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Kingdom Hearts parody: Tier 1/Phone Fic

Urchin's Keyhole Adventure

When Ursula allowed the Heartless to invade their world. Even some of the bravest warriors were not able to stop them. Urchin fights with all his might but things look bad. A keyblade chooses him and gives him the strength to fight. Prince Eric is taken and he swears he'll get him back. With the power of the keyblade Urchin can take human form. Urchin/Harem

Chapter 1 Invasion

Ursula wanted the throne of Atlantica to rule the seas of their world. She wasn't strong enough to take the throne for herself, but there were powers beyond their world. There were those that had dark hearts just like her, they had a plan using the Darkness and the Heartless.

It was a simple deal, she just had to "invite" the darkness into the world and capture Prince Eric. They wanted the hearts of noble heroes and princes. In their minds it was a win-win get rid of the pests that would stop them, while using their hearts to achieve their goal.

Ursula gathered her mojo and worked her magic on a keyhole she found. "By the power of Poseidon, harness the deepest depths of the Darkest Sea, release the seal...Heartless...come to me!" Her amulet glowed, drawing in the darkness from the deepest part of the ocean into the shell.

It pulsed with dark magic. Ursula's face became twisted and wicked as she unleashed the power into the keyhole. The portal was opened and the Heartless poured into the sea. In this world their forms shifted to better take over.

Dark power flowed into her, now that the door was open the Darkness was able to fuel Ursula's magic. Spells she would not have been able to do on her own, were now open to her.

Her first order of business was to change her pets. Flotsam and Jetsam were changed from eels into eel merfolk. They were still twins, gaining humanoid upper bodies, toned and thick, and they had stylish black hair, Flotsam had shorter buzzed hair on the left, while his brother had his hair buzzed on the right.

Ursula made them devilishly handsome, and fueled them with the power of darkness to make them strong. What would have taken someone years to build up a strong upper body, took them minutes. The two could take on Triton's soldiers for sure. Their rudimentary magic was enhanced.

They had black nails and eel tails. "Thank you master!" They bowed to Ursula.

"Oh my sweet babies, now you are ready to take on Triton and his forces." They would lead an army of Heartless into the heart of Atlantica. "I'm gonna go on a little errand myself."


Unaware of the danger unleashed upon the world. Triton watched as his newest soldier was trained. Urchin was like one of the family. The boy reminded him of a lot of himself when he was young. For better or worse, he was quite mischievous in his youth.

Once he was old enough he joined the guard and began to train. The young merman had grown over the years. His hair was longer but he liked to keep the back braided. He still had his style on the front. His training had built up his upper body giving him toned arms, solid pecs, and developing abs. He was rocking a pretty nice 4 pack. The years had been kind to him, his features growing from cute to handsome.

He had been trained in the sword and the spear, even able to combo with a shield. The young man was creative in combat, always pulling off a surprise to catch his opponent off guard. He was able to see the angles and optimize them for victory.

Triton was impressed. He had hoped to marry him into the family with one of his daughters, but Urchin preferred the company of men. That didn't stop Triton from treating him like his son.

He fended off two guards and disarmed them earning victory in this sparring match. "Splendid, splendid, well done Urchin." Triton applauded.

The men bowed their heads. "Thank you, your majesty!"

"You've grown to be a strong warrior my boy." The blonde blushed and smiled happily.

"Thanks again sir." He dismissed the two soldiers and the two swam off for a chat. "Is something wrong your majesty?"

"No it's not that. I've just had this feeling. What do you wanna do with your life?"

"I...I hadn't really thought about it. I'm so used to living life in the moment. It's been an honor, you and your daughters have treated me like family, and you've given me so many opportunities already. I feel I should pay you back somehow."

"Is that why you wanted to join the palace guard?"

"Well yeah kinda, I did want to learn to fight and get stronger, and I also wanted to protect this kingdom. Atlantica is my home!" He said happily.

"I ask because you are family to me. You don't owe me anything. If you have a goal in mind I want to help you achieve it." He touched his shoulder tenderly. Triton had learned to be more open and listen to his children's wants. While he wanted his children safe from dangers, he realized they had to do things for themselves. Even his hatred and distrust of humans softened a bit as the nearby prince discovered them and sought to unify their people. Not all humans were bad, Prince Eric wanted to know them and create peaceful relations. His daughter Ariel wanted to know more about the surface world and she served as an ambassador to the humans.

"I'll admit, when I was younger I wanted to see the world, see what the other seas were like, maybe even visit the surface someday. I have always wondered what was out there, beyond the mysterious beyond…" he trailed off. "But I found my home, that's all I need right?"

"Well yes, but want and need are two different things." Triton explained. "I traveled the seas in my youth, I made friends, I made enemies, but I also found love and gained important experiences." That was what he wanted for Urchin.

"L-L-Love!" The young man blushed, and began to swim in vertical circles. He began to mutter but it was hard to tell what he was saying through his embarrassment. He hadn't had much luck in that aspect.

"Urchin, if you want to find something more in life, you are free to do so, and know that you will have a home to return to." Urchin smiled, touched by his words.

Before more could be said Sebastian came swimming up. "Your Majesty, we have trouble Invaders!" The little red crab swam so fast towards them with a panicked look on his face.

"Sound the alarms, get the princesses somewhere safe, have the guards assemble!" The crab saluted and rushed to get things going.

Urchin got a spear and a shield. "I'll fight with you!" Triton nodded, and the two swam towards the invading forces. "What are those things?!" Urchin gasped.

These monsters were known as the Heartless, but they were something that King Triton hadn't seen before.

A jellyfish-like monster called a Sea Neon. These were swimming and attacking the citizens, both fish and merfolk. King Triton was able to run them through with his trident, while Urchin worked to evacuate the people.

The Sea Neon were just the first wave. They were large in number but not too bright. Triton was able to handle them easily. Their electrical attacks were a joke to his weapon, that absorbed it and dished out a more powerful blast.

These weren't the only invaders, the next wave was a stronger creature known as a Screwdiver. They were green and had a submarine-fish-like head and were more humanoid, they carried their own trident weapons. "Back up his majesty, fend off these monsters!" The soldiers let out a rallying cry as they engaged the enemy.

Weapons clashed, and while the knights were strong, something was wrong. When they attacked the monsters their weapons passed right through them. “What?!” Normal weapons didn’t hurt these creatures, even if the force could knock them back, they came back unharmed. To make matters even worse the Screwdiver’s were more intelligent and as they fought the knights learned their style of combat. The longer the fighting went on the more dangerous these heartless would become.

Soon the knights were being overwhelmed and out matched. Then came the Aquatanks, they swam in carrying three Screwdiver’s on their backs. These monsters were trouble, looking like a bloated angler fish these things were bulky. Not only could they slam into the knights and knock them for a loop, but their lures gave off a hypnotic glow catching the knights off guard and forcing them to submit.

The Screwdiver’s collected their dropped weapons and used them like harpoons making them even more troublesome. More Sea Neons came and acted as support for the other monsters, zapping the knights with magic and stunning them enough to let the Aquatanks do their job.

Urchin watched in horror as the Heartless began overwhelming the Atlantean army. The knights that were defeated were swallowed up and captured by the Aquatanks allowing them to grow even bigger. He tried to fight but his weapons also proved to be useless against these monsters. They were in a lose lose situation, they couldn’t even retreat at this point.

King Triton had enough, his trident surged with his rage and with a sweeping blast eradicated a whole bunch of the Screwdiver’s and Sea Neon. “Whoa!”

“Power he is!” Flotsam and Jetsam appeared, surprising the two merfolk.

“But not as powerful as our mistress!” The two chuckled.

“Flotsam and Jetsam?” Their eyes and tails gave them away.

“How is this possible?” Triton demanded.

“Our Lady Ursala has been given power…” Flotsam started.

“Power she shared with us…” Jetsam finished.

“This army is her doing isn’t it, what are these things?”

“The Heartless, they come from beyond, infused by the power of darkness.”

“They cannot be beaten by so easily, though the magic of your trident proves difficult.” Jetsam waved the tanks off, taking their prize.

“Where are you taking my men?” Triton hissed.

“To our Lady, she needs subjects to rule, and once we taint them with darkness they will serve her loyally.” The two laughed. With a snap of their fingers more heartless appeared, they weren’t gonna stop till everyone was captured and brought to Ursala.

“I won’t allow you to get away with this!” His trident charged.

“Try us!” They said in unison.

Triton fired a beam at the two, but their eyes glowed and they formed a barrier. The duo were spared but the energy washed over the shield and destroyed a few more heartless. Triton was surprised as the eel men smirked. “Our turn!” Their hands sparked with black lightning, which they fired.

The king blocked their attack, but was pushed back by the force. “Do not underestimate me!” He spun the trident creating a powerful current that he unleashed upon the two. The eel men were pushed back by this.

“That weapon is truly powerful.”

“But there is only one of you and two of us!” Their golden eyes glowed and the two fired a beam from those eyes. Triton countered with a beam from the trident and the clashing energies seemed evenly matched.

‘I’ve got to help!’ Urchin charged at the two, they weren’t Heartless so his weapons should work on them. He didn’t get a chance to find out as the other Heartless swarmed him.

“Urchin no!” His focus waned allowing Flotsam and Jetsam to overwhelm him for a moment. Urchin was fighting desperately.

His spear was knocked out of his hand, and his shield was smashed. He picked up a fallen sword and stood his ground. ‘I won’t give up, I won’t give in!’ Despite the odds in his heart he never gave up. This feeling, this courage and hope allowed him to be chosen. The sword in his hand turned to dust, and a new weapon appeared in its place.

Urchin didn’t even realize the change had occurred as he swung at a Heartless and Pow, the beast was vanquished. “What under the sea?” He gasped. In his hand was a new blade, a keyblade, the keyblade of Atlantica. The blase of the weapon was blue with a wave forming the tip and a crab forming the key’s teeth. The guard of the handle was of two mermen, one holding a trident the other holding a shell. The handle was a fine green like beautiful coral, there was a chain at the end and at the end of the chain was a seashell. The weapon was as long as a spear but handled like a sword.

For Urchin who trained in both of these weapons, the keyblade worked just fine for him. Urchin clashed with the heartless, destroying them, one by one. When the Sea Neon attacked him with magic, Urchin blocked it and another weapon appeared in his hand. A shield, it had a turtle design, but held the symbol of a trident in the center with two sea shells on either side of it. “Alright!”

With this new shield Urchin was able to defend from the enemies attacks and counter with the keyblade. Using his ingenuity, he even hit with the shield as well. The shield was also magic so it was able to hurt the enemy.

King Triton had almost lost the beam struggle, but Urchin swooped in and hit Jetsam. The two had been so focused on the struggle, they didn’t notice the tides of battle had shifted. “What weapon is that?” Urchin didn’t know, and didn’t care. It worked.

Flotsam and Jetsam summoned more Heartless, but Urchin just cut them down. Jetsam tried to blast Urchin with his magic eye beam, but he blocked it with his shield. “You two are toast!”

Triton looked pissed and he went to attack. The eel men simply erected their barrier, not afraid until Urchin popped it with his new blade. “Uh oh!” The trident fired, and the two would have been dust, had some dark magic not warped them away.

“I’m not gonna let you hurt my babies!” Ursala appeared and she wasn’t alone. She had prince Eric bound and gagged.

“Release him Ursala!” Triton snapped.

“I don’t think so, I caught him fair and square. Such a cute little prince.” She squeezed his face before slapping him. “And here I thought it’d be this one chosen by the keyblade, but it was you, ya little wretch.”

“Keyblade?” Urchin stared at the weapon.

“What are you plotting Ursala, this is too much even for you?” He pointed his trident at her accusingly.

“It’s simple really, I made a deal. I help my new friends with their endeavors, they give me the means to rule Atlantica. This world will be mine, and as others fall to darkness, I will be able to rule both the land and the sea.” She laughed.

“You are insane!” Urchin snapped.

“And who do you think drove me to it boy, you think Triton is a family man, when he banished his own sister!” Urchin was surprised.

“You left me no choice, your hunger for power, it was never enough. You’d have turned the ocean into a war zone, the seas would have ran red with blood, for what?”

“Now it will be turned black, the Darkness has come brother dear. With the Prince’s heart my new friends will be able to spread darkness across the cosmos, and as their power grows, hahaha so does mine.” She clashed with Triton, her magic shell against his trident. In the past they were evenly matched, but now Urasala was overwhelming him.

Urchin didn’t sit back and watch, he held the keyblade up. ‘Please, let this work!’ He had used the trident once in his life, but he remembered that feeling. The keyblade responded to his wish, charging up a magical blast before firing a beam from the tip. The two powers united and was able to push Ursala back.

“Curses!” She snapped. “That keyblade is indeed trouble. Not that it matters, once all the royal hearts are gathered every keyhole will open and the worlds will fill with darkness. Then there is nothing you can do.” With a snap Eric vanished into the darkness. “Enjoy your days as king brother dear, they are numbered!” She vanished with a swirl.

Triton looked shaken, this was bad. Their world had been invaded, and there were others out there in just as much peril. Urchin looked down at the keyblade, unsure of what to do, or what this all meant.

To be continued…The Mission!


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