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Young Justice parody: Patreon Reward

AN: Sorry wanted this done yesterday but passed out, please enjoy

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Trouble

Nabu wasn’t exactly happy to have John Constantine in the house. Nightwing said it was for the best. So the two began to work together.


The Heroes were having troubles, the meta human trafficking was a bigger problem than realized. Young people taken, experimented on, and chipped to be turned into weapons for the Light and the highest bidder.

A young girl was mutated and forced to fight on the planet Rann. She was fighting alongside Parademons the minions of Darkseid, she recognized heroes like Superman, Wonder Woman, battling against the monsters. She didn’t want to fight, but the chip compelled her. Anna had to attack the heroes, being blocked by a hero called Ice, and shocked by a hero called Lightning.

He had just tried to knock her out, but he didn’t know she had a bad heart. She died, and Lightning broke down. It didn’t matter that this was an accident, that he only intended to knock her out. She wasn’t a monster, she was an innocent.

Things were getting out of control…

Lightning was stepping down as a League Member and as a hero. Aqualad, now Aquaman (The previous Aquaman retiring to perform his duties as King of Atlantis and raise his son) was serving as active leader for the Justice League. Wonder Woman was the official leader, but she takes active roles often going intergalactic missions. She’s been hard at work trying to build bridges after the Light fiasco years ago. Increasing the Justice League’s standing with other worlds and inviting alien heroes to stand up and join the fight against evil.

When she wasn’t on Earth Aquaman was in charge. Kaldur had a lot of weight on his shoulders as he often coordinated with the League and the Team. He felt it was a good distraction from thinking, or worrying about other things. Superboy was leading the Team now, he had grown so much over the years, emotionally speaking.

Both the Team and League had gained new members, but the battles won and lost weighed heavy on them. Kaldur arrived and was greeted by Superboy. “Any word about Nightwing?”

“No, and Doctor Fate has not responded to any summons the League has issued.” Superboy looked sullen. Kaldur put a hand on his shoulder. “Have faith my friend, I know in my heart he’ll come back.”

“But as who…” Kaldur hugged Superboy comforting his friend.


Constantine and Fate (Nightwing) raided another trafficking out post. The site had pods with a substance the enemy was calling TAR, it was able to trigger latent meta gene abilities if the subject survived the process. “These poor lads.” Constantine busted them out of their containers. “Right sick bastards they are.” He kicked one of the goons in the nuts for good measure. “Fuck off!”

Grayson opened up the gate of truth, which was a portal that took one where they wanted to go. The strong urge to escape or go home was enough to get the captured people where they wanted to go. Hecollected some of the TAR to analyze before destroying the pods. “Feeling better?”

“No, not until we bring down Bedlam.” They were the big lead, and one of the main sources of the meta human trafficking ring.

“You can’t do it all yourself, that’s why you got me in on this.” Nightwing didn’t want to be alone, but was scared or at least hesitant of rejoining or forming another Team.The two blew up the outpost.

“You say that like I had to drag you kicking and screaming.” The two watched the place burn, while the one’s running it were left tied up for the local authorities to wrangle. “Admit it you are enjoying this.”

“Kicking shit head’s asses, saving kids, blowing up evil lairs...I’ve had worse gigs.”

“With better benefits?” Dick asked with a raised brow. Constantine blushed.

“Nah, these benefits are way better.” He kissed Nightwing and the two teleported away to have some sexy fun time.

Truth was Nightwing, or at least a part of Nightwing didn’t want to go back to the Team or the League. He didn’t want to lose anyone like he lost Wally. He also didn’t want to lose himself by being alone.

After their toss in the sheets Constantine got them both a drink. “Take it from me, you can’t run from your problems.”

“Says the man who usually runs from his problems.” He takes a sip. John crawls into his lap.

“You the kind of man who’s damn good at what he does, be it the job, the sex, or anything you put your mind to.” Nightwing feels Constantine up.

“Thanks!” The blonde shivers.

“You also a soft hearted fool, he carries too much weight and puts too much pressure on yourself and it makes you an idiot.”


“I’m not finished. I know you’ve been preparing to go back to them, you want to, you might bloody need to. You can’t let the past hold you back or you won’t have a future.”

Nightwing sighed. “You are right.”

“I’m always right.” He said and finished his drink.

Nightwing flipped them so John was on his back, his heavy cock lined up with John’s well fucked hole. “You’ve been wrong enough times to get it rightonce in awhile.”

“Hey...ohhh~” Nightwing pushed in and began fucking John anew. Toes curled as Constantine melted into the sheets and let the stud breed him again.

Nightwing was pretty good at multitasking, while he fucked John’s brains out he had the tar analyzed magically. By the time they finished the scan was done. Dick got cleaned up as John basked in the moment, lighting up a cigarette for good measure. “I’m going out.”

“I figured, if you bringing any more mates along, let em know I’m always down for an orgy.”

“You might want to rethink that I’m friends with Superboy and Aqualad.” Two of the most hung heroes.

“Never slept with a Kryptonian before, or an Atlantean for that matter.” Nightwing chuckled.

“Just…” Constantine waved him off.

“I know, I know, I’ll start scrying for Bedlam, should have a lead in an hour.” Nightwing gave him a kiss on the cheek before magically redressing.


The Team was on Standby as an Emergency Meeting of the League was called. Steel and Black Lightning came via Boom Tube. Wonder Girl noticed he wasn’t in costume. “Do you know why?” She asked Static.

He didn’t, his mentor had been acting odd lately after what happened on Rann. He wasn’t talking about it either.

Aquaman asked Superboy to join for morale support, which the half kryptonian was happy to do. Though he wasn’t sure why.

Those that couldn’t make it in person were there via hologram. They were in dire straights. The meta human trafficking problem was bigger than they realized. While hero efforts both across the galaxy and on Earth were being blocked.

Kids, Teens, and even Adults are being taken, tested for the gene; if positive they are experimented on, if negative well...they still weren’t seen again.

Lex Luthor was playing his cards well, blocking the League from helping around the globe, allowing the meta trafficking to continue in areas where the league couldn’t reach. This allowed the enemy to use these innocent people as weapons causing issues across the galaxy.

The league was being removed from the people it was built to protect. While not by choice, the restrictions Lex Luthor was gaining against them made them less and less useful on Earth.

“Then perhaps the League no longer serves it’s purpose.” Barman suggested. He wanted to offer an alternative.

“You can’t be serious, you are a founding member.” Aquaman spoke out. He couldn’t believe this, the League did and still does so much good. It stood as a symbol of hope, truth, and justice in the world.

“I’m very serious. The mission needs to come first. I’m turning in my…” Zatanna cuts him off with a gasp.

“What is it?” Wonder Woman asked.

“It’s a magical ping, someone is asking permission to enter the Watchtower via portal.” Her eyes widened. “No way…permission granted!” This shocked everyone as Zatanna didn’t even wait to receive permission from Aquaman or Wonder Woman. They soon saw why as a familiar symbol appeared in the air and Nightwing/Fate appeared in the room.

The room was stunned into silence as the lost hero returned. “Hey guys, miss me?” Some tears were shed.

Superboy tackled Nightwing to the ground. “It’s you...you are back!” He cried and Nightwing hugged him.

“Ugh...good to see you too Superboy...you’ve gotten stronger.” He blushed.

“Sorry!” He pulled back and helped Nightwing up. Everyone noticed the change in his costume, along with the magical heroes sensing his magic power.

“Hello old friend!” Aqualad approached him and the two shook hands, before hugging as well.

“You have the power of fate but you are still you?” Zatanna asked.

“Yeah, it’s a long story, but to summarize the other lords of order weren’t too happy with you know who, so they adjusted the arrangement. His spirit now resides in the Tower of Fate. He’s been training me ever since.” He explained he could call on his strength and wisdom by saying his name. Nabu was still a bit of a dick, he kept Nightwing closed off until his training could be completed. He could look in on the state of the world, but wasn’t able to reach out to the others. At the time that served Nightwing just fine, but he didn’t mention that part. “I’ve only been out of the tower a short time, and I’ve been trying to help with the Meta Human trafficking.” He explained. “Things have been chaotic for you guys and I’m ready to help bring about some order.”

Batman got up, having not seen his ward in a long time. “Dick…” He didn’t know what to say.

“Hey Bruce.” The two embraced.

Green Arrow cleared his throat. “I hate to ruin the moment.”

Batman sighed. “Right, it’s good to see you, but my stance remains the same.” He pulled back from Nightwing. “I’m tendering my resignation from the League.” This surprised everyone, a serious case of mood whiplash.

Nightwing didn’t look surprised, he knew already, and he wasn’t happy about it. Green Arrow joined in, resigning from the League, and thus came a domino effect as Batwoman, Hardware, Katana, and Plastic Man all resigned.

“This was a plan, you Batman and the others, you arranged this in advance!” Black Canary was furious. Green Arrow tried to convince her to join them but…

“Leave with us, we can do a lot of good this way.” She wasn’t having it.

“You sure are off to a fine start!” She crossed her arms in anger. “No, you knew I wouldn’t approve of this, that’s why you didn’t tell me!” They blind sided Kaldur.

“Please…” Green Arrow began but Canary sat down.

“If you are leaving, then go!” The blonde man looked shocked, but he had made a mistake, many in fact.

“Batman, don’t do this.” Nightwing said.

“Dick, the League can’t do it’s job anymore, this is the best alternative.” Losing Dick put him in a darker place sure, but his focus was still on the mission. “Join us.”

Nightwing shook his head. “I came back to help the Team and the League, to help bring balance. You taught me a lot, but I’ve also learned that the mission can be completed both a right way and a wrong way. This...is wrong!” Green Arrow approached them and tapped Batman’s shoulder.

Not saying a word, but shaken by the return of Nightwing Batman left with Green Arrow. “Not to sour the mood further, but I’m also resigning.” Black Lightning stood up. “I just...can’t do this anymore…”

“Looks like I came back too late.” Nightwing said sadly.

“No, I think you came back just in time.” Aquaman said and Superboy agreed.

When they left the meeting room, Batman said. “It’s time!”

“Time...time for what? What’s happening?” Impulse asked.

Arrowette and Spoiler got up, they resigned from the Team and went with Batman. Tim was also going but stopped when Nightwing came out. Everyone was shocked and happy to see him. “Robin, we have to go.”

“Tim?” The boy looked shaken.

“I’m sorry...forgive me...Dick...I…” He ran off and Nightwing sighed.

“What is happening?” Impulse asked.

“Batman is going back to his old ways.” Nightwing said. Bruce gave his heart and soul for the mission, in some ways that made him a better hero than others, in others he was worse. The League gave him fellow people to rely on to get the job done, take fewer risks, and open up. This new group that Black Lightning called Batman Incorporated, was filled with people following Batman’s methods which could be bad.

Batman once told Dick that if the League was ever to go out of control HE would stop them. Dick asked him what happens if Batman goes out of control. “Then we have you.” Dick could see this new group going out of control, crossing some lines.

Batman asked Black Lightning to join, but the man didn’t want nothing to do with them. “I frankly don’t trust you, especially with what you pulled in there.” He didn’t have issue with the League for the most part, but he wanted nothing to do with Batman Incorporated.

He wasn’t joining Batman, he was just done. He even apologized to Virgil later, saying he needs to find a mentor less broken.

Aqualad would have to disown these members so the League wouldn’t face blame for their actions. Nightwing understood. Batman Incorporated put a stain on Nightwing’s return, hard to celebrate with such a loss. “Let’s lighten the mood.” He came baring some gifts. “I missed you guys a lot and when I thought about you I worked on these.”

“Superboy, this is for you.” He pulled out a black ring with red writings in it. The two blushed as the others oohed. “It’s a magic ring, when worn it will stabilize your body.”

“Like Luthor’s shields?” He asked.

“Something like that, it’ll bring balance to your body, no funky chemicals, no addiction, no rage, no strings attached.” Superboy wanted Dick to put it on him, and he did, slipping it onto that finger which made Superboy’s heart flutter a bit.

The ring did it’s job, Superboy got taller and he aged somewhat. He floated into the air. “Whoa! I feel...good!” He could truly feel Nightwing’s emotions in the crafting of this item.

“The problem was your DNA was at war with each other, causing an imbalance. This let’s you be you, all of you, it’s all your power Conner.” It was something Nightwing lovingly crafted.

“Thanks Dick I love...it...I love it!” He chuckled. Nightwing took his hand.

“I’m glad.” The two floated together. It was amazing to see Nightwing with powers. The two shared a moment, you could almost feel the affection and tension between the two. They came down together. “Next for Kaldur.” Nightwing pulled a necklace from one of his pouches. “I studied magical artifacts from other dimensions and made this.” The necklace was made by Nightwing, it looked simple and had a blue pearl attached to it.

Though it was small it was modeled after the Orb of Tornami. It could release a large amount of water, this little trinket could do the same so Aquaman could work his water magic anywhere. “Since you know magic yourself I’m sure you can find uses for it, I call it the Pearl of the Storm.” Nightwing put it on him.

Nightwing wasn’t a fool either, these were carefully crafted items, only the chosen person could use them. They could be freely given away but should someone try to take them or use them without permission, well...it wouldn’t end well for them. “I’ll treasure it!”

He gave Wonder Girl a new lasso, this one was alive and was a snake. “Boa Lasso, it has a powerful grip and the snake has a powerful truth serum venom.” Wonder Girl loved her gift. Unlike the ones before this one was a magic item Nightwing found in the vault in the tower of Fate. It was said to once belong to an amazon warrior who gifted it to Fate at some point in time. The real Lasso of Truth was in the hands of Wonder Woman, but this would serve as fine guardian and weapon for her.

Next was a gift he had crafted for Jaime. “Blue Beetle, you are a fierce fighter and the scarab gives you a mighty arsenal at your disposal, but there are times when force isn’t the answer.” Nightwing presented him with a bracelet with a scorpion on it. “This is a magic bracelet I crafted, with it you can heal and support your friends.”

“For real!” He took it and it latched onto his arm. It melded with his Scarab armor. “This is so awesome!”

Jaime Reyes I have scanned this gift, and it indeed holds mystical energies compatible with this scarab.’

‘What do I say, this is so nice of him?’

From my research into human interaction some humans give someone who’s given them an amazing gift something called a blow job.’Jaime blushed.

‘Where did you get that from?’

From something called a Dating Website, it is quite informative.’Jaime had to keep himself from face palming.

‘No it’s not, not about this.’

Does Jaime Reyes not know how to perform this blowjob, I can provide research materials.’ Before Jaime could protest the scarab flashed images and videos in his head featuring blow jobs on dicks on varying sizes.

‘Gah quit it, I know what blow jobs are, even if I’ve never done one. I can’t do that with Nightwing, that’s something couples do.’

Jaime Reyes is showing signs of attraction to Nightwing. He would make a good mate.’

‘How would you know who anyone is attracted to?’

Because the Superboy and Aquaman experienced the same spike in arousal, and their heart races increased the same amount as you did.’ Jaime’s blush grew and decided to stop talking to his scarab.

“Thank you Nightwing, I’ll treasure it.”

“The thing to remember is I may have made this, but magic items like this can change by the user. I’m sure you’ll make great use of it.”

He went to Virgil next and gave him an ear ring, a simple clip on. “For me, really?!” Nightwing put it on him, the gesture was rather intimate that made Virgil’s heart flutter. ‘Oh man I got to get a date, I’m starting to think weird thoughts.’

The ear ring conjured a black storm cloud. “Whoa!”

“You can ride it, and it can store up energy you should be able to manipulate.”

“For real…” He was about to jump on it. “You aren’t pranking me right?” Nightwing chuckled.

“Trust me.” He did, and he jumped and the cloud held him firm.

“Oh snap, I’m riding a cloud!” He flew around the room.

Impulse hung in the back. “You probably don’t have anything for me...I know I’m not the speedster that you...ya know…”

“You aren’t Wally, but you are still a part of the team.” Nightwing pulled out a glove. “This is the Impact Glove, I know speedsters pretty well so I know sometimes getting hit and dishing out hits can be a problem.” The glove was put on. “If you block an enemy hit, you can absorb that power and hit them back with it.”

“That is so crash!” He exclaimed.

He had other gifts, but it seems the Team had lost a few members. Miss Martian ended up going back to Lagoon Boy, and they moved down to Atlantis together. Beast Boy was now a TV Star. Others either left to the league or retired all together. Nightwing had made gifts for them but they’d have to wait.

As for Black Lightning, Nightwing had a parting gift for him. “A key?”

“I know that you are suffering right now, it might help cleanse your soul a bit if you help save some of these kids.”

“Dick...I can’t...what I did…”

“Was something you can’t take back, if retiring will give you the peace you need then do so, but if you wish to do some good, just use this key.” Lightning was weirdly touched by Nightwing’s words, the other leaguers tried to console him by saying it was just an accident and that it wasn’t his fault, but that didn’t change his perspective. Nightwing recognized what he did, and while he can’t change it, he could still make a difference and cleanse his soul some way or another. He took the key and left the Watchtower.

Constantine got in contact with Nightwing shortly after. “Hate to break up the reunion, my spell’s located the source of the tar.”

“Where is it?”

“Fancy a trip to Markovia?” Nightwing looked to his friends.

“I think so.”

To be continued 


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