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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Orange Flare

Natsu has discovered a brand new flame. The orange flame of hypnosis, using it he plays with his fellow guildmates and uses it to help villains learn a better way of living. Mind control scent kink foot Natsu/Harem

Chapter 1

Natsu Dragneel, the Fire Dragon Slayer, joined Fairy Tail at a young age. He butted heads with a lot of young wizards his age, building up strong bonds through rivalry. He learned his magic from the dragon Igneel. Dragon Fire burns bright and can consume everything.

There was an older and experienced fire wizard named Macao at the guild. His specialty was Purple Flare, a magic fire that couldn’t be extinguished by wind or water. It could touch things and not burn them. A truly wonderful and tasty flame. Natsu began to learn from Macao, but try as he might he couldn’t quite get Purple Flare.

He did learn greater flame control, which was nice. So he tried to master other flames, Ice Fire to compete with Gray Fullbuster, but no luck. The Healing Flame was just a bit too complex for him to get down. The Yellow Flame of aromas also didn’t sync well with Natsu.

Then there was the Orange Flare, a complex little flame, most wizards who practiced the Rainbow Flame style were not able to unlock it’s true power, so ended up making it another aroma flame, usually seen as a practical joke.

Just as Natsu couldn’t grasp the other flames on the flame spectrum the true nature of the Orange Flare revealed itself to him. Something deep inside him resonated with this flame, like a seed blooming for the first time. Natsu’s secondary magic appeared, the Orange Flame of Hypnosis.

The pinkette loved his new flame and worked on honing it as he did the Dragon Fire.


Now Natsu wasn’t oblivious to the ways of sex or mating. Igneel did give Natsu the talk, but instead of the birds and the bees, he got the dragons and their treasures talk. A dragon’s ideal mating or mating practices might some off to a human’s perspective but Natsu didn’t have a human society upbringing. If Natsu desired a mate, after claiming them he would treasure them forever.

Some dragons were picky about the treasures they collected, others were just greedy taking anything and everything they could get their claws on. Natsu wanted strong treasures, while he was sure he could protect them and he didn’t want to lose anyone like he lost Igneel. He felt his mates should be able to not only handle him but also be able to handle their own in battle.

It was no surprise he had his eyes set on Gray Fullbuster, an ice wizard. The two clashed since Natsu came to Fairy Tail, fire and ice didn’t seem to mix well. If you asked Gray why the two started off so badly he’d say. “The brat comes in and shows no respect for The Gray, he was asking for it.” The ice wizard was quite cocky in his youth, he still had a touch of cockiness to him, but a lot of it was beaten out of him by Erza.

If you asked Natsu how it all started off so bad he’d say. “The jerk came up to me acting all high and mighty it pissed me off.” Now a days they both blame the other for their current standing. Frankly they were both at fault, and each argument and fight there after piled on the storm that was their relationship.

Despite butting heads the two didn’t hate each other. Gray has been caught worrying about Natsu time and again, while Natsu often looked sad when Gray wasn’t around. Erza was the only one who tried to really stop their nonsense and get them to be friends. As much as they hated to admit it, the two worked well together on missions, and their constant bickering had pushed their strengths to new heights. The benefits of a good rival. The two simply struggled to admit it at this point.

Natsu wasn’t stupid, he realized he wanted Gray, and wanted his first mate to be special. Dragons picked mates by combat and conquest, seduction and romanticizing, attraction and instinct. Natsu knew Gray was strong and skilled, and was quite the attractive man, he’d seen Gray naked plenty of times thanks to the wizard’s habit of stripping naked at random.

When the two didn’t have missions they often sparred with each other, if they picked up a new trick they tried it out on the other. So while between missions Natsu challenged Gray to a rumble. “Huh you think you got something that can challenge me this time?” Gray punched his palm in a challenging manner.

“Maybe, we’ll just have to see, I’ve been working on this for awhile.” They went to their usual spot.

“You better make this worth it flame brain.” Gray said and threw off his jacket, exposing his toned upper body.

“Already stripping? You really are a pervert.” Natsu teased. Fullbuster blushed.

“I’m not a pervert!” He snapped.

Natsu smirked. ‘We’ll see about that.’ Gray took a fighting stance. “Orange Flare!” Dragneel cast conjuring the striking orange flame.

“What...is that…?” The ice wizard was taken aback by the strange fire in Natsu’s hand. It gave off such a warm and inviting glow, it drew his attention. The fire burned in Natsu’s hand, but the way it moved seemed unnatural, Gray couldn’t look away from it.

“Pretty cool huh?” Natsu asked and Fullbuster nodded. “Relax Gray, there’s more for you to see.” The ice wizard relaxed, his battle stance falling completely.

“That’s a pretty fire…” The more he stared at it the more relaxed he became. Without thinking Gray got butt naked in front of Natsu. He didn’t freak out, remaining completely relaxed. “Such a pretty fire…”

“It’s got a nice trick to it; Orange Flare Spiral!” Natsu drew a circle of fire in the air with the flame, and with a flick of the wrist a fire spark slit off and fell into the center. The orange fire followed the path as the ring began to rotate. The fire path spiraled into the center flame seemingly infinitely.

Gray watched the spiraling flame, falling into a hypnotic trance. “That’s it Gray, watch the pretty fire.” He nodded. His eyes slowly glazed over gaining an orange hue to them. “Now Gray, let the fire burn down your defenses, let things like ego and pride melt away into nothing. I’m gonna ask you some questions and I want your purest thoughts and your honest answers.”

“Yes…” Flames washed over his mind, cleansing it as Natsu wished.

“Tell me Gray, how do you feel about me?” The words penetrated Gray’s mind, and his usual mental defenses no longer existed to hide the truth. The ice wizard gulped and a blush bloomed on his cheeks.

The feelings he tried to keep down and hide erupted like a volcano. “I have a crush on you!” He declared. “You drive me crazy sometimes, but I like you a lot. Life can be so boring when you are not around. You are strong and passionate, and I like that about you. You can be dumb sometimes, but that makes me feel closer to you cause I can make dumb mistakes too. When you get really hurt I want to smash the one who hurt you. I like fighting with you, you get me pumped up and excited, you push me to be better. I can’t imagine the guild or my life without you in it. That’s why I…” He placed a hand over his chest. “I don’t want you to hate or ruin things. I’ve fucked up in the past so I tried to bury my feelings for you.”

“What feelings Gray, tell me!” Gray’s blush grew as his soft 4 inch cock began to swell, heat pooling into his groin. Now this was a first, while he’s seen the ice wizard naked plenty of times, seeing him hard was another story. His penis swelled to it’s full 8 inches. “There are times when we’ve sparred I’ve gotten turned on, I thought it was just from the thrill of battle, but when we grappled I was close enough to smell you and it turned me on. After I realized it, I started having these really naughty dreams about you that made me cum. At first it scared me, and I didn’t handle these feelings well, and I may have tried to avoid you and hoped they would just go away on their own, but they’ve just gotten stronger. I just don’t want you too hate me.”

Natsu couldn’t help but chuckle. “You really are a pervert Gray, such a naughty boy.” Gray’s blush grew, spreading from ear to ear. “I don’t hate you Gray, I quite like you too, I’ve been trying to claim you for awhile but you can be so difficult.” Natsu licked his lips. “Now that I know what I’m working with I’m gonna make you mine!”

The orange flame dispersed for a moment before reforming. “Orange Flare Wisp!” The fire turned into little balls that began to dance around the two. “Don’t think Gray let the fire burn away all thoughts, let it leave only your desires.” This was a double layer spell, not only would it keep Gray entranced but anyone who came by would be hypnotized into seeing nothing happening.

As Gray began to drool, his cock began to weep. “It feels good to listen doesn’t it Gray?”

“Yes Master!” He moaned. Natsu liked the sound of that, as he was the master of this flame, those affected by it would see him as their master the deeper they descend into the trance.

“You are sinking further into my control, does it feel good?”

“Yes Master!” He moaned again. The trance made his mind opened to Natsu’s words and suggestions.

“It feels better to obey, do you want to obey me?”

“Oh yes Master!” Gray’s skin was flushed, his libido was surging, even his nipples had hardened into perfect peeks.

“Then this is an order, show me how you masturbate!”

“Yes Master!” He laid on his back and began to perform his task. With his secret crush watching him, Gray began to tug on his erect cock, smearing the pre-cum over it as he worked the shaft. With his free hand he cupped and pec before starting to play with one of his nipples. Natsu palmed himself to the show.

As Gray neared orgasm, he switched nipples and beat his meat so fast his balls were bouncing. “Ah ah ah ahh ahh ahh ahh ahhh Natsu!” He moaned, his toes curling as he shot his cum all over his pecs and abs.

“Did that feel good Gray?”

“Yes Master it felt so good!” He drooled.

“That’s because you obeyed your master’s order. The more you listen and obey the more pleasure you’ll feel.” The flames took Natsu’s words and melted them like hot wax in Gray’s mind.

“Understood Master!” He shivered.

“Good boy, now obey this order, collect your cum and use it to play with your ass.” Gray shivered.

“Yes Master!” He followed his Master’s order, causing a surge of pleasure to burn through him. He’s never played with his ass before, but Natsu knew what to do from Igneel’s teachings. He instructed Gray, and as he listened he grew hotter and hornier.

“You look so hot Gray, are you feeling good?”

“So good master!” Gray moaned, bucking his hips, his hard cock wagging.

“Good boy, play with your cock and ass in kind.” Gray listened to the suggestion moaning as he did so. He was still sensitive from cumming, so as his fingers churned up his insides and he pumped his cock, he soon found his release. The ice wizard came harder then before, his cum splattering his face, neck, chest, and abs, the rest spilling over and soaking his crotch and hand. “This is an order Gray, from now on when you masturbate you will always play with your ass, you will train it up and make it a proper sheath for cock!”

Gray moaned at the order. “Yes...yes master!”

“You really are a pervert Gray, you enjoy being controlled and dominated.” Gray couldn’t deny the words.

“Yes Master!” He panted. Natsu stepped on his cock and the ice wizard bucked.

“That’s a Good boy!” Those two words sent shivers through Gray’s spine. “You want to serve your master like a Good Boy, don’t you?” Natsu rubbed his cock with his foot, making him squirm.

“Yes Master!” As the warm glow of the dancing orange wisps grew brighter, Gray began to have new thoughts, new ideas, this moment shared between them lifted up Gray’s desires and awakened new ones.

“Then obey, tell me what you are.” Gray’s whole face went red.

“I’m a pervert who wants to serve his master! I’m a naughty boy who tried to hide his feelings from his master, but I want to be a good boy!” He moaned. “I love you Natsu!” He declared and came, shooting his cum between Natsu’s toes.

“Well said my treasure!” Natsu smirked and began to strip. Gray was in a daze, his mind shaken by the back to back to back orgasms he experienced. Each one fueled by the growing fire of lust inside him. Natsu whispered things to him, adding layers to his lust addled mind. When he finally came back down, Natsu stood naked and hard for him to see.

Gray gulped, the orange flames amplified Natsu’s physique, making the sexy dragon slayer even sexier. His eyes roamed over the fit figure, landing on the massive 14 inch dick. “Do you like what you see Gray?” He nodded dumbly. Fire was an erotic mood lightning normally but this special flame made every erotic detail stand out and stick in Gray’s mind.

“Then come service your master.” Gray obeyed, scrambling over to gobble down Natsu’s hefty manhood. “That’s it my treasure, now listen, listen and obey. You will become a part of my harem, you will help guide and train my other treasures to shine as brightly as you.” Gray kept sucking Natsu’s cock the manly musk filling his senses. “You will not know jealousy only lust, you will accept your master’s punishments and rewards like a Good Boy. No matter how many cocks you suck or get fucked by no matter how big or small, your master’s cock will always be your favorite, the one that fills you just right and gives you the most pleasure.” Gray moaned as the words were melted into his mind. “You will accept your true nature. When I need you to go back into a trance, I will say Sleep My Treasure, and you will fall back into this deep trance ready for more orders, ready to obey, ready to serve.” He could pull him out of the trance with a Snap or Awaken My Treasure.

As Natsu neared orgasm he began to fuck Gray’s mouth, the ice wizard enjoying the dominance. “I’m cumming treasure, drink it all!” He commanded and Gray obeyed, drinking down the insane load. Everything went dark as he came.


When he came to, he was back in his bed, with cum soaked sheets. ‘What a crazy dream, I can’t believe I dreamed all that about Natsu.’ He ran his fingers through his hair. In his mind he had a wild sex dream about the pinkette. ‘I can’t do this anymore, I gotta tell him how I feel!’ He got out of bed, showered, and had his morning jerk off session.

He fingered his ass with one hand while fisting his cock. This time he got three fingers up his ass, curling and digging them inside. “Ohh Natsu...fuck me Natsu!” He moaned and bucked, cumming like a good boy, the shower washing away the evidence.

Gray dried off with a towel and left the house with a coat on with his wallet and keys in the pockets, but otherwise he was buck naked. He walked down the street with all the confidence in the world letting it all hang out. Despite the gasps of shock, nothing shook his confidence. When someone called him a pervert he felt a surge of lust shoot through him, his hole throbbing in want. ‘I need to see Natsu!’

He went to the guild. “Gray your clothes!” Someone pointed out.

“That doesn’t matter.” He snapped. Gray walked over to Natsu and stood proud. “Natsu...will you go out with me!” Everyone gasped, and Natsu didn’t miss a beat.

“Yes I will!”

To be continued



Love it! Absolutely adore it when Natsu is being dominant with his subs. Can't wait to see Natsu and Gray have some more fun!