll be adopted into the Inuzuka family.” She stated proudly.

“We will not allow it, this child is dangerous.” Homura said.

“If you think this infant is dangerous you have no right to call yourself a man!” Tsume snapped. “Even if you mean the Kyuubi, he’s not a threat so long that he is sealed.”

Koharu was a crafty woman, and tried to play to Tsume’s family ties. “Think of your children Tsume, this boy would be a danger to them in the future. If the Kyuubi takes over he could hurt your daughter, and what about your son. He’s ready to pop in a few months. Do you really want your heir to lie next to a dangerous beast.”

Tsume laughed at the idiotic ploy. She wasn’t stupid, she loved her family very much, but she wasn’t gonna fall for a blatant scare tactic. “My daughter is the heir to the clan, and she’s tough like me, she can handle an infant and whatever he grows up being.” She placed a hand on her belly. “As for my son, he will grow up knowing he has a big brother looking after him. I will raise both boys to be strong, they will become fine men and ninja!”

Homura tried another gamble. “If you adopt this thing, he will be your son and thus be entitled to succession. Would you risk your clan’s future on the chance this beast won’t win out and take over?”

Again Tsume laughed. “He is already my son, I’m his godmother, by right he is mine. If he wants to lead the Inuzuka Clan into the future, he’ll have every chance and right to do so.” Tsume approached the baby. “This boy is Naruto Inuzuka and I’m taking him home.”

She offered her hand to him and the infant cooed, taking hold of one of her fingers. The urge to protect filled Tsume as it did when she held her daughter for the first time. She felt her son kick and smiled. ‘You two will do great things.’

The old geezers continued to protest, but they had no right to the boy. Him becoming a vessel didn’t change that. Sarutobi wasn’t stupid, if they were allowed to get their hands on Naruto, he’d be “killed” then a nameless soul would enter the Root program, and he’d be trained to be a mindless weapon. Minato and Kushina’s son deserved better than that.

It would serve the boy well, as those who saw Minato as an enemy wouldn’t be able to target his son, and those who’d hunt the Uzumaki clan wouldn’t know of his existence. The boy’s future was clear.


When Tsume brought Naruto home, the clan respected her decision as clan head. Her husband was another matter. The man was a strong and well built man, a skilled ninja in his own right. He thought marrying into the Inuzuka clan was his ticket to gaining a clan’s power. Things in the Inuzuka clan worked differently than other clans.

Since he was brought into the clan by marriage he had no power or authority. He had no claim to the clan head seat or right to challenge for it. His children on the other hand did. Seeing this boy brought in, as Tsume’s adopted child, this meant he was an obstacle in his son’s path to being clan head.

Tsume cared for Naruto as if he was her own. Just three months later her son Kiba would be born. The two boys were bundles of joy. Her husband wanted Naruto gone but Tsume didn’t care, and Kuromaru never let him get near them. Hana was a blessing she loved both her little brothers and helped shoulder the weight of raising the two.

She had been right on the money, if Kiba started to cry or get fussy, often putting Naruto in his crib helped soothe the infant. The two were absolutely adorable.


When Naruto was a little boy she let him choose his canine companion. He bonded with a little black pupper named Kurobi. Since Naruto had a unique bloodline she had him perform a ritual, using his blood and chakra to create a collar for his companion. She noticed his wound heal quickly upon cutting him. ‘So this is a side effect of the Kyuubi’s power.’

The collar was made creating an orange collar with little spikes around it. Tsume knew enough about Kushina’s skills to help guide her son in the Uzumaki style. Their clan had the unique ability to manifest chains for both offense, defense, and sealing.

After some tests Naruto confirmed her suspicions and he was able to manifest chains. With his partner having the collar, he could fire chains from his collar spikes. The two would make quite the pair when they got older.

Three months after Naruto got Kurobi, Kiba was gifted Akamaru. The two had a strong brotherly bond, a sibling rivalry that helped them both grow stronger. Tsume was a strict mother, tough but fair. They wanted to become ninja, so they entered the academy.

With the years passing Tsume’s mate grew more and more aggravated. He refused to see his own son’s growth as a result of having Naruto as a brother. He continued to persist that the blonde was holding Kiba back. Tsume didn’t think so, the boys could be little trouble makers sometimes, but they were properly punished. Also when Naruto was bullied and pranked the bully Tsume actually was on his side, she actually chased a man who threw a fox mask at Naruto’s head around the village.

People seemed to think that just because Naruto was the fox vessel, he was always at fault. Nay nay, she got all the information, she had a nose for the truth. If she found Naruto had cause to act out, she still punished him, to a lesser extent, but also punished the person who caused him to act out. Kushina also kicked some ass when people messed with her, but they messed with her first.

She was tough but fair, and if Naruto was just making a prank cause he thought it’d be funny, well he faced the wrath of an Inuzuka momma. Kiba was no different. Among the kids in town, there was a consensus on who the scariest moms in the village was, the top three being Inuzuka, Nara, and Aburame.

Naruto inherited her “odd” sense of humor, while both boys inherited her wild nature. Tsume could see traits of Minato and Kushina in the boy as well, they were tiny moments where it made her shed tears of joy and remember her friends.

The clan grew to accept Naruto as one of them, but her husband didn’t. He pushed the issue too far and Tsume was forced to kick him out. Kiba would grow up thinking she simply scared his dad off, never fully knowing the full details. He wasn’t fully wrong, the idiot did challenge her over Naruto and she beat his ass so bad he fled with his tail between his legs. Hana knew, but she learned early on her dad was an idiot, he had the bright idea of trying to marry her off to the Uchiha clan to try and unite the two clans. It was a disaster. So there was no love lost there.

Tsume had no regrets, she knew she made the right choice bringing Naruto into the family. He took to the Inuzuka teachings like a fish to water. Little did she know how this act would benefit Konoha going forward.

To be continued


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