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Pocket Monster parody: Bad Day Fic/Tier 1

Had a bad day guys, i cried, i got upset, got dragged down the rabbit hole, and thankfully some good friends pulled me back out. Made this to kinda shake off the vibes please enjoy

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Ash’s First Catch!

Giovanni gave Ash some tips for his journey, the first was about the main routes and gym locations. “You need to be careful about entering wild areas, these are areas not recognized on the map, some trainers use these areas as shortcuts, however they can be very dangerous as Pokemon of all manner of strength can be found there. If you aren’t careful you can run into something too strong and be in trouble.” Wild areas were said to carry monsters that were uncommon in the area, and even the more common mons were sporting strange moves. Trainers had to be careful as even though the temptation was there, entering a wild area unprepared was dancing with death. Pokemon in wild areas formed tight groups so swarms and monsters calling for help was more common.

Some wild areas recently were being mapped out by the elite four, and made into pokemon preserves. Professor Oak even held a class/camp taking young trainers near a wild area. The deeper one went into a wild area the more dangerous it’d be but it was always best to air on the side of caution.

Delia wanted Ash to be careful, and he promised he would be. “Rhyhorn please look after Ash for me.” The monster blushed and responded happily.

“Aww mom!” He blushed in embarrassment. Giovanni chuckled.

He had Ash check Rhyhorn’s moves with his Pokedex. “Let’s see.” He pulled out the device.

Dexter: Rhyhorn currently knows four moves, Tackle, Counter,  Smack Down, and Bulldoze.

The Counter was a move learned from the breeding it’d serve Ash well against physical attacks. “Something you need to know about Pokemon is as they reach certain power levels they can learn new moves, but they can also learn moves from experienced tutors and even Technique Machines.”

“That’s so cool! You got some awesome moves Rhyhorn!” Ash praised his partner. Though he could have sworn in league matches he saw monsters battling with five or six moves.

“You’ll need to pay attention to the moves your monsters learn and find synergy with the team. As a monster grows stronger if they reach a power level of 30 they can learn up to five moves, at 60 they can learn up to six, and if you can raise your monster to 100, they can use up to seven moves.” Having your pokemon learn the right moves can affect battles in different ways. Until Rhyhorn reached that level of strength he’d have to forget moves to learn new ones.

Ash did know about Technique Machines or TM’s for short. Through study and science, certain pokemon moves were harnessed and stored into these machines, the machines created a powder and when sprinkled on a monster allowed them to learn the move stored inside. They worked for different monsters, and did have a recharge time, but could be quite handy.

They were also expensive, but the league did hand out some prototypes to gym leaders to give out alongside their respective badges. Giovanni had four machines he could give trainers that earned his badge. “You can have this one, should prove useful in the future.” Ash got TM 69 Rock Polish. He didn’t want to use it just yet, since they needed to learn about their battle style first. “Grow strong, and if you get seven badges come to my gym in Viridian City, I’d like to see your strength.”

“Yes sir!” Ash exclaimed.

He packed his stuff and ate with Rhyhorn before setting off on his journey. “Ash don’t most Pokemon stay in their balls?” Delia asked, noticing Rhyhorn walking around with him.

“Rhyhorn likes hanging with me, I’ll only carry him in a ball in an emergency.” The spikes monster liked the sound of that.

The two raced off. “Thank you so much Giovanni, would you like to stay for some coffee.”

“That sounds nice…” His phone went off. “One moment.” He took the call and Matori had a report for him. “I see, very well I’ll return shortly.” He frowned. “It seems I’ll have to take a rain check on that coffee.”

“You are a busy man, I’m glad you came to help me with Ash.” She hugged him, and Giovanni’s heart skipped a beat. He returned the hug, he had so many questions, but none left his lips.

“I’m happy to help, and he earned it.” He parted from her. “I hope the next time we meet won’t be so long.”

“Well when you have a free moment, you can swing by, cash in that rain check.” He just might do that. Giovanni left returning to his path after a brief stint in the light of his past. The man pondered what could have been, but his goals weren’t shaken.


Ash and Rhyhorn entered Route 1. He checked his Pokedex and found there were three pokemon that were the most common in the area. Rattata, Pidgey, and Spearow. “Hmm flying types might be a bit of trouble.” Rhyhorn was confident he could handle it. His move Smack Down could be super effective.

He may have been behind Gary, so he might have been a little too excited. Upon spotting a Pidgey, Ash threw a ball at it, and while it did get sucked up, the Pidgey broke out and escaped with a Sand Attack. “I guess we should have battled it.” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

The next encounter was a Rattata. Rhyhorn trounced it easily knocking it out with a powerful Tackle. He got a bit too excited and sent the Normal type flying, so no catch. “I love the enthusiasm but we might need to take it easy.” Rhyhorn apologized and Ash pets him. “It’s okay let’s keep trying!”

Ash used his aura to try and detect a Pokemon. He located another Pidgey. “Let’s go use Tackle!” Rhyhorn charged at the Pidgey, but made too much noise and Pidgey flew up into the air.

“Pidge!” He unleashed a Gust. It didn’t effect Rhyhorn much.

“Use Smack Down!” Rhyhorn conjured a stone from his mouth and shot it out, it struck Pidgey and sent it to the ground. Rhyhorn wanted to use Bulldoze, Ash wasn’t sure about it, but when he saw Pidgey getting back up. “Use Bulldoze!”

Rhyhorn reared back and stomped on the ground, sending waves of Ground energy through the earth and striking Pidgey. Ash was surprised as it took damage. He looked to the Pokedex.

Dexter: Smack Down is a Rock type move and grounds pokemon. When used on a Flying Pokemon or a Pokemon with the move Levitate, it makes them vulnerable to Ground type moves.

“Alright Rhyhorn!” Ash praised. The monster nudged him. “Oh right!” Ash threw a monster ball and it hit Pidgey, sucking him up.


Ash was filled with joy. Pidgey was registered in his Pokedex. “My first Pokemon!” Ash cheered and hugged Rhyhorn. “You were awesome!” The monster blushed.

He looked around and found some berry trees. Ketchum called out Pidgey and gave him some berries to recover. “Welcome to the team Pidgey!” Ash said happily. The tiny bird monster was all his.

Pidgey respected Ash’s strength and their bond was forged. Ash checked his Pidgey out, he had a power level of 9, and his moves consisted of Tackle, Sand Attack, and Gust.

Rhyhorn tried to help Ash catch some Rattata, but they kept running away and escaping. The experience was still helping Rhyhorn and he forgot Tackle and learned Horn Attack.

This was what he needed as he hit the Normal Type, and with a subtle move flipped Rattata into the air, sending him spinning. “Monster Ball Go!” He threw a ball and it hit the mouse monster.


Ash caught a Rattata. The trainer was overjoyed. He called him out and gave him some berries forming a bond with his new monster. Rattata was his weakest monster with a Power level of 4, and only knew Tackle, Tail Whip, and Quick Attack. That didn’t bother Ash and he had Rattata battle some wild Rattata to gain experience. He caught 10 of them, sending them to Giovanni.

The training helped him grow, he learned Bite and he forgot Tail Whip to learn Focus Energy. He reached a Power Level of 10.

Pidgey got training battling other Pidgey with Ash catching them and sending them to Giovanni. He grew to level 13 and learned Quick Attack.

The group had some lunch together, but suddenly Pidgey was attacked by a Spearow. The aggressive bird clashed with him and stole his food. According to Dexter, wild Pokemon can sometimes attack caught monsters out of jealousy or pride. “Hey leave him alone!”

This Spearow had a wicked attitude, attacking Ash for trying to defend his monster. That didn’t sit well with Rhyhorn who shot out a Smack Down. Spearow fell and got a huge lump on his head. He got pissed. “Spearow!”

The cry rang out and there was a brief silence, before an echo of cries was heard. The team began to sweat as a swarm of Spearow appeared. “Uh oh!” There was too many to battle so they tried to run.

They couldn’t escape and the swarm attacked Ash’s mons. “Quite it, Pidgey, Rattata return!” He returned them to the balls. The Spearow attacked Ash and Rhyhorn. “Use Counter!” He glowed and the Spearow who hit Rhyhorn, were blasted back with double the power.

Ash didn’t have the ability to catch any of the fallen Spearow as for any one that fell two more took their place. The Spearow were smart, ignoring Rhyhorn and attacking Ash. The spikes monster didn’t like that and he tried to fight back, but there were just too many of them.

So he scooped Ash up, flipping him onto his back. Ash yelped but held on as Rhyhorn charged forth. Ketchum could feel Rhyhorn’s determination to protect him, he charged forward like a tank but the Spearow were giving chase. They were relentless.

Ash became a Rhyhorn racer without realizing it. A storm brewed overhead and it began to rain hard, Rhyhorn kept running, being slowed down a bit by the water. He couldn’t see but Ash took control. He used his aura and synced up with the monster and did his best to guide him. “Right, Left, Jump!”

The storm didn’t just slow down Rhyhorn the rain soaked wings of the Spearows caused some to drop out. After an insane chase, and dodging a tree, the duo slammed into a rock. Rhyhorn smashed through the rock but the force sent them flying. The two landed a bit too hard and Ash got flung off his monster’s back. The swarm flew at Ash ready to attack but Rhyhorn used his ability in a unique way bringing down the storm’s lightning to him, he stood in front of Ash as Lighting rained down upon him creating a wall of electricity some of the Spearow slammed into it getting shocked, the blinding light and sparks scared off the remaining flock. “Thanks buddy!” Ash got up with a groan, he was beat up, scratched up, and sore all over, but he was alive. “Where are we?”

Without realizing it, the two had gone off route, and ended up in a wild area. Ash’s Pokemon come out in concern for Ash. “Thanks guys...”

The storm lifted and something shining caught their eye, a golden pokemon flew overhead flying across the sky and leaving a rainbow in its wake. Ketchum’s eyes sparkled and marveled at the brilliant Pokemon. Ash was so sore he couldn’t get to his Pokedex in time to scan it, but it left behind a parting gift a Rainbow Feather.

To be continued Wild Short Cut

Traveling through a Wild Area Ash meets a Pikachu and wild Kangaskhan. Rhyhorn carries Ash forward, hoping to get him help before his wounds get serious. Ash makes it to Viridian City, making good time. Route 1 was quite large taking most trainers at least a week to get through it on foot, at worst a month.


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